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RPG RPG Maker [Shimobashira Workshop] [しもばしら工房] 魔法少女セレスフォニア/ Magical Girl Celesphonia (RJ297120)

Hey, about the two stats, corruption and danger, as op calls them- does anything change GAMEPLAY-wise if they get higher?
Hey, about the two stats, corruption and danger, as op calls them- does anything change GAMEPLAY-wise if they get higher?
You unlock the corrupt skill room and have flustered expressions, that's all I think. Could be more to it but that's all I know.
After I beat boss underground of school ... it's not go to chapter 5.

Can anyone help this?
Tank you, I played on normal and it's very difficult to lose unless you're intentionally throwing.
Go to the slums type of area and buy the cheap cards for 10 gold each, they let you suicide. You have to reach 100 miasma iirc then the door will unlock for you in the library.
im lazy to write it, so replace this on ur js>plugin folder
(or if u want to, copy paste the IgnoreRegExtextbloc string into ur js)

im not testing long enough, so idk if something will broken

NICE REGEX! Lifesaver!
NICE REGEX! Lifesaver!
here's my version.
I try to avoid false positives (since i can ignore false negative but can't read false positive)
var IgnoreRegExtextbloc = [/^\d\d:\d\d($|.$|。$)/,/(^([,.\d]+)([,.]\d+)?)(\uFF27($|。$)|G($|。$)|$|。$)/,/^(\uFF27($|。$)|G($|。$))/,/^(夜|朝|朝|昼|朝|金|夜){0,}$/,/日目\(.\)。(夕方)|(深夜)/,/^HP。\d+(\/d+)?。\/MP。\d+(\/d+)?。\/(瘴気汚染)。\d{0,}SP。\d+(\/d+)?$/,/^メッセージウィンドウ消去中\(右クリックorTABで戻す\)$/];
This will ignore most common things which spit garbage into the text box. I know there's some rare condition where HP, MP, etc will still display.
Can't remember if you need to do anything special, but try speaking with Memoria.
The boss of the dungeon under the school is not the goal of the chapter. You have to defeat the guys who are making drugs? The hypno school storyline is just a sidequest
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Future plans
  • Preparation for the next work
    I've already started to mess around, but I'm thinking about setting the next work and character design.
    However, I'm still undecided which direction to take.
    There are many things I want to do ...!
    I think I can show you a little around February.
  • Update of Celesfonia (1) Balance adjustment and addition of difficulty level
    I would like to include things that I noticed and that I could reflect in the requests I received.
    I would like to respond to this in the near future.
    I want to add a normal swimsuit if I can afford it ....
  • Update of Celesfonia (2) Addition of contents The
    timing is undecided, but I would like to add scenes.
    I have some ideas for additional scenarios, so I definitely want to do something after-sales.
    You may try adding a monster.
The game is quite good, big improvement over Ambrosia, the main gripes I have with it is despite the game clearly having the "let's corrupt the magical girl" vibe it's really hard to get corrupted and most enemies are just regular rpg maker enemies, as in, they're there to slow/defeat you by doing damage, they're not ero at all. Sure, there are some generic tentacles and generic human mooks that can fuck you but they're rare and what they do is very inconsequential.
Another thing is something a lot of games fall prey to, that if you play well (and the game is easy even on hard) you won't see vast majority of the juicy content. Many games do this thing where if you actually want to see the fun stuff, you have to hunt for it instead of it being delivered in a natural way. Hell, even if you constantly lose and don't hunt for h stuff you simply won't see a lot of it because the game doesn't put you in that position.
I will say this game is certainly more cryptic in just exactly what triggers events. But honestly I like the hunting down aspects. I also quite liked the distinction between getting beaten by default enemies and bosses, though I do agree that it would have been nice to flesh that out a bit, I usually end up just skipping through it at this stage.

You definitely have to make more of a choice to go the corruption route in this compared to Ambrosia, but I think that makes sense given the contemporary setting, the fantasy one enabled far more outlandish settings.

It does touch on something the Dev mentioned in the latest update though, they admit they're pretty bad for getting loads of ideas and then getting overwhelmed by wanting to put them all in, but they mentioned that for the next work they're going to outsource a good section of the work (pixel art etc) so hopefully the next game will be a bit more I dunno....cohesive? Some parts of this do just feel like there wa an idea and it was shoved in just to have it (the stripping in the park for eg, great idea but no variety at all)
Hi guys, How can I unlock prostitution and how can I increase degree erosion?? thanks!
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Hi guys, How can I unlock prostitution and how can I increase degree erosion?? thanks!
Prostitution, I am not sure, with Lustlvl2 in the downtown there is the uncle, he will install the app in the MC phone
Increase fast erosion is eating demon souls before purify, save before eat
Hi guys, How can I unlock prostitution and how can I increase degree erosion?? thanks!

I honestly couldn't remember myself, so I dug into the game files to find out, and honestly, I'm still not sure. There's a Switch (204) that get's turned on at some point, but it's not in any place on the Downtown map where prostitution happens. Memory tells me I got it unlocked some point after or around chapter 4 but I'm not 100% on that. All comes to all you could just turn that switch on in the game files.

Edit : also, it has to be night time
Hi guys, How can I unlock prostitution and how can I increase degree erosion?? thanks!
As far as I can tell you need to get to chapter two, get your lust up to level 2 (get it to 99 then choose to unlock level 2 through an interaction in your bedroom), and talk to the man outside the downtown hotel at night (He might not talk to you until you confront the girl you saved over by the bookshop). He'll put an app on your phone that lets you call people for hook-ups. Some will just be dudes who play generic scenes and give you money, and 3 of them will have their own dedicated scenes. Who you end up with is random, but you can get a new random partner with the 2nd option in the phone dialog. So if you're going for someone specific, just reroll until you find them.

Erosion can be increased by:
ending a day with a high level of miasma
losing to an enemy or boss
eating souls directly instead of purifying them
getting cursed with the earrings of corruption (obtained from the traps in the club dungeon)
(He might not talk to you until you confront the girl you saved over by the bookshop).

I think that's the missing piece of the puzzle. She won't appear there until you're on the mission to find the missing teacher. Once you've gotten a scene where you're walking home with her, I think it opens up fully from there. Thanks, that was driving me nuts.