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RPG RPG Maker [SQDT] サキュバスアカデミア / Succubus Academia (RJ265946)

that saved is bugged since only 3 succubus can tranform... i tried everithing and i cant make the other succ transfrom, so thats the reason i ask for another save. But apreciated your info.
Using a save is the very reason you don't understand what's going on and what you're missing.
You're looking for this post. He was missing: ribbon girl -> use Analyze on her.

I'd usually wait to have more to report, but it might be more useful now:
- Nina's name typo: 'Yoshino Niina' (in her .js)
- phantom description(character index): "whether" out of bounds/cut off
geez now I can hardly ignore what my kawai maido does in unwanted places... It was easier in Japanese :LOL:
your saved did not worked its actually bugged

how can you encounter a battle with Mnes something i already cleared the boss rush but it only made me do a restart

its also weird that i can't see the door now for notorious succubus
Thanks for the typo catches, friends, I'm trying to fix them as they come.
- Nina's name typo: 'Yoshino Niina' (in her .js)
Fun-behind-the-scenes-fact(?) about this one: it originally wasn't a "typo" in that the kanji can be read that way, and that's the way I thought hers was supposed to be read, with the shortened nickname intended to be just that. I found out that wasn't the intention, and then just didn't think to go back and change it.

how can you encounter a battle with Mnes something i already cleared the boss rush but it only made me do a restart
Steps in great detail under the spoiler tag:
  1. Buy the gasoline from the Demon Merchant, and take it to the motorcycle in the southeast part of the clubhouse.
  2. Follow the path that opens up, and you'll see a delinquent feeding some cats. Watch the scene, to unlock him as a playable character, and then leave.
  3. Pick the delinquent (Tohru) as your character, which will give you the Outlaw ability, that breaks windows that block your path.
  4. Go to the "Forest: Crossing" area. In the northwest, there's an exit blocked by a window. Break it, and follow the path.
  5. You'll see another short scene that unlocks another playable character, the dramatist (Nozomu).
  6. Buy the Axe from the Demon Merchant, and use it to open the trap door to the basement.
  7. Explore the basement and follow the steps hidden there to unlock the Gallery.
  8. Once the Gallery is unlocked, and the Occult Club has left (happens after you satisfy two story bosses, or pick the Occult Club member as your player character to make it happen automatically), you'll see a glowing spot on the magic circle where the Demon Merchant used to be. Choose to investigate it.
  9. Return to the basement and enter the gallery. Speak to the woman there (Mnemosyne) and she'll expand the gallery.
  10. Once the gallery's expanded, speak to her while controlling Nozomu, and you'll have the option to declare that your memories are "unclean" and not worthy of her.
  11. After a short conversation, you'll have the option to have an encounter with her (note: turn her down, and something hilarious will happen, but you'll miss the encounter)
Hi, Can I play with female MC or only male?
There is mod support, where is a wiki or web about mod projects like Succubus Rhapsodia?
anyone can help me to find alma elma? can't seems to find her
it should be in the same map as the track runner girl, but I just can't find it

NVM, just found the guide somewhere in this thread

and damn, why did I kill that invisible guy. now I can't have a full save in one run (I'm playing in full hard mode btw). sigh, guess I need to replay it again from the start
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how can i fight with the purple succubus helping you?
Please, kindly stop spamming the thread. :mad:

I can't be bothered to download some else's save, so here, full gallery. Now please leave this poor thread alone and use the search function.

edit: I took the opportunity to convert each and every name to their English counterparts.
Against my better judgement, I left available the option to start a new run (the clock, 1st option).


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Just tried my save, everything seems to work fine, the one I uploaded is from 1.0 and didn't use any updates, nor (if there is any) any translation patches. I can't see what the commotion is all about:unsure:
Just tried my save, everything seems to work fine, the one I uploaded is from 1.0 and didn't use any updates, nor (if there is any) any translation patches. I can't see what the commotion is all about:unsure:
Same, I double checked your save and had no issues, pretty sure he just doesn't care to learn the proper mechanics.
Thanks, I went back and it seems to have been caught in my current iteration of things. Not sure how or when, but apparently something I was working on for 1.0 had me go back into that file. But thanks to the report, I know for sure it's fixed now!

another text that got cut out

also there's a miss-translation in the trophy section
NVM, ignore that, somehow I manage to get trophy *4 for satisfying 100 drifters, but not for 50 drifters
so maybe it's a bug from the game itself
oh also, there's difference in translation there
Trophy *4 Satisfied 100 dream spirits
while the Trophy *1 *2 *3 Satisfied (3, 20, 50) drifters

there's still a few more tbh, but it's not that important since the text that got cut out is like "did" shown as "dic" or something similar
so I left those out ( also because I forgot to screenshot them :v )
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Just tried my save, everything seems to work fine, the one I uploaded is from 1.0 and didn't use any updates, nor (if there is any) any translation patches. I can't see what the commotion is all about:unsure:
It would surprise me if it took 808 download to get a couple reports a month later :ROFLMAO:
I'll edit my post, since the save should still be convenient for gallery browsing, and for the English names.

As for a translation patch, definitely try SNStep's. You'll miss out on SQDT's additions so far (which aren't many... yet) but I can vouch for the English quality. Keep a backup of your /data and /js folders just in case, but you shouldn't encounter game-breaking bugs.
Once he's done with his 1.0, we'll try and adapt it to the latest SQDT version. I'd love to use that Daydreamer item, if only to stop savescumming
another text that got cut out
That was known, but I didn't have a fix for it.
Strange, however, did! So it'll be fixed in 1.0 (which is almost ready, got a little more QC to do so it'll be tomorrow, barring something unforeseen).

Also fixed the Trophy you caught (and that helped me catch and correct a couple others that had some old-draft terms), so thanks.
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Also fixed the Trophy you caught (and that helped me catch and correct a couple others that had some old-draft terms), so thanks.
OwO nice, and I'm glad that helped you.

can't wait for the full translation, since I'm really curious what's the real ending about.
can't wait for the full translation, since I'm really curious what's the real ending about.
It's a little dense regardless (and vague in what feels like a deliberate way), but hopefully you like it!
Anyway I've spent a good couple of days trying to QC stuff since this may be it for a while. Inevitably, I'll find something right after posting. But we'll burn that bridge when we come to it.

Succubus Academia English Translation Patch 1.0
This patch is based on version 1.0.1 of the Japanese game.
(Maybe. The readme for the copy I bought says 1.0.1, but there's at least one bug that should be fixed by that patch that doesn't appear to be fixed in this version. So it might be 1.0, in fact.)

To use it:
Unzip the file, and insert the contents of the 'www' folder directly into the folder of the same name in the game's main folder. Overwrite as necessary. Run the game.

A note on names:
When entering a name, you can use up to 18 characters in each field (if you have passing knowledge of Japanese, ignore the text that says you only have 8. That's an image and can't be easily translated at this time. The first field should be the character's full name, Japanese style (so family name, given name) with a space between the two separating them. The second field whatever nickname you may want the character to have (default is just the first name).

What's new in this patch:

The content revolving around the True Ending is complete, which means that the game should now be able to be played entirely in English. Any Japanese text that remains (and isn't in an image) is a bug or an oversight.

Thanks to some scripting by Strange at ULMF, a few old bugs were fixed, and one has a workaround now. If you use a save file that already had encountered certain characters, their names get locked to Japanese. However, if you investigate the books on the table near the Occult Club protagonist's starting point in the Clubhouse, or in the Frozen Basement between Ayumu and the piano, you can reset all names to their English default. Note that using the set in the Frozen Basement reverts the names to Japanese again when you leave the area, so only use that version if you've already finished the game's true ending and can't leave.

What was in previous patch(es):

0.1 - Everything you can see or possibly see by the time you finish the first area (the forest) -should- be translated. That includes the all the crunchy stuff (items, skills, etc), the prologue, field dialogue, tutorials, character index entries, all battle data with enemies in the first dungeon, the midboss, both forms of the first boss, and one other scene that uses the combat system.

0.4 - All content related to the track and pool areas, their enemies/bosses and events, should be in English now. Mochizuki and Nina's "battles" are also translated. The Gallery section is also mostly done.

0.8 - The two remaining main game areas, the Mirror World, and the Haunted lab, and all their content, have been translated, in addition, the encounter with Mnemosyne, the initial encounters with the 5 Notorious Succubi, and the end game "boss rush" has also been translated to English. Essentially, everything up to the opening of the path to the True End.

Missing from the translation:

Certain grammar and syntax patterns in the interface and combat text were changed with version 0.8 of the patch, to account for certain late game events that did not exactly...translate well. I've attempted to account for these changes in the broad approach, so there shouldn't be any major grammatical errors (on purpose, anyway), but things may be a little inconsistent in terms of syntax. That will hopefully get fixed with future patches and edits.

With regards to the Gallery, the book perk is also something I'm not messing with, in part because it doesn't "translate" well in the first place, so it's a lot of extra work, relative to its usefulness. I'll do something with it someday. Maybe. Or if someone has an idea of an alternative use (something that isn't in the Gallery currently?), suggest it, and maybe it can be made to do something different.

Known bugs:

Options for conversation nameplates, and the Auto-Advance for battle and field messages, as well as certain text in the shop -may- reset their labels to Japanese. This seems to be tied to actually editing the game, so as long you don't mess with the files, the translated text should stay put.

Since I have been QCing alone, there may be grammatical errors, inconsistencies, or cut off text that I've missed. In fact, there almost certainly is. If you find them, let me know (screenshots help!) so that they can be fixed for future patches.

What's coming next:

With the game completely translated in its base form, the next step is going to be updating the content to the latest Japanese version of the game (currently at 1.1.4 as of this writing). Because this will involve re-replacing all the text, this next phase will also involve editing and tweaking syntax and messy translation to try to make things as polished as possible. Once the patch is caught up to the Japanese content, effort will be made to keep it caught up, along with supporting the optional mods that have started to appear (assuming that those don't get out of control in terms of quantity; as of this writing, there's only one).

Special thanks to:
Strange on ULMF, for tips and tweaks on the coding, fixing a few bugs so that this can be a better experience for everyone!

Final warning:

Game lore says that since Succubi are fantasy creatures, if you jerk off imagining a Succubus, you are actually being assaulted by that Succubus. Translator takes no responsibility for unexpected draining.


  • Succubus Academia English Patch 1.0.zip
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Thanks for the translation. Still not sure if I should start now or wait until the version that works on 1.1.4

Welp started playing and caught some untranslated lines after talking with companion immediately after unlocking the delinquent.

More after first dryad fight.

No translation for this chicken either

Another after dying to Ayumu, coming back and pressing shift

Right before breaking the mirrors leading to bonus boss.

Maybe the flowers triggered it?


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It's a little dense regardless (and vague in what feels like a deliberate way), but hopefully you like it!
Anyway I've spent a good couple of days trying to QC stuff since this may be it for a while. Inevitably, I'll find something right after posting. But we'll burn that bridge when we come to it.

Succubus Academia English Translation Patch 1.0
This patch is based on version 1.0.1 of the Japanese game.
(Maybe. The readme for the copy I bought says 1.0.1, but there's at least one bug that should be fixed by that patch that doesn't appear to be fixed in this version. So it might be 1.0, in fact.)

To use it:
Unzip the file, and insert the contents of the 'www' folder directly into the folder of the same name in the game's main folder. Overwrite as necessary. Run the game.

A note on names:
When entering a name, you can use up to 18 characters in each field (if you have passing knowledge of Japanese, ignore the text that says you only have 8. That's an image and can't be easily translated at this time. The first field should be the character's full name, Japanese style (so family name, given name) with a space between the two separating them. The second field whatever nickname you may want the character to have (default is just the first name).

What's new in this patch:

The content revolving around the True Ending is complete, which means that the game should now be able to be played entirely in English. Any Japanese text that remains (and isn't in an image) is a bug or an oversight.

Thanks to some scripting by Strange at ULMF, a few old bugs were fixed, and one has a workaround now. If you use a save file that already had encountered certain characters, their names get locked to Japanese. However, if you investigate the books on the table near the Occult Club protagonist's starting point in the Clubhouse, or in the Frozen Basement between Ayumu and the piano, you can reset all names to their English default. Note that using the set in the Frozen Basement reverts the names to Japanese again when you leave the area, so only use that version if you've already finished the game's true ending and can't leave.

What was in previous patch(es):

0.1 - Everything you can see or possibly see by the time you finish the first area (the forest) -should- be translated. That includes the all the crunchy stuff (items, skills, etc), the prologue, field dialogue, tutorials, character index entries, all battle data with enemies in the first dungeon, the midboss, both forms of the first boss, and one other scene that uses the combat system.

0.4 - All content related to the track and pool areas, their enemies/bosses and events, should be in English now. Mochizuki and Nina's "battles" are also translated. The Gallery section is also mostly done.

0.8 - The two remaining main game areas, the Mirror World, and the Haunted lab, and all their content, have been translated, in addition, the encounter with Mnemosyne, the initial encounters with the 5 Notorious Succubi, and the end game "boss rush" has also been translated to English. Essentially, everything up to the opening of the path to the True End.

Missing from the translation:

Certain grammar and syntax patterns in the interface and combat text were changed with version 0.8 of the patch, to account for certain late game events that did not exactly...translate well. I've attempted to account for these changes in the broad approach, so there shouldn't be any major grammatical errors (on purpose, anyway), but things may be a little inconsistent in terms of syntax. That will hopefully get fixed with future patches and edits.

With regards to the Gallery, the book perk is also something I'm not messing with, in part because it doesn't "translate" well in the first place, so it's a lot of extra work, relative to its usefulness. I'll do something with it someday. Maybe. Or if someone has an idea of an alternative use (something that isn't in the Gallery currently?), suggest it, and maybe it can be made to do something different.

Known bugs:

Options for conversation nameplates, and the Auto-Advance for battle and field messages, as well as certain text in the shop -may- reset their labels to Japanese. This seems to be tied to actually editing the game, so as long you don't mess with the files, the translated text should stay put.

Since I have been QCing alone, there may be grammatical errors, inconsistencies, or cut off text that I've missed. In fact, there almost certainly is. If you find them, let me know (screenshots help!) so that they can be fixed for future patches.

What's coming next:

With the game completely translated in its base form, the next step is going to be updating the content to the latest Japanese version of the game (currently at 1.1.4 as of this writing). Because this will involve re-replacing all the text, this next phase will also involve editing and tweaking syntax and messy translation to try to make things as polished as possible. Once the patch is caught up to the Japanese content, effort will be made to keep it caught up, along with supporting the optional mods that have started to appear (assuming that those don't get out of control in terms of quantity; as of this writing, there's only one).

Special thanks to:
Strange on ULMF, for tips and tweaks on the coding, fixing a few bugs so that this can be a better experience for everyone!

Final warning:

Game lore says that since Succubi are fantasy creatures, if you jerk off imagining a Succubus, you are actually being assaulted by that Succubus. Translator takes no responsibility for unexpected draining.
You are an absolute champion. Amazing translation, well done!
Wow, I cannot believe you finished it already and made such a quality translation. I really appreciated your anglicizing of idioms and how you navigated the context/content in such a way that it remained evocative. Whether you just normally work this way or found yourself driven by passion for the game, thank you, and well done!
Thanks for the words of support!

Whether you just normally work this way or found yourself driven by passion for the game, thank you, and well done!
A little bit of both. I like to think if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well. It's a good game, so it deserves the best I could give it. If it didn't, I probably wouldn't have made the effort in the first place! 😅
But I'm really glad people are pleased with the efforts, too!

Welp started playing and caught some untranslated lines
By all means, keep 'em coming. Most of these look like quick-fix sort of things, so depending on how progress with updating the translation to the latest versions goes, I may do a 1.0a or the like. And even if I don't, I'll be able to keep an eye out and catch them for the future.
thanks for the translation
I'm not sure about this one, whether it's because you forgot to translate this or maybe it's because of the additional content that's not available from your base translation (I'm patching my game with the latest version, then using your translation patch)
all the chat and choices after that are still in japanese
another untranslated part, but idk if it's a spoiler story wise or not, so i'll put it in spoiler tag like usual
in the frozen basement, just talk to the thermometer directly
Ah, both of those are missed on my part. In sort of hilarious, self-reflective, "Oh, so thaaaaaaaaat's what that bit in the code was!" moments.
The Dream Thermometer one is actually a difficulty slider, from what I can see (though the game doesn't exactly tell you that even if you know what it says), which is even a function I was sort of surprised wasn't in the game.

I'm thinking there will indeed be a 1.0a. Though I'll likely give it a little time to see what else is uncovered by fresh eyes.