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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Can someone please upload the latest game in another site? Somehow, when I downloaded it from Mega, it just stop halfway through...
Damn, those limited quotas!

no its not that limit it means your work memory is full you need 2 restart your browser from scrap or do it through edge it works had that problem aswhell
solved it by those 2 options
becausse youre Cache is full that's why it isnt cooperating and stops halfway
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

If you ever get that save feel free to post it for... research purposes.....
there you go, research all you want, freakin potato
beyond kinky yet
just don't go to first harbor town, the samurai will screwed it


ya kno wut?
-insult omitted-
-guilt omitted-
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

So, is Ill intending to release a partial patch every few months, or is he trying to finish it all and release it only once it was completely finish (aside from bug fixing)?
Because, I'm really waiting for the futa to sprung into action...
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

So, is Ill intending to release a partial patch every few months, or is he trying to finish it all and release it only once it was completely finish (aside from bug fixing)?
Because, I'm really waiting for the futa to sprung into action...

let me explain a few thing's about Ill Akimoto
1. he has a skin ailment rather a annoying 1 aswel
2. trouble whit his left EYE and is also partly deu point 1.
that is the reason he is nvr fast but what he does he does very good even if it take so much time
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

let me explain a few thing's about Ill Akimoto
1. he has a skin ailment rather a annoying 1 aswel
2. trouble whit his left EYE and is also partly deu point 1.
that is the reason he is nvr fast but what he does he does very good even if it take so much time

But it's nothing dangerous, isn't it? I know little about skin problems and eye things so im just curious.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

But it's nothing dangerous, isn't it? I know little about skin problems and eye things so im just curious.

Debilitating and incurable. But I think treatable and not life threatening.

So, long term bad, but not *dangerous* as such.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Is it just me or do H games devs tend to have health issues. Is this some kind of divine smiting that's actively happening.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Is it just me or do H games devs tend to have health issues. Is this some kind of divine smiting that's actively happening.

Being stationary and looking at a computer screen for long periods of time doesn't really scream healthy to me, not to mention when your at a computer you usually end up snacking quite a bit. I just wish he would make a post once a month with a statement saying I'm still out because of such and such reason.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Debilitating and incurable. But I think treatable and not life threatening.

So, long term bad, but not *dangerous* as such.

That sum up what we extrapolate from Ill's comment.
He never mentionned his illness so we don't know for sure.

But sadly, if it is what we think, there no 100 % guarantee the treament(s) works, they can cost a lot, and even under treatment you can get really cripled in daily life.
So yeah, it's slow work for a one man team. And Ill's aiming to make a great game (for what we're thanksfull).
So just keep in mind the facts and wait for the next demo release.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Still in doubt whether he's still working on this game or not. Can't speak moon so can't really verify, but the last update was supposed to add content, which it didn't. As far as I remember he promised to add the content a few weeks later since he couldn't implement it in time, but that has probably been at least 2 months ago.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

This guy is a shining example of why everyone thinks patreon is a big scam, makes a nice show to lure them in and then nothing.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

This guy is a shining example of why everyone thinks patreon is a big scam, makes a nice show to lure them in and then nothing.

I don't know, far as I recall Ill was pretty up front about what the Patreon was actually *for*, (To help with his living costs and hopefully things like treatment etc) rather than necessarily a way to speed development in any meaningful way.

And I don't recall him seriously pushing for it either. I seem to recall it was more so that people were asking him about ways to donate. Or some such. least, that's what I recall.

I think it's pretty clear at this point that his health concerns are pronounced enough that it's been firmly "if" he ever finishes the game rather than a matter of "when". If you're donating to the Patreon believing that will somehow change the situation, you've really only got yourself to blame and if you do understand the situation but are donating anyway then fair enough, it's your money and you can do what you want with it.

There are much, much better examples of Patreon abuse out there.

EDIT - Actually, I'll go further.
I don't believe Ill will ever finish this game. Not because he doesn't want to, or doesn't intend to. I simply don't believe he is physically capable of making the required progress in a workable timeframe. Eventually, his passion for the project will give out because he is simply physically unable to make any progress for such extended periods of time. I do not believe he can deliver on his intentions no matter how much he'd like to. I think the game is to all intents and purposes likely about as complete as it's going to get.

I'd like to be proved wrong, I think it's a genuinely great piece of work and I've got many hours from the demo alone. If he ever does defy the odds and his condition I'll probably buy the game. But I think the window of opportunity has probably closed, like it has done on so many other promising projects over the years. I wish him luck and good health and shall continue keeping an eye on this thread and checking his blog now and then, but I think this is pretty much it.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

That sum up what we extrapolate from Ill's comment.
He never mentionned his illness so we don't know for sure.

But sadly, if it is what we think, there no 100 % guarantee the treament(s) works, they can cost a lot, and even under treatment you can get really cripled in daily life.
So yeah, it's slow work for a one man team. And Ill's aiming to make a great game (for what we're thanksfull).
So just keep in mind the facts and wait for the next demo release.

He did mention his illness serveal times on his twitter page, he talks about what drug he use to stop the pain and itch of his skin, and his eyesight problem when his skin was not well.

So we can get what illness he was in, it was actaully non curable at this point, at least not in japen.(Well, we china did got serveal type of older drugs that can cure him, but they are not legal in japen (or any western worlds) due to some political/copyrights issue.)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

This guy is a shining example of why everyone thinks patreon is a big scam, makes a nice show to lure them in and then nothing.

Funny, since Patreon wasn't ILL's idea and they were initially against it, not to mention as mentioned above they never said that Patreon was to help speed up development of the game.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Funny, since Patreon wasn't ILL's idea and they were initially against it, not to mention as mentioned above they never said that Patreon was to help speed up development of the game.

Doesn't change the fact that he's gotten pretty comfortable from it. Pretty sure the content drought coincided with the start of his Patreon. I'm fine with people giving him charity for his illness, but I still stand by my point that until his Patrons start applying pressure on him by halting payments until a genuine update or demanding a switch to the "per update" model, we're not going to see any content anytime soon, if ever. I don't blame him, I'd do the same if people kept paying, but it sucks for those who actually want to see this game progress.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Doesn't change the fact that he's gotten pretty comfortable from it. Pretty sure the content drought coincided with the start of his Patreon. I'm fine with people giving him charity for his illness, but I still stand by my point that until his Patrons start applying pressure on him by halting payments until a genuine update or demanding a switch to the "per update" model, we're not going to see any content anytime soon, if ever. I don't blame him, I'd do the same if people kept paying, but it sucks for those who actually want to see this game progress.

We're not going to see any content because progress has slowed enough due to his illness that it'll be next to impossible to get going again, even if his condition did become more manageable.

Any theories about whether the Patreon money is a disincentive to work are pretty academic in that light, to my mind. He's in no fit state to finish his game and he's likely not going to be any time soon. If people continue paying him, he'll be unable to get much of anything done and relatively comfortable. If people stop paying him, he'll be no more able to get anything done, but less comfortable.

That's it. Least, that's my read of the situation and the interpretation I'm going with. Honestly more about expectation management than anything, and I'd love to be wrong about how bad Ill's condition is these days because what I understand of it is horrifying to me.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Wow do we really cry about his patreon account and how much money he got for nothing? Is it this time already? How about you let him finish what he is capable of instead of starting a shitstorm? It won't change a thing, you know?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Doesn't change the fact that he's gotten pretty comfortable from it. Pretty sure the content drought coincided with the start of his Patreon. I'm fine with people giving him charity for his illness, but I still stand by my point that until his Patrons start applying pressure on him by halting payments until a genuine update or demanding a switch to the "per update" model, we're not going to see any content anytime soon, if ever. I don't blame him, I'd do the same if people kept paying, but it sucks for those who actually want to see this game progress.

Ill started the game in 2013, and has been consistently unable to work on it for extended periods. The content drought definitely didn't coincide with the start of his Patreon. He only started it about half a year ago. Prior to June of this year, I hadn't seen a update for months.

As for being "comfortable," the guy only brings in $569 a month from his Patreon. It's not like he is rolling in the money. Patrons could definitely speak with their wallet and pull their pledges, but given that the biggest delays are a physical ailment, I doubt it would speed anything up significantly.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Depending on where in the world he lives that amount could be a decent salary