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Suspicious Infiltration (Neil)

Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

To Neil's question, just before they entered the hut, Sahara shook her head with amusement, "No, don't be silly. Those humans were born from Lamia mothers, so they share a bit of our traits." she informed him. Then when they stepped inside, Sahara blushed at his suggestion, giving a slight, 'shh,' with her lips, not wanting him to speak of such things in front of others.

As the lamia laying under the sun greeted them, Sahara grew a slight smirk as she spoke of her being a hermit, and of Neil's 'fluffy' affinity. And when he proceeded to confess his love to her in front of the other lamia, Sahara slowly began to wrap her tail around him, starting with his legs, until she bound him in her coils. She then used her control over him to bring his face to her own, causing their cheeks to mash together, while she wrapped an arm around his shoulder lovingly, "We have a few kinks to work out, mainly how I can't take my eyes off of him without him getting snatched by who-knows-what. But other than that, yes, he is very loyal to me." she announces proudly.

The shop owner nodded, her sharp eyes fixing for a moment on the thin catboy as he looked to Sahara with a question, only to answer it herself in his lover's place, "Personal taste, really. I just find the ears and tail adorable. So you could say I'm jealous that I won't be the one smothering you in my tail tonight." she giggled.
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Neil nods in understanding, breathing a soft sigh of relief, and hoping Sahara wouldn't take that the wrong way. He doesn't resist at all as the lamia's tail starts to gingerly coil his body, purring happily and wriggling a bit to get nice and comfy in her embrace as his body was smooshed up against her own.

He does look curiously at the other lamia though. "Why would you be jealous? Don't you have your own mate to keep you company?" He asks, not even realizing the fact that it was likely that not everyone in the village had a mate. Hadn't Sahara left to search for him afterall?
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

The dark haired lamia twisted her lips, and shrugged her shoulders, "I have responsibilities here that demand my attention. Unlike Sahara, I actually have more to do each passing morning than loaf around, masturbating myself with my own tail," she told him with a mean grin, making a stab at Sahara's dignity.

Immediately at her announcement regarding how Sahara 'satisfied' herself before she met Neil, the lamia's face flushed red, while her tail squeezed Neil angrily, though perhaps not on purpose, "Shut up, Gretal! Don't talk like about me like that in front of my mate, or I'll feed you to the crows." She threatened.
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Neil squeaks like a stuffed animal when squeezed, his face alight in a blush as he hears about Sahara's... alone time. Or at least before she let him. He could tell that that comment had hurt Sahara, and he would certainly side with her, whether his help was wanted or not in this case.

"How she spends her time is her business, not yours. I'm pretty sure your duties aren't so demanding that you couldn't find some spare time to do that yourself. The difference is, now she has me to think about and dream of when she needs it and I'm not there to satisfy her." He says confidently, though not smirking or trying to look smug like Gretal had.
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Gretal only laughed at Neil, waving her hand at him as if someone had made a joke, "Relax, kitty cat, and you too, Sahara. I was just teasing." she explained, before stretching a little from where she lay, "I suppose my nap is over, and that you want me to make you some clothes? I don't suppose you'll be wanting to cover your breasts at all, Sahara? Your hate for doing work sits closely with your hate for clothes, right?" she laughed again, making another tease at Sahara's apparent laziness.

In response, the lamia said nothing, simply reaching her tail forward, still wrapped around Neil as it's prisoner, before unraveling itself before Gretal, spinning the catboy around slowly, before dropping him to his likely dizzy feet. "Will you just make a damn loin cloth for him?" she cursed at the other teasing lamia. "I need to talk with the chieftain, could you make sure he doesn't end up getting raped by something while I'm gone? He has a habit of walking straight into traps." she explained with a bit of scorn on her tone, directed at Neil.

Gretal nodded, the end of her own tail curling around Neil just a little, whether to hold him should he have been dizzy, or just to make an assisted gesture to go with her words, "He won't get raped by anything, don't worry." she assured Sahara, who nodded contently, blowing Neil a kiss as she departed the hut.

"If you need anything Neil, just call for me," she instructed him, before the flaps covering the hut's doorway passed over her shoulders, then sliding over her reptilian skin as she slithered away, presumably towards wherever the chieftain awaited her.

Once she was gone, still wrapped slightly in Gretal's tail, the brown haired lamia gave him a sly grin, simply staring at him as the end of her tail slowly moved around his body further, becoming further wrapped around him, suggestively seeming about to twine around him, and make him prisoner.
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Neil blushes as he realizes the teasing attitude of the other naga, now feeling rather foolish at his reaction. Being presented in front of her and released from Sahara's coils, he is indeed a bit dizzy, but manages to keep his balance, even without the assistance of Gretal's tail. His blush only darkens at Sahara's words as she slithers out, the catboy looking to Gretal once she was gone.

He gulps nervously as he feels her tail around his body more and more, hoping that it was just her way of taking his measurements to she could make his clothes the correct size... Even if all she was making was a loincloth! Then he's reminded of something. "Sorry for snapping at you before. This whole experience... it's really new to me. Never really sure what to expect, who's joking and who's not..." He apologizes, then sighs, tail waving about behind him. "Also, do you think you could make me some shoes with the loincloth? The mountain you live on is rather unforgiving to feet." He adds with a chuckle.
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

"Aww," Gretal coos at Neil, pursing her lips at his apology, as if she found it cute. The end of her tail smoothed along his cheek affectionately as he continued to speak, continuing to display suggestive interest towards the catboy, who was now alone, in a hut, with a lonely monster girl.

"I'll make whatever you need..." she announced with a sly, hidden meaning behind her words, waiting until her tail had a good grip on his whole body before continuing. "... But how do you think you're going to pay for it?" she giggled, the end of her tail motioning like a tentacle, as it wrapped around his slightly flaccid manhood. Stopping right at that spot, giving his cock a squeeze to encourage it to stiffen, Gretal's eyes suddenly turned sharp, and threatening, "You ain't gonna start shoutin' for Sahara, are ya? I'd hate to see such a cute kitty boy get hurt. I'd rather you just kept," she raised a finger to her lips, tapping a finger against them with each word, "Nice. And. Quiet."
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Neil blushes as the end of her tail strokes his cheek, and even more so once it makes it's way down his still naked body and to his cock! He squirms slightly, pondering her words. He was pretty sure he knew what was going on, but not entirely positive, as there were a few x factors. He thinks about calling for Sahara, but doesn't follow through with it.

"No... I won't be calling for her. But I could always ask nicely for you to let up on the squeezing before you crush me?" He asks with a soft chuckle, trying to keep the atmosphere light. "Besides... Calling her probably wouldn't do much. She can't always be around to protect me, and I'm sure that as long as I stay around here, if you really wanted to do something to me, I'd be a pretty vulnerable target..." He sighs, giving another squirm.

"But that doesn't mean I'm not going to try and get out of this myself!" He says with a slight growl, his strugglings suddenly becoming much more fervent as he tried to slip free of Gretal's coils, hopefully enough to be able to slide out over the top of them!
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Gretal grinned at the catboy as his frail frame struggled in her coils. He could feel her smooth skin slide along his own flesh, seeming to pulsate with delight as she hummed happily, the tone of her delight reminding him of how some of the women that he had traveled with by sea would have reacted to being massaged.

Blushing, Gretal giggles as Neil struggles. Each time he freed a limb, just as he would manage to free another, the last arm, leg or otherwise that would find freedom would quickly find itself wrapped again. "You feel so nice, squirming in my coils." She slithered around Neil in a circular motion, further wrapping her body around him, before tightening just for a moment as he became completely wrapped.

She placed her hands on his shoulders, grinning at the 'romantic' situation she placed Neil into. "She was right... You are fairly pathetic..." she chuckled, leaning forward over her scales to plant a kiss on his lips, "But, that's a good thing..."
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Neil can't keep himself from blushing further, both because of Gretal's teasings and how... well, nice her body felt! It almost reminded him of Sahara... But he quickly shakes that thought from his mind, not wanting to give her more leverage than she already had on him. Which seemed to be quite a lot.

He continues to squirm and wriggle to the best of his abilities, which hadn't done much for him in the past, but was still better than doing nothing. "It's not so much me being pathetic as everyone else being so much stronger than what I'm used to dealing with..." He sighs, his eyes going wide at the kiss, the catboy trying to turn his head away before she can give him another.
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Happily continuing as he turned his face away, Gretal placed her hand on the side of his cheek, holding him gently as she sent her serpent tongue trailing along the side of his neck, tasting his dry flesh, while coating it with her wet saliva, before placing a kiss on the wet spot, giggling as her tail slithered, and coiled in pulsing motions as he squirmed in her grasp, blushing as he mostly managed to accomplish giving her a massage once more.

"Don't feel bad hun," she said, attempting to comfort him as her hand slipped between her coils, brushing her palm against his manhood gently, eager to make it erect as she ran her fingers along the bottom, teasing it, "It's rare for humans, or half-humans like yourself to ever be able to fend off girls like us."
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Neil's face was red at this point, the flesh of his neck and cheek glistening as it gets covered in the lamia's warm, sticky drool. His struggles slowly die down, as if her method to comfort him actually worked. That or he realized the futility of it, after hearing her words.

"I've noticed that... It's like every girl I come across here, I'm at her mercy until a new one comes along and rescues me." He sighs, giving a soft gasp as her hand finds and starts fondling his crotch, the catboy trying to fight the pleasure as long as he could. Part of him wonders if he could distract her from her obvious course of action by striking up a conversation.

"But I feel... different with Sahara, like she wants me as more than just someone to fill her with children before she tosses me aside. She's been nothing but kind to me the whole time." He says with a smile, despite his current situation, then thinks about something. "But if what you just said is true... Why does she get so angry when she finds me helplessly n the embrace of another girl on the island?"
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

His cock becoming erect on it's own, Gretal takes to stroking the length of it gently, keeping him stiff as she talks with him. "Us lamia are more serious about relationships with humans. When we chose a man to be our husband, we dedicate the rest of our lives to love that one man. Sahara must have been so love sick, that as soon as she set eyes on you, she was likely already certain she was going to marry you."

Suddenly, she giggles, leaning up to nibble on Neil's cat ears with her pointy teeth, "So cute," she whispers, teasing him both verbally and physically, mimicking the noises he makes as she pleasures him. And after a moment of playful torture, Gretal, using her tail, gently forces him onto his back, his flesh laid against the cushion of her tail. Moving all about, Gretal adjusted herself, changing her position like one would change the knot on a rope, while still securing Neil in her coils.

From the bottom up, her tail now held him. Just the end of her tail, the thinnest part, wrapped around his head, massaging his cheek and forehead. Spreading his legs open with her arms, she intently meant to make Neil feel vulnerable, and under her control, considering that he might be turned on by this, given his meek nature.

Cupping his balls in her hand, she giggled as her serpent tongue licked in an up and down motion along his length. "Below the waist, you seem quite the man." she complimented him, giving his balls a few light squeezes, doing no more than massaging them, "You must be the constant attention of women, both human and monster... You know, you don't 'have' to marry Sahara. I know how to please my man, far beyond what her selfish nature is capable of..." Grinning, she smooths the flesh of her cheek along his cock, her tongue sliding out to flick along the bottom of it's head. "I'll make you happy..."
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Neil actually smiles a bit as he listens to Gretal's explanation, relaxing a bit in her coils. His ears twitch a bit as she nibbles on them, as her warm, moist breath washes over them, a soft purr escaping his lips. It did really feel nice to be with her like this... Completely at her mercy, unable to earnestly resist her.

But as more of her tail makes it's way around him, completely entrapping his legs and twining around his head, he starts squirming again, partly in renewed resistance, but mostly to try and find some kind of comfort zone, which likely wouldn't be difficult, given the softness of her coils.

At her last little speech however, he chuckles, shaking his head. "You'd be right, in a sense... I've pretty much had women running my entire life. Always vying for whoever could get my attention best. Most men would kill for that sort of thing, something that became commonplace for me." He sighs, looking up at her. "This island seems no different. Back home, it was obey or die pretty much. And here, where every woman so outclasses me in strength... It's just so similar." A smile comes back to his lips. "And I'm sorry, but I don't think making me into your mate would be the most prudent choice for one as busy as yourself, am I wrong?" He teases, drawing back on her earlier excuse for not having a mate.

He can't stop his cock from throbbing as her tongue teases the tip though, a soft gasp coming from the catboy as a slight bit of pre starts dribbling out of it. "N...Nya..." He whimpers, closing his eyes and struggling again.
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Pulling her tongue back, choosing to idle her hand in slow strokes over his cock, she looked back at him from over her squirming coils. "Save the pillow talk for later. Can't have you talking while my mouth is occupied." she giggled. Her tail slides along his flesh, tightening up a little as she lowers her head just a little closer to his manhood.

In the same nature as her race, her tongue slithered out of her mouth, first wrapping around his length, and then giving it a good squeeze, before lowering her mouth on top of it. The coils of her tongue slid, and squirmed in a rhythmic motion, following in tune with her mouth.

Slurping her tongue back into her mouth, no doubt tired after the considerable time that past as she sucked him off, she jerked her hand over Neil's cock, using her other to cradle his balls in her palm, putting a little pressure on his urethra, trying to milk the cum out of him. "Are you trying to hold out for as long as you can?" she questioned him, giggling as she massaged his intimate parts, "What if I break your concentration~?"

Her proposal was soon followed by a light tickle at his rear entrance, a place where only a special kind of masochist would enjoy having someone touch.
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

"I'll talk if I want to..." He says with a slight chuckle, trying to sound more confident than he felt. Or acted for that matter. He quickly realized that try as he might, the embrace that Gretal's coils had on him was ironclad, at least for someone of his strength.

He gulps hard as her tongue first caresses his shaft, his face alight in a blush, especially as her entire mouth followed it over his hard, throbbing length. Her teasings up until now had severed to make the catboy quite aroused, traces of warm, sticky pre leaking out of the tip before she pulled off and started stroking it in her hand.

He was surprised that she seemed to wear her mouth out before he blew his load, his struggles having almost entirely ceased. He was fairly sure they'd get him nowhere except rubbing his body against hers, and it let him focus his efforts on holding his climax back.

Once he felt the tip of her tail poking at his ass however, his eyes go wide, his rear clenching shut on reflex, his body shuddering as the clench slowly yielded. He mews submissively, almost as if silently asking for her to continue, head turned away in shame and embarrassment.
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Gretal hums happily, "Oh my, especially masochistic! Everyone's going to love you once they get a chance at you. Masochistic men are a favorite among many girls here. Like a rare dish~" she giggled.

Stroking his cock even faster, she prodded her tail gently against his anal ring, stimulating his ass in an effort to loosen his testicle's sperm from his cock.
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Neil whimpers a bit as the tip of her tail teases and traces around his tail hole, his face completely crimson. Slowly, he bucks his hips backwards, taking a couple inches of Gretal's tail into his hot, tight depths, his cock throbbing from the sensation. His pre flowed out nearly constantly as he mewled out, trying to hold back as long as he could, but he was obviously very close...
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Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Her rope-like tongue whipped out to flick at Neil's cock, gathering the precum into her mouth as she giggled at him. "Quite feminine~" she teased his sexuality, before trapping his cock between her breasts, wanting his impending orgasm to cover her upper body as she worked up and down in motion with the thrusts into his butt, "I can tell you're about to break. I would never have thought in the beginning to penetrate your ass." she chuckled, licking the tip of his cock a little to further her teasing, "I like the results~"
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Neil's eyes go wide as his throbbing length suddenly find's itself nestled into Gretal's cleavage, surrounded and smothered by her soft, squishy breasts. He had no idea how she knew he liked this, but he wasn't questioning it. And she was right. He was close. Too close. As her soft, serpentine tongue teased his tip and her tail continued to thrust deep into his tight rear, his resistance collapsed, and after a few more seconds of her chest milking him, it happens.

The catboy's shaft erupts, Neil biting his lip to keep a loud mewls of pleasure down as his shaft spurts ropes upon ropes of hot, sticky goo all over Gretal;s waiting face, chest and shoulders, proving to have quite a bit of it, enough that his climax lasts a good twenty seconds before he runs dry, reduced to a panting heap within her coils.