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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/31: 175+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES!]

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

You can avoid this by sending Carina instead who cures him with no issues

Ah yes good catch; I had not considered that one. You do lose +2 Yhilin Acceptance though if you choose to do that.

Essence shielding affects rep with Dari a bit more (10 affection actually, as you get a bonus +5 for finding all the clues) The extra benefit in the battle for Yhilin might be more significant because if you're able to reduce chaos and collateral damage to 0 you don't even need to think about spending discretionary funds on recovering it during the post-battle section (though arguably it's not needed when you have around 2-3 in each either) but it really depends on what we could be spending those funds on later (I couldn't even spend all I had due to how well the battle went anyway)

Ah yes, that is true, it would be a total of -10 rp with Dari. She needs some sort of RP check soon to make it worth it though. My scores with Essence Shielding, by the end of the game, are: Acceptance 29; Victory Points 20; Collateral Damage 1; Chaos 2; Enemy Forces 27. Without it, they would be relatively the same, Chaos would be 3 and Enemy Forces 28. Arguably not necessary to spend funds on them.

As for the investments: Did you whore Qum? What investments did you make and when, for both scenarios? I'm really having a hard time figuring out how to invest on a second bank without whoring Qum.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

That's the whole point, when not whoring Qum it becomes impossible to do unless you basically throw the entire battle of Yhilin out the window (don't hire any mercenaries during the reunion, don't buy ANY suppliers beside the mandatory eustrin one and don't gift Megail 25k) Whereas if you do whore her all you need to pass up to get the second bank is the second investment into Premium Steel.

I'm currently still working out what to do when not whoring Qum actually, a lot of it comes down to deciding whether or not to invest in Premium Steel before or after the reunion (investing in magic trade is more profitable and you can't get it after the reunion)

Another big thing actually is missing 5 affection for not having the Stineford magic shop and getting the Yhilin bank also gets you 5, this in all allows you to have Megail at 100 during 1.9 which you now probably have to miss.

All in all it looks like not investing in premium steel the first time is the better choice, though it costs you affection with both Aka and Hilstara (2 for aka, 5 for Hilstara) and you can't get Hilstara's unique helmet until after the reunion.

Now, Premium steel is bought for 20k and gives 100k during the reunion. The Stineford and Yhilin side of magic trade cost a combined total of 25k and gives 175k during the reunion. Furthermore you're left with 15k to spend on other things (assuming you didn't whore Qum) if you don't take Premium Steel which you can spend on the beautification of Yhilin and either fighting corruption or excavating the cache (I'd recommend the former for affection with Janine) or even hiring a merc group (affection with Hilstara to negate the loss from not investing in PS) Your last option is converting that spare 10k into Sx to get affection with both Aka and Hilstara.

So yea, right now I'm figuring out what to do there ^_^
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Yeah, those are interesting choices I was actually toying with on the spreadsheet earlier; Not investing in Premium Steel on the first round of investments and investing in the Yhilin beautification and Anti Corruption Campaign for a grand total of +15 RP with Janine, which helps tremendously in the battle and the aftermath of the battle.

Megail will force you to invest on the Eustrin Manufacturer, but that's a good investment anyway.

But if you don't mind, I'm interested in finding out what do you give up investing in order to have enough funds to invest in the embassy, without whoring Qum. Or do you not invest in the embassy if you don't whore her? From what I can see your only choices are to give up investing in the Eustrin Supplier (-1 Victory Points if you do that, shouldn't be that big of a deal) and the Eustrin Processor. Of course this means less ProN to invest in Ardan (-120k total) but that will be countered by fact that the bank will cost 100k less. But you will also have to bribe the Guild guy to vote NO on the Unpeople, which is another -10k ProN; in the end -30k ProN to invest in total, meaning the Knights of Silence can only get 10k funds. OR you don't invest 50k in the Ardan Supplier (gives no score to lower the price to become a core lender at the Ardan Bank) and give that money to the knights.

Trying to figure out how I'm gonna work on a save that allows me to block the Unpeople vote so I'd appreciate some ideas. All in all , I think I'm starting to really dislike Qum because of this whole mess... lol
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Assuming I go for the magic trade options (skipping PS) I'd have 145k Pron at the start of Megails route (25k reserved for Eustrin manufacturer) and I buy the embassy (45) the Yhilin supplier (40) magic trade (25) and Aram supplier (5) so I skip the Eustrin supplier and processor.

Bear in mind that most of this is still tentative though, as I'm currently working out how much pron I have left for Ardford and whether or not this method will ensure I have less than 200k at the end for Vinario.

Now, as I calculate it I should have 1620k before Megail's reductions (250k I believe) so that leaves me with a a total of 1370k to spend. Deducting mandatory Ardford investments (1125k no supplier, merchant guilds) leaves 145. We get 90k from the merchant guild embassador (-10, +100) which puts us at 235, 110k at minimum of which is reserved for Vinario and Knights of silence, leaving us with 125k to spend in Yhilin.

Now, we still had a whole bunch of shite to buy in Yhilin so let's see how much we can afford with that. I'd go for Premium Steel all the way (25k) and buying all the mercenaries (0) which means I don't get the cache excavation or the further beautification.

Last thing is I apparently don't count Megail's supplier which *seems* to give 25k pron as the special supplier, that would me to get the cache or further beautify Yhilin. You could also free up more pron by not taking Megail's deal, something that saves you 105 pron to spend on other things such as the knights of silence. Not taking Megail's deal would put her at 99 affection (ARGGGG) at 1.9 unless you talk to her first at the reunion.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Ah I see. Are you giving up the War Vaults then? Because you'd need 120k ProN to fund the Ghenalese Ambassador for the necessary Yes vote to open them. It gives a Shining Sword collectible and the Key Item Incubus King Helm. Would still be possible if you give the Knights 10k only anyway.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

No I can get the war vaults just fine since I buy the embassy and that's all you need assuming you do all the diplomacy right.

Now it actually looks as though opening the vaults gives +1 to Megail even though it's listed as doing so in some places but not in others (not in Megails main wiki page anyway) and depending being true or not it means you can get Megail to 100 even without investing in her special project which gives you a lot more money to spend. And actually, looking at my previous saves it does look like you'll have enough affection with Megail even without her deal, which means you can safely invest the full sum of 100k to the Knights of Silence.

Now the last big question I need to resolve before moving forward is who to talk to first during the reunion. Currently based on my (planned) choices everyone's affection is roughly as follows:

Aka: 85 (just barely 80 in time for her to break the airship, requires having her train with Nalili)
Qum: 100 (well in time for Yarra's route)
Yarra: 100 (chapter 3 onwards)
Hilstara: 87 (can't really max it unless we kill the impaler and sending Nalili to train with her, can't really do that without losing Aka's airship killing abilities)
Robin: 94
Altina: 78
Varia: 67
Carina: 54
Nalili: 100

Megail: 100
Trin: 64
Balia: 65

Janine: 100

There isn't really a prime candidate here and in my old min/max run I went with Trin (because I actually like her and she's one of the lowest and hardest to raise overall) and I really have no idea who to choose here based on merit rather than preference.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Ah yes the Embassy can help tip the scales in your favor for the War vaults vote. Forgot about that one! Not funding Megail's deal, however, means you will be forced to invest in the Eustrin Supplier.

So, a quick recap to make things a bit easier to visualize:

Yhilin Investments: Bank with Trin, Mines with Megail, Bridge Repair, Corruption Reform and Public Works. You don't get more money from Megail and also don't give her the 25k gift.

Then you invest in the Stineford Magic Shop. After this your ProN will be at 0.

Megail's Path investments: Ardoheim Magic Trade, Yhilini Supplier, Aramite Supplier, Bounty Office, Eustrin Supplier (forced by Megail), Eustrin Manufacturer (forced by Megail) and Eustrin Embassy.

A total 15k ProN leftover. You will start the group reunion chapter with 1,490k ProN in hand.

Second round of Yhilin Investments: Premium Steel, Public Works II, All the mercs and the Cache. This means 1,330k ProN to invest in Ardford. This is too much money (1st world problems!) because you will be forced to buy Vinario Deeds for 200k, even if you give the Knights 100k. The solution would be just bribe the Ghenalese guy for his War Vaults vote anyway, you can still give the Knights 100k. You will be leaving the city with 25k ProN.

Seems like a solid path in the end. Would have to run numbers to find out exactly how many RP you would have with each key character for the Battle of Yhilin and the aftermath (Aka, Megail, Janine, Carina, Yarra and Qum).
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Yea with all the leftover money you will want to invest in the Ghenalese guy anyway since it increases a bunch of secret scores as well.

Aka should have enough RP to take down the airship.
Janine will be maxed out so yayness.
Qum is maxed out so she can cure.
Yarra is maxed out so she can seduce.
Megail is maxed after closing down house Jade in 1.9. I'm not entirely sure if this means you miss out on the acceptance and victory points you'd gain from having Megail at 100 RP when you finish house Jade but it almost certainly does. Not being a core lender at the Yhilin bank also lowers your acceptance slightly.

All in all, barring speculation as to whether or not whoring Qum has negative consequences even further down the line it seems as though it's roughly balanced between the two paths. You'll permanently be locked out of having core lender status at the Yhilin bank, but you'll have a greater stake in PS. You lose some acceptance from sending Carina to heal Thelon instead of Qum but you'll gain some from being a core lender. You also lose some from Janine not giving the best possible speech (you need both beautifications for it) so it's really up to whether or not the negative consequences for whoring Qum drag on further or if missing out on being a core lender has further repercussions.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

So to add to my previous post, following the exact investments described there, these are the RP values BEFORE the Battle for Yhilin.

All of those assume no prostitues were visited in Stineford at all; Also considering none of them were the first one you talked to during the reunion chapter, so you can choose one and add +5:

Megail 87
Aka 80 (assuming you saved her first from slavers)
Qum 108 (assuming you saved AKA first from slavers)
Yarra 109 (assuming you saved AKA first from slavers)
Carina 52
Janine 102 (fuck yeah awesome)

You will miss some hidden scores by not having Megail at 100 (pre-battle!), but with Janine at 100 means you'll have a bit of flexibility with your choices during the battle. Meaning, unless you want that +10 rp with Dari, Essence Shield won't matter much.

Yeah I think I will make a save like this during the weekend. All that is left to decide is the first research.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Yea I'm still stuck on who to choose for the reunion +5 and which research to do first.

I'll probably take Trin again for the reunion, I just don't think we'll get a lot of chances to raise her RP. Carina is also an option but frankly I don't think she'll ever get high with the way I play doing absolutely fuck all with the Ivalan church >_> I might also go for Aka since she's so close to 100 but I dunno, I'm guessing she's also close enough to raise to 100 by other means.

As for research, I don't think there's any real way to determine this one without knowing for sure what the 'other' option for Balia's orcs does. Yhilin magic seems to lead to a unique piece of equipment for Robin (she's the weakest mage so it's dubious whether or not it's worth it) and some acceptance score.

Essence shielding is arguably the only one we can fully eliminate.

So I have a bit of a proposition for you, you take the Yhilin magic route and I'll go for orc research and exchange saves which we can use as a fallback point in case either option turns out for the better further down the line, since we seem to mostly be doing the same thing here.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Sure, we can do that. I'll probably have it done by next monday.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Incidentally if you're (partly) following along the walkthrough on the wiki (I reference it to make sure I'm not forgetting anything) do make sure you don't invest in the bank before recruiting Megail or you'll miss 5 RP with her which is devastating. She should be at 40 before you go into chapter 2.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

make sure you don't invest in the bank before recruiting Megail or you'll miss 5 RP with her
As far as I can tell she's happy either way. She just doesn't speak up approving of your investment at the time if she's not with you, because... she's not with you.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Well fuck me, I played all the way up to the reunion and Janine seems to be 5 RP short, no idea if I screwed up somewhere or if the information I'm working with is inaccurate, but fixing this would have me replay most of the game again.

I'll pass on that for the time being >_>
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]


I'm almost considering just using cheat engine. I want all the things.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Well fuck me, I played all the way up to the reunion and Janine seems to be 5 RP short, no idea if I screwed up somewhere or if the information I'm working with is inaccurate, but fixing this would have me replay most of the game again.

I'll pass on that for the time being >_>

If i may ask, 5 RP short for what exactly?
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

RP I believe is meant for Relationship Points
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Short for having her at 100 RP for the end of the battle of Yhilin, having that on time gives a bunch of bonuses and there's no real reason to miss them.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Short for having her at 100 RP for the end of the battle of Yhilin, having that on time gives a bunch of bonuses and there's no real reason to miss them.

Oh, we can actually 100 her RP when at the Yhilin Battle's conclusion? Man, i guess i need to start to consult with the wiki. :p