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[Complete - Full] [RJ158987] Mucchi Muchi School Trip (むっち無知 修学旅行)

Her inner delinquent probably comes out when it needs to, such as when she's trying to keep her children in line.
The only thing I dislike about Aya is that despite being a delinquent in her youth, she's pretty much a relatively "normal" housewife. It's actually a trope I really hate, the whole "this character was a so-and-so kind of person in their youth, but now that they're a wife and mother, being a wife and mother makes up the most of their personality".
I can see your point, but I think the dev's reaching for a slightly different angle, more like "a seemingly-ordinary housewife who's hiding a wild past". Think of all the times it's triggered in the games: when she gets drunk, put under hypnosis, consumes Yutaka's 'magic potion'...

I think the dev might intend to surprise us in the next game, make us wonder how much we really know about her. Just a hunch, though.
In a recent blog post the dev already said her immense popularity was completely unexpected considering her first appearance as a mere side-character in Country Life. Her character and backstory has evolved quite a bit since then, and likely will continue to do so.

Her inner delinquent probably comes out when it needs to...
Yes, this!
The only thing I dislike about Aya is that despite being a delinquent in her youth, she's pretty much a relatively "normal" housewife. It's actually a trope I really hate, the whole "this character was a so-and-so kind of person in their youth, but now that they're a wife and mother, being a wife and mother makes up the most of their personality".

It's called "Gap Moe" and it's pretty huge among Japanese Otaku. I won't lie, I actually like it as well. It's kinda fun when you force them to revert back and forth into their past and present personalities.
It's called "Gap Moe" and it's pretty huge among Japanese Otaku. I won't lie, I actually like it as well. It's kinda fun when you force them to revert back and forth into their past and present personalities.
I'm just tired of seeing girls who are tough and/or have strong personalities being shoved into traditionally feminine roles or the "revelation" that they "like some feminine things to". I'm not against the idea, I'm just sick of seeing practically nothing but it. Like, let good characters be female without having to remind us of that fact it constantly -_-
Made another couple albums of tl'ed pics from off the dev's Pixiv. Thank you @ewn for the tl check on several of these.

And here, have this Aya pic to go home with!
thanks man
I don't care about that, but this game is confusing. I talked to them all, saw the censored productions and could no longer proceed.

There's a sign that says 'Adult-only Beach' or 'You must be this tall to ride' or the like. I forget precisely, but the intent was to tell you that Yutaka must lose her virginity first in order for you to gain access.
Hey @Etory , ULMF has become a jumble so forgive me for bugging you in this thread but, any updates regarding Inaka Life's TL? Is it still ongoing or stalled? I know you told me long ago not to worry about chronology but I am just curious how the first game actually panned out.
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Hey @Etory , ULMF has become a jumble so forgive me for bugging you in this thread but, any updates regarding Inaka Life's TL? Is it still ongoing or stalled? I know you told me long ago not to worry about cronology but I am just curious how the first game actually panned out.
It's just been announced Kagura Games will be releasing the English version later this year.
It's just been announced Kagura Games will be releasing the English version later this year.

My apologies. I actually meant asking about Inaka, not Inaka life. Specifically:
Hey, thanks for your post, I actually meant to talk about that! So I paused work on RE138052 back when I heard Country Life SNAFU was picked up, but not long after the dev also announced a remake! Details have been scarce until just recently, but it's that not only is the game getting brand new art, but that the game itself will be quite different from its first iteration. Now it will features new mechanics, new storylines, and perhaps some other new surprises.

One side effect of that choice is that the remake will now be the obvious choice for future localizations, and not the original. Perhaps that means the original can be released some day...

Oh very interesting! A complete remake, huh? Does that mean the dev might also change the genre? I mean, if I read the reviews right, Inaka was pretty softcore. Is it possible the dev might escalate things and go all the way in the H Content department? If so, then I guess the original Inaka might have a separate allure in itself.

On a separate topic, did the dev drop any hints regarding a game focusing on the mother as well? I saw your flowchart and now that both Yutaka and the sister have games of their own, it's just the mother who is left. I'm highly curious if any such plans are on the table or not.

Thanks again for the reply. Appreciate it.

Oh very interesting! A complete remake, huh? Does that mean the dev might also change the genre?

On a separate topic, did the dev drop any hints regarding a game focusing on the mother as well? I saw your flowchart and now that both Yutaka and the sister have games of their own, it's just the mother who is left. I'm highly curious if any such plans are on the table or not.
The dev's been coy so far about most features in the remake, and has paused development on it until after the next upgrade to Country Life SNAFU. That one is expected to land sometime around the first week of June. Hopefully we'll get answers in the coming weeks.

As for new games in the series, I consider the refreshed Aya biography to be pretty heavy telegraphing that something is in the works. As you'll recall, Keiko started making an appearance in the dev's Pixiv art shortly before the game starring her was announced. Accordingly, the dev still makes random remarks about being shocked at Aya's consistently high popularity, so I think (and I hope) it's only a matter of time.
Hey, sorry for the bump. I just got this game and I'm having trouble installing it and then installing the translation patch. The file is basically a bunch of EXEs but I'm not sure how to use them to get the game up and running, then find a data folder to put the translation in. I've been getting corrupted data errors and errors about BGM music or something left and right so far.
Hey, sorry for the bump. I just got this game and I'm having trouble installing it and then installing the translation patch. The file is basically a bunch of EXEs but I'm not sure how to use them to get the game up and running, then find a data folder to put the translation in. I've been getting corrupted data errors and errors about BGM music or something left and right so far.
you installed the jap applocale?
Hey, sorry for the bump. I just got this game and I'm having trouble installing it and then installing the translation patch. The file is basically a bunch of EXEs but I'm not sure how to use them to get the game up and running, then find a data folder to put the translation in. I've been getting corrupted data errors and errors about BGM music or something left and right so far.
You're gonna need to extract with japanese locale (use winrar or change your pc locale temporarily) so that bgms, images, etc. keep their japanese names, otherwise you're gonna get errors. You also need to decrypt the game with RPG Maker All Decrypter, search for it here to get the latest version. After you decrypt the game then you just replace the data folders and make sure you delete the undecrypted game.rgss file.