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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

That NPC is not it. The mother wanders around below the shop area (assuming she didn't die in the battle for Yhilin)

So I'm replaying the game because of the changes to Qum's RP if you whore her

You're not the only one, the choice to whore Qum has been given a lot more significance and determines a lot in how you play the game (optimally) without having done so. I hesitate to use the term 'route' but it seems apt to call this choice a divider between a more economic based route and a more social one. Personally, I'm still fine with the choice I initially made, Qum herself declared she'd do anything to help when departing from Feroholm and the effect of her contribution there can culminate in such massive economic advantages as being a shareholder in an additional bank altogether or winning more votes during the summit.

Also I don't quite like Qum as a character much, from her overly selfish attitude towards Yarra's endeavors during her route (assuming her affection isn't maxed) and her reluctance to contribute, while understandable, simply feels like she's along as more of a pet than a person (one that is capable of opting to make sacrifices for the greater good, at least) and I can't help but make very unfavorable comparisons to Yarra. It then kind of turns into these awkward philosophical questions of whether Simon should be treating Qum the way she's acting (much like some pet) or like a person with expectations and responsibilities. Asking a person to do something they may not want to do for the greater cause is well and fair, but coercing a pet-like follower into such an agreement is a little questionable. Comes to the point where I'd essentially argue that whoring her out is the respectable thing to do there, as it's treating Qum as a person. The main thing that still irks me in that situation is that Qum acts much like a human rather than a succubus (who are as I understand it MUCH more casual about sex, but Qum suddenly seems to care a great deal about something that should be like eating or breathing to her)

I'd imagine Simon having some qualms about going through with it but even he is at least somewhat open to the notion of sharing partners, the idea of a succubus insisting on having just one partner seems unusual at the very least.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Ok I played the game without whoring Qum up to the reunion chapter. Had to give up investing on Iron Cudgel Mercs and Stineford Magic shop in the beggining like I previously mentioned. Everything else remained the same. There wasn't that much of an economic impact later on in the game. I got to the Reuion chapter with 1.495.000 ProN to invest, compared to 1.585.000 ProN on the save where I whored Qum.

The difference in ProN comes from the Magic Shop Synergy. If anything this will mean I'll have to invest a little less on the Knights of the Order of Silence (50k instead of 100k). What I'm concerned about is all those invisible variables that only people with RPGMaker can see (I don't have it). I kind of feel giving up the early mercs will have a big impact (Carina's men are dead; still have to see how this will impact the Yhilin invasion because it looks like hiring early mercs play a role in there). So far the Magic Shop Synergy didn't make that much difference, but I can't help but think this will somehow play a role in the future. Same for the Knights.

The real problem comes from trying to invest in the Eustrin Embassy (giving up the Eustrin Supplier, Eustrin Manufacturer and the Aram Supplier to have enough money) to block the New Unpeople Vote. You'll have only 1.345.000 available at the Reunion Chapter, meaning you have to completely give up the Knights in Ardford or some other things.

Considering my plan for the Reunion Chapter is to invest on hiring the Iron Cudgel, Dusty Horde, tip the scales with the AriGard in favor of House Rose, buy the cache excavation loot and acquire ownership of the Premium Steel, this should leave me with only 1.235.000 ProN to invest in Ardford. So it's looking like choosing to not whore Qum kind of forces you to also not even try to block the New Unpeople vote or else you'll be severely limited in what you can chose in Ardford.

Guess I'll have to keep playing the game to see what happens. Will report more later one.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

I'm kind of confused as to why you hired the Iron Cudgel in the first place, hiring them is inferior even if you do whore out Qum

If anything skipping Megail's special deal seems to be the superior option. Especially if you took an extra loan from her this massively cuts into your profits later and the supplier her investment gets you is not worth it)

Winning all the votes is extremely important in ensuring you can buy into the Ardan bank cheaply and it might be worth having a slightly weaker army for this, there's a lot of chances to get a superior army with skipping some investments. Focusing on getting Aka to enough affection to take out the airship could make a significant difference for example.

All in all there's a huge amount of variables to reconsider with not whoring out Qum, it's great.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Yes I used to hire them to save Carina's men only. Maybe this will never be worth it, maybe it will, we'll have to wait and see. Now I don't hire them (no money!) and Carina's men die. I hire them during the Reunion because not hiring any mercs for the Battle of Yhilin feels like it will be a bad choice. Aren't they suposed to defend something there?

Not giving the Gift to Megail and getting the Special Supplier is something I can't say if it's irrelevant or not. What exactly are the hidden scores it affects? If it doesn't affect much it would be the superior choice to not give her the money and invest in the Stineford Magic Shop, just for the Magic Synergy Bonus in case it's useful later on. Maybe with this you could even have enough money to invest in everything in Ardford if you choose to invest in the Dwarven Embassy.

But if you don't care for the Dwarven Embassy, even if you give the gift to Megail I don't think money will be a problem in Ardford, I will be able to invest in everything except the Ivalan Bank and invest a little less on the Knights.

Edit: There's one thing we're forgetting here: If you don't give the Gift to Megail, she will withold 40k ProN on the start of her path to force you to invest in the Eustrin Supplier. The Eustrin Supplier is more expensive and gives less return than her own Special Supplier. And since we're forced to invest in that, that means if we want to have enough ProN to invest in the Embassy we have to give up investing in things that give huge returns later on. And it also looks like her Special Supplier affects the hidden economy score. Not sure if this is really worth it.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Hiring Cudgel after the reunion just sends them off to guard some bridge but I do believe it makes your army slightly stronger, AriGarda are really important to prevent some destruction if I recall properly.

Getting the supplier for Megail is only worth it if you don't do it with her own money (I.e skip her bonus 25k pron entirely) since that money cuts into your profits by a large amount in later routes and it only matters when you don't invest in the Eustrin supplier (saves you 35k, assuming you don't buy that supplier and didn't ask Megail for money) or alternatively it allows you to have an extra supplier which loses money on the short term but improves army. I always skip Megail's deals and my army was already too powerful so it's just not worth it. Only real benefit is 5 affection with Megail but again, even without her deal I maxed her in 1.9. The main factor is that taking Megail's deal means you get 100k pron less on the reunion chapter which doesn't outweigh the gains from having the supplier.

At least, that's the case when you do whore Qum, as this extra pron allows you to invest in either the Yhilin or church bank while still obtaining literally everything in Ardford (you don't invest in Premium steel the second time either though) Getting the bank as cheap as possible pretty much requires you buy the dwarven embassy.

Much of my choices in this new run are tentative at best, but so far I'm going for Premium steel, bank, bridge and mine for initial investments. You simply can't invest in the magic shop and the 50k pron you miss here means you can no longer buy a bank regardless, not without making more sacrifices that seems reasonable. Knowing all that it seems it might be best to actually invest in Megails deal with her own money and simply skip the Eustrin supplier.

I'm not up to this point yet so I'm still checking things out, but while in the whoring Qum option I skip the Eustrin processor which you might now be able to pick up but it might require skipping the Aram supplier. Now, as I understand it this still won't allow you to get a shot at one of the bigger banks but gets you a bunch more pron (might not be worth it, actually, since you should have plenty and having too much only makes buying Vinario more expensive)

Bleh, so much more to ponder >_<
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

I can't believe this but I'm actually making a spreadsheet to figure out all these things...

Edit: I finished the spreadsheet and now it's much easier to decide on the investments. Now I just have to figure out how each one of them impacts the outcome of the Battle of Yhilin, which won't be easy without access to RPGMaker. The wiki also lacks this info.

Also, found a small bug while replaying the game: During Aka's path, when you talk to Robin in the Secret Tunnels to begin the Partial Transformation, Aka says "I'm ready. You want to do this now, Aka?". She should be saying: "I'm ready. You want to do this now, Robin?"
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Edit: I finished the spreadsheet and now it's much easier to decide on the investments. Now I just have to figure out how each one of them impacts the outcome of the Battle of Yhilin, which won't be easy without access to RPGMaker. The wiki also lacks this info.
If it's not on the "Yhilin Battle Guide" page somewhere, make a more specific information request and maybe someone can help you.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Edit: I finished the spreadsheet and now it's much easier to decide on the investments. Now I just have to figure out how each one of them impacts the outcome of the Battle of Yhilin, which won't be easy without access to RPGMaker. The wiki also lacks this info.

You wouldn't have posted this spreadsheet anywhere? It does sound most useful...
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

If it's not on the "Yhilin Battle Guide" page somewhere, make a more specific information request and maybe someone can help you.

Oh wow how did I miss that one? There's no direct link for that in the guides part of the wiki so I didn't even know that existed. Thanks for the heads up that's exactly what I wanted.

You wouldn't have posted this spreadsheet anywhere? It does sound most useful...

The layout isn't exactly the best and I don't know if you're gonna have any compatibility problems but here you go:

View attachment TLS Investments.zip

Now trying to compile all the info from the Battle for Yhilin into the spreadsheet, this will be a challenge...

Edit: Finished the Game finally... not whoring Qum and skipping the Stineford Magic Shop made it so that Megail wasn't at 100 affection before the battle of Yhilin (missed +5 from investing in the Stineford Magic Shop which would put her at 100) which means a lot of hidden score losses.

Right after the battle I got a +2 to Yhilin Acceptance (instead of +3 to Acceptance and -2 to Chaos)

And when she reveals the truth about her past I got a +10 to her RP instead of Yhilin Acceptance +2, Victory Points +1 and Economy +2.

According to Decanter's affection guide there's only one choice I have left to max Megail before the battle: Giving up becoming a core lender on the Ardan Bank to become a core lender on the Yhilin Bank. But doing that means I can only give 10k to Knights of Silence and will have 25k ProN leftover in the end. But since I'm giving up the Ardan Bank I guess it makes sense to also give up the restaurant to be able to give the Knights 50k. This is all hypotetical and I won't be doing any of this anytime soon though, gonna wait and see how the next few releases play out fist.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Hey Sierra, just wanted to say that I was really surprised (and a little glad) about Simon's reaction after the battle with Ginasta.
I mean, he told her about the "plan" and everything, when she lost, I thought... "Shit, I will have to kill her now, she can run away easily, kill guards and jump over the wall... Etc..."
I am glad that Simon is still willing to "give a chance". I mean, I really liked Ginasta, but I think in his place I would've killed her, she has a great potential of fucking everything up...
Also, I liked how you handled Robin's feelings, I wasn't expecting that.

Anyway, keep up the hardwork!

PS:I can't shake the feeling that Ginasta will fuck me over, somehow...
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

One thing to note about Ginasta is that she seems to refuse to kill humanoids (orcs don't really count especially in this setting, they're more like constructs) and only attacks those holding shards. Her skillset is even geared towards sparing other combatants and breaking control placed on them (on that note, does anything actually happen if you try to use dominated Varia in that fight?)

I'm still holding on to the notion that Simon is going to be sending her to the elven kingdoms since she's the only one beside him that could combat the Incubus Emperor and the whole seed of corruption nonsense that's probably going on there, convincing Ginasta to a temporary (and probably reluctant) truce to prevent the destruction of everything.

After that, well, I imagine we can tell her we're going after the fuckwit (fucklord?) and she'll play ball, I recon there's quite a few people that really want him dead ;P
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Havent played this since version 0.16. Seems like there's alot of stuff going on. I need to catch up. :D
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Havent played this since version 0.16. Seems like there's alot of stuff going on. I need to catch up. :D

And me since 0.8.2 :D
I promised myself to wait for the finished version! :p
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

The finished version looks to be quite a bit away actually. Assuming the end result is going to involve defeating most of the incubus kings and resolving the overarching issue that's currently only been hinted at we're looking at several years of work at the least.

Unless of course you mean the finished version of 1.9 :p
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

The finished version looks to be quite a bit away actually. Assuming the end result is going to involve defeating most of the incubus kings and resolving the overarching issue that's currently only been hinted at we're looking at several years of work at the least.

Unless of course you mean the finished version of 1.9 :p

Oh... we're that far from a finished story? I guess I'll try to be patient, but multiple years of development seem a bit much :p
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

And me since 0.8.2 :D
I promised myself to wait for the finished version! :p
I just got burned out on H-games :p (apparently it can happen)
The finished version looks to be quite a bit away actually. Assuming the end result is going to involve defeating most of the incubus kings and resolving the overarching issue that's currently only been hinted at we're looking at several years of work at the least.

Unless of course you mean the finished version of 1.9 :p

Imagine playing this from the very start when it's finished.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Gonna be one hell of a long game when it's finished that's for sure, and given the quality of the game that's an excelent thing. My most recent save has 25 hours of played time but you have to consider I planned every step of the way before starting (especially Yarra's and Simon's route) and I already know how to get through all the battles easily. So let's say someone that didn't plan at all would be at 30 hours maybe.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

How'd it all go by the way? I've pretty much concluded that whoring Qum is definitely the superior option unless I'm missing something (or it later turns out investing in the banks isn't worth it)

STILL considering whether or not to go back and change Robin's first research to either essence shielding or Yhilin magic but I can't seem to figure out whether or not you need the investment in Premium Steel the second time to fully benefit from researching Yhilin magic.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

How'd it all go by the way? I've pretty much concluded that whoring Qum is definitely the superior option unless I'm missing something (or it later turns out investing in the banks isn't worth it)

STILL considering whether or not to go back and change Robin's first research to either essence shielding or Yhilin magic but I can't seem to figure out whether or not you need the investment in Premium Steel the second time to fully benefit from researching Yhilin magic.

There is one HUGE problem with Whoring Qum (copied from the wiki):

If Qum Affection = 100 but was whored in Stineford
Collateral Damage -1
---> Head of House Thelon dies <---

Could be very relevant later on. And I think whoring Qum will have impacts like this one in the future. So I think the superior choice is to not whore her and save yourself the headache of dealing with any further implications that whoring her will have later on.

On the other hand, however, there's also the problem that if you don't whore her you miss quite a bit of hidden statuses that could also be relevant later on. I described this in detail in one of my earlier posts.

And all this is considering that I did not invest in the Dwarven Embassy and let the Unpeople Vote pass. If you want to invest in the Embassy I could see you having big problems and losing a bunch of hidden statuses, especially during the Battle of Yhilin. This guide is awesome for figuring out what you should have invested earlier on in the game:

After reading that guide you'll figure out that investing in the Embassy will be really difficult.

Robin's research: Yeah, I think on my earlier experimental save I had some kind of bug that allowed my to research the "other" option with Balia even if Robin didn't research the Orcs on the first oportunity, but did it on the second. You can't do that, if you want to research the "other" option you need to have researched the Orcs first.

The Essence Shield one so far feels like crap tbh, unless the RP you have with Dari plays a major role soon (You'll miss 5 rp with her if you don't have Essence Shield).

The extra option Essence Shielding gives you during the Battle of Yhilin does not affect my playthrough at all: I could easily have gone with the "Enforce Orc Discipline" choice and maintain the exact same overall results.

So in my opinion: go with either Orc Research or Yhilin Magic. I did not test Yhilin Magic so I can't really say anything about that though.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

There is one HUGE problem with Whoring Qum (copied from the wiki):

If Qum Affection = 100 but was whored in Stineford
Collateral Damage -1
---> Head of House Thelon dies <---

Could be very relevant later on. And I think whoring Qum will have impacts like this one in the future. So I think the superior choice is to not whore her and save yourself the headache of dealing with any further implications that whoring her will have later on.

You can avoid this by sending Carina instead who cures him with no issues, and based on the conversation with Ginasta it *sounds* like this will have been the last such check.

As for the embassy, you can easily afford it in a multitude of ways but it limits your army a lot for the battle of Yhilin, you won't be able to buy both the Ardan bank and a choice of church/Yhilin bank (but this allows you to buy the second investment into Premium Steel)

If going the whore Qum route there are a lot of new options to consider to get the best results. The main things to pay attention to is the price of the Ardan bank (which is based off of your score with Ardford which you can see the requirements for in the secrets guide on the wiki) and how much money you have left after all your investments (you need less than 200k to be able to buy Vinario for 100k which is a significant difference in terms of affection gains)

Lastly is the overall status of your army or even the future status thereof, whether or not you invest in the Aram and Ardan suppliers (they don't seem to matter for the battle of Yhilin, but who knows what else it'll count for down the line) and it seems that orc research is the superior option on taking this route.

Essence shielding affects rep with Dari a bit more (10 affection actually, as you get a bonus +5 for finding all the clues) The extra benefit in the battle for Yhilin might be more significant because if you're able to reduce chaos and collateral damage to 0 you don't even need to think about spending discretionary funds on recovering it during the post-battle section (though arguably it's not needed when you have around 2-3 in each either) but it really depends on what we could be spending those funds on later (I couldn't even spend all I had due to how well the battle went anyway)
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