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Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

The trolls laugh at Marias statement, and move out of her as she picks up the woman and heads off, watching her for a minute before they start moving in the direction she'd come. It isn't long before something else comes out of the woodwork to bother her, however, as a trio of small demons with large claws on their front limbs rush out of a house on her left to attack.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria looks at the demons and at first prepares to talk to them, but noticing they probably weren't really in the mood to talk, she shoves her foot into the first one that gets near, calling out angrily to them, "I'm not here to fight you dammit!"
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

The creatures halt immediately at her statement, stopping just out of reach and glancing at her confusedly. They creep closer, sniffing almost like dogs at her as they draw closer. As one, they stop, and cock their heads, as if asking what she'd meant.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria blinks, did they actually... well... stop? She lowers her foot, hoping they would understand that she wasn't going to fight them, she tries again, speaking aloud, and hopefully, forceful, "L..like you, I am a demon, I do not want to fight you, only to coexist and well... live here." She looks them over briefly, relaxing a little, but still remaining tense, she wasn't terribly familiar with dealing with these things, but she knew she would have to learn soon...
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

The creatures sniff at her again, and then shake their heads, growling slightly. They cock their heads again when she says that she wishes to coexist, however, and one of them steps up to her cautiously, looking up at her with black eyes.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Watching the demon get closer, Maria slowly reaches a hand out to it, not sure what she was doing, but hoping it would understand that she was neither prey nor foe, she tries to smile a little, "Do you understand me? The only ones I'm here to fight are those horrible mutated animals... and well, maybe those who attack you guys..."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

The demon seems confused, and sniffs at her hand some more. It suddenly turns and moves back to its companions, trading a series of growls and grunts with the creatures, before suddenly all three howl in unison, their strange cry drifting rising into the air and spreading across the town. Maria wasn't sure what they were calling, but she had the distinct feeling that they weren't doing it for her benefit. Perhaps they were calling some greater demon?
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria looks around in alarm, slowly putting the woman down, this was probably not good, but on the other hand, if it were a more intelligent demon, perhaps some good could come out of this... still, she wasn't so naive as to believe it would be so easy, she looks around, trying to remain on alert as she waits for whatever they were calling for to show up...
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

The creatures stop their howl and wait, and after a few minutes a figure steps out of a nearby shadow, appearing out of thin air. "Yes yes, what is i- Well now, who might you be, little human?" A male voice says, deep but not baritone, a hint of a smile touching it as it speaks. She can't make out any features about him, other than his voice, as he is completely covered in some pitch black substance.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria looks the man over, she wasn't sure if he was human, or demon, or something in between, like her. She tries to smile as she begins to speak, "My name is Maria Vasilev, or at least that is what I was told. I learned I was of succubi heritage and I decided to come here out of the fear that I would hurt the people that raised me... I do not want to fight you, or any of the demons here for that mater."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"Succubi heritage? Well, there are ways to prove that. Why are you carrying around that.... thing? Unless you were just saving it for later or somesuch? And I am Oggy, by the way. Of House Bodren. I have not the authority to tell you that you may stay with us, though there are things you should likely know before I take you to one who does. Firstly, you realize this is an invasion right? And that, despite your possible demonic heritage, you are a native of this world, and as such, likely to fall victim to the corruption of our world?" The man replies.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria blinks and points to the woman, "I'm carrying her around because people keep wanting to kill her. And a life is a horrible thing to waste." She lowers her head as she hears what the man has to say, shaking her head, "Y..yes, I understand that it's an invasion, that's how all the people talk about it... and corruption... well... if I succumb to it, then so be it..." She looks the man in the eye and asks quietly, "How should I prove my heritage?"
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"Well, a daemon would be able to tell. They tend to dislike your kind. But the only daemon in the area I know of wouldn't exactly be happy to see me. More apocalyptic, most likely, since every other demon he finds dies. Or, you could prove that you feed. If you catch my meaning." The man says, the shadowy substance covering him shifting constantly as he speaks.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria simply blushes and looks down at herself, realizing that the man she had run into was properly the daemon this person was talking about, she sighs and smiles at the man, "I already ran into him, he didn't kill me for some reason. I would gladly demonstrate my abilities, if you give me someone to feed off of..."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"You did did you? Well, hopefully you won't run into him again. Not one to be trifled with, that one. As for someone to feed off of, well, she won't do, she'll regenerate faster than you can take from her. I can tell by the smell. Good pick, that one. Anyway, how about one of these little creatures? They're nice and expendable, after all." The man says, a strange accent beginning to creep into his voice.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria nods and slowly approaches one of the creatures, bending down and looking at the creature with a smile, "Hello~ we're just going to have a little fun~ okay~?" She gently places her hand where she thinks is where the creature's cock should be and starts to gently rub the spot, "How's this?"
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

Maria immediately feels the creatures cock starting to go erect. It has the same size and shape of the human equivalent, and the demon pants slightly. Maria can already feel herself starting to drain the demons energy, and finds it not unlike what she got from the humans she'd fed off of.

The man doesn't say anything as she goes to work, he only watches.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria smiles and moves forward slightly, beginning to gently lick the tip while her hands continue to play with the cock. She didn't find this humiliating for some reason, in fact, for some reason it felt very natural for her... just like the first time, all those long years ago.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

Clawed Pleasure: 4 + 2 + 23 = 29/2 = 15 Pleasure. Drains 7 HP and 8 EP.

The demon leans forward as she starts to lick its cock, humping her face slightly and growling. She tastes its strangely sugary precum as she licks the tip of its cock, and Maria can tell that's it's already about to orgasm. She can feel the demons energies draining into her, though the demon doesn't seem to mind.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria starts to take the entire length into her mouth, closing her eyes as she tries to enjoy the taste, not that it was hard, it was actually quite... pleasant, to her surprise. She had mixed feelings about this being over soon, on the one hand, it was a nice feeling for her, and she was really starting to enjoy it, on the other hand, she couldn't sit around sucking on this thing all day... could she?