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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tods spell gives him a slight unearthly glow.

(Rolled percentile die to see who he attacked. The only people nearby are friendly, all the bandits except the guy in the tower and the archers 20 feet away are dead, and he's got another 9 rounds of rage.)
1d20+14+1 = 20+14+1 = automatic critical hit (god damnit)
1d20+14+1 = 5+14+1 = 20 vs DC23 = miss
1d20+9+1 = 2+9+1 = 12 vs DC23 = miss
1d10+8+1d6 = 2+8+1 = 11x2 = 22 damage

Holi, blinded by rage, attacks Bolm with his axe, scoring a mean hit on his arm before Bolm gets his shield up to block the other two swings.

1d20+6 = 10+6 = 16 vs DC22 = miss
1d20+5 = 14+5 = 19 vs DC20 = miss
1d20+5 = 15+5 = 20 vs DC20 = hit
1d6 = 3-1 = 2 damage

The archers fire another volley at Malacet, one grazing her arm this time, but it does little real damage. The other man with the short sword continues to slash at Carella, but it would take another stroke of luck to hit her, and he seems to be quickly running out of that.

1d20+14+2+1 = 20+14+2+1 = automatic critical hit
1d8+6 = 6+6 = 12x2 = 24 damage

Trex glances back at Holi attacking Bolm, but decides to end the fight before dealing with that, and charges at the archers. He stops short, leaned forward, and slashes across one mans belly, he manages to hold his guts in, but drops his bow and prepares to draw his short sword.

1d20+9+1 = 12+9+1 = 22 vs DC15 = hit
2d6+4 = 2+5+4 = 11 non-lethal damage

Carella rushes past the bandit attacking her and spin kicks him the the back of the head, sending him tumbling, but he gets stays standing and quickly recovers to attack her again.

1d20+7+1 = 10+7+1 =18 vs DC12 = hit
3d6 = 6+5+1 = 12-5 = 7 damage
1d20+5 = 13+5 = 18 vs DC22 = failure

Malacet blasts the archer not engaged by Trex, starting him on fire, but he doesn't seem as bothered by it as he should be.

1d20+13+1 = 3+13+1 = 17 vs DC15 = hit
1d20+8+1 = 8+8+1 = 17 vs DC15 = hit
1d8+2 = 5+2 = 7 damage
1d8+2 = 2+2 = 4 damage

Aramil takes another two shots at the man in the tower, hitting him in the left leg twice in quick succession.

Bolm yells; "Drat it, snap out of it, yer attackin' the wrong people!" and prepares to defend himself further against the raging dwarf.

3d4+3 = 4+4+2+3 = 13 damage

Granth, taking Carellas advice, fires another volley of magic bolts, this time at the man in the tower. The bolts strike him one at a time, and he stumbles and falls from the tower. He lands with a thump, probably doing even more harm to himself.

(A2 has taken 11 non-lethal damage, A3 has taken 7 and is on fire, A4 has taken 24 damage. the guy in the tower's dead, Malacet has taken another 2 damage, and Holi hit Bolm for another 22 damage.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet accepts the graze on her arm without complaint, throwing another orb of energy at the same archer she had lit on fire, reminding herself to check him afterwards to see how he ignores fire so well.

((Just a plain old Eldritch Blast this time ;) ))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Deciding to stick to magic missiles so as not to risk hitting the others, Granth unleashes a new blast of arcan energy towards the healthiest looking archer.

(By the time Granth's action rolls around, a few of the archers should be down so I'm being general on purpose.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Looking among the archers, Tod chants and points, lobbing a ball of acid at the most injured one.

(Cast acid splash at archer 4 )
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Realizing what he's doing suddenly Holi turns away from Bolm and rushes headlong at what he thinks to be the enemy, unfortunately it's not the enemy it's the closest tree.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

1d3 = 2 damage

Tods orb of acid lands on the mans shoulder and starts burning his skin.

Holi smashes head first into the tree, falling on his ass.

1d20+6 = 1+6 = automatic failure
1d20+6 = 6+5 = 11 vs DC26 = miss
2d6 = 3+5 = 8 damage

The bandit attacking Carella slashes at her, but his attack is pitiful. The bandit hit by Malacet drops and puts out the fire. The bandit attacked by Trex slashes at him, but misses.

1d20+14+1 = 10+14+1 = 25 vs DC15 = hit
1d20+14+1 = 12+14+1 = 27 vs DC15 = hit
1d8+6 = 4+6 = 10 damage
1d8+6 = 6+6 = 12 damage

Trex spins, sword out, and slashing across both bandits. The man with the gut wound gets his throat cut, and falls to the ground dying, the other man gets hit in the shoulder as he rises from putting out the flames.

1d20+9+1 = 5+9+1 = 15 vs DC15 = hit
2d6+4 = 1+5+4 = 10 non-lethal damage

Carella hits the bandit attacking her in the head again.

1d20+7+1 = 3+7+1 =11 vs DC12 = miss

Malacets blast goes past the wounded bandit, a clean miss.

1d20+13+1 = 17+13+1 = 31 vs DC15 = hit
1d20+8+1 = 9+8+1 = 18 vs DC15 = hit
1d8+2 = 8+2 = 10 damage
1d8+2 = 2+2 = 4 damage

Aramil fires another two arrows at the remaining bandit, hitting him in the chest twice. He falls to the ground, bleeding quickly to death.

3d4+3 = 1+3+1+3 = 8 damage

Granths energy bolts hit the remaining bandit, he falls to the ground, unconscious.

(Combat's over. Yes, I skipped Bolms action. You're going to have to RP Malacets explanation until I get back, Bolm doesn't care, Trex already knew she was a Hellborn and knows what they are, so he doesn't care, Aramil is pissed and distrusting, but he's not going to do anything about it.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Damn wizards. I could use a heal if someone could spare one. I rather dislike being cooked. Granth grunts out, his slightly charred flesh flaking off. He then takes a good look at Malacet, Alright lady, I just have one question: demon or devil? Which are you?
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi just lies next to the tree nearly dead and almost unconscious now that his rage has expired.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella takes the unconscious bandit and ties them up, shoving them to the side as she joins in the conversion with a small smile, "Is... something wrong... my fragile friend...?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Personally? I don't mix well with really hot flames. It's kind of painful. Granth responds, gesturing to where another piece of skin is flaking off, The demon versus devil thing? I have a strong demonic bloodline and quite a few racial memories, so I don't get along so well with devils. The whole Blood War and all that.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet sighs deeply before responding. She knew this was going to happen eventually, though this early was a bit of a problem, she hadn't made any true allies yet. Still, most of the group doesn't seem too bothered by it, so that's something, at least.

"Neither, though this is because of Hell. I've been like this for about six years, ever since I died. It's a lot to explain. Does anyone have a spare cloak, I cant really be seen like this in town..." She says, melancholy in her voice.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

So you're at least part devil if your form is because of hell, lovely. Please tell me that you're at least not one of those stick up the ass bastards who think order is the true state of things? Granth responds to her first statement, not having an extra cloak so ignoring the second.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi finally gets up from where he's laying by the tree and finally noticing what looks like a newcomer to him. "What the...who...what happened? Did I miss something while I was ragin'" He says out loud to no one in particular as he stares at Malacet.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella looks around, then steps behind a tree, removing her robe and monk's clothing, then putting her robe back on and steps out from behind the tree, smiling as she held out the outfit to Malacet, "This will be... the second time... you owe me." That unsettling smile was back on her face briefly before she tried to change to a more... normal smile.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(I'm back!)

Aramil, scowling at her, pulls a green cloak out of his pack and hands it to Malacet. Bolm and Trex walk over, and Aramil also pulls a small bag out and throws it to Bolm, who laughs, before re-securing his pack and walking away to address the bodies of the bandits.
Trex says; "I know of the Hellborn, I could sense the hellish presence about you from the start of the journey, and if I thought it would be a problem, I would not have allowed you along. Besides, I get a greater sense of evil from her," as he thumbs toward Carella, "than from you."

2d8+9+2 = 6+5+9+2 = 22 hp regained
3d8+10 = 4+3+6+10 = 23 hp regained

Bolm chants, and casts a healing spell meant to affect the entire group, then draws and scroll from a case at his side and reads it off, to similar effect. then says; "Well, that wizard put more than a bit o' hurt on us. As for you, dear, I knew the little demon girl we're after since she was a kid, so I'm used to this sort of thing. Now, who still needs a bit of a pick me up?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet shakes her head at Carella. "I have enough for normal clothes, I need something with a hood."

"Thanks." She says quietly to Aramil as she takes the offered cloak, the rest of her wounds disappearing from Bolm's spells as she puts it on and raises the hood, jiding her appearance once more.

"That is because I am not evil myself." She answers Trex. "My body was warped by hell, but my soul is still pure, though they managed to rend that as well, it's what powers my magic."

She just nods at Bolm's comment, noting the bag of gold he seems to have acquired from Aramil. "I'm well enough after after those first two, thanks." She says, then turns to talk to the entire group again.

"Look, I know what I look like, but that is not who I am. This is some sort of second chance for me, a way to atone for something I did in my past life that I don't remember. Please, just treat me like a normal person, I'm... Sensitive about my appearance. Now, can we just forget this happenned and continue with our quest?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Shrugs and puts her clothes back on as she looks around, "Should we... look around then...?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Granth, who now after the healing just looks like he has several sunburns, replies. I don't know about the others, but wizards tend to have some useful stuff most of the time. He then follows up by proceeding to check the wizards corpse, or what is left of it after all the casters in the group decided that she needed to die. And, Malacet, since you aren't an actual devil I guess I don't really care.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(And with that.......)

Seeing Malacet eye the bag of gold, Bolm says; "Hehehehehe, ye won me a bet. Elf'd never say it, but we had a bet going on what ye had on under all those clothes."

Aramil comes up from looting most of the bandit corpses, and after Granth loots the wizard, he says; "From what I found, none of them had more than pocket change on them, so I'm guessing most of their coin is stored elsewhere. Most of their equipment was rubbish, but I got my arrows back, and some of their weapons had a bit of magic to them. And I found a ring on the one that seemed to be resistant to fire, silver with a ruby set in it, which I'm guessing is what gave him the protection."

Totals: 59 cp, 22 sp, and 18 gp gained each, 1000xp each.
4x +1 Shortswords
1x +1 Longsword
1x +1 Heavy Crossbow
10x +1 Bolts
1x Ring of Minor Fire Resistance
Whatever Granth found on the Wizards corpse
(None of the rest of the equipment the bandits had on them was magic, but if you want a list of it anyway, ask.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I thought something of the sort." Malacet says to Bolm, before turning and inspecting the ring the archer was wearing. "I knew he must have had something on him." She says, before placing it back on the pile. "They must have more than this, what say we search the surrounding area?" She asks, trying to keep things moving along.