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Prison Planet Escape. (the end)

Re: Prison Planet Escape.

The needs to be charged part actually means when they run out, maybe it was bit unclear

Some items deplete completely after uses are used, some items can be recharged. Needs to be recharged means if they run out they can be recharged.

Oh okay, thanks for the clarification.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. But proceed slowly and keep an eye out for traps
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. 1. use the pills you would never use otherwise ever.

Eline took two of the energy pills she had from her purse, and gave one to 569.
"Here eat this."
The girls ate one of those pills
Eline restored 31 HP, and 569 restored to full.

They began to slowly and carefully walk in the room.
the disturbing clicking sound kept on echoing in the room..

Eline was able to stop herself from stepping on another switch just in time.
"whoa not another one."

569 kept her eyes well open but just as she was putting her foot down on what appeared to be safe Eline saw something toss something underneath her foot!
"Wait watch ou-"

569 activated what seemed to be a shock mine.

"aargh.. my circuits hurt.."

569 was Shocked!
569 took 28 damage (14 initial, doubled due of racial weakness)

she sure as hell wasnt horny anymore after that.

The girls got to somewhat middle to the room, the clicking sound got more intense.

Regardless Eline took on notice that there was some items on one of the tables near west.

The table seemed to have some knifes and what appeared to be pills and some vials on a vial holder.. And a pickaxe leaning down on it. There was some sort of a waist belt thing on the ground near by and credits too.

There was a non opened cardboard box on east/north corner that had a explosion warning sign and on top of it there was 3 healthkits.

She also noticed that in the west there was another vault and a door way.
Down at the south there was two doors, one was locked showing red light like the one door from before. The other one was not locked but was obviously not going to the same place as the other one.

"So three more paths and lot of item potential.. "

"We are not alone in this room, I'm sure of that."

569 eyes looked bit odd.

"AHA!" 569 took out her blaster and shot at the spot in the ceiling.
Though her blaster did not charge a proper shot it hit what appeared to be a robot that dropped down from the ceiling. It's stealth began to fade off..

This robot was a big metallic sphere with a big red mechanical eye in the middle.. It had insect like mechanical legs coming from its body. It staggered a bit as it put itself back into a stance.

It's big red eye was now looking at the girls and two mechanical claws appeared from its sides.. It looked like a mantis ready to strike..

"Um.. I don't think that was such a great idea afterall."
"Real smooth.."

Eline regen some psychic energy back.

A) Fight it! (what and what)
B) Run away!
1. Run to west door
2. Run to the south door (locked) and hack it open with hack key
3. Run to the nonlocked south door
C) Other?

Eline's stats:
Level 10.

Endurance 8
Stamina 8 (-1 from status)
Agility 8 (+1 from item) (-1 from status)
Strength 6 (-1 from status)
Willpower 7
Technic 11
Psychic 10

71/80 HP
34/50 psychic energy
40/100 exp.

Slightly sensitive (-10 to sex attack resist)
Horny (-20 to struggle)
Aftermath: -1 to Stamina, Agility and Strength.
Pregnanted by a ??? male (no effect yet, ??? time)

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 5 - 20 damage.
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - JetBoots (30/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (4 charges))
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe.
Back -

Weilding: Laser Pistol (179/200)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day)

Purse(level 3):
1x Energy Pills. Tazer. ID card. Psychic charger. Knife. Antidote. Wave Pulser (10/10)
2x damage increase tech mod. Basic Plastic boots. Shield Generator (5 charges)
95 credits.

XXX-569's stats:
Level 10.

Endurance 10
Stamina 11
Agility 9 (-2 from status)
Strength 13
Willpower 6
Technic 8
Psychic 1

82/110 HP
10/100 exp.

Sensitive (-20 to sex resist)
Shocked! (-2 agility)

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Head -
Top - Small top.
Legs -
Boots - high knee boots. Lead Pipe.
Wrists - Soft bracers.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe.
Back -

Weilding: Laser Blaster. (39/40)

Purse(level 2):
65 credits. Vibrator (10 charges) Flash Light.

HP restore
31 eline
48 XXX-569

Eline perception
63 + 10 (73) vs 8
569 perception
78 + 10 (88) vs 99
(1 - 10) = 7
14 * 2 (28)dmg
(hidden rolls)

97 vs 23
569 attack! (laser blaster!)
91 + 10 vs (does not matter)
2 dmg


Trap master! level 15 (198/200 hp) Certainly faster than both of the girls.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. Let's have Eline try out that wave pulsar, 569 can take pot shots with the Blaster, Maybe Eline can use psychic powers to throw some of the mines or traps into the trap master.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

C. Tell 569 to keep shooting it, then run the fuck away whilst babling about law 1 overriding law 3.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. Let's have Eline try out that wave pulsar, 569 can take pot shots with the Blaster, Maybe Eline can use psychic powers to throw some of the mines or traps into the trap master.

Re: Prison Planet Escape.


The trap master got near 569, with few clicks it stroke its scythe like robotic limb between 569's breasts, lifted her up with her top and slammed her right back down!
569's top was shred in the progress and she took 18 damage from the impact.

Eline got bit of adrenaline running through her, her horniness and aftermath statuses faded away..

569 got back up from the impact and aimed her blaster at the trap master robot.
With a decent charge up on the blaster 569 managed to get a decent hit on the trap master robot! Repaying the damage it did to her. (24 dmg, more actually)

"hah! Take that!"

Eline did a quick purse dig up, she stashed her laser pistol back and pulled out the new weapon they found out before, the wave pulser.

She took aim..! But as she fired she found out the thing had bit of kickback and her shot went way off near the ceiling where it splashed a weird explosion that faded in the air.

"Girl you need to learn to shoot."

"oh shush."

The trap master changed position into a more downwards one as its backside opened up. From the backside it fired two canisters in front of the girls that began to emit a very thick gas!

569 kicked the canister away but Eline did not manage to do so!
"gack! cough, hnnnngh..!"
The weird gas began to tingle Eline all over her body like she was being touched everywhere.. She got imminently slightly horny and her sensitivity went up!
"gah. Uggh.. Wha-a..!"

The trap master robot seemed to have taken another canister from its backside and began to look at its description tags with its mechanical eye squinted..

569 began to charge another shot and fired towards the trap master! The trap master jumped up and attached to the ceiling, now hanging from it.

Eline tried to fire another shot of the pulser but the robot just rolled side ways, while on the ceiling, leaving serious markings on the roof. The property value of this room was slowly dropping.

The Trap masters backside opened again and it fired three cubes of sort!
The cubes surrounded the girls and they expanded! As they expanded, from each side a mechanical tentacle bursted out.

"Eeeurgh. More tentacle gadgets.."

"this is starting to look like that one time with a kraken cosplayer"


A) Continue the fight on! (what and what)
B) Retreat(where to?)
C) Other?

Eline's stats:
Level 10.

Endurance 8
Stamina 9
Agility 9 (+1 from item)
Strength 7
Willpower 7
Technic 11
Psychic 10

71/80 HP
34/50 psychic energy
40/100 exp.

Sensitive (-20 to sex attack resist)
Slightly Horny (-10)
Pregnanted by a ??? male (no effect yet, ??? time)

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 5 - 20 damage.
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - JetBoots (30/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (4 charges))
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe.
Back -

Weilding: Wave Pulser (8/10)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day)

Purse(level 3):
1x Energy Pills. Tazer. ID card. Psychic charger. Knife. Antidote. Laser Pistol (179/200)
2x damage increase tech mod. Basic Plastic boots. Shield Generator (5 charges)
95 credits.

XXX-569's stats:
Level 10.

Endurance 10
Stamina 11
Agility 9 (-2 from status)
Strength 13
Willpower 6
Technic 8
Psychic 1

64/110 HP
10/100 exp.

Sensitive (-20 to sex resist)
Shocked! (-2 agility)

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - high knee boots. Lead Pipe.
Wrists - Soft bracers.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe.
Back -

Weilding: Laser Blaster. (37/40)

Purse(level 2):
65 credits. Vibrator (10 charges) Flash Light.

Trap master vs 569
100 vs 23
18 damage! Shredded!

569 vs trap master
40 vs 37
24 damage
Fast weapon switch?
Out look good.

Eline vs Trap master! (wave pulser)
11 vs 16

Area damage?

Trap Master Gas strike!
vs eline
53 vs 26
(1 - 10 (5))
vs 569
48 vs 59

569 vs Trap master
39 vs 73

Eline vs Trap master
26 vs 56

Trap master tentacle spawn!


Trap master! level 15 (174/200 hp) Certainly faster than both of the girls.
Tentacle gadget1 level 7: 60/60 HP slower than the girls
Tentacle gadget2 level 7: 60/60 HP slower than the girls
Tentacle gadget3 level 7: 60/60 HP slower than the girls
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. have Eline take out the gadgets withh her guns aoe after the girls back up, 569 contiues to fire at the trap master, if Eline sees any electric traps or mines have her kinetic them at the trap master.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. have Eline take out the gadgets withh her guns aoe after the girls back up, 569 contiues to fire at the trap master, if Eline sees any electric traps or mines have her kinetic them at the trap master.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. Keep fighting... We have it right where we want it

Hur hur tentacles
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. have Eline take out the gadgets withh her guns aoe after the girls back up, 569 contiues to fire at the trap master, if Eline sees any electric traps or mines have her kinetic them at the trap master.

Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. have Eline take out the gadgets withh her guns aoe after the girls back up, 569 contiues to fire at the trap master, if Eline sees any electric traps or mines have her kinetic them at the trap master.

Guy's been right so far.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. gottam gottam

With the gadgets now armed and ready, Eline took some steps back to get a better line up..

Eline heard a click as she stepped backwards.
"..Oh crap."

She stepped on a mine that shot out same gas as the one the canisters shot.
The gas pretty much accurately sprayed on her lower body.
Luckily it was nearly empty of the gas but it still increased her horniness.. Eline's face turned into a twisted smile..

569 took out her blaster and aimed at the trap master!
With a great charge up from the blaster 569 managed to hit the thing right at the eye.

The trap master fell down from the ceiling and spazzed about in the ground, covering its mechanical eye with its scythe limbs.

Eline got her focus back and aimed at the gadget which could give the most use of the strike!

She shot the wave pulser shot near the first gadget but missed..!
Then the shot acted odd, it arched out and hit the gadget #2 instead!
It detonated on the gadget hitting it quite harsly (22 dmg), gadget 3 took damage from the splash! (8 dmg)

The gadgets now took notice on Eline. The first gadget jumped on Eline tangling on her arm, trying to reach for her body.

"Offf..! ooooffff..!"

Eline flailed about and tossed the gadget down from her arm quite harsly! The thing retreated back as it seemed to take some damage (6 dmg)

The two other gadgets tried to jump on Eline, but they were way too slow to get a chance at her as she side stepped their jumpings.

The trap master got itself back together again. From its back it raised a mechanical tentacle that had a red lamp like shine at its top.. It fired a weird looking beam towards Eline! But missed by several feet.

The trap master redacted the tentacle back to its body and jumped more backwards.

"Whoa, they seem to want to become your fan club, Eline."

"The worst type of fans to have."

569 kept her aim at the trap master. She fired another blaster shot that smacked at the trap master very harshly! It stuttered again from the blow. (32 dmg)

"Hahaha. Hail to the queen!"

Eline readied the wave pulser again.

Aiming at the gadget numbah2, she once again forgot the recoil!
The shot arched to who knows fuck where, but once again, did a smooth turn and hit gadget#1 heavily. The splash damaged the gadget#2 pretty nicely too. (20 dmg, 9 dmg)

"This guns so whacky. "

The trap master seemed to make some sort of signaling clicks as the gadget turned their attention to 569.
The first gadget hesitated and was unable to jump.

The second one didnt.
It jumped and landed on 569 back!
569 tried to get it off but failed to do so.
The third gadget jumped on her aswell!

She fell face down as both of the tentacle gadgets weighted her down!
The gadgets began to tangle the mechanical tentacles around her body..
569 position made it that the gadgets failed to penetrate her, but they managed to get some ass slapping and titty play from the sides going on.

569 was not impressed by this bad foreplay and didn't even get turned on.
(1 dmg)

"Hold on 569..!"

The trap master saw Eline's position and fired two gas canisters towards her!
The gas canisters impact was bit too harsh and they bounced and rolled away from her instead of hitting her position.


The gadgets kept on rubbing across 569's body with their tentacles..

"Any seconhhhhngh now.."

Eline tried to think quickly.. To attack and risk hurting 569 or to try just remove them by hand.. Or join right in?

A) Help 569 by attacking the gadgets! (With what?)
B) Help 569 by trying to remove and throw the gadgets away from her by hand
C) Attack the trap master and let 569 struggle off by herself
D) Surrender and let the bots have their way with you.
E) Other?

Eline's stats:
Level 10.

Endurance 8
Stamina 9
Agility 9 (+1 from item)
Strength 7
Willpower 7
Technic 11
Psychic 10

71/80 HP
42/50 psychic energy
40/100 exp.

Sensitive (-20 to sex attack resist)
Horny (-20)
Pregnanted by a ??? male (no effect yet, ??? time)

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 5 - 20 damage.
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - JetBoots (30/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (4 charges))
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe.
Back -

Weilding: Wave Pulser (6/10)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day)

Purse(level 3):
1x Energy Pills. Tazer. ID card. Psychic charger. Knife. Antidote. Laser Pistol (179/200)
2x damage increase tech mod. Basic Plastic boots. Shield Generator (5 charges)
95 credits.

XXX-569's stats:
Level 10.

Endurance 10
Stamina 11
Agility 9 (-2 from status)
Strength 13
Willpower 6
Technic 8
Psychic 1

63/110 HP
10/100 exp.

Sensitive (-20 to sex resist)
Shocked! (-2 agility)
Double pinned.

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - high knee boots. Lead Pipe.
Wrists - Soft bracers.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe.
Back -

Weilding: Laser Blaster. (35/40)

Purse(level 2):
65 credits. Vibrator (10 charges) Flash Light.

Eline perception!
9 vs 18
(1 - 10 (2))

569 vs trap master
63 vs 52
36 dmg

Eline vs gadget1
51 vs 98 - 10 (88)
vs gadget2
46 vs 52 -10 (42)
22 dmg
splash ?
outlook good.
8 damage to gadget3

Gadget1 vs Eline
44 - 10 (34) vs 25
91 - 20 (71) vs 4 - 10 (-6)
6 dmg to gadget1

Gadget2 vs Eline
14 - 10 (4) vs 16

Gadget3 vs Eline
25 - 10 (15) vs 93

Trap master vs Eline (beamer???)
9 vs 30

569 vs Trap master!
72 vs 39
32 dmg!

Eline vs gadget2
8 vs 72 - 10 (62)
Bounce! vs gadget1
79 vs 6 - 10(-4)
20 dmg
out look good
9 dmg

Gadget1 vs 569
10 - 10(0) vs does not matter
gadget2 vs 569
92 - 10(82) vs 58
12 vs 43
Gadget3 join in!
3 + 20 (23) failed
Light Sex attack?
49 + 20(69) vs 33 - 20 (13)
6 - 5 (1 dmg)

Trap master vs Eline (gas)
80 vs 96


Trap master! level 15 (106/200 hp) Certainly faster than both of the girls.
Tentacle gadget1 level 7: 34/60 HP slower than the girls
Tentacle gadget2 level 7: 29/60 HP slower than the girls
Tentacle gadget3 level 7: 52/60 HP slower than the girls
Last edited:
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. Have Eline use Kinetic to pull the gadgets off of 569 and hurl them into the terrain. If 569 gets free have her keep working on the Trap master.

Also I think you've been forgetting to recharge Eline's psychic reserve again.

Also does the 2X damage increase mod affect a weapons ammo capacity? and can the upgrade be switched between weapons once it's been applied?