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RPG RPG Maker [SQDT] サキュバスアカデミア / Succubus Academia (RJ265946)

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Thanks for the work & share! I guess it's time I finally try out these mods.
Still having fantasies about a "real sex-battle, no pathetic MC" mod.
If anyone's title screen says "version undefined" after , or finding that pressing F doesn't activate "Mood lock", you're probably playing on a browser or JoiPlay which doesn't support the JS patch loader that SQDT uses.

I've written a patch loader to manually load scripts via a list of files (patch/scripts.json and mod/scripts.json). This will replace SQDT's patch loader with mine, so only use this if necessary. You might need to update the aforementioned JSON files with new .js files if you add mods or update the game.

To remove the patch, edit www/js/plugins.js and replace "SQ_Patch_AA" with "SQ_Patch".


  • aa_sa_web_patch.zip
    7.7 KB · Views: 25
This game is a masterpiece of its genre. It also has an intelligent philosophical aspect. The protagonist is constantly getting killed and then coming back as another character. There are karmic forces driving the reincarnation. The original protagonist is seeking to avenge his childhood girlfriend who was turned into a succubus. The succubae will continue to attack men until they are satisfied by one. So, the ultimate objective of the game is to achieve a sort of nirvana. If you don't achieve that, you are going to be playing this game forever. So, do you want to rest in peace, or have sex and get killed by succubae until the end of time? I have played the game a lot, but I don't want to play it until the end of time.

So, it raises questions regarding immortality. How reincarnation works. When you look into the abyss and it looks back at you, what does that mean?
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This game is a masterpiece of its genre. It also has an intelligent philosophical aspect. The protagonist is constantly getting killed and then coming back as another character. There are karmic forces driving the reincarnation. The original protagonist is seeking to avenge his childhood girlfriend who was turned into a succubus. The succubae will continue to attack men until they are satisfied by one. So, the ultimate objective of the game is to achieve a sort of nirvana. If you don't achieve that, you are going to be playing this game forever. So, do you want to rest in peace, or have sex and get killed by succubae until the end of time? I have played the game a lot, but I don't want to play it until the end of time.

So, it raises questions regarding immortality. How reincarnation works. When you look into the abyss and it looks back at you, what does that mean?
That kinda loses its point since when you finish you end up in the Frozen Basement where you can get sex with whoever you want, whenever you want...
...Until you want to restart the game again.
When you look into the abyss and it looks back at you, what does that mean?
You clearly misundertand quite a lot :LOL: But it's alright if that allows you to enjoy this little gem of a game - or to realize you did! Personally, I'd wish it was a BF game in the SQ tradition, but Santa Qlaus isn't that kind (anymore?).
There are various translations, German oblige, but here's one (my own):
"He who would fight with monsters, should be wary he himself does not become a monster.
For when you peer into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."

It's quite funny you'd quote Nietzsche here, of all people. Have a read at the following link if you fancy, maybe join the outrage against nincompoops paid a salary to corrupt any legacy our ancestors were kind enough to leave for us.

A few simple, incomplete rewordings (also of my own whim):
- if you try and fight evil, chances are you'll become every bit as evil yourself
- when you criticize someone, are you sure you're not just as criticable? maybe even for the very thing you bring forward?
- try and do good all you will, but make sure you start that with yourself first and foremost
All of these statements being quite unrelated to this game, no matter how I look at them.

If I had to name a theme for SA, it'd be "xenopsychology".
You're dealing with completely non-human lifeforms. They see you as food, cattle. The intrisic extent of their affection is at most, that you'd give to the chicken or cow you raise in order to slaughter.

All human protagonists are all but passive. Spineless, helpless, useless. The very first scene pictures MC ogling his childhood friend, for which he might harbors unplatonic feelings, raping and murdering a classmate, a wide smile on her face. No MC has any meaningful decision available, other than losing their virginity and becoming food on this or that serial killer's plate.
In short, there is no room for catharsis; Karma is AWOL, along with nirvana and salvation. If anything, you're trapped in purgatory with no obol on you, and you gotta pay the price before you can move on. There's no hope for anything else, including good deeds and self-improvement.

This is the way this game is. Welcome to your cozy gaol in the valley of Hinnom; you're the next child they're to bring to the pyre. Enjoy your last rites, be their last dinner.
SA's a disturbingly beautiful experience indeed. But it has little else in common with the last two games, respectively heroic and bittersweet; the second allowing for more allegories and introspection.

But not matter: you know something is a piece of art, when it makes you wonder and ponder things you seldom would by yourself; the same way a good friend or lover does.
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The quote about the abyss is by Nietzsche. He was a nihilist. So, he didn't believe the universe has any inherent order, and you have to create your own meaning. That's how you fill the abyss.
SMH, no he was not talking about filling the abyss in that quote.
Nietzsche. He was a nihilist. So, he didn't ...
I had a cat. It was a ruddy Abyssinian; thus, it purred, but— only at times!
To close the "debate" with due humor:
Every deep thinker is more afraid of being understood than of being misunderstood. The latter perhaps wounds his vanity; but the former wounds his heart, his sympathy, which always says: "Ah, why would you also have as hard a time of it as I have?"
- Also from

I wasn't aware before, but I would suggest reading apophthegms 145 to 147 in order. Trust me, with Succubus Academia in mind, it'll be great fun!
"I would even allow myself to rank philosophers according to the quality of their laughing"! (-294, answer to a genuine Englishman)

No ridicule intended: unwilling gaffes are great opportunities to laugh, learn and remember in a positive fashion; in other words, to craft for yourself one board for the raft you need to stay afloat in the abyss.

So this post serves an earthly purpose: long time no remind and for SA.

Also, SQDT are making good progress on their next title, scheduled for August 2022:
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SMH, no he was not talking about filling the abyss in that quote.
SMH, no he was not talking about filling the abyss in that quote.
OK. I read the rules. Are you saying my comment is off topic? I was discussing a quote from the game, one which you also saw fit to comment on. He was talking about finding meaning for your life in a universe that doesn't appear to have meaning. That's my take on it. Others have a different take on it. Based on the letter on the table, I think the developer just saw it as a fit meme.
Uh, that is my signature; it's attached to every post I make and is not directed at you. So for clarification: You have done nothing to break the rules and I am not commenting as a moderator in this particular exchange.

Unfortunately your take ignores the context of the quote, in fact you're using an incomplete quote as Strange has pointed out while providing the full quotation and furthermore, assumes a causality you can't substantiate. Worse yet, both Nietzsche and the translator would have to be ignorant of the meaning behind the words they were using in order for the quote to mean anything close to what you're saying.
So, haven't been here or played in a while (life stuff) but saw that the EN ver. is out and immediately got it.
But now I miss the mods. Do the mods work on the EN ver? and if so, are they translated as well or or they still in JP?
So, haven't been here or played in a while (life stuff) but saw that the EN ver. is out and immediately got it.
But now I miss the mods. Do the mods work on the EN ver? and if so, are they translated as well or or they still in JP?
Mods work with the official English version, but for some of the newer mods, you will need to make sure you're updated to version 1.3.1. The update is posted here, with some English-translated mods available here, here, and here, as well. You can also find all these on the SQDT Discord, which will be a little more straightforward to install (due to file size limitations, a few of the posts here require you to download the Japanese mod first and then overwrite the English mod).
Mods work with the official English version, but for some of the newer mods, you will need to make sure you're updated to version 1.3.1. The update is posted here, with some English-translated mods available here, here, and here, as well. You can also find all these on the SQDT Discord, which will be a little more straightforward to install (due to file size limitations, a few of the posts here require you to download the Japanese mod first and then overwrite the English mod).

Awesome, thanks :)
Uh, that is my signature; it's attached to every post I make and is not directed at you. So for clarification: You have done nothing to break the rules and I am not commenting as a moderator in this particular exchange.

Unfortunately your take ignores the context of the quote, in fact you're using an incomplete quote as Strange has pointed out while providing the full quotation and furthermore, assumes a causality you can't substantiate. Worse yet, both Nietzsche and the translator would have to be ignorant of the meaning behind the words they were using in order for the quote to mean anything close to what you're saying.
Uh, that is my signature; it's attached to every post I make and is not directed at you. So for clarification: You have done nothing to break the rules and I am not commenting as a moderator in this particular exchange.

Unfortunately your take ignores the context of the quote, in fact you're using an incomplete quote as Strange has pointed out while providing the full quotation and furthermore, assumes a causality you can't substantiate. Worse yet, both Nietzsche and the translator would have to be ignorant of the meaning behind the words they were using in order for the quote to mean anything close to what you're saying.
As I mentioned, in the context of the game, it is probably just being used as a fitting meme. As Strange himself mentioned, the quote has been given various interpretations, mine being one of them. Also, I think a reader is entitled to his own subjective interpretation, even if it is one the writer never intended, if it is meaningful to him. Anyway, games occasionally venture into some pretty heavy philosophical topics. Monster Girl Quest gets into Quantum Paradoxes and the debate between Free Will and Determinism. But, the developer would probably be a little puzzled by how much we are making of this.
As I mentioned, in the context of the game, it is probably just being used as a fitting meme. As Strange himself mentioned, the quote has been given various interpretations, mine being one of them. Also, I think a reader is entitled to his own subjective interpretation, even if it is one the writer never intended, if it is meaningful to him. Anyway, games occasionally venture into some pretty heavy philosophical topics. Monster Girl Quest gets into Quantum Paradoxes and the debate between Free Will and Determinism. But, the developer would probably be a little puzzled by how much we are making of this.
OK. Nietzsche said he who fights with monsters should look to it that he does not become a monster. When you gaze into the abyss, it gazes back and tells you what you are made of. The theme of the game is consistent with that idea, since the protagonist is obsessed with fighting with succubae and the grudge or bad karma is constantly being passed on, and it not being resolved. So, I was wrong. It is not just a clever meme or about finding meaning in a meaningless universe. That increases my admiration for the game.
OK. Nietzsche said he who fights with monsters should look to it that he does not become a monster. When you gaze into the abyss, it gazes back and tells you what you are made of. The theme of the game is consistent with that idea, since the protagonist is obsessed with fighting with succubae and the grudge or bad karma is constantly being passed on, and it not being resolved. So, I was wrong. It is not just a clever meme or about finding meaning in a meaningless universe. That increases my admiration for the game.

It is rare for me to find someone willing to admit they have been incorrect on the internet. You have earned my respect good sir.
The theme of the game is consistent with that idea, since the protagonist is obsessed with fighting with succubae and the grudge or bad karma is constantly being passed on, and it not being resolved.
Sound correct (y)
"Unresolved" could be the best word to sum up the core of the plot. Pufukusu.
Any plan to translate their upcoming gaiden game?
I'm still planning on doing a translation. Last I spoke with SQDT, they were still planning to use it. There's no present ETA on a translation, though; it won't be, like, a simultaneous release. But I'll likely begin on it when I'm able.

In the meantime, here, have a mod:
"Ayumu OP Mod" English translation
Original by nutelaaa on the SQDT Discord

To install:
-Copy the contents of the www folder into the game directory folder of the same name. Overwrite as needed.

To use:
-Once installed, load the game and enter the Time-Frozen basement/memory room, and investigate the star-looking icon to the right of the story bosses. Select the option "A female student in an empty classrom".

This mod adds a new encounter to the Time-Frozen basement, based on the prologue scene featuring Ayumu. This does NOT modify the original game, and is a wholly-optional "bonus" encounter that can only be initiated in the Time-Frozen Basement/memory room, and requires the game to be patched to version 1.3 or better. It should not conflict with any other files or mods, but I can't guarantee these things, so backups aren't a bad idea. Like the previously-translated Mermaid mod, this mod takes advantage of a "dummied out" status effect from the original game, and so the mod includes an update to the English files to maintain consistency in certain status names with that in use.

Finally, to make things as simple as possible, there are two versions of the file uploaded: one which includes just the mod (and the updated States file), the other which includes all the necessary files for the 1.3.1 update, along with the mod and States file update. If the mod alone is not working, please try using the complete update.


  • AyumuOP-Mod +1.3.zip
    369.3 KB · Views: 37
  • AyumuOP-Mod.zip
    24.2 KB · Views: 29
Speaking of the gaiden game, a new character for that has been introduced ( ). She's Lady Kayō (華陽夫人), the little-known Indian version of the fox also known as Tamamo (Japan) and Daji (China). Her artist is Tomohiro Kai.
