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Selena's room

Re: Selena's room

Kitty blinks at the large member,

"Um... I don't know... It- OW!" she yelped as David bit down on her clitoris. Kitty leaped off of David's face in pain, as David coughed a little, with some amount of Kitty's love juices on his face.

With Selena riding up and down his cock, David growled at Selena once more.

"Get off me, you freak!" he insulted Selena after spiting up a little bit of Kitty's juices.
Re: Selena's room

Selena looks at David with a look of anger, then a twisted smile appears on her face as she reaches forward and gently rests her hands on David's chest, pressing her thumb and index finger around each nipple,

"No one hurts her but me... you're going to regret that." With that, she tweaks David's nipples as hard as she can.
Re: Selena's room

David clenches his teeth, and groans in pain. Looking back down at Selena, his eyes held pure rage as his muscles tensed at the ropes that bound him.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!" he threatened Selena as he pulled as hard as he could against his bonds.
Re: Selena's room

Selena starts to hump David faster as she smiles,

"Oh you know you love this~" She relaxes her grip, but keeps her hands there, as if threatening to do it again.
Re: Selena's room

David scoffs at Selena, resting his head back, realizing the futility of struggle.

"Yeah, right, getting humped by a dude with a cunt, fan-fucking-tastic, what's not to love?" he said sarcastically, trying to hide the pleasure of Selena's pussy wrapped around his cock.
Re: Selena's room

Selena shrugs as she continues to fuck David, letting out a few more moans,

"Could be worse, the dude with the cunt could've turned you around when you were unconscious and decided to show you what it feels like for the girls that get captured."
Re: Selena's room

David relaxes a little at that mention, and actually looks to enjoy the sensation Selena was giving him a little, as his breathing quickened as she continued to slide up and down his cock.

"That's... Ah... Good point." he admits, looking to the ceiling as Selena slid her pussy up and down his shaft, as if wanting her to get it over with.
Re: Selena's room

Selena lets out a loud moan as she feels her fluids running down David's shaft,

"That's the spirit~ just imagine instead it's some girl that you like instead of plain ol' me~"
Re: Selena's room

David laughed, giving Selena a slight thrust of his own into Selena, he seemed to know right where her G-spot was, sending a shock through her.

"Now, why would I do that?" he said sarcastically, "You're so charming, I couldn't imagine being with anyone else but a psycho bitch with a giant cock."
Re: Selena's room

Selena lets out a loud grunt as she squirms around and grins,

"Heh... so you're not... just some crazy loner virgin after all..." She looks over at Kitty with a smile, "Are you okay my pet...?"
Re: Selena's room

Kitty seemed in a trance, lifting her dress up to slid her fingers into her pussy as she watched Selena fuck David. She gave a start when Selena addressed her.

"Oh!" she jumped, pulling her fingers from her pussy, "Y-yes master..." she nodded to Selena, blushing heavily as she looked at Selena riding David's cock, as well as looking at Selena's cock...
Re: Selena's room

Selena gives a small smile to Kitty and beckons her to come over,

"C'mon~ don't be shy, I know you want it~ do whatever you want with it while I punish our little friend here."
Re: Selena's room

David scoffed,

"Yeah, join the fun, we're having a fucking party over here." he said sarcastically once more.

Kitty was uncertain for a moment, she stared at David's position, and imagined herself in his shoes, being raped by Selena... Her thoughts were filled with her fighting Selena in vain, as she rammed her new cock inside her. She felt jealous of David.

Kitty's eyes lowered to the ground.

"B-but..." Kitty stuttered, unable to find a way to say what she really wants.
Re: Selena's room

Selena pauses for a moment, then slips off David, using her hand instead to pleasure the man as she looks at Kitty lustfully,

"Speak up pet, what's the problem?"
Re: Selena's room

Kitty shakes her head.

"Nothing... Master..." she lies, taking some steps back, and taking a seat in one of the two chairs in the room. It still drove her mad that she could only get off on the fact that Selena would have to take her forcefully, as she sat on the chair, eyes looking to the floor.

David sighed, managing to take a little bit more of a breather now that the stimulation has lessened to merely her hand sliding up and down his cock.
Re: Selena's room

Selena frowns, then suddenly gets back onto David, slapping him hard,

"Guess that means no break for you~!" She turns to Kitty with a smile, "I'll get to you in abit then~"
Re: Selena's room

David grunts a little as Selena's tight walls squeeze his cock, as she starts to ride him again.

Kitty simply blinks at Selena, reaching down and starting to rub herself some more as Selena continues to fuck David.

As the fucking continues, David's breathing becomes heavier, and his movements from Selena fucking him become more animated, he speaks to her in a labored tone.

"Hey... I'm about to cum... Hop off..." he says in between breaths as Selena slides her sex along his cock.
Re: Selena's room

Selena just grins and starts to play with her own cock as she stays on David, hoping that what happened earlier, where she felt the other girl's feelings, would happen again now,

"What's the matter? Afraid of impregnating me and being exposed as some sort of monster?"
Re: Selena's room

Selena could not feel David at all. She only felt the sensations of sex, as the cock went in and out of her pussy.

David shook his head, then focused on the ceiling again, shutting his eyes as Selena felt him cum inside her.

It felt... Drab, boring, lame, compared to all of the cum she was filled with by those hermaphrodites, David's orgasm was nothing special.

David was taking deep breaths as some of his cum was leaking from Selena's pussy, trailing down his shaft. He said nothing after his orgasm was said and done.
Re: Selena's room

Selena frowns, then turns to Kitty and gets off, walking up to her,

"Kitty, it's your turn~" She suddenly pins Kitty against the wall as she smiles.