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RPG RPG Maker [Sweetsprite] Forest of the Abyss 2 (RJ217876)

i dont know why but somehow my game dont show any images in view gallery scenes (its whole black) and no animation in battle (bind arle). does it mean my image floder in www is broken? i play 3.3.8.
That would be on your game, gallery is visible for me. I'd suggest downloading it once more and applying the patch again, that should fix it.
No, the translation isn't finished, it's slow progress. Mining town is done, but there's still a lot left. There shouldn't be any crashes or freezes, you're indeed the first person to mention that. Did you use an old version of the game and apply the patch to that, by chance? It should work with any recent updates, as far as I'm aware, but older versions would probably lack certain resources. Otherwise, as ExEmperorToast said, I'll need more information regarding the circumstances of the crashes.
My game froze when i go to through some maps. No idea what caused it, but it did happen to me and i had to close and reopen the game. I guess maybe because i did download the cheated save file or data that unlocked all the gallery scenes from this topic way back then. Other than that, my game is at the final version of it which is 3.3.10.
Yeah, the cheated full gallery unlock data file has some issues such as auto-triggering a game over scene upon entering the map where you meet Schezo for the first time. That was my past experience from over a year ago, so I don't know if it still applies and/or there are more issues regarding that data file.
if it is a save file, just try to enter the same maps with a different savefile, that you not consider as "cheated".
Still stuck on the tentacle monster at the end of the cave in the miasma forest. I have a feeling I'm missing something. Using google translate camera on my phone, the sign says to not feed it strange food, which I think is the key. I also have a quest about getting strange food to a person in the town next to Burgh Metus, but I haven't been able to find what he's looking for. Any tips on what I'm missing?
A town next to Metus? There is no town after Metus, just the bandit area from chapter 1 the entrance/exit of the cave in chapter 2 and waaaaay later nearly at the end of the game a forest leading to the Thiefs, who are different to the bandits. The only thing I "member" is working for another Cafe there.

I believe I just killed it, the tentacle monster, but I grinded for the "Ring of Skanda" that was named different in the past in this topic and the other one. With that I defended while attacking - was an easy fight.
But your approach seems to be the "right" one, if one is not OP
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It's the repaired town after you clear bandit camp 2, by the graveyard. Port to meatus and go south
That would be on your game, gallery is visible for me. I'd suggest downloading it once more and applying the patch again, that should fix it.

i dont know what happen more o_O

i get a fresh version 3.3.9.
i paste a clean save game from old one ( not common, no global save)
confirm my gallery now blank
i buy something seem as badends in forest of jade (100k each)
confirm now i have some badend in my new gallery game
>>>some badend still black screen, the only thing it have is dialogue?
i dont know what happen more o_O

i get a fresh version 3.3.9.
i paste a clean save game from old one ( not common, no global save)
confirm my gallery now blank
i buy something seem as badends in forest of jade (100k each)
confirm now i have some badend in my new gallery game
>>>some badend still black screen, the only thing it have is dialogue?

Here's my 2 cents regading your issue. I think there's scenes you can only see images/animations if you have certain options active (guro, etc...). Make sure to check those.
It's the repaired town after you clear bandit camp 2, by the graveyard. Port to meatus and go south
That's why I asked, because this is Burgh Metus

I also have a quest about getting strange food to a person in the town next to Burgh Metus
This left me thinking, what other city do you refering to, but you meant Burgh Metus
But like I wrote the only quest I'm currently remeber regarding food and Burgh Metus is another very short quest line with a Café there.
Sorry, was transposing the Burgh Metus warp with the town, which is where some of the confusion came from. Right now, the town still looks battered, so nothing has icons like a cafe icon. The old man asking for the strange food is the far south west home. Translation just lists it as Burgh Metus Indoors.

Of course my assumption of this strange food also being useful/necessary for the boss at the end of the tentacle cave.
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Hmmm, yea I remember somewhat. There were a lot of the fetch quests at that time. All things requested were gathered in big market "Forest Market", but I do not remember who wanted what from that market.
Still stuck at the first forest mission with the giant worm to this day X3
Not sure what I am supposed to do.

I got an "unlock" code for all the gallery material, so I didn't put much effort in playing the full game.
Grind trash while avoiding the worms, sell stuff for upgraded gear and learn spells.

As you explore you'll find townsfolk that were lost. Talk to them to send them home. It's a bit of a confusing maze but if you watch the mini map, you'll find areas that will let you progress.
Here's my 2 cents regading your issue. I think there's scenes you can only see images/animations if you have certain options active (guro, etc...). Make sure to check those.

It in option? do u know what i need check?
Nope, it is one of the buttons in the corresponding gallery, still in written in Japanese. which of the "alphabet" is used there by the way?
Hi, I want to say that the game throws this error after I walked through the Forest of The Lost directional labyrinth.
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token { in JSON at position 1.

Anyway, I reverted the game back to Japanese for now and I proceeded to the final bonus dungeon. Auto-revive crystal and multi-action accessory are banned there so I kinda got my ass kicked in my first try lol. What should I prepare for this bonus dungeon?
Hi, I want to say that the game throws this error after I walked through the Forest of The Lost directional labyrinth.
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token { in JSON at position 1.
Do you have a save file, right before that point? Would make it a bit easier for me.

Don't know the bonus dungeon, but I guess you'd want Kerykeion (170% magic damage), Blue Wristband (prevents all status ailments), Blue Bandana (150% Max HP, 2% HP regen) and Blue Pad (150% Max HP, increases Dark damage). Not sure if those two stack, take something else if they don't. Don't know where to get them, just looked through the items. I guess those would be the most useful for just about anything, with those limitations. Can't really help you otherwise, don't know what your trouble was. Not enough damage output, too much damage received (damage types)? Maybe your level was too low? Status effects? Bad use of skills? Insufficient recovery items? Could be a number of things. Pretty sure it's supposed to kick your ass, being the bonus dungeon and all.
Anyway, I reverted the game back to Japanese for now and I proceeded to the final bonus dungeon. Auto-revive crystal and multi-action accessory are banned there so I kinda got my ass kicked in my first try lol. What should I prepare for this bonus dungeon?
If I remember correctly (been a while since I played the dungeon), you can still find revive crystals in the dungeon, you just can't bring any with you when entering. Try to find as many chests as possible because they'll contain jewels you can trade in at chests on the 100th floor.

Some bosses on boss floors have insta-kill attacks. I think if you equip that one accessory that prevents restraint attacks (named the Blue Wristband or something similar), it should help out a bit. Enemies also hit pretty hard too.
Do you have a save file, right before that point? Would make it a bit easier for me.

This save isn't before that point, but right inside the map where the error upon entering happens if the game is translated. I sadly have overwritten the 'before' file after reverting back to Japanese. If this can be of any help, there was a short monologue by Arle upon entering this map for the first time.

Well, as I typed this post I tried applying the translation again and the error happens instantly when I load this save file. Thankfully I have another save file in Arle's basement so for now I'll prepare for the bonus dungeon while avoiding the entrance.

EDIT: I found another problem with the translation. If it is applied I can't sell gems to Momo for his exclusive currency. The list of sellable items just becomes blank. I then tried reverting and indeed the sellable items returned to the list after that.

EDIT2: Can someone tell me where to find the weapons which teach the strongest AoE fire and ice spells? I have the one for thunder from Jade Forest but for the other two I don't have a clear idea. By camera-translating I know as far as the fire one being in the "Proi Vida Series - Deepest Part" and the ice one being in "Suigetsu Lake - Bank". I don't know what place is the first one, and I have combed through the lake twice over without success. The screen being cropped by nearly half while in the lake doesn't help either. -_-'

EDIT3: It turns out that entering the cafe in Taonoro rolls a low chance of spawning 2 different NPCs. One of them gives the "rope with hook" needed to access a new area in Suigetsu Lake where you fight a boss (it has its own game over cg) and then take the ice weapon behind it. The other NPC unlocks a warp gate in Arle's basement leading to an entirely new dungeon which stores the fire weapon. I'll leave this message here in case there are others struggling in finding them.


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