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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With their business in the satyr camp concluded at that time, the trio of ladies would be ready to take their leave, and it would happen shortly after they had done their last checks on the equipment they had come in with. With everything still there, they would leave for the cabin.

Aside from a few regular animals briefly coming into contact with them, the couple of hours spent trekking through the forest would be smooth sailing, and by midday the trio would come within sight of the cabin. The previously befriended Hotaru would still be there, hanging out at the front as she seemed to have been spending the past few days reconnecting to her magical side, and was now managing several fireballs that she was floating and moving around with her power. Thankfully the sight of the trio coming did not cause her to throw them, and she would quietly acknowledge them as the fires started to fade out.
When the group arrived back at the cabin, with nothing but wild animals to come anywhere near them, Adelle saw Hotaru and smiled. "Hey there Hotaru. We're back, finally. Sorry it took us so long. Would've been back last night, but we decided to stick it out with the satyrs. Good thing too, some goblins might have grabbed us and we might never have gotten back," Adelle called to Hotaru as they approached the long haired girl.

"And looks like you got your magic working again too. That's great!" Adelle would say cheerfully as she noticed the fireballs in either of the girl's hands.
"The long sitdown didn't do me much good in this part, but sure looks like clearing your head and feeding your body with food, drink and fresh air helps guide it back on track." Hotaru would mention, confirming that she had basically just been chilling and eating the past few days while getting her scattered mind space back in order. "I take it you found what you were looking for?"
"That definitely does help, yeah. I'm glad that you're feeling better too. And yes thank you, we did find what we were looking for, and made another new friend along the way. Taio, Hotaru. Hotaru, Taio," Adelle said, gesturing at both of the girls before looking back to Hotaru.

"Anyway, we were about to see just how many of those bikes are still usable. Can you drive one, you think? If so, I'll see what I can do to get one for each of us to run so that we can all get a ride, and so that we'll all have one when we get back to the city and stuff, so you can go... wherever you want really," Adelle would then tell Hotaru, looking over to where she'd moved the bikes next to the cabin and moving over to start working on them to see if she could get three of them both working, and with more than enough fuel to get all of them back to the city and whatnot, and if she Could get three more running, she would then set about showing Rose and Hotaru how to use the ones they liked the best out of them.

Adelle was pretty confident that Rose would be able to drive one, despite her big gauntlet clad hands, since it was merely a little revving switch that her thumb would need to push, and not something easily slashed to pieces or anything. She just had to make sure it was a larger bike that would hold Rose and give her some comfort to drive is all. If she was able to get three more bikes running for the girls, they could set off as soon as Rose and Hotaru both felt confident in their abilities to drive their respective bikes, though if it took too long, then they would need to bunk in the cabin for one extra night to be able to set off at first light the next day, so that they could have plenty of light to drive by. Also, if she could manage it, Adelle would look into potentially tying or chaining the remaining bikes to haul along behind theirs, because having those extra bikes would yield some nice cash if she found anywhere willing to buy the things from her, and she was always looking for opportunities to gain more money, and this seemed like a potentially good chance to do just that with some relative ease.
The introduction between the two girls seemed to be a little tense, Taio looking as if she was already testing this new girl for her own uncertain purposes, but it did not go farther from there as Hotaru's passive demeanor seemed to turn her off from engaging in any hostilities. Maybe the previous fire display had something to do with it too.

Aside from her own, there was one normal junker bike and a tri-wheel to go with, the latter being bulkier due to it's construction, so this would likely be the one they'd have Rose on to make it less cumbersome for the two-wheeled ones to travel. The things had big tanks too, which just might enable them to reach the city without running into gas problems. And while she did state that it had been some two hundred years since she had used one, Hotaru would be able to drive a bike with previous experience in it. Maybe she and Rose could take the trike so the big girl wouldn't have to try and fiddle with them using her claws? This was the plan, and they had a good deal of day left, so they could move on today already, though this involved camping out in the cabin in the wide open wasteland.


After a day and a half spent traveling, the group would arrive to the city limits within the second day's dusk. With her house in sight, Adelle would find a bit of a surprise waiting, the street outside her home being taken over by a familiar squad of tanks and missile-bearing trucks that were parked all over the place. Thankfully they had not blocked her off from her garage so that was still open for them to use. One of the unnamed soldiers from the group was loitering around on the nearest tank, and would greet them passively as they got closer. From the look of things, there seemed to a visit of some sort going on with Boris in the next house.
Adelle gulped a bit and remained tense for several long moments until Hotaru and Taio both seemed to be chill with one another. Adelle would breathe a sigh of relief and got to work on the bikes. Either way, after she was able to get the bikes fixed up for them to use, Adelle would lead the way on out with them. The drive back wasn't nearly as troublesome as it was in, thankfully, and they didn't have any problems along the way either which was good.

Adelle hadn't wanted to have to fight anyone, or anything, so they got lucky, clearly. The cabin was helpful too, and kept them inside and out of the elements.

Finally, after resting up and moving on, Adelle led the group back to town, and when she got to her street and saw her home, she saw the group of folks that her and Rose had met on their way out of town. "Oh... huh if I'd known Boris was an acquiatance of theirs and stuff I wouldn't have been so suspicious of them on the road," Adelle commented, and gave the unnamed soldier a wave and a smile. "Fancy seeing you lot here of all places. You guys know Boris?" Adelle would call over to him after they'd all parked their bikes in her garage.
The soldier seemed to process Adelle's words for a bit, his limited English probably coming forward again as had been before with these guys. "...Da, he is comrade. He has big banya, so we came to have good time with him. Commander and some brothers in there right now."
"Well alright. Knowing I got some big strong guy and gals around my home over here makes me feel a lot safer to be honest with you. If you all need anything, give me a shout alright," Adelle told him cheerfully before heading back to her place and getting the door open to let herself, Taio, and Hotaru all in so they could kick their feet up and relax, and get cleaned up after the traveling they did back to town, and so she could get ready to head over to Rizzet's place to take him those flowers and stuff too.
With three bikes in the garage, the place was suddenly a good bit more occupied, though that would likely change within the next few days.

Inside the house, the girls would find scattered beer cans here and there, the obvious suspect for those doing his favorite past time on the couch as Buddy barely reacted to them coming in with a burp and a few scratches on his head-crest. Taio was looking around and seemed to have a fairly positive outlook towards the place, eventually sitting down on the kitchen chairs while Hotaru went for the main couch, her small figure making Buddy tolerate her presence as he could still lay about leisurely despite her sharing the couch with him. Rose would stand around still, going to the window as she seemed a bit curious about the tanks and men outside.
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"Aw Buddy... come on man. Least you could've done was clean up Just a little bit while Rose and I were gone," Adelle sighed at the sight of her home, and quickly started cleaning up, and as she went about cleaning the place, Adelle would lift Buddy's legs up and wipe any trash out from under him in the process.

Once she had her little home cleaned back up, and all the trash thrown into a trash bag, Adelle would walk over and look out towards Boris's place. "I wonder what they're all doing here though. Seems kinda interesting. After we go talk to rizzet, you wanna find out what they're all doing, Rose?" Adelle said, looking to the others. "If you girls want to come with, we can stop and get the bikes all refueled at the very least, if nothing else on our way out," Adelle would say to Taio and Hotaru, but if they didn't want to, she wouldn't try and persuade them otherwise, and would simply tell them to keep an eye on her home for her while she and Rose went out to Rizzet's tower to speak with him about what had been promised, though she didn't want Rose to lose her claws of course... but she wanted her to be able to extend them, and retract them.
"Should we really nose in to their business though? I feel like... they are here for something that's not a good thing. Those things are machines of war..." Rose seemed a bit hesitant to pry further into the matters at hand. Maybe they were just stopping by a friend, but besides that it seemed like the large girl seemed to have a nagging feeling that their presence in the city wasn't a good thing.

Regardless of that particular matter, the girls would make a trip to the wizard with Hotaru once again staying behind to occupy the couch with Buddy while Taio came along fairly eagerly, probably keen on seeing what the city was like as it was her first day there. Despite it being evening already, there would be no obstruction or hostile encounter on their path, only the common residents of the city passing by as they too were doing their final duties of the day. With the two bikes, the distance between Adelle's home and Rizzet's abode was fairly quickly covered, and despite the late hour, they could get inside as Luna came to the door.
"That's fair I guess, Rose. Let's get going. And Hotaru, I got some food in the fridge over there and stuff if you want anything to eat. I got drinks too. Feel free to grab any you like. We'll be back in just a bit," Adelle told Hotaru as they left and along the way she'd stop and get their gas tanks filled up, if it wasn't incredibly late and any gas stations were open of course.

Either way, when they arrived, Adelle saw Luna and immediately hugged her. "Hey hon, we found the flowers as requested. Met a couple of new friends along the way too. So all in all, a Very eventful trip. Not to mention... we Did find it. Come on in, and I can tell you all about it," Adelle told Luna, pecking her on the cheek, before heading inside, unless Luna stopped them that is.
"Sounds like you'll want to meet up with the master then. Come in." Luna would let them in without any questions as she did know it to be an important matter to both sides involved. And as they did, another exchange of the testing variety would come when Luna and Taio came face to face, the initial gazing appearing to fly past the magician's understanding as he spirally eyes met the latter's red ones, but the appearance of an unusually grim-looking Sebastian just over her would stop that short. The usual jovial mannerism of the prankster ghost was gone as he made sure there would be nothing to confirm what was likely a suspicion of hostility in his ethereal mind, and he would vanish once he was satisfied.

"Sit down, the master will be here shortly." Luna would go on as she sent off an arcane notice to the wizard owner of the tower.
Adelle nodded to Luna and flashed her a smile. She was a bit concerned with the staring match the two had, but thankfully again it came to naught when she told them to sit and wait for Rizzet. "Alright, and thanks Luna. I appreciate it. Also this is Taio. We met her at the forest actually, and another, named Hotaru. She's a witch... of some sort. Heh, who knows she might even be one of your ancestors or something. She was... in stasis is the only explanation I can really give that makes any sort of sense," Adelle would tell Luna as she took her seat to wait for the wizard man.
"Sounds... interesting. I think Rizzet might want to met this girl." Luna would speak up as she went behind her counter to do what appeared to be some last minute chores of the day. It would not take too many minutes for the man himself to arrive, his namesake red robes fluttering as he made his way into the main room. "So, it appears the rumors were not wrong."
"I'll see if I can coax her into coming by soon then. She might be able to enlighten us on just how the forest may be recovering," Adelle told Luna and looked back to the others as they waited for Rizzet to arrive.

When he did finally get in there, Adelle smiled at him and nodded. "Indeed the rumors were in fact not wrong. Rose and I... would like to return to the forest out there sometime in the future. We made... some friends there that were rather nice. Oh and... as requested, the flowers," Adelle told him and produced all of the flowers they had been given.
"If you already know how to get there, surely you can go back there again? You ladies do that if it's your fancy." Rizzet would mention, not being one to stand as an obstacle for another wilderness adventure. He would look over the flowers, rifling through them a bit and looking at a few particular ones briefly before shutting the bag and slipping it into his pocket. "Oh, these look like they are fine samples... So, I assume you want me to carry out my part of this right now? I think it'd be better if the big lady stayed over for the night with us then, it'll take me a few hours to perform the ritual."
"Mmm, if that is okay with you then yes. And of course okay with Rose too. She does want to have those claws too though. So... maybe... I guess make them equippable gauntlets or something that she can wear or better yet summon with a command word, would be ideal. I'll let her work out the fine details. Just... to help give her a means of being able to grab things without risking clawing it to pieces. I want her to be able to feel things. She's been such a good friend, and I want to do something nice for her," Adelle replied, giving Rose a fairly affectionate hug. "I-If you're okay with this that is Rose. It's entirely up to you. If you choose not to... then I'll understand and won't press the issue any at all," she'd add to Rose.
"There's enough room for her here to sleep over the night and I don't think she'd be a bother, so it's just fine with me." Rizzet would agree, following up with the mention that he'd work the details out with Rose once they got to doing the ritual. And for her part, Rose appeared to be just as willing, probably not wanting to complicate things.
"Thank you Mr. Rizzet. I really appreciate it," Adelle told him with a happy smile, before hugging Rose. "I'll come by and pick you up tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll stop on the way back to the house to pick up some food so I can cook you something nice when you get back. Mwah," Adelle then told Rose and kissed her on the cheek.

Once everything was sorted, Adelle would head out with Taio, and stop by the grocery store on the way home. "There anything you want too Taio? I've got a bit of money on me so I can buy something more appealing to you too," Adelle would ask Taio when they would stop at the market to get things.