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Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

Some of that is marketing, where people pump up the supposed value of a show or whatever, that really isn't all that good... which makes it seem popular. That applies more to TV and movies, I think, where you have people controlling what's raved about and what's not.

On the other hand, I don't know if 'popular' and 'internet' necessarily equate to 'good'. I'd say that it has more to do with the phenomenon of internet phenomena -- the fact that if you see it and get it and pass it on, it (and therefor you) have a bit more of nerd-cool factor. There are lots of examples that are rather mediocre in terms of quality or just plain making sense, but are popular because they help define a subculture and work like a secret handshake of 'I totally know what you're talking about, therefore we're on the same page'.

Of course, that's not all internet media -- sure, there's some good stuff out there that some people are of different minds about, but it's not the only option.

</ramble> XD
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

There is a thread for awesome videos. There is a thread for awesome links. This could have easily fitted in either.
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

In other news, you're gonna love my nuts.
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

There is a thread for awesome videos. There is a thread for awesome links. This could have easily fitted in either.

Sorry, I didn't know I had to stop and check previously made threads to make sure I wouldn't annoy everybody here by posting a thread.
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

Well then let me be the first to welcome you to the internet, intelligence, and reading.

"So poor Obeliskos doesn't have to make a seperate thread for each gem he finds in the interwebs. Post what you got, people!"
Quoted from the first post in a thread you've been in, so it's not like searching is a difficult prospect.
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

Let me ask, where do YOU hang out on the internet? This is the only forum I've gone to that complains so much about making a topic that's relevant to a topic previously made. I have been to forums like that before, but I don't go there anymore, mostly for that reason. And at least said forums don't basically hijack the topic and pull it completely off track, starting a fight. It's a sad day when a user can't say "hay guise, look at this awsum vidya i found!" and basically get a big "fuck you" from the rest of the community.

I'm all for organization and such, but forums doing that shit is going overboard. I wonder if there was once a time where someone could post a topic without worrying about if it's been covered somewhere else and if the community will get pissed at them.
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

I have an idea, how about everyone quit complaining when obe makes new threads. Last I checked this is a forum where we show stuff to people that we like or think is interesting if you don't want to look at. Freaking don't no one is making you read this or post. Wether you like it or not he's a member of the community and he's allowed to post just like everyone else otherwise we might as well just close the place down because no one should be posting things for fear of annoying people.
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

Let me ask, where do YOU hang out on the internet? This is the only forum I've gone to that complains so much about making a topic that's relevant to a topic previously made.

Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

You're the one exploding. Nunu asked you not to make new threads, and when you asked what the big deal was, I continued to explain it, while you acted like you were being crucified. See, I kept posting cuz you kept failing to understand, I was wondering when you'd be done.
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

hey ladies. cease this bitching or Imma gonna hafta choke a bitch. And I dont choke nicely.
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

You're the one exploding. Nunu asked you not to make new threads, and when you asked what the big deal was, I continued to explain it, while you acted like you were being crucified. See, I kept posting cuz you kept failing to understand, I was wondering when you'd be done.

Yeah? Well, here's what I think of your explaining.

*spits on ground*

Now get to steppin' before I have to take up Oni's bitch choking offer, the bitch being you. This is my court.
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

As Yahtzee once said, Sometimes popular things are popular for a reason: Because they're good.


Sorry, I seen it and I couldn't help but fix it... it was kinda... irking.

And for the dual topic here:

Slap Chop rap:
Funny once, lost it's charm quick. Afterwords I got sick of hearing about it... just personal preference I guess. I'm just not a huge fan of parodies/remixes... yet I like Weird Al... I'm gonna have to think on that.

Making a thread for EVERYTHING!:
While there isn't a rule about making a thread about every little thing that happens. It gets annoying when I look at the maker of the topic and see the same name over and over and over and over and over and... you get the point.

Still, maybe make another board for random crap... we could call it Everything Else or... oh...

Maybe generalize it, like a thread for random vids, that way everyone can contribute with vids that they find funny. Instead of having one thread created for one video where a few people will say things along the lines of "Oh that's funny" and the topic dies. You know?
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

Making a thread for EVERYTHING!:
While there isn't a rule about making a thread about every little thing that happens. It gets annoying when I look at the maker of the topic and see the same name over and over and over and over and over and... you get the point.

Still, maybe make another board for random crap... we could call it Everything Else or... oh...

Maybe generalize it, like a thread for random vids, that way everyone can contribute with vids that they find funny. Instead of having one thread created for one video where a few people will say things along the lines of "Oh that's funny" and the topic dies. You know?

He said he didn't want to hear explaining guru.
I mean, except when he said
Obeliskos said:
Is there a good reason for not making a bunch of topics, or is it just regarded as spam around here?
But yeah, I think the conversation has been furthered as much as it can, as two sides obviously don't agree.
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Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

I did want explaining, I just don't care anymore. Hence the

Yeah? Well, here's what I think of your explaining.

*spits on ground*

Now get to steppin' before I have to take up Oni's bitch choking offer, the bitch being you. This is my court.

Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

Actually there IS a rule - pointed DIRECTLY at Obeliskos.

EDIT: On another board I used to visit they actually had a Spam Forum where almost no rules applied, except "No flaming". I think something like that may fit this board as well.
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Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

You know it's not that serious, we're just asking. I mean Nunu even defended cybeast in the hentai forum concerning a request thread outside the hentai finder thread.
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

i get the feeling some people are taking my stance on this WAY to seriously. i mean i wouldn't consider these topics spamming. i mean they've all got some decent level of content.

i don't really know what the best way to do this is cos its such a small issue. how about we just let it keep on going and all try to have as much fun as possible.

as for cybeast, given that that place exists so we can have one thread per movie for easy filing, i'd call what she did using it correctly.
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

Still not getting it. Maybe it's complete crap to YOU, but a lot of people like it, so reality TV is clearly doing something right and is good for what it is. It just doesn't appeal to you.

Oh? Then name something that makes reality TV good other than it's popularity.
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

Thrive of human competition?
Re: Sl-sl-sl-slap chop

i always figured big brother would be a lot more fun if the doors were fitted with electronic locks and the crew could just lock down areas of the house at will.

then they need some decent challenges, like dumping 1 ton of cabbages in the living room and just saying "deal with it", or filling their pool with gelatin.