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Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

How convinient ~ Carpe penis (never did get the hang of that language...)


Demon Girl Master
Jun 8, 2012
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Wait a second... what's with that penis obsession? And since when ghosts have to eat? And why don't you just go and grab a sandwich or something?


Sex Demon
Oct 27, 2011
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

*Yawn* Do what you will, then.


The user formerly known as MoT
Nov 16, 2008
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Doo not do it! Do not even think about doing it! Do not even think about not doing it!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Aww, but but... oh okay. If begging won't work then tell me when you're done with him, cause I don't like guys that much. I prefer girls better, because hearing them squeal with delight is so much more fun and satisfying than hearing a guy. I mean I was a futanari myself when alive, so I know how fun it can be with a girl like that, plus you could have just shapshifted. But I won't gainsay you Ellen, I'm here to help you, so give me a shout when you're done with him, *yawn*.


Demon Girl Master
Sep 8, 2011
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Oh. A koopa. How fun. Well, wake me when it's over. That futa...something, whatever that means, was talking with sense. Anyway, I'll go get a new drink and enjoy myself you goody-two-shoes (No sense of fun whatsover, sheesh. And what's with that yelling? Ugh, my head hurts).


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

( My apologies for being a terrible procastrinator, I've been struggling with hot and humid summer weather the past few days, and have felt miserable as a result thereof. Suffice to say, I've had neither inspiration nor energy to do a more involved scene. While I myself am content with finally getting an update out, I apologize for it being such a crappy one. Sorry! ;_; )

As the Koopa turned around to let the stream of hot water pour down his face, Ellen saw her chance, she crouched and slipped past the curtain in hopes that the guy wouldn't take too much note of her. Still, it made some noise, and that was enough to startle him. As he turned around only to see no one, Ellen now had her chance. Her head already in the right height with his member, she sprung forward and took the shaft into her mouth with a little too much enthusiasm. Naturally, the sudden movement and her concentration shattering at the sight of an easy prey made her invisibility fade away as the koopa was pushed back against the wall, letting out a surprised but pleasured yelp.

The koopa proved to be a co-operative partner for the hungry Boo, allowing himself to be pleasured once noticing it was in fact, a female doing this to him. Realizing that even made him let out a sigh in relief and pleasure, shortly followed by a weak groan as Ellen pressed her lips firmly around his member. And there in the shower stall, accompanied by the noise of running water and the koopas weak gasps of pleasure, the Boo felt contentment. This was the kind of tricks she enjoyed pulling on people, surprises that turned out pleasant for both her and the victim. Unlike her expectations however, the guy proved to have a little more cargo to unload then she had first thought.

Three tasty loads down the hatch and twenty minutes later, both of them seemed to have had enough, the Koopa barely standing on his own two legs by the time Ellen finally pulled away, after thoroughly cleaning after herself of course. Within moments, the Boo was once more invisible, and as she slipped out of the stall a soft thud could be heard. "T-Thanks, guh...", a weak voice called out as she headed out of the mens showers, and just in time! She had to keep herself invisible for some time longer as she moved up to Chewey, as other men had arrived and were just about to get into the shower room. Once Ellen were alone in the room with chewey again, she'd don her shirt and head outside, humming pleasedly to herself, paying no heed to the group of toad girls heading into the womens area, each one of them giving the boo a very confused look, which turned into furious blushes once putting two and two together.

Her belly sated, Ellen made her way towards the casino with her pet in tow, pondering over how to spend her meagre savings... She had been to the casino before, and there were slot machines, and even a small arena for people to either bet on the Starcruisers own fighters, or participate in the fighting itself. Indecisive as ever, the Boo might very well need the aid of her newfound consciences to help her come to a decision. What could possibly go wrong?

HP: 6/6
FP: 8/8
Status: Fine!
Lvl/XP: 1, 3/100XP

10 Yellow Coins
3 Mushrooms


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Well, well. Aren't you a naughty girl. Hey, check that arena out and see if the fights look like fun. Could be good money in that.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

I certainly hope you enjoyed yourself!

Now I see we are heading to the casino, no? May I suggest placing some bets on the fighters?

After all, from what I've seen since I've been locked up in here, most of those machines are rigged to give the house an advantage. In a fighting arena however, your own judgement concerning the fighters can come into play to even the odds.


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Arena ? Yeah ... Go ahead. If you need help, I know a lot about that - for the first time of my "life", being a dumb nerd will help someone.


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Unless, of course, there is foul play afoot! Meh, fight betting still seems like a better idea than any slot machine. Y'know, back in the day I won on a slot machine that then refused to dispense anything.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Gambling is for fools. If you're really looking to make money I'm sure there are question mark blocks or brick blocks that can be busted to make some extra cash. Though it wouldn't hurt to watch fights in the arena, but I personally wouldn't make any wagers.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

I don't know about this fighting stuff. Maybe if there were a different kind of combat going on~ Still, it can't hurt to check it out and maybe bet on some of the fighters.


Sex Demon
Oct 27, 2011
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Alright! Lets go watch some fights! Something worth staying awake for!


The user formerly known as MoT
Nov 16, 2008
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

If fighting is to result in victory, then you must fight!
Tzun su said that!


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Fun times.

Always bet on Rawk Hawk.

Unless the challenger has a moustache and blue overalls anyway.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

It's a me, MARIO! d:{D

Just kidding. But you can bet if you like, just bet smart and watch your funds sweetie~


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Ellen soon enough arrived at the casino, or rather, the entertainment deck of The Starcruiser, she headed straight away towards the arena section. Good timing, as there was a few last matches before the ship would dock. Three in total, each which she could bet on.

Well, well. Aren't you a naughty girl.
"Naughty kinda comes with being a Boo, silly, and I think you voices are the wrong guys to talk about naughty and nice!"
I certainly hope you enjoyed yourself!
"Sure did, and so did the koopa guy~ I wouldn't mind finding him in a dark corridor for another round some day~", Ellen grinned to herself, licking her lips."And yeah, betting on fights it is... I might need some help deciding though, I don't have an eye for gauging how strong or weak people are."
Maybe if there were a different kind of combat going on~
Ellen's cheeks turned a little rosy in hue at the implications. "Uh-huh, I wouldn't mind giving that a try some day, I think!"
If fighting is to result in victory, then you must fight!
"I uh, I'm uncertain if I'm much of a fighter to be honest, but I guess I could sign up... My brothers did most of the fighting back home, altho I wasn't afraid to get down and dirty if I had to... Especially with Chewey on my side, man, he got a mean bite~!", Ellen was getting a little excited, despite her words, she certainly had no qualms about enjoying a good scrap, but she had only ever done so with her fellow Boo at her side, or with said ghostly relatives. Boo's weren't much for face-to-face combat, relying on their ability to decieve their opponents to get out of trouble, and Ellen herself was more for speed and deception then raw strength. Luckily, Chewey made up for her lack of physical power.
Always bet on Rawk Hawk.
Ellen gleaned over the list, finding no such name. "Huh, no guy around with that name... Someone important? Like that uh, Maria, Waria and Princess Pear or whatever people you guys ranted about earlier?"

Ellen looked over the list of combatants more closely, pondering to herself which sides to bet on...

Fight 1: High-Fly the Paragoomba VS Tootle the Koopa, a plain one-versus-one battle. Goombas were weak, and Ellen knew that, so she herself were leaning towards betting on Tootle.

Fight 2: Goombro & Goomsis the Goomsiblings VS Tristy the Cleft, as for this battle, Ellen wasn't sure. After all, it was two versus one! How could she not vote for the Goomsiblings?

Fight 3: Hypas VS Toxot, two koopas, a pair of koopas, brothers no less, this fight was trickier to bet on. The only information about them were that one used hammers as his prefered weapon, and the other used boomerangs. Ellen had no clue whatsoever on which side to vote on here.

There was, of course, always the option to challenge one or more of the fighters if she desired to earn a bit of coin, as the Boo found out after asking around a little. While she would earn a decent sum of coin depending on which opponent she won against, she'd also get a little for losing, due to volunteering to make a show. There was three times she could fight before the arena would close, all at the same time as the other fights, which meant she couldn't, for example, challenge Tootle during the first fight, but she could during the second and third fights. And she couldn't bet on a fight if she wasn't there to spectate on it, so no betting and fighting at the same time!

What to do, what to do, the Boo was willing to both fight and bet, but was very indecisive. As for a list of possible opponents, there was...
Goombas and Koopas of Ordinary, Para and Spiky varieties, Clefts of Ordinary and Bald varieties, and Fuzzies. Not a grand selection, and she could also choose wether to have a low-ranking(basicly nameless), or high-ranking(named badass) to fight. A lot of decisions for the indecisive Boo girl.

HP: 6/6
FP: 8/8
Status: Fine!
Lvl/XP: 1, 3/100XP

10/50 Yellow Coins
3/10 Items

3 Mushrooms


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

If we may advise it, for the first fight follow your instincts on Tootle.

Think about the second fight for a moment. Why would they allow a two on one fight unless the handicapped side was simply that strong? Wager on Tristy the Cleft.

The third fight is hard to call. I believe that the boomerang wielder's unorthodox weapons might give him an edge.

Go ahead and decide how much you want to wager and where. Just remember, don't spend all of your coins here. We could be the victims of a long series of upset victories.


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

You're probably right about Tootle, so I'd say place a fairly healthy wager on him, maybe 3, four coins at most. That way we'd get a nice little safety net if the other two fights fall through.

I'd say bet one coin against the Goomblings just in case, but put two on Tristy in case he does win, if it's allowed.

For the third fight I would ask around the other betters and see what they think, whether your gambling or betting on sports events I've found it's never wise to bet against the house.