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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/31: 175+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES!]

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

I see. Ty for the reply.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

I have a new completed game out! I'll put an image and the synopsis here, but you can find out more information at or . It will be available in all stores in two weeks, but currently it is exclusive to .


YouTube Trailer:


John is a young man suffering from severe depression. As he loses his sense of purpose in life, he begins to see the world in unfocused gray. Just when he begins to lose all hope, John meets a girl... a very special girl.

Though Lizzie appears affectionate and devoted, it quickly becomes clear that she's so violent and unstable that a normal boy would run away from her. But when John sees her, he sees someone else suffering from a mental condition. John is willing to risk his safety for a chance to help Lizzie gain some mental stability. Lizzie is willing to murder everyone in school if she believes it would make him happy.

Your every choice will impact both characters' mental states, changing their fate. John might reject Lizzie, succumb to his depression, or die violently. Lizzie might lose control and ruin her chances, or become obsessed with shadowy conspiracies that may or may not exist. Or just maybe the two of them might be exactly what the other needs, and their story could end in happiness...

Crimson Gray is a psychological thriller, exploring the psyches of the characters and the strange circumstances that brought them together. It has a focus on subtle actions having consequences, your choices impacting the characters' mental stability in ways that could make choices down the line have very different results.

TLS Update

I am still aiming for Friday, July 7th. This update will be larger than normal and may require more bugtesting. Meanwhile, I hope Crimson Gray will tide you over!
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Looks like that's one game from you that I'm going to have to miss.

As much as I like your specific brand of storytelling... A game based around managing mental illnesses is far too close to my dayjob to sound fun.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

It's more a thematic thing than the actual subject of the story, "managing" isn't really the most apt descriptor since it's mainly just about two people in an a relationship involving rather unusual circumstance. It's more about figuring out the people involved and what you're dealing with, and then using that knowledge to work out the best way to go about their relationship, and the people involved this time are a bit deviant from the norm.

The main character's depression is more coloring to the story than a core theme, for example, you're not constantly trying to fix your depression or have it bearing down on you. It can possibly become an issue if you make the wrong choices, but those are fairly easy to avoid if you have some know-how on the matter of depression.

The main thing is figuring out what the hell is going on with Lizzie, how to keep her out of trouble etc. and this is where figuring out what makes her tick comes in as a kind of puzzle trying to navigate to a happy ending
of which there are several.

A more specific example, though a bit of a spoiler so read at your own discretion
In one route of the story Lizzie will end up possibly killing one of your classmates out of jealousy, which is entirely avoidable depending on your choices leading up to that part, which requires some understanding of the character you're trying to influence, why she wants to do what she does and how to keep her from doing it.

In the end all I can say is that it's a far more charming and heartwarming story than the initial pitch might suggest, though fair enough if you wish to pass it up ;)
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Looks like that's one game from you that I'm going to have to miss.

As much as I like your specific brand of storytelling... A game based around managing mental illnesses is far too close to my dayjob to sound fun.
Yeah, I accept that this will be some people's reaction, and that's completely fair.

But I've also struggled with how to communicate exactly what I'm going for with this game, because my goal is not to exploit the mental conditions for drama, but to create a story that plays off them in interesting ways that are ultimately cathartic. I know that even if I wrote it ten times better than I did, though, it will still never be what some players are looking for. I'm afraid that's probably unavoidable given the subject matter.

In the end all I can say is that it's a far more charming and heartwarming story than the initial pitch might suggest, though fair enough if you wish to pass it up ;)
Appreciate you saying this. ^-^
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

After this you have no excuse, Sierra, you better add a yandere to TLS, now I know you have the capacity to make one that's not overly murderous and psychotic.

It was a fine read, Lizzie was a bit too dependant on John IMO (only taking the initiative if he betrayed her expectations, usually the yandere MO consists on the yandere taking the initiative, unless the target of her affections keeps a tight leash )

Although a couple of images are still locked, I feel like you missed a good chance in a particular segment to implement another erotic scene.

In the kidnapped part maybe being a bit too charming and attentive could have backfired, with lizzie deciding to get a quickie before releasing him.

Also, the second yandere could have been expanded a bit, maybe using her to remind the player of the inherent danger they represent, and pointing out that, all things considered, Lizzie is actually quite tame.

All in all, a good read, and worth the money, well done, Sierra.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Version 0.28.0 has been released to patrons! This is an extra large release that covers the majority of the war, so there's quite a lot going on.

Your characters will be split up over the continent, negotiating with all the factions in play and making decisions that will impact the end of the war. As those who can look under the hood will see, variables to calculate collateral damage and other consequences have started counting up...

Unlike the Battle for Yhilin, the plan goes off the rails at multiple points...

Expect to see some long-promised showdowns:

But unlike the Battle of Yhilin, the entire update won't be intense events. You'll also get a chance to explore new areas - for example, the first town you've seen deep inside the Incubus Emperor's domain:

And some old characters and locations that haven't been seen in a long time show up as well:

Overall, I want to give this war a real sense of scope. This will be the broadest conflict in the entire game, at a larger scale than previous battles.



Due to the length and complexity of this update, I can't promise it will be out in the usual exactly one week. There are a lot of calculations going on underneath the surface, and I want to make sure they're all correct and well-balanced before I release the update publicly.

Unrelated, if you were waiting for Crimson Gray to appear on MangaGamer, the preorder page is now online. I'm still mostly looking toward the Steam release, but definitely use MG if that's your preference:
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Alright, I can now officially say that TLS 0.28.2 will be coming out publicly on Friday, July 21st. Please look forward to it!

Meanwhile, Crimson Gray was approved on Steam and other stores. Take a look if you're interested:
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Alright, everyone, newest version is on the blog!

As a reminder: I might make retroactive changes to this section to balance the entire war, once I finish the next update. So if you definitely want to play only once, maybe wait a little. Having said that, this update has loads of new content for everyone to play!

- Yet more polishing to war calculations.
- On Yarra's route, the variable "Empress Approval" now works properly.
- The Kingsmen and Queensmen bars now have more variability throughout chapter three.
- Flower Speculation investment now removed from ledger after the reunion.
- The Dusty Horde and AriGarda are no longer listed in the ledger after taking over Yhilin. The Iron Cudgel remains, however.
- Since some people were unclear on this, rewrote dialogue to make it completely unambiguous when the Dusty Horde is destroyed.

In addition to more balancing and getting feedback from players, I used this week to finish off some old bugs and minor issues that had been low priority while I was rushing on new content. These are not a big deal, but I do try to go back and polish whenever I get a chance.

That's all for now, enjoy the release!
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Don't get me wrong on this one: I loved the update; the war is fun, I can feel the instability and chaos it is causing, the whole Unsuccubi thing was both terrifying and sad at the same time; but I just can't feel the Incubus Emperor himself, you know?

He did not manage to do a single thing by himself. No grand displays of power, nobody important gets killed by him, no towns get destroyed. His duel with Simon, even if a lot of cheating was involved, made him feel like he's kind of weak for what I expected. I can't imagine Esthera NOT destroying Simon even with a lot of cheating involved given her small display of power during Simon's route. Add to this the fact that Yarra was able to somewhat stand up to him (the IE) during her route...

So far it feels like he was only able to still exist because the human nations couldn't bother to work together to get rid of him.

And the meeting with Iris, where exactly did they meet her? It wasn't very clear.

Now that we have Riala and Iris on our side and Ginasta is tracking him down, it feels like the Incubus Emperor is just fated to die without accomplishing much this war.

I know there's still more of the war to happen but this is how I feel so far.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

That's because he's a shit. A dumb shit. He's a dumb shit and I will be so happy to kill his ass.

It'd be cool to go against an Incuking that wasn't an idiot, I guess that's what the ~future~ is for. Though, from what I remember from the summit, I might be out of luck.

Unless Ginasta fuckin' eats him and gets all that power or something. That'll be a bad time.

But for real though, that seems in-character for him - an incredibly powerful moron, who gets away with being a moron by being incredibly powerful. Still existing because a bunch of kingdoms couldn't get their shit together and fuck him up makes sense to me too - like Carina says, it's pretty shitty that people can't really get together on anything unless their lives are on the line. With how much strife and stuff there is internally for every group we've encountered, and how easily your characters can say 'hey, why don't you do this instead, and it'll turn out way better,' and then they just do it - it shouldn't be surprising that such disunited kingdoms can't unite themselves to go on the offensive, especially when they're all cowed from how bad it went before.

I ran into a little issue, I guess:
in the bit where you decide to send reinforcements to either the east, west, or both fronts, shortly after the Unsuccubi are introduced, I TOTALLY FORGOT which front was which, so it might be cool if you recapped before or in the choices there. Just, y'know, if you want to idiotproof it.

Relatedly, Unsuccubi are fucking horrifying, Jesus Christ.

Also, Crimson Grey was pretty rad! I liked the names of those two drugs you can give her. I am WEAK and don't want to get those last couple CGs, though. I'm pretty sure whatever they are they involve ratting her out, and man, I think that would hurt.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

The whole deal with the Incubus emperor... duke... whatever is that he's essentially a corrupt and much more powerful version of the chosen, very powerful and very, very dumb, and you can see just how much those chosen get done.

As for his duel with Simon, I'm not sure how many variables are involved here but keep in mind that this was the IE going for a walk and Simon putting two years of experience and resources to bear, and barely fending him off. Specialty spells, large groups of mages, training against corrupt combatants (that fighting with Esthera)

The IE wasn't even too bothered, he basically just decided to fuck off for a bit while Simon was trying to keep his internal organs in place.

The IE's other exploits were marked by him being attacked by his own Unsuccubi, but overall it should be noted that this has been mainly Iris' war. She started this, planned for it, and has mostly been trying to keep the IE out of it, I imagine if the IE actually finds a reason to get involved things could get a lot messier, for example if he just decides he really wants to fuck such and so.

As for Yarra 'resisting' him in her route, it was quite literally just shouting "no" and that being all she could muster, considering the enchantments she has on her from Simon (mention of this sort of thing is made when recruiting Orelise and Lynine) and the fact that she just completely collapsed for a full night afterward goes to show just how overbearing his power, even when wielded trivially, brings to bear.

I am WEAK and don't want to get those last couple CGs, though. I'm pretty sure whatever they are they involve ratting her out, and man, I think that would hurt.

I'm not sure which you're missing but I should be able to help out in filling in the blanks if you're just interested in what you might still lack.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Holy crap, that was pretty intense. The difficulty increase, especially having to stop those damn Seeds with their party-wide offensive attacks, really made the whole thing feel much more dangerous.

Riala was also just as damn overpowered as implied, what with the way she could basically two-shot my entire team except for Simon with her fire spell and was completely immune to debuff. I'm not gonna the mistake of taking Aka against her ever again, that's for sure.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

She seems to get weaker if you do certain things to her I think. A certain attack gave me some special messages and didn't really work as well as it should have, but towards the end of the fight I was basically taking no damage from her party-wide fire attack. I dunno if that was just luck and Shield of Purity or what, but yeah.

Also yeah, the party split gimmick was an interesting one, and I really appreciated the difficulty spike. I almost lost one fight, even - I think I had Varia, Qum and Altina, but their defenses aren't particularly impressive. It was really just thanks to luck and Best DPS that we won, but I had to blow a couple revive potions and everything.

I'm excited to see what title the new hotness gets in the harem window.

Also, fuuuck that cliffhanger though. I was itching so bad to get my hands on it these past two weeks, and I'm gonna be itching for for the next fiveish weeks until the next bit comes out too aaaaaa. And I guess I'll have to replay the chapter, due to retroactive content. Rip.

I thought the thing with Robin's classmate party member was pretty funny and/or horrifying - Lust Death status effect, and yet it didn't kill her. I kept her healed up for the rest of the fight, so when it wasn't just like a story thing to fuck with Robin by having her friend jump in with them and then immediately die, I was kinda surprised. Since that status effect never came up again afterwards, I'm not sure what it was, either - maybe foreshadowing for the Unsuccubi and/or Riala or something?
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

I ran into a little issue, I guess:
in the bit where you decide to send reinforcements to either the east, west, or both fronts, shortly after the Unsuccubi are introduced, I TOTALLY FORGOT which front was which, so it might be cool if you recapped before or in the choices there. Just, y'know, if you want to idiotproof it.
Hmm, I will keep that in mind when I go over the conflict again, see if I can't frame it better.

Also, Crimson Grey was pretty rad! I liked the names of those two drugs you can give her. I am WEAK and don't want to get those last couple CGs, though. I'm pretty sure whatever they are they involve ratting her out, and man, I think that would hurt.
Thanks for giving it a try! If the CGs you're missing are bad endings, then you wouldn't lose too much by avoiding them, but if you haven't gotten the true ending or something, then I think you'd find it worth it to see those parts of the story too.

As for his duel with Simon, I'm not sure how many variables are involved here but keep in mind that this was the IE going for a walk and Simon putting two years of experience and resources to bear, and barely fending him off. Specialty spells, large groups of mages, training against corrupt combatants (that fighting with Esthera)

The IE wasn't even too bothered, he basically just decided to fuck off for a bit while Simon was trying to keep his internal organs in place.
Yeah, that was my intent. The Incubus Emperor has a lot of raw power, so a huge part of Simon's strategy was just trying to even the playing field temporarily. He wouldn't have been able to fight a comparably powerful IK who wasn't so easily baited.

Also, fuuuck that cliffhanger though. I was itching so bad to get my hands on it these past two weeks, and I'm gonna be itching for for the next fiveish weeks until the next bit comes out too aaaaaa. And I guess I'll have to replay the chapter, due to retroactive content. Rip.

I thought the thing with Robin's classmate party member was pretty funny and/or horrifying - Lust Death status effect, and yet it didn't kill her. I kept her healed up for the rest of the fight, so when it wasn't just like a story thing to fuck with Robin by having her friend jump in with them and then immediately die, I was kinda surprised. Since that status effect never came up again afterwards, I'm not sure what it was, either - maybe foreshadowing for the Unsuccubi and/or Riala or something?
It's foreshadowing for future status effect plans I have.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

+Anticipating Update

Regarding the issue I mentioned, I think it might help if you brought up the prospect of reinforcing before giving the report or something. IIRC, there are many reports given throughout the chapter, but not all of them give you the option to reinforce, so I guess I sorta went into 'did we fuck up' mode when it came up - just reading to get a yes or no, rather than storing additional info to make further choices.

I did see the True End, yeah. I was a little surprised how few lewd scenes there were, but then, I suppose I shouldn't have been.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Playing through again, and I've hit some sort of bug.

In the Endgame Caverns on Yarra's route, I keep crashing when I enter battle. It seems to be the frost-bears that trigger it, but it's not 100% of the time.

Either way, I had to just avoid as many battles as possible, and save constantly just to get through it.

edit: Yeah, the crash is now happening randomly when battles start.

I'm in Simon's route and I keep crashing when trying to do arena stuff or fight smugglers.
Crash message, if it's helpful.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Game.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4e8d3142
Fault Module Name: RGSS301.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4f443355
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00007a7a
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

It feels like it might be because I'm running CE's 2x speedhack (it's the only way to make RPGmaker games tolerable) but I've been doing that since day one and I haven't ever had this issue before.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, irregular crashes on entering battle are a product of instability in the RPG Maker engine itself. I see it rarely while testing: one area will have a high risk of crashes for no apparent reason, but they aren't completely consistent. I've gotten the same thing on almost new projects.

While it is possible that a new script I've added is causing problems, such issues generally cause 100% of battles to crash. When crashes are intermittent... I'm not sure if there's anything that can be done. =/
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

0xc0000005 is an access violation - something's scribbling in memory areas it's not supposed to be. I would definitely suspect the speedhack at this point, as most of those work by hooking the game and overriding systems time calls.

Note that depending on how RPGMaker is written (I don't actually know; low-level hacking was never a focus of mine) this can have no negative impact, random negative impacts, or completely break things. This can also vary from title to title, as you can have problems with race conditions that only pop up in certain scenarios.

TL;DR: Code is complicated. Try disabling the speedhack (or anything that hooks the game, including translators) and testing.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

So on the Questionable Questing forum boards, a user by the name of oldwolf has written a fanfiction crossover between TLS and the epic web serial Worm. The plot begins with Simon somehow dying at the invasion by the then Incubus King at the beginning of chapter 2.

When this happens, Taylor's Queen Administrator shard some how interacts with Simon's Soul Shard bringing the powers of the Incubus Kings to Earth Bet. Currently only five chapters long with only a few scattered sex scenes. Registration is required however to view any of the NSFW boards.
