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RPG RPG Maker [SQDT] サキュバスアカデミア / Succubus Academia (RJ265946)


Aug 27, 2019
Reputation score
Can we clear the air a little? It was a lovely game, from a creator with a lot of passion for the craft. Lots of nice easter eggs inside with some hilarious moments and a fun story (that we were fortunate to be a part of, thanks again SNStep). Excited to see the upcoming mods as well. Btw, loved the difficulty, anyone else have trouble with the bosses the first time? I loved figuring out there little mechanics.


Demon Girl
Feb 10, 2012
Reputation score
The level of cruelty those piece of shit assholes succubus
if the entire purpose was making the player hate succubus in porn games, they got it with flying colors.
It really sounds to me like you never liked Succubi to begin with, and honestly, it's a lot of other games that have Succubi all wrong.
Granted, they went pretty dark, and it's definitely 100% possible to make a credible succubus and make them a bit more tame on the Misanthropy department.
But if you like one of those stories where the succubus is a hot girl with wings that you can fuck, make cum, fall madly in love with you and be forever your submissive loyal partner... you probably want to pivot from Succubus towards Bat Girl. That seems more akin to what you are looking for.

It is time to enter a new era! Down with lovable waifus that don't exist. It is time to depict the modern paragdim of male/female relations without the veil of social conventions. This game... This game has laid it all bare and you just failed to see it...
That sounds less the modern paragdim of male/female relations and more what I would call a personal problem

And honestly, WE, the customers, are to blame for creating and feeding this heavy femdom-biased market. We reap what we sowed.
As someone who actually seeks out femdom games specifically and is not interested at all in maledom and stuff ajdacent to it (like tentacle porn and various monsters on girl), trust me, the market is not Femdom-biased at all.
There is a core of Really high quality game that are all about femdom and that is a blessing.
ToroToro, SQDT, Excessm, 62Studio (although as said by other, way tamer)

For people that are into girls getting fucked helpless there are a lot of games to go around, and there is nothing wrong with that.
If someone doesn't like it, well... this game is just not for you.

Hell, even for me, playing Domina I went from enjoying the first Domina but already hoping to hit the brakes a tiny bit, to mostly endure others to see if it would get better, to the straight up "The next girl is going to start cutting dicks off" which was the point where I went "Ok then, Time to move to another series"


Tentacle Monster
Sep 20, 2012
Reputation score
It really sounds to me like you never liked Succubi to begin with, and honestly, it's a lot of other games that have Succubi all wrong.
Granted, they went pretty dark, and it's definitely 100% possible to make a credible succubus and make them a bit more tame on the Misanthropy department.
But if you like one of those stories where the succubus is a hot girl with wings that you can fuck, make cum, fall madly in love with you and be forever your submissive loyal partner... you probably want to pivot from Succubus towards Bat Girl. That seems more akin to what you are looking for.

That sounds less the modern paragdim of male/female relations and more what I would call a personal problem

As someone who actually seeks out femdom games specifically and is not interested at all in maledom and stuff ajdacent to it (like tentacle porn and various monsters on girl), trust me, the market is not Femdom-biased at all.
There is a core of Really high quality game that are all about femdom and that is a blessing.
ToroToro, SQDT, Excessm, 62Studio (although as said by other, way tamer)

For people that are into girls getting fucked helpless there are a lot of games to go around, and there is nothing wrong with that.
If someone doesn't like it, well... this game is just not for you.

Hell, even for me, playing Domina I went from enjoying the first Domina but already hoping to hit the brakes a tiny bit, to mostly endure others to see if it would get better, to the straight up "The next girl is going to start cutting dicks off" which was the point where I went "Ok then, Time to move to another series"
Hey wait a minute, the succubus Bat Girl in Youmaen loli kindergarden was not that kind of girl though.
But anyway, people voting for what they want with their wallets is the norm, but I can tell you guys right now from the statistics we've seen in the 10 years of dlsite that vanilla-esk H games always rank the highest. The highest sold H game is still Teaching Feeling to this day.
Mar 26, 2018
Reputation score
This is normal for succubi though?
Like 99% of succubi in monstergirl games are the worst.

In MGQ, the succubi give no shits about human life. The only one of the 4 heavenly knights that has 0 romantic relationships with the protagonist is the succubus knight, Alma Elma.
All of Libraheart (At least 7 titles) succubi are heartless monsters that give no shits about the various men and monsters they fuck.
Succubus Prison have succubi give no shits about human life, and no romantic designs.
Every Circle Teckua (At least 6 titles) game as well.
Hell even the Monster Girl Encyclopedia which has the most lovey dovey atmosphere with monsters say the succubi participate in gangbangs and kill men they don't like before they find the guy they eventually settle for.

Honestly, what bothers me about this game, is that they still attempt at romance? Like bitch get out of here with that. Cowards couldn't just make the girls straight up villains like Succubus Prison.

Succubi are almost never "heroines" and even rarer shown to care about anything besides lust.
This is a game that completely focuses on succubi so it's just becoming apparent to you, but succubi have always been like this. Seriously, think about any succubus heroine that you actually like. You won't find any.

Well... 62studio's games did kinda spoil us by hiding away the terrible nature of the succubi, but if you think about it even a little then the heroines in those game are pretty bad.

This has to be the most incel statement I've ever read.
God I hope you're not being unironic.

Hunh? What's femdom got to do with any of this?
The market is biased towards femdom? Are you high?
There are succubi in MGQ who explicitly don't kill humans, like those in Succubus Village (mostly). Granted, they keep them as livestock instead, but men outright migrate to the village to become livestock, so it's some kind of bizarre symbiosis.

As for succubi in MGE, gangbangs aren't mentioned anywhere in the most recent profile ( ), and killing men they don't like has definitely never been true. The monster girls being non-lethal has been a fundamental aspect of the setting right from the start.

tired noir

New member
Feb 15, 2021
Reputation score
OG saga? Both OG and Paradox is like this.

Why are you trying to do a "but?" The characterization of the succubi is the exact same. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
For instance, Alma Elma is not a virgin. She shows up at the coliseum often to fight, and she has the best sexual skills of all the monsters. She knows exactly how to drain men to death. The game doesn't show it, but Alma's most likely fucked countless would-be heroes to death. Also Alma's not a battle junkie. She's just aloof.

All Libraheart games are unnecessarily depressing and contain 0 interesting/empathetic characters.
But they're maledom games, I don't have high expectations on the empathy front in maledom games.

No, it's just one of the first games that ONLY had succubus enemies.
They weren't cowards like SQDT though. The succubi in Succubus prison are never portrayed positively. As soon as a scene that shows a small sign of empathy happens the game then shows that same character fucking to death a random salaryman. They aren't heroines. They're the enemy.
One of the team members who worked on SQDT probably understood. An NPC calls out the characterization of the succubi, but they just couldn't stay consistent by trying to add hints of romance in this game by making all succubi have a pair that they had romantic attachments with (and romance dialogue) - before they consign them to oblivion of course.

There you go with the "but" again XD
Characterization is the exact same.

Succubi give no shit. They aren't heroines, they're enemies. No matter how cute they might be, they fucked other people before you and will fuck other people after they kill you.
"you can "save" them from turning into complete monsters if the transformation was recent and they just turn into a random demi human"
I mean... they're not succubus anymore then?

"heck you can even negotiate with pure born succubus and they will listen or even fall for you like Alma in the MGQ example if you prove yourself worthy."
What's that got to do with their overall character? Pure blooded succubi in that game are never shown as heroines. The succubus character that goes to your house in Succubus Tamer 2 still fucks other people.
Alma elma never falls in love with Luca in MGQ.

Torotoro wasn't an idiot, he wrote romance for every heavenly knight except Alma Elma.

Luca accidentally passes the trial for Granberia making him able to marry her. Granberia likes strong and cute guys, and luca fits both categories. Her tastes in men are revealed during Salamander's fight.
Tamamo is constantly impressed by Luca's good nature, and when he goes to yamatai and helps out she becomes completely intent on helping him grow and wants to live with him in the future.
Erubetie's hate is cleansed by Luca's pure-hearted attempts at reconciliation. Luca never gives up on her, so when she goes dere after being tsun, she goes super-dere.

Only Alma Elma gets no romantic buildup with Luca. 0. But I mean... come on... she's a succubus. It's pretty clear why. Even in the end-game it's said that she constantly goes to the coliseum where tons of guys fight to reach the finals in order to "fight" her. Like she's clearly not a heroine. And well... you know what happens when you lose in the coliseum.

The corruption angle isn't even that bad though. That's a thing with 90% of the monsters in MGE. That world doesn't make much sense if you think about it so it's better if you don't think too hard about that part.

What's worse is that every other monster, even if they have a lustful nature has romantic tendencies. No matter how cruel or crazy, they all fall for a guy and then do what monster girls do to obtain them, sometimes going so far as raping them.

The only exception is Succubi. They'll participate in gangbangs with multiple men, kidnap guys they think are good looking and give them random bjs and just generally slut it up before they get bored and look for a single guy.

Then why the superficial attempt at romance?
Why not just consign them the status of "enemy" and be done with it?

The fact that the heroes are in such a negative position they "can't win" isn't bad. Persevering under those circumstances is satisfying for the player because even if you're destined to lose you're putting in the effort. Problem is that the game attempts at characterizing the enemy, and it does a bad job. None of the girls are likeable, so there's no feeling like, "I'm going out with a bang." and all the heroines are tied to a separate guy but would fuck anyone so the games going out of it's way to sever attachment with them.

That's fine, but then why have unique dialogue where they talk about their history with the guy, and what they wanted their relationship to be like, and even try to have a somber mood after the guy is fucked to death? The incongruity here is the problem. It's almost like the team of developers were split on the issue and they took a half-assed approach both ways narratively and the succubi came out as shit characters.

If you're gonna write a villain, don't punk out.
If you're gonna write a heroine, then justify those feelings and don't make them shit heroines.

This game tried to do both and failed at both by trying.
But i didn't try to justify them as being heroines, i made a comparison that compared to academia peak of psychological cruelty succubi have for shits and giggles, at least the succs in other games are either fleshed out so you can at least understand their mind other than "i'm a irredeemable bastard and everything i do is to mature your fear until its tasty enough to eat" , or made to be unlikable since the very beginning aka Succ Prison, while academia tries to pass it up to the true end as a "tragic romance" BS to "save you" when you use the favorite guys to confront them.

Also lol, from where in my speak about MGQ did you get that i think Alma is a pure virgin? That woman literally eats people, she doesn't eat Luka normally just because you win and she starts a friendly sexy rivalry with him, but if you lose during her serious mode or ask for it she'll gobble you up before you ever think about regreting it since it was your choice.

The succs in academia are 100% the enemy that can't ever be reasoned with, and all attempts of doing by writing a bs sob story after they drain their favorite to death in hopes of making you care about those bitches as some twisted tragic romance tale fall flat, which is the part i find the most hateful and insulting about the entire plot which as you said was SQDT being cowards and unable to go all the way with the main girls being ultimate evil so they half assed it, even Est who is the most "amiable" of them all and for what she says about the situation and being in great part responsible for everything happening is kind of a dumb bitch at best, since her being there fucks reality so hard it permits other succubus to manifest but instead of controlling them because they act directly opposite to her dream of pleasure and happiness, she lets them be with the massive killing then dares to act sad about it, that is until you bring her favorite at which point she kills him like everyone else was killed before while trying and failing to be phylosophical about it during the entire scene.

Succ prison did it right because Tokinokogiri made his trio being depicted as ultimate evil since the very first minute you meet them, so you as the player can find logic in it all and just hatefuck the game and feel pleasure doing so. I like me some evil bitches, and to this day still keep my copy of prison for a quickie to ultimate murder bitch Myusca shower scene, i know succubi are 99% of the time lying bastards who only fake affection for mature the food, but what i absolutely despise is inconsistency, which Academia had lots of.

It really sounds to me like you never liked Succubi to begin with, and honestly, it's a lot of other games that have Succubi all wrong.
Granted, they went pretty dark, and it's definitely 100% possible to make a credible succubus and make them a bit more tame on the Misanthropy department.
But if you like one of those stories where the succubus is a hot girl with wings that you can fuck, make cum, fall madly in love with you and be forever your submissive loyal partner... you probably want to pivot from Succubus towards Bat Girl. That seems more akin to what you are looking for.
You have no idea how much i loved succubi and you are right in the go dark aspect, it seems pornmakers these times are more interested in writing how mostrously evil a succubus can be than writing a sexy story where the pleasure was so great the dude gave consent and searching for even higher pleasure asked them to be drained of their everything, instead they portray succubus stories as a psychopath basking in glee with the terror and tears of the guy begging to not die then killing them without giving a damn about the victim enjoyment in the last minutes of their lives. They switched from being sexy girls you would literally die for, to being unemotional milking machines at best and cruel homicidal maniacs at worst.

There are succubi in MGQ who explicitly don't kill humans, like those in Succubus Village (mostly). Granted, they keep them as livestock instead, but men outright migrate to the village to become livestock, so it's some kind of bizarre symbiosis.
This! Also they don't attack men willy nilly and even let the ones who don't want anymore go back home, they aren't paradigms of goodness but at least they aren't complete sadistic misanthropes.
Hey wait a minute, the succubus Bat Girl in Youmaen loli kindergarden was not that kind of girl though.
Loved Youmaen ovearching plot, it was less about a lolicon fetishism game and more about teaching the young uns about the value of human life and in a certain way "treating their food with respect" since they start as apathetic succubus who only see you as one amusing prey, but if you teach them long enough they go from complete misanthropes to just curious girls about the world, by the end after raising everyone's affection even though they are succubus with the instinct to milk dry and kill the people they have a relation with, at least they won't act with psychopathic glee when that happens, and unless the instinct completely takes over, most of them are more than okay with draining just enough to sate their hunger without needing to kill their food, considering all the endings that have the teacher be in a long term relationship with them, so at least for me Youmaen was a game about redemption in a certain way. ALSO Primula is adorable and must be protected! Followed by the black haired goth lolita!

Now even though i aready cleaned the game from my PC i think i should say here, dunno if it happens only with me but there's a glitch that if you upgrade your "weapon" until it changes name then go back for a second playthrough, which you are forced to if you want the true end, all their stats drop from lv11 to the original lv0, and chest's which had the original weapons now only contain money. Almost got royally fucked in the second playthrough, was saved only because i didn't upgrade the water ring, which let me upgrade to seryuu ring in the ng+ so i could have a lv11 weapon again, i dread to think the anger induced seizure i would have if i was forced to battle the notorious and their gimmicks while dealing one pixel of damage per full guts surrender. A game where being a completionist screws you over not only in the story but also in the gameplay Lol
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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
Reputation score
Can we clear the air a little? It was a lovely game, from a creator with a lot of passion for the craft. Lots of nice easter eggs inside with some hilarious moments and a fun story (that we were fortunate to be a part of, thanks again SNStep). Excited to see the upcoming mods as well. Btw, loved the difficulty, anyone else have trouble with the bosses the first time? I loved figuring out there little mechanics.
It's a well-made game, I don't think anyone will say otherwise.
Even in my review earlier I said the same thing.

There are succubi in MGQ who explicitly don't kill humans, like those in Succubus Village (mostly). Granted, they keep them as livestock instead, but men outright migrate to the village to become livestock, so it's some kind of bizarre symbiosis.

As for succubi in MGE, gangbangs aren't mentioned anywhere in the most recent profile ( ), and killing men they don't like has definitely never been true. The monster girls being non-lethal has been a fundamental aspect of the setting right from the start.
Bro, I'm gonna be honest, I didn't know that they changed succubus.
This is the one I remember. I read through MGE recently because of the MGERPG, using the entries on danbooru.


at least the succs in other games are either fleshed out so you can at least understand their mind other than "i'm a irredeemable bastard and everything i do is to mature your fear until its tasty enough to eat" , or made to be unlikable since the very beginning aka Succ Prison, while academia tries to pass it up to the true end as a "tragic romance" BS to "save you" when you use the favorite guys to confront them.
OH. OK I see where you're coming from then. Yeah I agree.

i know succubi are 99% of the time lying bastards who only fake affection for mature the food, but what i absolutely despise is inconsistency, which Academia had lots of.
Honestly? The fact that you're a fan of them then is the part that's confusing me.
You have no idea how much i loved succubi
Basically I agree with:
It really sounds to me like you never liked Succubi to begin with, and honestly, it's a lot of other games that have Succubi all wrong.
Granted, they went pretty dark, and it's definitely 100% possible to make a credible succubus and make them a bit more tame on the Misanthropy department.
But if you like one of those stories where the succubus is a hot girl with wings that you can fuck, make cum, fall madly in love with you and be forever your submissive loyal partner... you probably want to pivot from Succubus towards Bat Girl. That seems more akin to what you are looking for.
They switched from being sexy girls you would literally die for, to being unemotional milking machines at best and cruel homicidal maniacs at worst.
I'm just saying the first part was never true tho... Maybe I'm inexperienced but I can't think of any eroge where the depiction is the way you stated at first, sexy girls you would literally die for (the girls themselves very rarely have the personality to be worth it, just the body). Or maybe the recent h-games I've played with succubus characters in it retroactively ruined my perspective on prior ones XD


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
Can we clear the air a little? It was a lovely game
+1 to that.

Reminder: there's an open request from the translator to hunt down typos.
If you do not intend to be useful in any way, at least leave the thread clean enough for him to spot the occasional message of gratitude.

tired noir

New member
Feb 15, 2021
Reputation score
Bro, I'm gonna be honest, I didn't know that they changed succubus.
This is the one I remember. I read through MGE recently because of the MGERPG, using the entries on danbooru.

View attachment 38735
Goddamn, even in the "you are forced to have happy end" world of MGE, KC originally wrote them as soul devouring cunts... Truly mingling with them is a fate worse than death, imagine enjoying sex with a mg in a setting where there's no risk, but this one yoinks your soul out and brings it back to hell if she likes you, and the ones she doesn't like become food and god knows what happens with their existence considering they got soul devoured

The Translation was on point, even if the game almost gave me a hate induced stroke, i have no complaints about the TL and am grateful for it
In my review, the good things about this game are the BGM by far the best part, the animations and the art. If only the story was different.... The story is the one thing that ruined the entire package, if it wasn't for the story this game would be a 10, maybe if i only played the jap version without knowing wtf was happening i would enjoy it more, i only expect that SQDT who are considered gods of eroge by some people dial down the misanthropism and cruelty in future releases, because this one was a complete and utter waste and feels just like NTR porn, a genre which gets great quality artists but the setting is so derranged and evil which characters so fucking unlikable and the victim so impotent, you get a fucking stroke for the sheer incompentency of everyone inside the story. Also SQDT needs to dial down all the flashy effects that happen for every action in battle, because those + live2d tanked my PC hard during long sessions of gameplay
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Demon Girl
Feb 10, 2012
Reputation score
You have no idea how much i loved succubi and you are right in the go dark aspect, it seems pornmakers these times are more interested in writing how mostrously evil a succubus can be than writing a sexy story where the pleasure was so great the dude gave consent and searching for even higher pleasure asked them to be drained of their everything, instead they portray succubus stories as a psychopath basking in glee with the terror and tears of the guy begging to not die then killing them without giving a damn about the victim enjoyment in the last minutes of their lives. They switched from being sexy girls you would literally die for, to being unemotional milking machines at best and cruel homicidal maniacs at worst.
Honestly, not really and that is what I think it's pretty neat about this game.
You kinda get it 3 different ways.
you want to play succubus stories as a psychopath basking in glee with the terror and tears of the guy begging to not die? Pick the Fear Route.

You want to play it as a Sex battle (albeit one you have no hope to win?) Pick the Resist Route

You want to play the sexy story where the pleasure was so great the dude gave consent and searching for even higher pleasure asked them to be drained of their everything? Pick Obey Route.

Personally speaking, I play the whole game in Obey mode, equip the Obey key and keep it there. I imagine that makes for a very different experience of the game

tired noir

New member
Feb 15, 2021
Reputation score
Honestly, not really and that is what I think it's pretty neat about this game.
You kinda get it 3 different ways.
you want to play succubus stories as a psychopath basking in glee with the terror and tears of the guy begging to not die? Pick the Fear Route.

You want to play it as a Sex battle (albeit one you have no hope to win?) Pick the Resist Route

You want to play the sexy story where the pleasure was so great the dude gave consent and searching for even higher pleasure asked them to be drained of their everything? Pick Obey Route.

Personally speaking, I play the whole game in Obey mode, equip the Obey key and keep it there. I imagine that makes for a very different experience of the game
My first play was Fear because i answered the starting questions "wrong", almost had a hate stroke with how cruel every bitch treated you, and since i didn't know how to change to other stances i reseted it after the first girl, after that i would have the displeasure of dealing with forced fear during bosses in the other routes, which angered me even more, since now i was forced by the game to taste that shit with certain moves they did.

My second play this time for real was hero, and the way they hurl abuses at you is sad for the guy, and his moves are also sad, "virgin-kun weakly rubbed against them" to which they say something among the lines of "was i supposed to feel anything how lame?" "virgin-kun tried to take the reins! he tripped and was pinned down!" The fact the occult club otaku story is a jab at battle fuck games when the imp makes a joke out of the guy for thinking that making them cum would let you win the battle, then proceeding to drain you into bones with glee while insulting you rubs me the wrong way.

My true end play was all obey route because i thought they wouldn't be as insulting with someone who gives consent right? They were even more insulting, but now you are lower than a pig for seeking pleasure, considering their entire schtick is fucking you to death, one would think that if their "favorites" wanted it from the beginning they would treat them with decency, but nope they treat you as less than trash, which makes all that bullshit favorite system and "romance" implication moot, since it didn't matter if you wanted to be with them while knowing the consequences, they would treat you like garbage in every route, and in the obey route they seem to even despise you for wanting it and not resisting.
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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
Reputation score
Honestly, not really and that is what I think it's pretty neat about this game.
You kinda get it 3 different ways.
you want to play succubus stories as a psychopath basking in glee with the terror and tears of the guy begging to not die? Pick the Fear Route.

You want to play it as a Sex battle (albeit one you have no hope to win?) Pick the Resist Route

You want to play the sexy story where the pleasure was so great the dude gave consent and searching for even higher pleasure asked them to be drained of their everything? Pick Obey Route.

Personally speaking, I play the whole game in Obey mode, equip the Obey key and keep it there. I imagine that makes for a very different experience of the game
You do know that the events of the story or the succubus's personalities (the things being criticized) don't change no matter how the player plays right?
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tired noir

New member
Feb 15, 2021
Reputation score
You do know that the events of the story or the succubus's personalities (the things being criticized) don't change no matter how the player plays right?
Yeah, the only change really is the flavor text during the "battle" from being 100% cruel murder hobbos feeling the greatest high from your tears in Fear mode, to Being sarcastic smug cunts giggling waiting your fall in hero mode, amused at your febble tries to counter or struggle to escape them and finally reaching ultimate joy when everything fails and you Surrender, to hurling insults and abuse at you, treating you like a trash in Obey mode which should be the "vanilla" route since they want to drain you dead and you are giving consent for that, but they don't change and still treat you like garbage for wanting what they want without resisting. The final delivery when the battle ends stays the same with all of them acting as misanthropic psychopaths murderers behind a flimsy disguise of "romance" no matter how you acted during the fight before it.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Someone said something about mods for this I think. Make your own route, where the MC is a real man and not some sad maso beta.



New member
Aug 5, 2019
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How do you fight the last 3 optional succubus bosses? Not the notorious.
Mar 26, 2018
Reputation score
Bro, I'm gonna be honest, I didn't know that they changed succubus.
This is the one I remember. I read through MGE recently because of the MGERPG, using the entries on danbooru.

View attachment 38735
Huh, I genuinely didn't know that the early Succubus was like that. But if you're going to read the MGE entries, you should read the up-to-date entries posted on the wiki:


Dec 3, 2018
Reputation score
Yeah, the only change really is the flavor text during the "battle" from being 100% cruel murder hobbos feeling the greatest high from your tears in Fear mode, to Being sarcastic smug cunts giggling waiting your fall in hero mode, amused at your febble tries to counter or struggle to escape them and finally reaching ultimate joy when everything fails and you Surrender, to hurling insults and abuse at you, treating you like a trash in Obey mode which should be the "vanilla" route since they want to drain you dead and you are giving consent for that, but they don't change and still treat you like garbage for wanting what they want without resisting. The final delivery when the battle ends stays the same with all of them acting as misanthropic psychopaths murderers behind a flimsy disguise of "romance" no matter how you acted during the fight before it.
While the ending is always the same I rather enjoyed the variety in mechanics. Literally every succubus has a different pattern of attack that will lead to them finishing you off in different ways and diffrent skill tree will work better agains different succubus. Not all of them are bent on the fear path, some responses will feel more natural with other path depending on the enemy, which in general is the stance you get with that succubus when fighting her without any accessory that gives you access to other stances.
If i were to have any complain would be that I think it is out of character for Alma Elma to kill a random guy.
I also think that the childhood friend and the nekomata could've gone differently, but SQDT decided to go for the "the more she loves you the more she wants to drain you" kinda route, and that is his stylistic freedom.
I understand you would rather have had some more vanilla encounters, but it is stated literally at the beginning of the game that your purpose is to to die to every succubus while satisfying them.

If you really don't like the game but really like the art, you could always write a plugin to change the story... Literally every piece of text in the game is modifiable

tired noir

New member
Feb 15, 2021
Reputation score
If i were to have any complain would be that I think it is out of character for Alma Elma to kill a random guy.
Completely, Alma is a vore machine but never killed someone who isn't a hero and forced her hand or someone who really didn't make her consider it a serious fight instead prefering to act playful and give her challenger a good time instead, and considering all the reactions of the player were either crying, enduring or seeking pleasure she had no reason to kill you, but did it anyways.

I also think that the childhood friend and the nekomata could've gone differently, but SQDT decided to go for the "the more she loves you the more she wants to drain you" kinda route, and that is his stylistic freedom.
And to rub salt in the wound both cases are almost guaranteed to be a fear encounter, the fear with the childhood friend is after she literally says she groomed you from childhood to mature your taste, and the Nekomata eating you alive to "repay" you for caring for her, both cases making the MC feel betrayed as fuck and with the fear of death more than anything else since they watched the girls killing people in front of them, which both enjoy with cruel glee. For me those 2 routes canonically are pure fear routes and those two encounters + the track team girl are the ultimate psychopaths that ruin everything, so for me in order of ultimate evil to cruel cunt:
Pfkeheh who is supposedly the Grim Reaper and if she is, she is the most impartial Reaper ever because instead of doing her job she dedicated her entire existence to fuck you and you alone. Who implied she has made the guy relive this scenario of dying to succubus in cruel ways incountable times in multiple reincarnations, to break his soul out of a twisted feeling of "love" to "save" him from his immortality and also for pure revenge, to finally be able to kill him as punishment for the original one starting a crusade against the succubus, and would keep doing it if you didn't destroy your soul fragments in the final battle to let them go and become mortal again
childhood friend = nekomata = track team which i consider true fear routes, then mermaid forced obey, and finally imp who breaks you for daring to play hero while donning the smugest grin.

I understand you would rather have had some more vanilla encounters, but it is stated literally at the beginning of the game that your purpose is to to die to every succubus while satisfying them.
And that's the problem, for all the "favoritism" system they did, you think that with the correct stance and virgin they would feel even a bit bad doing that to you and start treating you with respect during the battle or making sure your last moments would be vanilla since there's clearly a vanilla route which mnemosyne shows to her favorite after satisfying them, different from the wrong guys who they kill with cold intent, they fucking don't, they kill you just like their non favorites with all joy in the world the only change being commenting something like finally your "taste is good"
The only true vanilla encounter is with the goddess in the basement, because her favorite is a drama player who confesses to her, knowing that love between man and god ends in tragedy so she decides to love him back to the last moment, feeling sad after you die and thinking if she could turn you into a constellation like gods used to do to their favorites but regreting she can't anymore, literally the only "favoritism system" romance that works in this entire murder simulation.

And if you don't consider the main girls, the favorite system for the notorious is the only other instance that it makes sense and works, since Est explains that succs are conceptual beings and if they recognize your existence strongly enough, even if they kill you, you'll keep existing as a inhabitant of the "Dream", then goads your to find and satisfy the 4 Notorious for that, and considering 2 of the Notorious are cruel murder machines in their own original works (Succ-chan by Usuki and Sophia by aura drain bullshit and murder fetishist Shiki) and even then those treat the choosen guy with respect during the entire encounter up to the moment of their death, more than any of the main girls ever did and ever will, imagine the vein popping hate stroke i had when a completely random woman treats their chosen with more respect, care and if you are in fear mode almost no cruelty (Even if they act cocky about it like Fulbeua, you lovable egocentric dork) than his supposed friends or romantic interests they knew their entire life! 10000% MAD.
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Mar 26, 2018
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While the ending is always the same I rather enjoyed the variety in mechanics. Literally every succubus has a different pattern of attack that will lead to them finishing you off in different ways and diffrent skill tree will work better agains different succubus. Not all of them are bent on the fear path, some responses will feel more natural with other path depending on the enemy, which in general is the stance you get with that succubus when fighting her without any accessory that gives you access to other stances.
If i were to have any complain would be that I think it is out of character for Alma Elma to kill a random guy.
I also think that the childhood friend and the nekomata could've gone differently, but SQDT decided to go for the "the more she loves you the more she wants to drain you" kinda route, and that is his stylistic freedom.
I understand you would rather have had some more vanilla encounters, but it is stated literally at the beginning of the game that your purpose is to to die to every succubus while satisfying them.

If you really don't like the game but really like the art, you could always write a plugin to change the story... Literally every piece of text in the game is modifiable
Similarly, I think it's out of character for Elfriede, another Notorious, to be lethal (haven't played the game myself, but everything I've read indicates this is the case). In her original series, The Evil of Commons, she's a non-lethal and arguably quite wholesome succubus.


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
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Make your own route, where the MC is a real man and not some sad maso beta.
you could always write a plugin to change the story... Literally every piece of text in the game is modifiable
I gave this some thought. I'd take a sword over a flamethrower tho: flames kill too quickly.
But that'd mean rewriting the whole game (except PFKS, she'd just stay a loony yandere :)) or everything wouldn't make sense, not to mention it'd go against the devs' every wish and intent. Next game, hopefully.
After all, the whole world was created for the sole purpose of offing you, with the virginity gimmick to make sure you can never grow a spine even if you wanted to.
Any and all characters 'drifting' into this world are warped by these ironclad rules. Mochiduki as a prime example (despite her identity/power outside this fucked-up place).

That makes this a game where you or I won't ever get a stiffy, but we can appreciate the artistical side more. Art, sound and story are all top-notch.
Tbh, I'm mostly in to give SQDT my hearfelt thanks for SQ, but I won't ever get close to the 200+ hours spent on SQ1/2. Or even 15 hours, were it not for testplay / typo / missing text hunting.

I'll buy a 2nd copy off Steam to show some support, but if their next game is in the same spirit, I'll shed a few tears, skip it and replay SQ :cry:
How do you fight the last 3 optional succubus bosses? Not the notorious.
Finish up the story up to 'normal' end, then read the new entry about 'true' end. And keep going.
Most of them require a high Dream degree (# of main succubi satisfied).
1- Mnemo Blondie requires a specific male. Who, should be obvious if you don't skip text.
2- Our local harlot require some wins VS the notorious, 2nd round. Maybe the computer guy too.
3- Mochimochi, you probably know already. I think it was restarting after wiping out the 4 notorious once. She marks the opening of the Notorious rematch, along with the main plot twist (which is thankfully not really a twist, cf my tableflipping).
All of this is from unclear memory. If all else fails, complete everything you can and restart a lap.
edit: walkthrough for the events before:
Make each of the story bosses reveal her true form, and satisfy her, complete all the first Notorious encounters, complete the optional encounters with the delinquent and the nurse in the Clubhouse, and Mnemosyne (and satisfy them), and see the cutscene connected to the Mysterious Letter, then finish the endgame boss rush. Doing so unlocks the true ending route, which will unlock the 2nd encounter with each Notorious (and said encounters are mandatory for making it to the true ending).
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New member
Aug 16, 2018
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Succubus true nature is that they are demoness who tempted men to fuck then drain their life the rest of those fake succubus who dont drain men and just fucks are nothing different than a cosplayer who wears fake horns and wings plus a lewd outfit now if you dont like giving your life for the promised pleasure given by the succubi please stop and play some other eroge title