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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Leaving Rose with the wizard, the two remaining girls went off on their own to make it back, doing a small sideways trip to get some food stuffs. "Nah, you pick what you think is best for the house. I had some designs for that ramen spot near your house for the day~" Taio would say as she went along with Adelle in the store, revealing something that she herself had not apparently noticed in the nearby buildings during the time she had lived in that house.
"Oh? A ramen spot huh... maybe we can stop there on the way back through and pick something up to eat when we get home," Adelle told Taio as they stopped and she went in to get plenty of groceries to keep them up for a while and after she'd collected everything and they were on their way back, she would stop at the ramen place to get something to eat with Taio, and grab some extra for Hotaru too.
A quick trip to the grocery store later, the pair would head back towards home, and just as Taio had said, there indeed was a door with a lit neon sign over it in the building opposite to Adelle's. How she had missed it up to then one could only speculate. It seemed to be open, so they would go inside.

The place was not particularly big, being made up of a single room split in the middle by the counter, the setup having a really rundown look and feel. The other side had about eight seats on said counter for the customers, and across that was the kitchen, manned by a single older man of Asian heritage. The man had a slightly slouched posture, likely the result of centuries of work in the kitchen, but it did not look like his mind had faded any as his gaze was full of life still in his advanced age. A tied bandanna held his hair away from the food, but did little to restrain his modestly long beard. Other than that, he wore baggy pants and a black t-shirt with a yellow symbol square in the middle. "New customers!" he would greet them, the two being the only ones there at that hour. "And I can see one is a fellow Japanese. How nice." he would quickly pick Taio out as he leaned over the counter to ask the big question. "What will it be, ladies? I can make most ramen-related things so..."
"I've never been in here before. Smells amazing though," Adelle told Taio and when he greeted them, Adelle would smile and bow politely. "Greetings good sir. And... hmm... anything with beef or chicken in it is fine with me. I'm not overly picky. Ah Taio... why don't you order for us both," Adelle would say, looking to her friend and smiling as she took a seat.

"Oh don't forget to get us something to take home to Hotaru too," Adelle reminded Taio.
"Hmm, if you say so." Taio would agree, switching over to place the order in Japanese, maybe wanting to make it more interesting as Adelle had no clue what was being picked for her. But it wouldn't take long, and once she was done talking, the man would turn on his working gear. Ingredients would be processed by knife and pan, a roll of pork getting sliced for a few cuts that would end up on the bowl filled with equally porky broth, and after that a chicken breast would end the same way on a more clear bowl of liquid and noodles. An array of vegetables would be applied as well, slight differences between the two but the base would be same, seaweed, corn, sweet peas still in their pods, radish and some funny-looking white things with a red spiral in the middle. While preparing the stuff, Adelle could see the man stealing glances at Taio's formidable assets, which was fairly understandable given how she was dressed.

It would not take too long to see the food done, and both girls would soon have their respective bowls in front of them. The chicken one would be Adelle's, and a can of beer would be given to her as well, a weird deer/horse thing on the side of the can. The food would be as expected of someone as experienced as this guy, the slight hint of chicken being amplified by the generous amount of salt in the broth, the veggies were crisp, the meat was just right.
Adelle was a little excited when Taio ordered for them in Japanese, leaving Adelle with absolutely no idea just what was being ordered. Though if she heard the word ramen or maybe udon, she'd have at least Some idea of what kind of noodles she was getting if nothing else. She watched the man work with a fascinated look on her face, completely in awe of his skill, and wishing she could be as good in the kitchen as he was. She also noticed the glances he was stealing at Taio, and likely her too, but that was a small price to pay for such delicious smelling food in her opinion. After the food was done, Adelle graciously accepted it, and gave a polite bow of her head as hers was passed to her, and it even had a can of beer to go with it.

"Oh you're a darling and read my mind," Adelle said about the beer and popped the tab on the can and took a drink before then taking a bite of her food, slurping a bit on it as she pulled it into her mouth and chewing it up, and then swallowing it, looking satisfied with the deliciousness she was now eating, after having watched it be cooked.
"Well, she did order it so..." the man would hand over the credit for the beer to Taio as he handed the food over. She would have a different drink herself, a pint filled with a mixture of some kind of clear alcohol, carbonated water and several lemon's worth of juice.

Eating the food was as enjoyable all the way through as the initial experience on trying the first bits had been, and the old man would continue his staring antics along the way. A casual conversation on the side would reveal the extent of this man's experience in making food, the claim from him setting his years of food making and selling at a respectable 60 or so in the business. This would all but guarantee that there would be nothing but satisfactory experiences to be found in his little restaurant, which did not seem to be as popular as that kind of experience would likely warrant as the girls were the only ones there on the eight available seats at the counter.
"Mmm... true true," Adelle replied as she started to really dig in.

As she ate, Adelle continued to notice the stares from him, but she didn't mind. She knew that her and Taio both had huge titties, and that was bound to draw attention. So why not enjoy the attention, as well as flaunt the goods some. While the man spoke, Adelle would shift herself around some and in turn cause her breasts to either push together and outward a good bit, making her cleavage rather pronounced and looking like anyone could just reach down into them with ease. "The food is absolutely delicious sir. I'll definitely be back in the future to get more. Provided nothing happens to me of course to prevent it," Adelle would tell him with a smile as she would finish her food, setting her now empty beer can down and sighing softly.

Once they were both done eating, and the man done with his story telling, Adelle would get Hotaru's to go meal and would head back to the house for now, and once inside, she'd give Hotaru hers, before slipping into the bedroom to change into something a bit more comfortable, wearing nothing but her simple tanktop and panties as she sat back on the sofa. "Oh my legs are killing me..." Adelle would sigh as she sat down to watch the television with Taio and Hotaru... assuming neither of them were busy with other things at that moment.
"That would be just fine by me. Business has not been quite as readily available recently as I'd hope it to be, and having some nice girls to buy my food would be helpful to keep this place going." the old man would tell the girls as he handed over a third bowl, similar to the ones they had but with a lid on it. "Bring the bowl back when you can." he asked of the two, the effort of bringing the bowl back the next day likely not being that serious a chore.

Hotaru would be thankful for her food, shifting over to the kitchen counter to eat as that seemed more convenient than risking the tip over of the bowl on the couch. Taio would chill out too, the removal of her jacket and boots not really making her look less naked than she looked already with the way she dressed. With very little being said, the TV told them that there had not been any serious events during the days Adelle was gone from the house. Even with the TV, a faint chorus of voices could be heard over it, likely coming from the next house over, the Russian gathering having broken out into song. A slight melancholic tone to it could be picked out, even as it was fairly faint.
"Heh, I'll bet it would be just fine," Adelle chuckled softly to the old man, taking the third bowl graciously and giving him a polite bow. "Of course. I'll bring it by tomorrow on my way out. Thank you again for the amazing food sir," she'd then tell him happily before heading on home.

When they got there, Adelle gave Hotaru her bowl and relaxed on the couch for a few minutes with Taio, and glanced out the window to Boris's house where the Russians were all getting drunk apparently and singing. She didn't mind really, because they seemed to be quite happy and relatively nice people all in all. Not to mention Boris was good people too, and she really liked him. She would, after a few minutes watching TV with Taio and Hotaru, get ready and head down to the basement with some scraps to feed her tentacled "pets", though she knew the main "food" that they wanted. But she knew they'd be quite hungry, and so she took the scraps as extra to feed them first. She would, once inside the basement, see just how big they had gotten in her absence, and if they had gotten too big she wouldn't risk going into the cage with them. But if they were still roughly the same size, or close enough anyway, then she would take her top and bottoms off, and head into the cage with them after getting naked, offering her big milkers to them and giving them a squeeze to make her milk bead up at the tips of her nipples.

"Come on boys. I know this is what you really want. I'm sorry I wasn't around the last few days. I had some things to do though," Adelle would coo sweetly to her tentacled pets, gently jiggling her breasts one at a time with her hands.
Going downstairs to the makeshift dungeon she had set up, Adelle would find her pets in good enough shape considering her recent absence. The tentacle squid things had actually developed some size since she last saw them, though it was not terribly big a gain and thus probably safe to approach even in their cage. Regardless would readily eat up what little meat they were given before they rolled over to the main thing. With that new size on them, the squidlets would engulf a boob completely now, both of them claiming their respective feeding spot as the huntress' chest was put to use, their tentacles and mouth parts starting to slurp up the milk.

A few moments in, Adelle could feel a sting in both of her nipples, the squids apparently intent on making her better at this particular aspect of their relationship as she was injected with a further shot of lactation juice. She could feel her boobies gaining a small bit of mass before the milk started flowing even stronger than before, the hungry tentacle boys making sure little of it would be wasted as they sucked intensely, a secondary effect of the milk enhancer making the busty girl feel brutally intense pleasure as her pets squeezed and sucked away on her.
Adelle was glad that her "pets" hadn't gotten ill in her absence, and giggled softly as the squid things both wrapped around her and latched onto either of her breasts. "Mmm... that's intense. Sorry fellas that I was away for so long. Hah... you were really thirsty huh," Adelle sighed softly as she sat back to relax and let them drink deeply of her milk.

The stinging feeling against her nipples made her wince a bit in pain, but it quickly subsided thanks to the little beasts pleasuring her as her milk production grew quickly. She gasped softly as she saw her titties growing in size a bit too. It was quite the surprise to her in all honesty. Within moments of the heightened pleasure, Adelle reached down with her left hand and started to play with herself while the squid boys went to town on her boobs. "D-Damn... keep a sucking fellas. That's it... make me cum..." Adelle moaned softly as she pushed her fingers into her tight little cunny, wondering if her other "pets" might get involved soon as she spread her legs, as if enticing any one of them to join.
There really was no need to encourage the squidlings in their action, the two of them greedily sucking on with their positions secure on Adelle's boobs, the wrapping of a tentacle around the base of each breast only making it even more so. It would take violence or just letting the things finish now to get them off, which hopefully would not involve further injections, a thought that did pass the busty girl's mind even in the midst of her pleasure session. There was no real knowledge as to how potent the stuff in these squids was and how much of it they could produce in her mind, so there was some concern that they just might keep her drugged and producing milk as long as they wanted in the back of her mind, if there was enough milk juice in these things. But, the things had always behaved themselves and always disengaged when they had gorged themselves in their past sessions, which made such things unlikely.

While the milking action went on, Adelle was left somewhat disappointed with the other members of her dungeon as the chest she had stored the roper pods in remained firmly closed, the things having shut themselves in there and not intent on dealing with any outside shit it seemed. For what reason could only be speculated amidst other feelgood thoughts that were filling the huntress' head at the moment. What she would do was up to her, but the squid boys were going to be a part of it no matter what as they kept drinking from her as quickly as her drugged chest would let them.
Adelle moaned softly as she let the squiddy beasts drink deeply of her milk. She couldn't help but moan somewhat whorishly as they went at her, enjoying the pleasure of her milk squirting out for them. "M-Mmm... fuck yes that feels so nice... h-hah..." Adelle told the little squidlings, gently running either hand across them happily, as if trying to encourage them further, or merely just to let them know how good a job they were doing.

In the back of her mind, Adelle was slightly worried that they might continuously drug her titties and make them stay nice and huge... well, more huge, with milk dribbling from them forever. But she truly didn't mind that all that much really. "D-Drink all you want fellas. Mommy's sorry for being gone for so long," Adelle moaned softly to them as her left hand drifted back between her legs since the roper pods were still hidden away in their chest.

She would, after a minute or two, get up and shift over to the chest and gently open it up. "Hey fellas, what's the matter? Were you all fighting? Now now, no fighting. There's plenty of me to go around after all," Adelle would say to the squids and ropers as she would gently pat the roper pods too, and try encouraging them to join the fun if they wished, but she wouldn't try and force them to if they wished to remain in the chest though.
All the words seemed to have little effect on the roper pods in their chest, and going for the lid would provoke a quick tentacle jab on Adelle's hands before she could get the thing up too much. Any following attempt to get it open would be met with steely resistance, the lid firm as stone with the occupants likely holding it down as strong as they could. But at least this confirmed that there was life inside there still, and the quick glimpse on the tentacle revealed that it had gained some girth since last time she saw it.
Adelle let out a little yelp and jerked her hand back. "Hey you little... hmph, fine you get no fun times then," Adelle told the roper pods, huffing a bit as she let the lid go and focused her attention back on the squidlings sucking on her boobies.

"In that case, you little guys get to have a lot more fun, mmm..." Adelle sighed softly and pet the squidlings again with both hands and when went back to playing with herself proper for some sexual relief as her milk was being drained out of her at a rather rapid pace.
Despite the earlier thoughts about them possibly going overboard with all the action, the squids were not quite willing to go too far with it in the end. Their feeding would eventually reach critical mass and force Adelle down to her knees as the increased weight on her boobs started to pull her down unless something bad happened. After about a minute of that, the suckers would disengage and flop to the ground as they had turned into large milk balloons from their several minutes of drug-boosted gorging on the busty girl's chest. They were now completely satisfied, having left Adelle to deal with the aftermath as she was still fairly milky and slightly bigger in the boob area, though these would pass within some time, as they had in the past.
Adelle moaned almost whorishly as the squidlings kept up their sucking of her tits and drinking her milk. Feeling their weight increasing, Adelle couldn't help but moan a little and feel pleasure as her nipples were tugged and suckled upon. She was already sitting down, so it wasn't too much of a problem, though when she felt her breasts beginning to pull downward, she lay back and tucked an arm either under of the squids, and re-positioned them to lay on her tummy a bit so she could keep playing with herself too. The moment they popped free of her boobs, Adelle would reach her own peak as her juices gave a little squirt onto the basement floor, and she moved her hands up to gently pet the squidlings as they lay against either side of her.

"Mmm... that was great fellas. Thanks for that. And sorry I was away for so long and stuff," Adelle panted softly to the squid things, as she pet them, her chest heaving a little as she looked down at her larger chest, not really minding the increased size, or milkiness either, and also wondering if the Roper pods might come out to play and feed now too that the squidlings were done with their meal.
For all the expectations Adelle might have had for them, the roper pod batch were still not checking in today it seemed as there was no developments at the chest. The lid stayed firmly closed, probably not just to disappoint her. There could be some developments going on in there, and whatever it was, the creatures were not public about it as they remained in their shelter.
"Aw, you little meanies. Oh well, guess I'll just go back up and sleep. Thanks for the fun little guys, mwah, mwah," Adelle sighed and kissed the little squidlings gently as they lie there in their milk filled bliss.

After that she got up and headed back upstairs to wipe her chest off, though she did put her tanktop back on before heading up. She'd do some nightly bathroom things and prepare for bed after going back up, and smiled to her two friends. "Alright girls, we can all fit in the bed if you want, but one of us can take the couch if you'd rather. Buddy there will wanna probably root in there with you though," Adelle said to Hotaru and Taio when she got back upstairs, thinking maybe she should perhaps try and find a bigger home sometime soon, if Taio and Hotaru would both be staying with Rose too.