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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/31: 175+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES!]

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

If you read the last page me and Ndsferrari outline a lot of things involved with getting Janine to 100 RP (though the goal was more to plan the optimal investments etc. for when not whoring Qum in Stineford) Getting Janine to 100 in time to get her best speech after conquering Yhilin requires some specific investments which are otherwise worthless (Yhilin beautification 1 and 2) which are only really viable otherwise.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Yeah that's what we figured would be the probable optimal path (everything could change in the next patch for all we know) if you want to invest in the embassy and not whore Qum. Having Janine at 100 RP before the battle is critical to making up for some of the lost scores though. I started my save and made it to split routes, probably gonna play Yarra's route first this time around, because doing Simon's route right after Yarra's is kind of a pain lol. Not a big fan of having to do things in a very specific order for the best results (or miss a whole bunch of stuff if you don't!).

Edit: Made it to the Reunion. Janine has 88 RP when I thought she would have 90. Further investigation shows that she gains UP TO +5 depending on the "Poverty" score during Aka's route. The only way to get the max poverty score is to have Altina temporarily leave the party, which honestly I have no idea how to do. So instead of the full +5 I got +3. Shouldn't matter that much in the end; Janine should still have exactly 100 RP before the battle unless any more miscalculations were made.

Edit 2: Turns out you don't actually NEED to fund the Ghenelese Ambassador program in order to buy the Deeds to Vinario for 100k ProN. I chose to do so anyway for the hidden scores, but it's possible to leave Ardford with 145k ProN if you buy the Dees to Vinario before collecting the 100k ProN from the Guild ambassador

Edit 3: Trying to optimize the Battle of Yhilin with these investments is turning out to be a huge headache... too many little things were lost here and there for not having investing in the Premium Steel as early as possible and not giving Megail the gift. Potentially fixable by researching the Orcs (that +1 Army Size from the research would be huge right about now...) instead of the Yhilin Magic (although this does help, but due to how the calculations are made, it's too late). Best I could do so far was 9 Chaos right after the battle (drops to 7 by having Janine at 100rp) which puts us in an Economic Chaos (needed to have <5 to avoid that). Infuriating really, because when you talk to your party members in the throne room, Chaos drops to 4... if only the check for economic chaos was made after talking to your party members (which makes more sense imho) then I'd be set to continue. Anyway gonna replay the battle a few more times to try to get -2 chaos score somewhere without sacrificing army size or enemy score.

Edit 4: Yeah you have to sacrifice army size and enemy score a little bit, there's no other way. In the end, my scores, right after the battle and before talking to the party members are: Victory Points 18, Collateral 2, Chaos 4, Enemy Forces 35 and Acceptance 17. We'll see how they look like when I finish the game.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Sorry for the double post but I believe it's justified to bump the thread; my save (or saves rather) is done, following the investments and choices previously discussed:

View attachment Saves.zip

Brief description of each save in the zip:

Save 1: Just talk to Janine to finish the chapter. In case you want to visit any shops and sell/buy stuff cause I really don't bother doing that.
Save 2: Ready for the next patch.
Save 91: Beginning of the Post Battle Chapter in case you want to choose a different second research (I went with Orcs).
Save 92: Talk to Janine to begin the Battle of Yhilin
Save 93: Reunion Chapter, before choosing anyone to talk to first. Pick anyone you want to give that +5 to (I went with Trin).
Save 94: Right before Simon's Path
Save 95: Right before Megail's Path (Aka and Yarra done)
Save 96: Right before Aka's Path (Yarra done)
Save 97: Split routes, none done
Save 98: Right before any investments were ever made, without whoring Qum. Talking to Megail will trigger her asking for the gift.
Save 99: Talk to the old lady to choose whether or not to whore Qum.

Save 98 is what I use as a base for any new games because I don't whore Qum. Have fun with them!

P.s.: I'm surprised how much faster I finished everything just skipping the texts (except during the battle and the post battle), 14 hours and 30 minutes of game time. Could be faster disabling combat animations and skipping all the text I suppose.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

I'm actually certain you can get Janine to 90 RP at the reunion unless something changed since my older saves, since I have a save leaving the reunion where I have Janine at 90 RP without getting the second investment in Yhilin Beautification.

Furthermore my recent failed attempt had her at 85 RP as well, and I've since then figured out it was me missing an important conversation with Megail before the coup attempt that prompted me missing +5.

Not sure where you missed out on +2 RP with her, but it seems you may have missed some things during Aka's route. Altina leaving the party is, at the very least, not required.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

No I didn't miss any RP; I was merely talking about her RP as soon as the reunion chapter starts. She gets a +2 when you talk to her at the mansion after talking to everyone, which puts her at 90 (would be 92 with the whole Altina thing).
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Fair enough. Wondering why the battle for Yhilin was such a task though, since with the ability to have Aka take down the airship it should be a lot easier. I previously had to do it without, and my military investments were largely the same other than Premium Steel. The only other difference would be the orc research. Sounds like you came out well enough at the end however so it should all be fine.

What items/equipment did you decide to buy during your run by the way? I ususally buy nothing besides two buttplugs, two lightning staves and two rune shields.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Not much to be honest, I'm usually very frugal with my money in all games. That being said:

4 Thives Pins (for the infested house), 3 Runes Shields (Simon, Carina, Nalili), 1 buttplug (Yarra), 1 handcuff (Qum), 3 Charms of Perversion (totally forgot about the one we get from buying the cache), all the heavy orc gear for Orcent + an Orc Cleaver and I believe 7 Orc Potions, 2 of them were used. Also spent 7k Sx on the Seer Crystal and 5k Sx on Hilstara's Helm.

There's still 40,041 Sx available + a crapton of useless items to sell: all the iron stuff, valuable goos plus a whole bunch of other unused gear which could easily put us at 60k I believe. Just check everyone's equipped gear before selling anything because I think I didn't even optimize what everyone's using and there should be some upgrades in there.

About the Battle: Researching Yhilin Magic does absolutely nothing during (only after) the battle so you're already at disadvantage. Not having Premium Steel AND "Megail's Gift" puts us at an even further disadvantage (compared to how I usually play the game anyway). So I had to shift what I focus on during the battle: on my normal saves I focus on victory points and the hidden army scores take care of everything else easily; on this playthrough the army hidden scores for the battle are significantly lower so I had to shift the focus to reducing enemy forces and chaos wherever possible.

One thing of notice: I forgot to invest on the Petition House for the Slums on the save 2. So load save 1, invest on it if you want to, and then talk to Janine to finish the chapter.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Sounds like you buy quite a bit more than I do.

The thief pins are largely unneeded, the poison in the infested house just isn't a problem since the fight is typically decided in the first or second round.

You don't really need more than two rune shields, exchanging them between the people who use them as needed. Nalili is much more powerful using a buttplug so she starts out with max lust anyway (same for Qum, especially later on)

This also completely negates the need for charms of perversion, Qum is better off using a barrier pin if you use her anyway, and you can buy Yarra a greater magic necklace for +50 MAG, you can then swap your succubi out as they run out of lust to use instead of having idle turns.

The orc gear is a standard purchase but I typically get no more than three orc potions (usually only need two)

Also a bit surprised you don't buy any kind of magic staves considering how much of a difference they make, I imagine the optional boss at the Yhilin mages during Aka's route was brutal.

All in all it doesn't really matter much, I don't think having a massive stockpile of Sx is going to make some huge difference further down the line (that's what the whole divide between Sx and pron was all about anyway)
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Thieves Pins are uneeded, yes, but they make this part go that much faster. You can clear the whole house in one go without resting. They're also helpful on Megail's route.

You could do without a 3rd Rune Shield easily; I don't really use Carina that much and by the time she starts becoming useful you can give her the Thug's Orb found at The Hole for a bit less agi and m-def. Still decided to get one just in case.

I think Yarra is the only one that really needs that buttplug so she can start fights with full SP, otherwise she wastes too many turns masturbating. She will run out of SP even with the buttplug anyway if you use her too much, which is why I think she needs Masturbate+ to cut down on the amount of turns she needs to spend doing that. I don't really use her all that much anyway, would really love to though, but I don't like having to masturbate 2-3 turns to use the better spells.

Nalili on the other hand really doesn't need a buttplug (and that's why I get a Rune Shield for her): she needs to Masturbate+ once in the beginning of the battle and then she's good to go. Orgy of Blows pays for its cost and you can just keep spamming it. Giving her a Buttplug would save you some time when fighting groups of trash, but would be useless for boss fights. And so far Nalili wasn't really involved in that many non-boss fights anyway. All this is, of course, subject to change in the upcoming versions, now that Nalili is finally useful I can see myself using her as a permanent member of the team.

Qum I don't really use her. Like ever. Only when I'm forced to. She's the harem's official bench warmer. Robin and Altina can be healers when needed, Simon can cleanse status and revive, Carina is a much better dedicated healer.

Yhilini Mage fights: It's only a matter of knowing what are the most effective spells to use on which enemy. It was extremely hard, yes, but very doable.

Orc Potions: Yeah now here is where I planned for the future; You don't get any more opportunities to buy these (at least not yet). What if Orcent becomes involved in anymore battling where he needs them? The fact that he gets gear upgrades from the Yhilin soldiers suggests that he will be involved in more battles, and we never know if he's gonna be solo or with the party.

In the end, this doesn't amount to that much money anyway: 2500sx for 1 Rune Shield, 4400 sx for the pins, 2500 for the Potions. Everything but the Orc potions (they sell for 1 Sx each only) can be sold to get 3250 sx back.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

You know, playing through so much again made me think of something important.

When we actually defeat the Incubus King (emperor) what exactly is going to happen with his shard? Is Simon going to absorb it? Will he absorb the others after that as well? It seems something else is likely to happen as Simon becoming much more powerful would almost negate the use of a party, he'd simply become to powerful to really be a player character.

This is also related to the question of what happened to the shard of the incubus that was slain by Ginasta at the Gathering. Riala is another such mystery because where did she find the shard she gives to Simon and who did she obtain it from, there has been no mention of a missing/deceased incubus king at the Gathering or anything of the sort. This also begs the question of what created the shards in the first place (presuming they really are shards of the Lustlord's soul, what would happen if they become united?)

Now I can only guess Ginasta might end up preventing Simon from obtaining the Incubus King's shard. Heck, at this point I'd even wager to guess Ginasta is the unwitting agent of some outside force who is using her to obtain more shards, but that's complete conjecture on my end.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

The nature of the shards is to conquer others, so even if Simon does not desire the power of the incubus emperor, he will be forced to acquire it (also to avoid the easy temptation for the other holders to just get there and become even more powerful)

While the Doomed King plan is quite good, it also underestimates the reactions the rest of the nations will have, most likely by the time the dust settles every nation in Arclent will be under Simon's control either by reclaiming it from the IE's control, or because he was attacked first by them.

And THEN he should expect invasions from the other holders, looking forward to take down the youngest candidate and expecting it to be easy.

All in all, IMO his plans are bound to became an escape forward, until the real villain is shown and the plot ends.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

I have a feeling we will not defeat any of the Incubus Kings anytime soon, not before further revelations about the shards are made anyway. And also not before we find out exactly who and what Ginasta is. Is she just a random powerful mortal woman? I hardly think so.

Simon is already absorbing a lot of smaller fragments (Remember all those caches?) and considering he asked Esthera if it would be possible to balance their shards as equals, I'm not so sure if he's gonna destroy them or try to absorb them, even if he breaks the shard in many pieces to absorb them one at a time and not become overwhelmed by the corruption. My guess is he's gonna use the shards in one way or another and not destroy them.

And that was a good point concerning Skullcrusher's shard: what exactly happened to it? My guess is that the shard was destroyed when Ginasta killed him.

The Doomed King plan I wouldn't be surprised if it backfired somehow. I wouldn't even be surprised if things got out of hand and Simon was forced to extend the Doomed King plan to the whole Arclent continent (lol) and leave Janine as Arclent's High Queen after everything is done. Everything goes I guess.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Narratively I think King Allalon has been given too much attention to be brushed aside. While I do believe our efforts will expand around Arclent I'm thinking most of it will be prompted by conflict with the Incubus Emperor. I'm still thinking something is set to happen to Tyna which will prompt King Allolon to action and have him be a direct ally for a longer term, also revealing some of the things he seems to know. Ultimately I highly doubt the nations of Arclent will somehow be united under one banner rather than a long-term alliance.

As for the Incubus Emperor's shard, either someone else takes it before Simon can. One of the other Incubi might take advantage of the conflict to capture his shard for example, or it could meet the same fate as Skullcrusher's (or Simon's) shard and be captured by outside forces or just be lost to us somehow. While I do think Simon is set to deal with having a major shard at some point, I'm thinking this might be a bit too soon in the story.

If we want to talk complete endgame though, I'm thinking it's certainly possible for the Lustlord himself, the source of those shards, to come into play at some point, as we've already seen several divine figures be in play (and seemingly entrapped by other forces, at that) and this just seems like a logical, almost foregone, conclusion.

Still, the two biggest immediate questions for me remain; What happened to Skullcrusher's shard? Where did Riala get Simon's shard?
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

So at the end of the day picking orc research and going through everything else as intended the final results worked out quite well.

With my understanding of total numbers for Yhilin's current status I should be at the following scores;

25 Victory points: 19 from the battle + aftermath, 6 from funding the double noble campaign
0 (-2?) Chaos: 3 from the battle, -5 from funding recovery efforts in the house of petitions.
0 (-2?) Collateral damage: the battle went really well for this one.
38 Enemy forces: 30 is the next benchmark for better results during the battle, dropping it lower than this wouldn't accomplish much.
30 Acceptance: This allows me to buy the slum house of petitions for 25% of the discretionary funding.

At the end of it all I funded the double campaign for the nobility (20%), capturing the mine (25%), building a second house of petitions in the slums (25%), and reducing what little chaos was left after the battle (10%).

Robin's research is set to Yhilini Magic (it's really her custom item that's important to me here) And Balia is set to evolve our orcs in 'other' ways.

Due to not whoring Qum, Ginasta is sitting comfortably at -27 RP.


  • Save60.zip
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

All that's left to do now is wait for the next release.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]


I should probably be vomiting money all over this with how much I enjoy it, but times are lean. Like, just... fuck, how is this game so inexplicably quality? Anyway, looking forward to the next release.

I guess I'll just fanboy about one of the things I really appreciate about it: All the smut is kept in nice, digestible little bites, both in paragraph size and pace. What I mean is, they're never like a billion pages long, so they don't feel like they bring the game to a grinding halt, and and there's always a line break every few lines, so it's nice and easy to read. It's pretty good.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Anyone have any news?
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Anyone have any news?

Sierra is having personal issues, so the next update might be delayed a bit, but she is still working on it when she gets the time. Just letting you people know in case you are not a patron to see the updates there.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

There was something in the latest Patreon post that might be of interest while people wait:

What are you looking forward to?

In the short term? Getting into the basic pattern of chapter three for TLS. The first two chapters each had a core theme and feel, and the third chapter is no exception. You'll be going to and from Yhilin, managing it as you advance the plot in broader ways. So far there's been plenty of setup, but as much as I like that content, it's even more fun to build on that foundation.

So it seems we won't be completely abandoning Yhilin any time soon ;)
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/15]

Sierra is having personal issues, so the next update might be delayed a bit, but she is still working on it when she gets the time. Just letting you people know in case you are not a patron to see the updates there.

Ah thanks for the reply, much appreciated. Times are grim and I had to cancel my patreons for a bit. Here's hoping everything goes well for Sierra.

So it seems we won't be completely abandoning Yhilin any time soon ;)

Yeah I think we're gonna spend quite a few updates working on the Yhilin situation. Things just barely got started there if you think about it :)