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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Since there was a discussion about this earlier, and I just encountered it while translating Demea's text: I think "Saint Killer" is definitely not right in English. It's missing all the sexual connotations. I think a literal translation is a mistake here. The best I can come up with is "Virtue Breaker", it gets across both the idea of violence (forcibly taking a girl's virginity) and the more subtle concept of corruption through pleasure ("breaking" a formerly pure soul.) So that's what I went with for now.

It's only come up in one place so far, so I can easily change it if people want, but I think it's miles better than "Saint Killer."
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

It's only come up in one place so far, so I can easily change it if people want, but I think it's miles better than "Saint Killer."

The one that was used in the earliest translation was "Chastity Destroyer". Think that one was the best.

By the way, げっ is not げつ. The small "tsu" character is a glottal stop, so it's "gh", or as you said the English equivalent "Ghk!".
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

The one that was used in the earliest translation was "Chastity Destroyer". Think that one was the best.

I like that less (it rolls off the tongue in a really clumsy way, and "break" is a lot more suggestive in tone than "destroy"), but it's still also way better than Saint Killer.

By the way, げっ is not げつ. The small "tsu" character is a glottal stop, so it's "gh", or as you said the English equivalent "Ghk!".

Yeah I know, that's the ~ part. "~tsu" was meant to signify the glottal stop.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Memory (or anyone else who's good at the technical bits), do you have any idea what is causing the in-game text to switch back and forth between fixed width (monospace) and proportional fonts?

It's easy to see if you switch to a Western font ingame (I like Leelawadee and Tacoma). The first part of the intro, with Feena and Helene talking, is in proportional font. Then, when she's free to move around the temple, it's in monospace. If she goes to read the book in the library, the book itself is proportional again. If she looks at her dress (click on her body), that's proportional too.

It's like that all over the place, and I've spent way too much time trying to track it down, without success. It would be awesome if we could make all the text proportional all the time, since it's much easier on the eyes (and takes up less space to boot).

I'm giving up and going back to translating for now, but please let me know if you find (or know) anything!
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

It's only come up in one place so far, so I can easily change it if people want, but I think it's miles better than "Saint Killer."

Careful with that. If you're gonna change it, you'll want to search in all the files for the English name and change them accordingly. If you don't, you're gonna crash the game. (Don't bother with its Japanese name. That's a technical side you do NOT want to deal with.)

Memory (or anyone else who's good at the technical bits), do you have any idea what is causing the in-game text to switch back and forth between fixed width (monospace) and proportional fonts?

Would it surprise you that I have no idea what you just said? XD
I need a pic for reference.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)


This is a proportional-width font. What that means is that the individual letters are different in width. This forum also uses a proportional-with font, which is why "iiiiiiiiii" takes up a lot less space than "mmmmmmmmmm", despite both being 10 characters.

Japanese fonts are fixed-width (see below), but proportional fonts are used pretty much everywhere in English, because they look natural, and are much more pleasant to read.


This is the same font, but in fixed-width. Notice how every character is given the same amount of horizontal space. "m" looks cramped, while "i" has a ton of space around it. It looks kinda dumb, and is more uncomfortable to read.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Ohh, this. -_- I cannot fix this.
Maybe try using the fixed font on the front page of this thread? It's a solution, but probably not the most ideal.

There are some things that can't be fixed for this game. Work with the limitations, I would say.

EDIT: Now that I'm looking at the pics from my PC, the font looks fine...except for that W slightly merging with the E. The heck...?
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I like that less (it rolls off the tongue in a really clumsy way, and "break" is a lot more suggestive in tone than "destroy"), but it's still also way better than Saint Killer.

Way back when (i.e. post #12) there was a discussion about this very thing. There's a few ways to parse the original Japanese, but honestly I'd probably just ignore literal translations and have something that sounds good as the name for a cursed dual vibrator/chastity belt. I came up with "Maiden's Ruin", but there are probably going to be other names too. Just be careful with the scripting, because this game apparently does item refs by name, not by index.

On the text issue, if memory serves Kirikiri has multiple ways of specifying dialogue. It wouldn't surprise me if these go to different text printing routines which ends up resulting in different outputs. There's probably a way to fix it though, although I have no idea if it's going to work: upgrade the engine.

Specifically, Kirikiri is an open source engine and I don't think Princess Sacrifice actually extends it at all. Hence you should be able to either compile your own version of Kirikiri (source code for most recent version EDITED: ) or if that does not appeal, try replacing the game executable with one from another Kirikiri game. Perhaps try either the Leane 2 demo executable ( ) or maybe something from a CBaku game ( , or maybe something older on the previous games list if that doesn't work)
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Awesome I didn't know someone else was working on this now. Got me excited to play more translated :) Keep up the good work guys :)
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Habisain, that's amazing! I had no idea the engine was open source. If I can actually get at the source code, I might be able to debug and fix the stupid font issue. (Or better yet, like you said, someone might already have done it.)

Thanks a ton! I'll definitely poke around a bit and see if I can get something going.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Just be a bit mindful that krkrz is a fork of Kirikiri, which I can't find the source code of. As such, you might not be able to get a version old enough, and I do believe there are differences between Kirikiri and krkrz.

Also I gave you the wrong URL. Try this one:

EDIT: Urgh. Just forget this - I got completely the wrong game engine.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Hmm, this came back to bug me, it seems.

What should we settle with?
Wellston or Wellstone?

Because either one can work. (And if we don't settle with one, a translation mishap will happen and crash the game.)
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Heh, I thought about this for a bit too, when translating Demea's tips. I think I prefer Wellston.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Wellston sounds a bit better imo.

Also, every change you're proposing so far sounds great. Keep up the good work.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

We have a Google Docs folder now! Currently Memory, Divadeo and I have access. Anyone wanting to join the effort, please ask one of us for the link and full editing rights!

Stuff in the folder:

Spreadsheet - "Translation files": A list of the 175 files we're working or have worked on. If you're currently working on one, or planning to work on it in the near future, please make a note of it so other people don't work on the same file.

Document - "Style Guide": Just a couple of simple rules to make sure that everyone's translation looks the same.

Document - "Proper names": Japanese and English versions of names. I added the first few that came to mind, ideally this file should eventually have all of them.

Finished files: If you're done with a file, please upload it (the input file, the XML version) to the folder.

Note that nothing in the documents is set in stone. Everyone has full editing rights, so feel free to use them! The important thing is for everyone to be on the same page.

Also, don't worry about getting everything perfect or messing up any of the docs. They're not there to look pretty, they're just a way for us to keep up with each other's work. If you mess something up, someone else will fix it.

One last thing: like I said, I'll be copyediting everyone's work, which means rewriting sentences a lot of the time. If you're feeling particularly protective about something you've done and you don't want me to just rip through it, please make a note of that in the Translation files doc, and I'll make sure to discuss any changes I want to make with you first!
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Alrighty. Just got done tranferring everything I have on my notes to user Shadow Word's Google Docs folder.
Names, locations, etc...

Obviously, there will be some missing information, so my notes won't cover everything.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I'm willing to check stuff on the Google Docs. Can't promise to contribute a lot (I have depression, so motivating myself to do anything is difficult), but I can offer translation and name suggestions to some stuff at least. EDIT: Thanks for the link.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

We have no expectations of anyone! We're all doing this for fun. Welcome, and anything you can contribute is awesome.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I have a sneaking suspicion that one or more files in the Google Doc Folder is busted.
I don't know which it is, but I know it's one of them.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Did you crash somewhere? Where was it? I downloaded all the files and reassembled the project, it seems to work fine for me.