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Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

Jubilex does not care as long as he recieves the soul of the acid burnt intelligent being while in the pressence of delicious dessert based monsters ;D
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

There isn't really a point to being lawful anymore, though. By taking a level in a new class you can't raise monk again anyway.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

I think Tassy is actually only letting me be evil cause I'm lawful atm :\

A better question is how does a 63lb girl have 18 strength
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

Oh, I've seen an animated piece of parchment with 25str before. Now if you had 18con, I'd be worried.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

I think Tassy is actually only letting me be evil cause I'm lawful atm :\

A better question is how does a 63lb girl have 18 strength

This is a fantasy game and saying 'magic' is a perfectly acceptable answer.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

On a more in character note: my character probably won't like yours loli. Granth has an Obyrith bloodline and you are devoted to a Tanar'ri prince.

*draws no attention to the fact that her character has been to hell and back... Literally. Not to mention the fact that she will probably wind up there again*
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

And then there's me, who will be slowly turning into a fricken dragon before your very eyes. *also wonders if his CG character will get along with the LE slime gurl thingy...*
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

HP is half. Not average. :p

Your characters will have plenty of reasons to keep any internal strife down to glares, partly because you're going to be trying to survive, and partly because this is a church sponsored mission, and the pay is somewhere around 25000gp each if you complete it.

I'm allowing the evil slime person because loli made a good enough case for it, and I'm generally loose on the rules anyway.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

25k each.... at lvl 12(which you said we should be around when we're done), that's actually not as good as it sounds.

And I don't mind the slime person at all unless she tries to kill us all for her god. Being made of slime means it won't hurt when I give her anal.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

Hopefully lvl 10-12, if you do as much as possible. Rushing from start to finish, you'll likely only gain 2 levels. And plus whatever loot you can find, minus two items that the church of Lathander wants destroyed, and one they want to recover. That's still a lot of high end equipment, just from the monsters you have to fight. Though, a good portion of it will only be usable by one of your characters.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

There fixed, I just took average out of habit didn't notice the half.

The only part that confuses me about the evil character is that you said a paladin was with us. I could see the two chaotic good's not minding so much since they can't detect evil at will, but the paladin would notice. However if you're loose on the rules I could see a way around that.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

Hopefully lvl 10-12, if you do as much as possible. Rushing from start to finish, you'll likely only gain 2 levels. And plus whatever loot you can find, minus two items that the church of Lathander wants destroyed, and one they want to recover. That's still a lot of high end equipment, just from the monsters you have to fight. Though, a good portion of it will only be usable by one of your characters.

*looks at the party* you mean most of it will be heavy armor and big weapons? ;D
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

I don't think any of us would even use the heavy armor, since I'm part barbarian and you're part monk.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

You have a fighter level, you can use heavy armor, I can, but I won't, or else I lose my AC bonus and my monk special abilities
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

Well I can, but I wouldn't either. Barbarian in full plate just doesn't seem right.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

*draws no attention to the fact that her character has been to hell and back... Literally. Not to mention the fact that she will probably wind up there again*

Do you mean the Abyss? Hell is for Devils which tend to be the sworn enemy of Demons such as Jubilex. (That whole Blood War thingy)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

Well I can, but I wouldn't either. Barbarian in full plate just doesn't seem right.

Also keep in mind that he would lose his barbarian faster movement and uncanny dodge in heavy armor, regardless of proficiency.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

now I semi-regret not taking the weird "I make items more expensive" class :\
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

Do you mean the Abyss? Hell is for Devils which tend to be the sworn enemy of Demons such as Jubilex. (That whole Blood War thingy)

no, i mean Hell, which might be reason for strife
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches D&D 3.5

A side note: I made a slight change to my character and switched out Cloak of the Obyrith for Keeper of Forbidden Lore. Mostly this was because I dislike having a skill which changes either to or from a cross-class skill as a character progresses.

Also, a note on Abyssal Heritor feats: unless you take the ordered chaos feat, taking two or more abyssal heritor feats will automatically change your alignment to chaotic.