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Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Where... wait, how the fuck did I get into an amulet? A crowded one at that... Uh- Ellen? it is Ellen, isn't it? (...Wow, I can see your sexual preferences from here!) Er, you need to pick the amulet up and put it on - uh, if you're not wearing it already. ...Can you even wear this thing, incorporeal as you are?

Alright, goddamnit, shut up, all of you. You're going to confuse the poor girl with all the rambling. Ellen, hone in to my voice, shut the others out.

We were brought here to help our owner achieve greatness, allow them to reach their every goal. Do you have any goals, Ellen? Anything you desire?

I can help you achieve them, Ellen. Tell them to us, listen to the right voices, and reap the fruits of our knowledge. Tell me, Ellen.

What do you want?


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Good day, Ellen. Welcome to the madhouse, I trust you will enjoy your stay. Try not to get yourself killed too quickly if only because that would be no fun.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

I have a bad feeling about all of this "openness". As if it will just lead to a giant clusterfuck. Therefore I say:

A.) Hold up the pendant and talk to it.
1.) "H-hello? Is there someone there? W-who are you? Are you here to here to help me?"


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Let's explore.


Sex Demon
Oct 27, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

God DAMN it, why is it so noisy all of a sudden!
Everybody shut the fuck up and go back to sleep!

You too, Ellen!


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

It was like a sudden cacophony of voices that rang in the Boos head, she gasped in confusion and surprise, bolting upright to sit in her bed, which startled Chewey and made him start barking. "ORF ORF, ORF ORF!", Ellens thoughts was in a disarray, trying to puzzle all this together. Without hesitation, she brought a hand up to her pendant, clutching it gently, while her other moved over to firmly press against Cheweys forehead, pushing the chomp firmly down in the soft bed in order to shut him up. It worked of course, Chewey knew his place, and had always been trusting and faithful to Ellen no matter what she did. Little facts the voices could glean from her mind.

"The heck is up with all these voices?... It is the pendant, isn't it?", Ellen grumbled in annoyance. Her thoughts lingering to her mother, and what little the Boo had been informed of the pendant. All in all, she was taking things well, even if she was a bit agitated by the cacophony of voices, thinking quite lowly of many of them, there were some she were more accepting of. And there was a good deal of curiosity.
Greeting my loyal subject, I am Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte!
"Loyal subject my ass, better get off the high horse if you want me paying attention to you, 'Emperor'."
Hello there Ellen, I hope we can be friends.
"You're a much nicer one, I hope we can be friends aswell. Wait, I am in great need? Why would I be?", the Boo chewed the words over, thoughts racing, wondering if the voices were able to see the future. Something they are not.
Don't trust them!
"Much like I shouldn't trust you, then? I'll listen to the nice ones, not ones like you or that Emperor whatshisface.", Ellen frowned a little.
Hello ! I am Alex.
"You got names? And uh... I have no idea who that is. Nor any idea about those DVDs. Make sense dangit!"
"The hell are you on abou-", Ellen paused as the voice got less inane. Only to frown at the drown part. Deeply. "Just shut up already!"
Where... wait, how the fuck did I get into an amulet?
"Heck if I know, you seem stuck here with the rest of them I imagine. Yes, my name is Ellen.", she blushed darkly at the mention of her sexual preferences, being a bit of a voyeur was fun to her because no one knew of it. But now that box was opened up for the voices. She was also enjoying company of all sexes, given her shapeshifting nature. She also had a bit of a thing for blowjobs, be they giving or recieving. "G-Get out of that part of my head d-dangit!", she flailed a little, utterly ineffectively of course, save for making Chewey look at her questioningly.
We were brought here to help our owner achieve greatness
"Greatness? Goals? I... I don't know.", Ellen paused, thoughts racing without much for the voices to glean. "I just want to have fun, a bit of adventure and some excitement after leaving my old home. I guess that is what I want. Some fun and thrills."
Good day, Ellen. Welcome to the madhouse
"Yes. Thank you. Very much.", Ellens voice was nothing but sarcastic, and she sighed heavily afterwards.
"Obey who? Destroy who? You're just another nutjob, aren't you?", Ellen scowled a bit, once again agitated. From what the voices could make out, she genuinely had no knowledge regarding these two names.
H-hello? Is there someone there?
Ellen rose a brow, fairly curious now. "Huh? I'm Ellen, as I told you... things... just a little bit ago. And help you? What? You're the second one unsure of how you ended up in here...", Ellen was confused, curious, agitated, and a slew of other minor emotions, very uncertain about but not unappreciative regarding the gift her mother had given her.
Let's explore.
"Explore what? There really isn't much to do here... Well, theres the Casino I guess, and the swimming pools outside, or inside... And the showers.", Ellen smiled a little to herself at the last part, having watched a fair few people shower, even sing, while unaware of her pressence nearby. She could turn invisible for short periods of time, but she couldn't move too much or else she'd become visible again. An agony to be sure, as the Boo was unable to masturbate as much as she wished to do during such situations.
God DAMN it
"No, YOU shut up! And the rest of the stupid ones too! And I ain't going back to bed, not with you idiots screaming in my head!"

"Unless you guys want to end up in a dump or trashcan, I suggest the dummies to just shut up, if you don't have anything nice or helpful to tell me, just don't bother.", Ellen slowly laid back down in the bed, and Chewey soon nudged himself closer to rest against her side, with the Boo slowly petting the Chomp.

"Unless you guys can read my mind, I'm heading for Sunshine Island. Still an hour or two before we dock though... Any ideas on what to do until then?... And no, sunbathing ain't an option, bright light just irritates me, and believe me, I've tried to get a tan.", Ellen let out a resigned sigh, having spent the first few days of the ride trying to catch a tan, but all that had done was making her skin irritated and sensitive, despite having used sunblock.

HP: 6/6
FP: 8/8
Status: Fine!
Lvl/XP: 1, 0/100XP
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Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

What all do we have to do on this ship? Is there a bath? A bath might help you relax. I take it Sunshine Island is a nice place, yes? Though if you don't like bright light, then going to Sunshine Island seems an.......... unusual, destination for you Ellen. You're the first person I've had to talk to in along time. I would like to be friends and try to steer you safely and wisely throughout your journey of....... undeath? I want us to be friends, especially since it seems we are all in this together.............. And sadly that includes the dummies............ *groan*

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Throw ME in a dump!? I'll throw you in a dump!



... Let me out.


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time


What about poetry ? I can tell you poems. But for that, you'll have to take the Bob Frost's way, the less traveled by and so, the other ones shall shut the fuck up ! Either, i'll just try anyway.

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,



Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Of course you shouldn't trust me more than the others. Since sunbathing isn't an option, how about gambling? Surely you'll find something fun to do.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

High horse? Did you miss the part where I said 'Emperor?' Once one claims that title you can sit on any horse you like! I once held nearly all of Europe in my hands, my advice is not to be ignored!

Regardless, few people have taken over the world from the comfort of their beds. Shall we be off?


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

You should look around. This amulet only activates when your life is going to be sent into thousands of shinengeans.. Watch out when you start hearing multiples of the same words. It means we are trying to overpower you and force you to do actions completely against your normal methods.

Also, if you see a short fat midget in purple and yellow, thats wario. Hit him for me please? He is probably the one that sucked all of us into this amulet. Its not fun I tell you.

Also, for information, watch out for Princess Peach, I heard she is a very horny nympho that likes to rape girls. Well at least in secret. She makes everyone think she is a nice girl but she is really really mean.

Also, salutations Emperor Bonarparte, have you gotten taller in death or are you still the same midget as you were at waterloo? HAHAHAH!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

It's a pleasure to meet you too Ellen, I wish I could tell you my name, but I can't remember it. And the reason you're in great need of all our help is that you're going on a great adventure right. So we, or rather some of us will help you as best we can. Just call on me and some of the others that aren't dummies if you ever need any help and I and they will do our best to provide it.

As for what to do however, I don't know of anything we could do save rest a little more, unless you want to go and look around and see what we can see. No matter what you choose to do though know that I'll do what I can to help you and I'll support you however I can, cause I wouldn't want to see you get hurt.
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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Status: Fine!
Oh you.

Napoleon can't be on a high horse! He'd need like five ladders at least, and those don't exist in the pendant.

Anyway I also suggest the whole sunbathing thing, that sounds fun for awhile. You can do it naked and invisible, right?


Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Visit the showers and find someone to "play" with failing that explore the other cabins.


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Why not take a peep in some of the other cabins? Shiny things await (and mildly interesting people, if you're too honest to steal everything that isn't bolted down). In the absence of naked sunbathing, what else can one do?


Sex Demon
Oct 27, 2011
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Hmm, I want to sleep, and you want me to shut up for a few hours. I think we'll hit this off great! Not like the others.

Mr. Emperor sometimes whines that he isn't short in his sleep. I almost hugged him, but I don't have arms to do it with :confused:


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Visit the showers and find someone to "play" with failing that explore the other cabins.
Yeah ! And, just as Catherine Tramell, you kill them after with a ice pick O_O" !


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Mr. Emperor sometimes whines that he isn't short in his sleep. I almost hugged him, but I don't have arms to do it with :confused:

I suppose it's not all bad. All he has to do is look up to see a girl's panties.

Except, well, he's in this amulet, so he's just a disembodied voice, and none of us in here have panties or heights to be taller than him with. I think. You guys are all disembodied voices too right?