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Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Oh hello Vicorice. Do you know about the birds and the bees? If you do not get the subtle meaning there, then I am afraid you should take off the necklace.

Otherwise, we will tell you terrible, absolutely horrible things! You don't want to hear about horrible things right?
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

:mad: DAMMIT! I HOPE YOU DUMBFUCKS ARE HAPPY NOW! I WAS AFRAID ELLEN WAS GOING TO TOSS US IN GARBAGE OR SOMETHING FOR A MINUTE! On second thought.... Maybe we do need to dial the raunchiness down a bit. I mean after what we convinced her to do to Bon-Bon she seemed to absolutely loathe herself and........ :eek: Oh.....oh. Uhm...... H-Hello, Vio dear. P-please forgive and ignore my little outburst there...... Im sure Ellen is just fine and there is no reason to be worried about little old us..... So if you could please just take off the necklace and place it gently next to Ellen. Thatd be swell...... ^^;;;;
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Rape this fuckin' hot chick: she wants it, she deserves it! DO IT!

And then, burn her, kill her, be cruel: she wants it, she desires it, she's full of lust!
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Viorica, listen closely. I am one of the many voices locked away in this pendent, only the wearer can hear us. Many of these voices will tell you to do things you don't want to, but they cannot make you do so. The choice is yours to make. I'd advise you to take off the pendent and put it back where you got it.

OOC: Someone has to be the voice of reason around here.
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Oh... I slept longer than I thought. Longer than the rest of my fellow disembodied voices, it seems. Hey there, Viorica. We've been talking to Ellen, suggesting only the best advice. Well, I give good advice, at least. These other guys, not so much. When you've lived as long as I have, as an Elven slut, you get good at life.

Anyway, don't worry too much about Ellen. She doesn't want to upset you, but you scared her a little there when you freaked and revealed the two of you to those goons. You're a liiiiiittle overcurious and overenthusiastic. Which is part of why we're speaking now. Still, I'll bet you'll both feel a little better if you cuddle with Ellen a little tonight. Let her wake up with you next to her, and she'll show you that she likes you I bet~
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

I'll be nice this once if you don't want to end up raping someone take off the necklace we may not be as sane and nice next we get err.. frisky...
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Huh? Wha? We're back! YES! CONSCIOUSNESS ONCE MORE! *Notices it's a new mind and shuts up for a moment so her head doesn't hurt!* My turn? Yay, my turn! So your uh...Viorica? Yeah, that's it...well, as some voices have said, we're consciences locked into this pendant for one reason or another. We get to speak with our owner! Like a couple other fellows in here, I like to try and give sound advice.

Though I must warn you...I am a pervert. A lot of us are actually....and some of us are just Crazy Go-Nuts. Okay, so we got all types in here! NOW! I ask that you please not be angry at Ellen...she didn't mean to snap at you. We just...can get kinda annoying at times! That time she blurted out to no one? Heh....we were kinda pushing her to get cozy with ya...hell I think she responded to me directly! Either way, sorry about that! Second order of business! I'd suggest putting us down if you don't wanna deal with the crap that Ellen does...otherwise, eh, we could answer your questions?
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Do you know about the birds and the bees?
I'll be nice this once if you don't want to end up raping someone
I am a pervert. A lot of us are actually
Viorica blinked at first, then her cheeks rapidly took on a purple hue. "W-w-what?! What are you... you things on about!", she looked around herself confusedly, as if wondering where the voices were coming from, and slowly started to back away from the bed, Pendant still in hand.
I am one of the many voices locked away in this pendent, only the wearer can hear us.
we're consciences locked into this pendant for one reason or another.
Viorica blinked again, trying to process this information as she slowly made her way over to the door leading out of the bedroom. "Voices... locked away in this pendant?", slowly, her initial confusion was beginning to get pushed aside by an ever-growing amount of curiosity.
We've been talking to Ellen, suggesting only the best advice.
We get to speak with our owner!
Viorica slowly closed the door to the bedroom, listening in fascination to what the voices was telling her, quickly making out one voice from another, perhaps she wasn't as dull as she had come off as. "Voices... You advice the carrier of this pendant? Neat! They always say two heads are better then one, don't they? And this... This is a whole lot of heads!", giddy with excitement, the goombette began to hop down the steps to the ground floor, humming quietly, her mind racing... She had to learn more about this thing, and already her mind was drawn towards a certain book she kept. A book about magical artifacts and legends about them.
Maybe we do need to dial the raunchiness down a bit. I mean after what we convinced her to do to Bon-Bon she seemed to absolutely loathe herself and...
Otherwise, we will tell you terrible, absolutely horrible things!
Still, I'll bet you'll both feel a little better if you cuddle with Ellen a little tonight.
I'll be nice this once if you don't want to end up raping someone take off the necklace
we were kinda pushing her to get cozy with ya...
As soon as Viorica stepped into the small study room, she froze in her tracks, her mind racing, trying to process these particular tidbits the voices were speaking about. "W-w-wait, hold on here... You convinced Ellen to do -what- to Bon-Bon?!", already Vioricas mind was starting to flood with thoughts, but nothing quite came close to the harsh, sexual nature of that event. "And you've been talking with Ellen about... doing what with me? A-and me... c-cuddle her?", the blush was now furiously dark violet in hue, the little magess heart skipping a beat as she tried to make head or tail about the voices implications, but nothing she thought of was more intimate then a small kiss at best, and even that made her embarassed thinking about.

It was with quivering, uncertain steps that Viorica began to walk and rummage through the study room, trying to find the particular book she was looking for, while fending off the implications the voices were feeding her. Her curiosity was a powerful driving force, and she seemed able to keep her mind on a particular goal when determined to do so, even if her thoughts often drifted to Ellen, how nice she had been to the goombette, despite the small outbursts. Viorica considered her a friend, and hoped that was something Ellen thought about her. After a few minutes she found the book, and promptly plopped herself down in a big, cozy chair that easily could fit three Goombas of Vioricas size in it. "Pendant, Pendant... Voices, Voices...", she murmured to herself as she searched, quickly flipping pages, but doing so in a careful and precise manner. She was no stranger to reading tomes and scrolls, and the search was quick and efficient.

After half an hour of continuous searching and reading, Viorica finally found jackpot. "The Pendant of Infinite Psyche, an artifact from ancients past, with only scraps of information available about its origin, purpose, and uses.", Viorica mulled the things over for some time, and then finally read aloud, knowing the voices were listening. "The 'voices', or consciences within the Pendant of Infinite Psyche are each their own individual, with their own personalities and goals, and most of the time all they can do is offer their opinions, advice and suggestions for the wearer of the pendant. If however, the voices unify in purpose, the innate magics of the pendant can unleash nothing short of miraculous boons for the wearer and those around him, or unleash devastation upon his foes. The enchantments of the pendant however, do not allow any harm to fall upon the wearer from the magical effects the voices create. For all intents and purposes, the voices are the guardians of the wearer of the pendant, willingly or unwillingly."

Viorica paused in her reading to mull over the knowledge she had gleaned so far. The book was a more general guide to a wide plethora of artifacts and relics, but beyond what had already been read, there wouldn't be much detailed information to be found.

-Ellen Stats-
HP: 6/6
FP: 8/8
BP: 2/3
Status: Fine!
Lvl/XP: 1, 42/100XP

4/50 Yellow Coins
3/10 Items

3 Mushrooms
Room 6 Key
-Viorica Stats-
HP: 6/6
FP: 8/8
BP: 2/3
Status: Fine!
Lvl/XP: 1, 33/75XP

2/50 Coins
0/10 Items

Pendant of Infinite Psyche
Room 5 Key
Astra Key
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Guardians? Boy......... Have we been sucking at our job............ Though...... I guess that's just a purely physical harm.......... Which we've actually done pretty good to keep Ellen from so far. And really? You mean if we cut the crap and try to agree we can help Ellen make miracles!? That's pretty sweet~ But regardless, I promise to keep my hormones in check and keep Ellen on the path of right and on the up and up. That was most insightful and helpful, Vio~ But I think you should put us back by Ellen's bed, and maybe tell her you wore us and what you read about us. You should be honest with your friend. Also..... You should try to keep your exuberance in check also sweetie~ We and Ellen kind of, sort of..... considered punishing you for blowing our cover to those thugs earlier. It would also be smart thing to do in the future regardless.
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Friendzoning Ellen? Oh man, that's harsh.

Then again, so was that thing she totally did that one time.

(EDIT: I didn't suggest anything to do, but I'm going to go with the elf slut. Cuddle the fuck outta her!)
Last edited:
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape!
Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! Kill! Rape! ...

One day or the other, I'll win: the only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it...
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Yes Vicorice. But instead of KIll and rape...

Cuddle and hug! Cuddle and Hug! Ellen needs cheering up! She really does! I think she might be thinking about somehow killing herself! Can Boos even die? I only know that they can be banished!

But don't let Ellen hurt herself! It'll be bad! Also, thats why I am trapped in the pendant? To be a guardian....
Cuddle and hug.
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Most helpful V, my thanks.
You hear that bums!? Cut the crap and focus! Maybe then we'll actualy accomplish something!
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

How very interesting. I certainly hope that Well, now y'know, Ellen could use some perfectly innocent comforting.
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

....Your such an adorable little goombette, you know that?? I can assure your that Ellen is rather happy that she met you too, even if your enthusiasm does tend to get the better of you. I'd hate to corrupt such a nice girl as you with naughty thoughts, but if you REALLY wanna know what we're talking about, I can explain to you the tamer aspects of our perverted imaginations...until then, at least I won't bug you about it!

Wait.....we can do that kinda stuff!? Holy shit!! We're actually pretty bad ass!! Wait, do ALL of us have to be of the same mind? Cause...well...some of us seem kinda insane in here. Oh well, I'm sure we'll discover these things sooner or later! Viorica, thank you very much for shedding some light on this situation. Despite being in this pendant, I'm sure you've noticed plenty of us are clueless as well about ourselves! Now, if you don't have any questions for us it might be time to put us back....unless you want to attempt more research?
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Sweet, I'm a guardian! An elf slut guardian. Father would finally be proud.

And yes, you should cuddle with Ellen. Come on, it won't hurt~ Just get into bed with her, put your arms around her, and squeeze up nice and close~ You'll love it, I bet~
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Er....not to rain on our favorite elf slut's (and others) parade, but I think cuddling would be not such a great idea right now. Not that you won't enjoy it...but it might scare Ellen when she wakes up! I suggest asking to cuddle with her next time she or both of you are about to sleep....much safer and she'll be quite likely to cuddle you back if your interested!
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Most helpful V
How very interesting
we can do that kinda stuff!?
Sweet, I'm a guardian!
Viorica nods slowly, still thinking things over, in particular where she might be able to find more information regarding the specific nature of the Pendants, and the Voices, abilities and 'miracles'. Reading and re-reading the few pages about the Pendant yielded no further information. "Apparently, yes. I am not certain -how- it works or -what- you can do though! But if I look around some more, maybe I could figure out more..."
We and Ellen kind of, sort of..... considered punishing you
Friendzoning Ellen?
Ellen needs cheering up!
Ellen could use some perfectly innocent comforting.
I can explain to you the tamer aspects of our perverted imaginations
And yes, you should cuddle with Ellen.
Viorica's mind and expression both go fairly blank as she tries to process the... varied thoughts and opinions regarding the Goombettes and Boos 'relationship. As a fierce blush creeps forward again, the magess closes the tome, slips out of the oversized couch, puts the tome down, and slowly starts making her way towards the bedroom while idly fidgetting with the Pendant. The voices wouldn't be able to glean any specifics about what were going on in the goombas head, as she wasn't sure herself what she was supposed to think. One thing was clear though, it was all related to Ellen.
I think you should put us back by Ellen's bed
it might be time to put us back
Viorica quietly opened the door into the bedroom, and once seeing Ellen and Chewey still obliviously sleeping, she let out a quiet sigh of relief before sneaking her way over towards the bedtable, still fidgetting with the Pendant. "Y-Yeah... Might be best if I put you back now. It was certainly very... interesting meeting you guys, but uhm... Might be best if you stick with Ellen, yeah...", she smiled sheepishly. "Just keeping track of my own mind is more then enough for me, sorry!"

As soon as Viorica put the Pendant on the bedtable, rustling was heard from the bed. The magess looked over to Ellen... And then, the very last thing the voices could glean from Vioricas mind, was a growing sense of curiosity and admiration towards the Boo. And then everything shut down again. Back to oblivion, and again, it felt like it lasted both for an eternity and for the shortest of moments.


As the voices began to rouse from their 'slumber', they quickly caught notice of Ellen, their rightful owner, wearing them once more. She felt energic, elated even, and strangely content. She was standing by the door, ready to leave Vioricas home behind and head out to sneak around Goomshire to try saving the townspeople. The Goombette however, was nowhere to be seen. "About time you lazy bums woke up.", Ellen teased the voices, a small, sly smile crossing her lips. "Just me, Chewey and you guys for now. Viorica would just slow us down.", strangely enough, the Boo gave no hintings towards Viorica possibly undoing their cover like she had earlier in the underground ruins.

"We're heading for the shop first, the one with a blue cap. And before any of you ask; Viorica ain't coming because she's out cold.", Ellen was feeling both blissful and proud over the particulars behind Viorica's current condition, and while there was heavy implications, there was no details to be gleaned by the voices. The juicy stuff was kept secret through force of will. "Don't worry though, she told me about what she had found out about you guys. Well, whenever she got the chance to that is~ Poor thing, you guys must've got her head spinning something awful... What did you tell her exactly?", despite the chiding/teasing tone towards the voices, there was a sense of appreciation. She was thankful for what the voices had done, even if she couldn't figure out what exactly they had done. She did have a good idea though, given their perverted nature.

-Ellen Stats-
HP: 6/6
FP: 8/8
BP: 2/3
Status: Satisfied!
Lvl/XP: 1, 42/100XP

4/50 Yellow Coins
3/10 Items

3 Mushrooms
Room 6 Key
Pendant of Infinite Psyche
-Viorica Stats(Resting)-
HP: 6/6
FP: 8/8
BP: 2/3
Status: Knocked out cold!
Lvl/XP: 1, 33/75XP

2/50 Coins
0/10 Items

Room 5 Key
Astra Key

[Apologies. I've had zero inspiration or energy to draw upon in regards to updating SIVAT for some time now, and the release of Guild Wars 2 didn't make things better either. So here ya go, feel free to feel cheated only 'cuz I want to move things along! :3]
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Cuddle and hugs?
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Some of the others tried to push Viorica towards you in a sexual way. I wasn't one of them, but that may or may not help my case, depending on what happened while we were out.
Also, whenever you're ready to try that, 'miracle' thing, I'm all for it.