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Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Vix had, quite deliberately, turned -away- from the stairway... and so was heading deeper and deeper into the Bio Labs, rather than towards the med bay. It's step faltered for a moment, hearing the radio traffic.. but then carried on. It's only reaction was to draw the pistol at it's side.. the sword would be useless in a zero-g environment.

"This is Vix. If that is truly a spore, then it is entirely possible the creatures were created on board this station. Expect more of them. How was it surviving the vaccuum?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"These things are like biological creatures such as a human Vix. They are immune to vacuum of space, much like my own people. It was avoiding the sensors by hiding in a radiation suit made up of god knows how many different materials. It also seems to be a mutant of it's kind according to Thall. It was able to spit electricity out. Copy that, will be on the lookout for any more of them, and watch your six Vix."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Krysta took another deep breath. "Thank you." she said quietly. "Thank you very much."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"From what I gathered they get their nutrition from naturally occuring radiation when they're not digesting something. And they're not the only space travelling organism - the Kopak farm a species of rather large creatures, right?" Thall checks the body closely. "Hm. I'll go back to the Zeta to catch a SPE - Shield Prison Emitter. Keep your eyes on it for a moment." The Telarin turns around and heads to the stairs again.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

'Huh...', "Eh, Yeah, huge things called Emancipets. Profitable critters. They suck up gas and all sorts and cook it inside em. Use the stuff they produce in our plasma weaponry. That and they make good eating if you know how. But I'm not much of an expert on that stuff..."

The generator team reach the end of the ladder and the route Thall sent them on. Kars scanned around, his infra-red suit light illuminating the place for anyone with matching sensors.

"Right. Thall, we've arrived what now?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Sanya stood still just past door 3 as some of the group rushed back to help Draven with the killer mushroom. She felt horribly awkward, not really knowing whether to head back and help or whether just to stay put. She just listened closely to the chattering over the radio.

After a few moments, she just stayed put, deciding that if they were all rushing to the one area to fight some creature, she could at least stop one direction if another decided to show up and try to sneak attack from behind or something. It still felt really awkward. She drew her pistol and waited.

((You people post so much, it's not even funny o_o.... I feel so slow on this....))
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Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

((Not EVERYBODY rushed back.))

Mara turns and points her wristlight Sanya's way. "Is everything okay?" She herself has listened to the radio chatter with quite a bit of interest. Her other hand holds a weapon that basically looks like a pipe with a button on top.

Suddenly a thought hits her, and she activates the channel. "If the spores are born in zero gravity - wouldn't a gravity field like near a planet or a singularity cause severe damage? I guess we should hurry and bring it online."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Karz, since we are at the bottom you can lead again if you want. Senkek says as he looks around at the area at the bottom of the ladder.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

((...Well I couldn't keep track!! It certainly seemed like it to me! *goes back and edits a little*))

"Hm? Yeah. Everything is fine. Just, if there's anything else here, I'd rather be ready than to have to spend time during the heat of the moment to draw," Sanya replied. "Hmmm. Should we go on ahead or should we wait for them? If your theory is correct, the sooner we get this station going the better.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Your welcome Krysta."

He nods to Thall. "This little bastard isn't going anywhere. If it tries to, I'm itching for a little payback."

Thinking for a moment he adds, "Your probably correct Mara. Let's get this station back online and pray whatever mutation this thing seems to have gone through, that it hasn't adapted to function well in gravity. Kars, do these emancipets have the ability to shoot electricity?"

((Tsuki, it's fine. Some of us are more active than the rest can be, don't worry about it. If you need someone to help you out, Rule and I are more than capable, hell, I think damn near everyone in the RP would be able/willing to.))
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

((Except me, who is almost completely in the dark. See, I noticed everyone was extremely active, so I chose to have my character stay put. Sorry if that sounds stupid or something.))

"If it is able to survive in gravity, here's hoping. I wanna fight one of these ugly mothers if possible" Vance says, still receiving comm signals, still pacing the hanger, then sighing and deactivating his magnetic boots and floating around the hanger at a slow speed "Bored, Bored, Bored" he says to himself, his arms crossed as he flips through the gravity-less hanger with not a care in the world, well, space station, in this case
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

((And I, of course, am wandering off on my own, in typical redshirt fashion.))

"Shooting electricity does not sound good. Do we have confirmation on how these things sense? Eyes, ears, anything? And.."

There is a grudging pause over the radio link.

"Could anyone with a copy of the blueprints for this station forward it to me? Simple ethernet transfer should be enough, unless something is blocking it.."

Vix considered the idea of getting the gravity up quite a good one.. as well as the shields. That, and it didn't really relish the idea of wandering further into the Bio Labs without just a little more backup.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Krysta took another deep breath and then shook her head as if to clear it, "Alright, I need to get back to the Shining Star so i can put in an order for the supplies I'm going to need."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

As Krysta turns to leave, something catches her eye. A construct of pipes and cylindrical parts that doesn't seem to belong in the otherwise rather featureless infirmary. Could that be the emergency generator?
Nadia considers Sanya's words for a moment. "Yeah, I think it'll be better if we go ahead. Viper, we are moving on to the command center. I'll leave markers next to the doors so you don't get lost." Nadia reaches into one of the pockets in her suit and pulls out a circular device. She slaps it onto the wall next to a door and steps back. "Mara, if you may?" The Telarin gives a nod and grabs the edges of each door. After a moment a whirring sound can be heard, and the rather slender Telarin pries open the door with relative ease. Another corridor is before them, this one with windows that show the lush green planet underneath.
Thall catches Kars' message. "Okay. If you turn your back to the ladder there should be three ways. Take the one to the right until you reach another ladder. Follow it down until you reach a hatch like the one we entered through. Engineering is behind that door. Wait there until I've caught up to you."
The Telarin reaches the hangar and sees Vance floating there. He shakes his head and hurries by, sending a short "Hi" his way. Before he enters the Zeta he puts the blueprint up so Vix can download them.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"No idea on their auditory or sensory inputs off the top of my head, but I'd have to say it seemed to know exactly where I was with barely any effort. And no, the electricity was not one of the more fun things I have come across."

"Alright Krysta, let's get this show on the road then."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"I copy. Will attempt to catch up." Viper turns to Draven and asks, "Think you can keep an eye on this, until Thall gets whatever it is he's getting back here?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Yeah I got it covered now, go. And watch yourself, Nadia is right, there may be more we can't detect lurking about."

He seems to mutter under his breath, "damn lurkers."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Viper nods, then heads off to catch up to the group heading for the bridge.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Roger that Thall. On our way. Let's go." Kars takes point again, gliding along with both pistols forward.

As for Draven's question, "Ehm, Electricity? Only on the inside, they can't shoot it or anything. They're utterly harmless unless you have a deathwish and fly inside their mouth. You think these spores have natural radar or anything like that? That's how the Emancipets find stuff I think, radar or something like it. Oh and electrical fields, they saw those too. When you got em all together they screw'd up basic sensors coz they won't stop yapping."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"I know there are several marine lifeforms that find their prey with the help of electroreceptors. Maybe the spores navigate the same?" Mara has stepped towards a window and studies the planet below.