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RPG [seldompie] Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Just started getting into the game so far and I'm loving it. Sadly I can't afford to donate and help out, but I'd be glad to write up a few description/ending sequences for you if you need. Been looking for a way to get the ol' creative juices flowing anyways. There's really nothing I can't, or won't write so anything's free game.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Just started getting into the game so far and I'm loving it. Sadly I can't afford to donate and help out, but I'd be glad to write up a few description/ending sequences for you if you need. Been looking for a way to get the ol' creative juices flowing anyways. There's really nothing I can't, or won't write so anything's free game.

That'd be great! Any girl you'd like to write one for, or should I list a few that need some work?

Glad you're enjoying the game!
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Just started getting into the game so far and I'm loving it. Sadly I can't afford to donate and help out, but I'd be glad to write up a few description/ending sequences for you if you need. Been looking for a way to get the ol' creative juices flowing anyways. There's really nothing I can't, or won't write so anything's free game.

I'm with this guy. I took some creative writing in college, and even had one work published, so if i can help in any way that involves writing, i'd love to!
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

That'd be great! Any girl you'd like to write one for, or should I list a few that need some work?

Glad you're enjoying the game!

I'd definitely be up for working out the spider-goth scene for you. A list of others you'd like me to work with would be great too. Also what format would you like the work in (ie PM message, txt file, etc).
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Magnafiend - Spidergoth stuff would be great! It think she's actually still missing a regular defeat scene, let alone a "bad ending ".
As for format, .txt is the best, but pm would be fine too. A couple renpy formatting things if you want to do them, but if not don't bother, I can add them myself -

\" instead of " for dialogue.
\n for a line break.
\n \n for a paragraph break.

CaptainWolfgang - That'd also be great! Look forward to seeing what you come up with. Thanks for helping out, guys!

Brief list of girls that need regular defeat sex scenes - spidergoth, snapjacks, manticora

And all the enemies apart form the ones in the library, chavs and little women are missing game over/bad end scenes, so take your pick and go hog wild. For those it'd be cool if you can come up with a mark or brand etc. that they give the player after an initial defeat, which sets them up for the bad end - like the love bites from the chavs, or the tattoo's from the little women and fat goth.

The bad ends involve the player being overcome with lust when his infection maxes out, and goes charging off to find which ever girl's mark is the "strongest" - which is just worked out on a sliding scale at the moment, fat goth beats little women, but chav would beat fat goth, kind of thing. Other than that, you're free to write what you want - they can just cover the players first few days as a sex slave, like I did in the chav end, or you can go all "distant epilogue" like I did with the little women one.

Thanks for helping out guys, it's really appreciated, and it's great that you're so keen to help the game grow! ^_^
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Alright, sounds great. Should have the spidergoth defeat and bad end ready for you by monday. Also what does the manticora actually look like? It's one of the few that no matter how hard i try, i've yet to find :(
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Alright, sounds great. Should have the spidergoth defeat and bad end ready for you by monday. Also what does the manticora actually look like? It's one of the few that no matter how hard i try, i've yet to find :(

I've solved that problem.
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Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

I could write a harpy one if you ever make that kind of character ^_~
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

New build up with magnafiends spidergoth defeat in, and lots of other stuff too! Link to the blog is in my signature. Let me know what you all think.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

I don't mind doing some writing for the next build, if you need any more help.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

any estimation when rasna will be put into the game?
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

any estimation when rasna will be put into the game?

When I get permission to edit the file that contains her scenes so they can be reorganized and edited, and then when I have time to code it.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

how do i get the spidergoth end? she keeps biting me but nothing i just keep getting the same ending for all the girls where he runs off and has sex all the time shes my favorite girl i love the way shes drawn and the text for the loss is awesome you should put her in Lusty lands she would be perfect for caves and other dark places even in pixels she would look good you could make her a Drider dark blue or purple skin and white hair and pointy ears are you going to keep working on this game or is this a dead project? i really hope you finish it the game reminds me of a game series called Kansen buy speed but way better :)
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Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

I only just discovered this game, and I must say, I found it a great idea! And the art is really nice, can't wait to see more of it completed. Props for running with a good idea and making something everyone can enjoy. :)
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

I wish the maker was more .. subtle with the transition that you are fighting. The first time I fought an enemy I was like Holy shit.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Has anybody been encountering the Lady Long Legs lately? I haven't had any sightings of her in quite a few versions.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Okay, so Mutant Minx Meltdown is back from the dead, bursting up from the ground like the hand of some angry undead telekenetic girl. Or the delicate shoot of a plant that will one day grow into a mighty oak. Or something.

Information about the new build here -

And page for the download here -

I've reworked and altered and added a whole lot of stuff, so there's probably a load of bugs, so I would really appreciate any feedback or bug reports! Thanks in advance!
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Crikes, you're back! Everything alright over there?
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Okay, so Mutant Minx Meltdown is back from the dead, bursting up from the ground like the hand of some angry undead telekenetic girl. Or the delicate shoot of a plant that will one day grow into a mighty oak. Or something.

Information about the new build here -

And page for the download here -

I've reworked and altered and added a whole lot of stuff, so there's probably a load of bugs, so I would really appreciate any feedback or bug reports! Thanks in advance!

From your blog, it sounds like you went through a really bad patch, in terms of quality of life. Are things looking better, for you?
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Thanks for the concern, yeah, had a pretty rough year or so, but things are much more settled and stable now. And I can concentrate on the fun stuff like writing absurd porn again. :p