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[Complete - Full] RJ171205 Granende

Re: RJ171205 Granende

Oh, thanks.
I will play some now before sleep, have fun with Dark Souls. And we look forward to the complete translation. :)

Edit - I don't know what I did wrong but when I applied the translation nothing has changed, the menu is still japanese and the 3 options at the start.... I did what I normally do, used decryption program and deleted the original game file. But when I run the game it's still in Japanese. I'm using the updated version of the game too 1.04 :/ Can anyone help me?

The main menu is still untranslated
The translation starts at the town OP.

I havent found the files for the main menu sry -.-
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Re: RJ171205 Granende

oh okay. That's fine, It was my fault. I totally went into it with the wrong mindset of thinking it was a full translation when it wasn't. LOL
Thanks for the reply think I'll go play for a bit and see how it plays.
Re: RJ171205 Granende

Okay I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or what but when I star the game and get into it I go to the first building where it has the "!" but it's still in japenese. I thought with it being the main story it would be translated, did i apply the patch wrong?
Re: RJ171205 Granende

Sry I will have to slow down the translation, today I lost my job and the bureau told me I need to exist from 5 dollars per day. sry for the disappointment.

I still will work on it a bit, but first of all I really need to find a job!

sry again

Re: RJ171205 Granende

Aww shit man sorry to hear that, best of luck for getting a job.
That takes priority for sure.
Re: RJ171205 Granende

Sry I will have to slow down the translation, today I lost my job and the bureau told me I need to exist from 5 dollars per day. sry for the disappointment.

I still will work on it a bit, but first of all I really need to find a job!

sry again


gl man, and dont let it get the better of you.
Re: RJ171205 Granende

Disregard me, I made a dumb.

Good luck on the job hunt! I hope it is less the Kafkaesque nightmare for you than it was for me.
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Re: RJ171205 Granende

Disregard me, I made a dumb.

Good luck on the job hunt! I hope it is less the Kafkaesque nightmare for you than it was for me.

that sounds you needed to see a psychologist afterwards O_O
Re: RJ171205 Granende

that sounds you needed to see a psychologist afterwards O_O

You need experience. Can't get experience without job. Can't get job without experience. Fall into abyss with just these words floating around me... Accept position as pizza delivery driver.... Wish I was back in the abyss. Spontaneously turn into a cockroach at some point.

It's fine now, but it was like 6 months of that, primarily because people with master's degrees were also applying for the same positions I was. This was at the height of the economic collapse.

Alright, I'll end the non game talk here though. Don't want to get people's hopes up too much.
Re: RJ171205 Granende

Sry I will have to slow down the translation, today I lost my job and the bureau told me I need to exist from 5 dollars per day. sry for the disappointment.

I still will work on it a bit, but first of all I really need to find a job!

sry again


everybody needs to eat, hope you have better luck in the future.
Re: RJ171205 Granende

Sry I will have to slow down the translation, today I lost my job and the bureau told me I need to exist from 5 dollars per day. sry for the disappointment.

I still will work on it a bit, but first of all I really need to find a job!

sry again


"Any update on this?"

Have you read the previous posts? This will be on hold/hiatus/slow-down for now...please give the person working on something free for us some space...
Re: RJ171205 Granende

Sry I will have to slow down the translation, today I lost my job and the bureau told me I need to exist from 5 dollars per day. sry for the disappointment.

I still will work on it a bit, but first of all I really need to find a job!

sry again


I'm so sorry about your job situation candiru.
Please give us an update, Not about the translation but about yourself
Been 3 weeks since last update :/ abit concerned about you.
Re: RJ171205 Granende

Dont you worry, I`m still working on it.

The job situation has been worked out somehow, I havent got a real job but a part time.

About the progress, I am 55% done I guess.
I got a bit of extra time this week so I can get a lot of progress.

And thank you all for the kind words and the appreciation about the situation.

Greetings Candiru
Re: RJ171205 Granende

Dont you worry, I`m still working on it.

The job situation has been worked out somehow, I havent got a real job but a part time.

About the progress, I am 55% done I guess.
I got a bit of extra time this week so I can get a lot of progress.

And thank you all for the kind words and the appreciation about the situation.

Greetings Candiru

Aww I'm glad you kind of got your own situation sorted, that's nice to hear. Take your time on the translation, your own life takes priority but I'm sure you know that Lol
I'll wait patiently on the complete translation. Until then keep up the good work. :)
Re: RJ171205 Granende

thx for doing a full translation of this.
hope everything is going ok with your job situation and other irl stuff!

take your time, dont stress or haste the translation, the importance is to keep the motivation high. :)
Re: RJ171205 Granende

Back on track to work on Granende, I can nearly see the finish line.

Stay tuned!