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Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

I dunno. I always thought that after I stopped posting, people just assumed I dropped out. Who wants to fill me in since the dance?

Oni's summary

You forgot the strippers. You guys *always* forget to mention the strippers.


The school's even nuttier than before. At least we had a couple days pass by before starting the next event.

We're getting more efficient in our mayhem.

One thing is, have we ever mentioned or decided what time of year it is in game? I've always been kind of wondering, but never gave it full thought.

Given it's the begining of a school year, I'm guessing tail end of summer, early fall? Course, this is on a European school schedule, so I dunno if that differs vastly than in the States, when we start usually end of August.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

This school has a lot more strippers than mine did... Granted, I didn't have any strippers, but still.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

"Even at day time, Matt's fireworks display somehow illuminates the sky"

Technically we're still at somewhere between late night and and the early morning the next day. The hotspring and waterfall people are still in the previous day, as are Grave and Vina's people. The stuff going on with Grace, Isa and co so far is a little further ahead, which is why I've been holding back/posting very slowly so far. Also some time around early attumn/fall sounds good to me. It's a time when the weather can vary either ways a fair bit still, and would be a reasonable excuse to allow students to wear either uniform set as they please.

Also since I'm fairly consistent with writing about the small casual antics going on in Grace and Ellisia's room, I can actually use it to track the number of days we've passed quite accurately. We've passed more days than you realise. It's a new record for the game in fact. Nearly a whole week.

SUNDAY - Game starts around midday, School Dance.
MONDAY - Free day, Club sign ups, Grace makes a hat. I think Stella started stuff on this day.
TUESDAY - Yume strikes first time and causes two girls to wake up in a fluster. Grace creates a freaky fake eclipse for the lulz. Charles strikes in the evening. Art in coma, Siphon transforms, Yume dies for a few minutes. Mirchell, Aloysius, Jonathan, and Athanasia all enter the game roughly around this time.
WEDNESDAY -Harrel arrives. Siphon and Mirchell fight on main field, followed by an agreement to control Michelle's "fun". A mysterious little girl (named Seraezza) sends a few npc's to the nurses office. Demon hunters attack late afternoon. Ellisia and Athanasia have an awkward chat. Athanasia continues to plot mass genocide. Hero(in-the-Dark) disappears from the face of the earth, his characters have not been sighted since. Seraezza also goes quiet/not spotted since.
THURSDAY - Grace & Ellisia have a chat about Ellisia's identity. Ellisia gets into a fight with a thirteen year old.
FRIDAY - Two girls share an exceedingly bizarre dream. A man of ill intent abducts and whisks away a young Isabella in his speed boat (or something...). Wild fanfare as Matt triumphantly returns!

(still thinking of stuff to add.)
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

You dont really have to read up on any of the stuff to jump into the latest event. Hell, it would probably run a lot easier at the beginning if a faculty member went with all of them. Sure, he isn't actually a teacher, but the people in the village don't know that.

@Copper: Yeah, the current ingame month is September.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

I may just begin a rewrite on Yoshio... Make a Yoshio v3.0
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

I've posted up Persephone's character sheet. But, I need a clearer grasp on her limitations. How much, how often she needs to drink blood, and how long or how much blood or whatever will be appropriate to be able to use her powers again.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

She's an actual vampire rather than a dhampir then huh? Well I'm not certain what an appropriate balance of blood drinking would be, but one other thing to add some detail to is the homunculi. At the moment it doesn't say anything about what kinds of creatures they are, what they're capable of or how long it takes to create them. I can gather that they are typically small minions, so it won't need much, but at least some description of them.

I would imagine the powers drain on her would be a gradual thing. So she could use multiple various small uses of her power without too much cost, but any use is going to speed along her next required meal by some amount. Any very heavy use of it might require her to drink soon after, or even push her limits during the fight itself. Dunno about precise amounts still.

Also whilst it might not sound like a "power" as such, it's worth mentioning things like her heightened abilty to smell blood, and her good low light vision. I don't think those were discussed, but it's a fair thing to expect a vampire to have.

I did also notice that you never mentioned any of the typical vampire weaknesses? Have you thought about them?
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Hmmm, Well, I was going for dhampire or vampire originally but I guess drinking blood is a pure blood thing. I could add in stuff about the senses, but I'm not really sure how to deal with the homunculus or what powers they could have? For the weaknesses if she was a normal vampire, I guess I'd have to limit to night posting or something? as daylight/sunlight would be an obvious weakness. Embarrassingly I haven't given it too much thought. And wooden weapons, garlic, holy water, crucifixes and etc. would be obvious if I went with a full blooded vamp. Any ideas/thoughts/etc would be appreciated.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Yeah, see, this is the kind of thing you should've considered before submitting your character to us in any shape or form. Good thing there's pleeenty of time to do whatever the hell it is you're doing to correct it before you can post.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Maybe I could just remove the homunculus, especially since I didn't really know any of the specifics concerning them. I could make her a dhampire, but then I need to try to figure out a suitable limiter for her powers and all in place of blood drinking. And I will get around to the senses thing, but most importantly is getting the major powers worked out.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Generally speaking, all vampires CAN drink blood, but don't HAVE to actually drink it/kill in order to survive.

Depending on the variant of vampire (see Siphon and Sanguine Vampirus) some are actually capable of day walking. Ofc, I would prefer you not use the Sanguine Vampirus since we already have one, but I can't actually stop you from doing so.

My suggestion if your dead set with going with a vampire, is to make one who isn't pure blood, it can describe away easily most immunities to what full bloods are weak to, however a half blood is usually easier to kill, and not as powerful overall. So consider those for checks and balances, and if I can help let me know.

Unless anyone has a problem with another vamp being around? If so, please, speak up.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Personally I reckon having her as a dhampire would work best. That way you can explain away both most of the strongest immunities and the most restricting weaknesses, and get a nice balance to fit the game.

Here's how I'd do it. Just ideas. You could still edit these and the actual wording of course.

Daylight - The sun tires her and makes her uncomfortable. Especially strong sun light will gradually weaken and burn her over time. Provided she doesn't spend too long out doors, she's quite able to make trips between buildings without issue. For this reason she prefers to stay in doors or under good shade during the middle of the day when the sun is strongest. She feels her best at night.
Garlic - Doesn't hurt or physically repel her in any way, but she's personally revolted by the taste and smell.
Wooden weapons - Being stabbed by a stake is harmful to anyone anyway. As a half vamp she's vulnerable to conventional harm in general, wooden or not. The unlikely case of a specially blessed stake would however bypass/inhibit her vampric regeneration.
Holy water & Crucifixes - Her semi human soul protects her from the most part of any "holy" attempts at attacking her vampric essence directly. Whilst it might sting and cause light pain, typical holy water does little more than make her wet and angry. Blessed crucifixes may bug her and seem to hiss at her, but otherwise are harmless beyond being violently thrown.

For the blood drinking, I would say that she can survive without drinking blood, but would still feel the same hunger as if she needed to. The longer she goes without drinking at least some, the harder it would be for normal human foods to satisfy her, eventually leading to that dangerous "thirsting" state you included. Regarding her powers, they would rely on and be fueled by her blood drinking. So using her main powers effects her thirst level the same as before.
(She would still get her natural strength and speed of course. Only her more powerful abilities would be limited by lack of blood. )

Making her a bit younger would probably suit a dhampire a bit better, but most of it could otherwise remain the same or similar to what you've got already.

Over all, this opens her up to not be restricted to awkward time frames, while still keeping all the fun vampire stuff for RPing with.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

What Squid said. Couldn't have put it better myself.

I made mine a bit more resilient, however this was due to the nature of the species I used. He ofc can still be harmed, or killed, but it's pretty tough for any single one thing to pull it off. I deliberately (and was approved doing so) did it this way to have a more balanced character who actually COULD get harmed, and could lose his cool rather than what I had which was a bit too ... out of place.

Aya is more suited for any kind of RP than the original Siphon was imo.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Speaking of Aya...

Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

So apparently Artemis is both a girl and boy name. Who'd have thunk it.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Okay, I removed the homunculus, and added in the suggestion Squid mentioned into my character sheet. Please look over it and let me know if it's okay now.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

So apparently Artemis is both a girl and boy name. Who'd have thunk it.

Which had you heard first? *chuckles* Oni's not a fan of Greek Mythology?
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Well, admittedly Art's name is Artemis because his original name was just Art, and I wanted something 'mage-like' because that is what he is. So it was a toss up of Arthur or Artemis, and Artemis is the only magical sounding name out of the two. From what I've seen on the websites I've checked only one of them said that Artemis can be a boys name, the rest are showing it as a girls name only. But I can use that in my world to have something that people can use to annoy him. I haven't really looked into Greek mythology all that much.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Squid will be gone for an indeterminate amount of time because his laptop's power cable has decided to die on him. I'm not sure whether he'll be able to get limited access to the internet from other means while his laptop is down, though I'm going to assume he cant so that mean's the current event will be postoned.

Now, I'm unsure what to do so I'll give a couple of options and let you all decide over it;

1. The event is frozen and we all act like it hasn't happened until Squid comes back. When he does come back we'll continue the event on the current ingame day as if the event started that day. This'll mean that other people can start their own events keeping in mind that they'll have to finish up soon after Squid comes back if they haven't already finished. And during this time none of Bartnum's or my own 'main story' event's will happen.

2. The game stops until Squid comes back, we then continue on from whatever everyone was doing.

Also, I may or may not get too much time online come December as it's the Christmas shift in work and for some reason only known to the madmen working upstairs we have to work on Saturdays. Which leaves only Sunday for me to get any 'decent' internet time. I'll probably have a few hours after work for internet, but I don't know how high the orders are so I'm unsure of how much overtime I'll have to do. So I suggest counting me gone for much of December partly because of work and partly because I'll be too knackered to think of anything decent to post story-wise.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Yeah, I can see that being cause for much ire for him. On the plus side, she is the goddess of the moon and the hunt. On the negative side, she does tend to be a vengeful bitch. On the "ehhh?" side, she's perpetually a "maiden" and near as I can tell, all that implies, at least physically.

As for the notion of the events, whatever's easiest. I'm only currently interacting with Siphon myself, so it's no big deal if things need to be put on hold. That, and, well, it's not like the game hasn't lagged down before.