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Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Caitlin watches the equipment being moved, the only piece small enough for her to carry still settled across her lap, and marvels at the strength of the two people doing all the work.

"Wow, its a good thing you two are here, I have no idea how I would of managed this on my own, thanks guys."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Setting down the piece he was carrying gently, he nods once. "Your most welcome."

Turning, he heads back and grabs the last piece, moving it in exactly the same way he had the first. It wasn't surprising, with him being fresher than Vance right now, that he was likely a step ahead at this point.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Show off" Vance says, sighing as he sits down on the floor and crosses his arms and legs "I'm glad I could be of help" Vance says, still angry that Draven was beating him "Just so long as my tests are completed and the good doctor gives me the results, I couldn't care less about the end, but the means are a different story"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven doesn't quite seem to understand what Vance means by show off, and it's evident in his facial expression for a moment before he shrugs. "Well it looks like you got most of this done before I even showed up here, and it seems to me you did a pretty damn good job of it. What kind of tests are we talking about here though?"

He's definitely curious now.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Tests to see if I can undo the damage my stupid old father decided to do to me" Vance says, standing, a slight bit of anger in his voice from just thinking about his father "Just thinking about him is enough to piss me off" he says,looking at the objects on the ground "Let's get all this to Medical. I'll take half and you take half, Draven?" he says, grabbing three pieces of equipment and balancing them between his arms, walking slowly towards Medical, trying to keep balanced, carrying three bulky pieces of equipment wasn't easy, even for him "Darven, see you in medical" he says, strained almost as he heads towards Medical slowly, his skin slowly tinting red again
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

He nods slightly. "If I can be of any help there with that, let me know."

A moment as he pauses and watches Vance grab the equipment, waiting to see if he'll be alright. When it seems he will be he nods again. "Sounds fair enough to me. Onward we go then."

He grabs the largest of the devices, along with two others himself, planning to get the heaviest and bulkiest out of the way, which seemed to go with what Vance was doing as well. Balancing them was easier for him than it was for Vance, mostly because he had about another bodies thickness edge on Vance with his own girth. One of the problems Draven had discovered with moving bulky equipment was gaining leverage and balancing. A wider body and arms made it easier to balance things, which was why Bentari were so effective at moving very large items in a hurry. They were both strong, and proportionately equipped to move things better than any other race he had ever seen. "Onward to Medical we go then."

He would remain several paces behind Vance, whether it was because this was easier for him, or because he was making sure Vance wouldn't kill himself straining was unclear.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Caitlin followed after, the box of consumables still on her lap, trying to suppress a snicker at the male posturing and only half succeeding.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Somehow Draven made it back to the hangar a few steps ahead of Vance. Once he was in earshot he spoke to him. "I'll be back in a moment, grabbing something from my ship that will tide me over for now."

Without another word, he entered his ship, pulling out some kind of device, looking it over for a moment before sticking it into his arm, and injecting something into himself. Within moments he felt better. Obviously, it was some kind of energy supplement designed for him.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Supplement injections." Vance says, eying Draven inject himself "I need to find some of my glucose supplements" he says, walking over to his ship and entering, a large amount of noises coming from inside it before he re-emerges with a small bottle of green-ish in his hands "Found it" he says, smiling as he looks at his open cargo bay he forgot to close "Whoops. Left the bay open" He then proceeds to close the cargo bay and head back towards the door out of the bay "Let's go, I'm pretty sure the ladies are mad that we just up and left them behind" he says, motioning for Draven to follow as he took a small sip from his bottle of green.........whatever the hell it was
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Actually I'm pretty sure they think we're showing off," he says with a chuckle. It doesn't seem to bother him much, especially since he knows full well that none of them even truly understand him.

He moves over, grabbing another three pieces of the equipment, this time balancing it easier due to his boost, and the fact they are smaller than his last load. "At three each time, how many more trips do you figure we need to make?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"This should be the last trip" Vance says, finishing his bottle and tossing it to the side, then grabbing a set of three pieces and hefting them onto his shoulders, then walking back towards the door "Let's get back. Maybe you can help with the tests." he says, chuckling as he walks out of the hanger and towards Medical
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Once again metallic clicking is hear through some of the halls of the station as Senkek sends out four of his robots to given the station a once over. This time they head towards the landing bay so they can exit the station and walk over the outside surface looking for damage. While Senkek didn't expect them to find much in the way of battle damage, given the amount of time that the station had been floating in space erosion by solar wind or meteor fragments was a very real possibility.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Be happy to help in any way that I can, let's get to it then."

He lets Vance take the lead, then follows him close behind, seemingly revitalized now.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Krysta hummed to herself as she activated the four mechanical cargo boxes, and programmed the location of the canteen into each one of them so that all she had to do was follow along, and put the food away after they reached their destination.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven made it back to the hangar bay, and set about working on looking into how the translation program was going, stepping aboard Thall's ship. He figured where he had already been told he could look in on it, that there was no need to disturb Thall or Mara.

((Will need a post from you Rule on this since it's your call on that program.))
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

As Draven sees the translated words he should note that most of them are violent - Blood, hack, teeth, prey and so on. Several more letters have been translated as well. And one sentence.

"They will drown in our flood."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Lovely," he mutters out loud. So the translator program was working, albeit slowly. Still, it was more than he had figured they would get this soon. An entire sentence in just a couple of hours was pretty good for a language no one even knew, other than a race that was supposed to be extinct.

Shaking his head, he decided his best bet would be to head over to the canteen and get some food. Once he had replenished himself, he would then head to the command center to talk with Nadia. His mind made up, he spared the translator one final glance, then turned and left, just slightly unnerved at that particular sentence. Something wasn't right about it, and he wondered why he had such an uneasy feeling about it.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven swung by his ship, grabbing various bits and pieces of things out of his ship. Soon, he had a large armful of things, and started heading for the Command Center. One of the advantages of being a shapeshifter was being able to sprout 20+ arms if you needed to, which was exactly what he had done to carry everything.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven fluttered about the station for over an hour, installing holo-emitters in strategic places so that they could cover the entire station with as few as possible, and then added secondary backups to them. When he was done, he stepped back and checked each one. One by one.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

The return of the Dragon's Fang was somewhat unannounced, and quick. "Anyone who's listening, this is Umbral. I need help about as soon as I land. Zachery's been disabled."

Once cleared, he'd land and start trying to carry Zachery over his shoulder towards the Experimentation section.