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ACT Vore Guro [Team Krama] Rape of the Dead (RJ202858)

Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

The mid-game rape would need new animation work granted, but it's kind of the entire point that it doesn't result in a death or a game over. A grab would do continual hp damage the longer it went on for, ending in either rescue or (eventually) reaching 0hp, which would be where the existing game over content still comes into play.

And adding grapples shouldn't make the game inherently more difficult, since you simply adjust the number and toughness of the enemies to accommodate. It would requiring a slightly more mindful play-style, trying to anticipate and be on guard for potential grab attempts, rather than merely slashing a blasting along, but stopping specials in advance, or otherwise being ready to respond and rescue quickly, would be a nice addition to the pace of the gameplay I feel. There's no reason there should be any instant game overs in such a mechanic. Just all gradual damage with ample time to react.

If it were all my own design, I'd also add a separate HP bar (infection/morale/vitality/corruption, etc) in the style of Succubus Heaven/Succubus Nests, which is only depleted by rape, and is the actual cause of a game over rather than regular damage. This way you get to enjoy in-game creampies without it needing 0hp also. Regular hp damage would merely increase vulnerability and proc stuns of gradually increasing duration. But I might be getting too imaginative again.
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Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

The mid-game rape would need new animation work granted, but it's kind of the entire point that it doesn't result in a death or a game over. A grab would do continual hp damage the longer it went on for, ending in either rescue or (eventually) reaching 0hp, which would be where the existing game over content still comes into play.

And adding grapples shouldn't make the game inherently more difficult, since you simply adjust the number and toughness of the enemies to accommodate. It would requiring a slightly more mindful play-style, trying to anticipate and be on guard for potential grab attempts, rather than merely slashing a blasting along, but stopping specials in advance, or otherwise being ready to respond and rescue quickly, would be a nice addition to the pace of the gameplay I feel. There's no reason there should be any instant game overs in such a mechanic. Just all gradual damage with ample time to react.

If it were all my own design, I'd also add a separate HP bar (infection/morale/vitality/corruption, etc) in the style of Succubus Heaven/Succubus Nests, which is only depleted by rape, and is the actual cause of a game over rather than regular damage. This way you get to enjoy in-game creampies without it needing 0hp also. Regular hp damage would merely increase vulnerability and proc stuns of gradually increasing duration. But I might be getting too imaginative again.
Yeah... I've had my fill with smokers, hunters and zombies that kidnap and force you to save the character before they're taken away. I really didn't like those segments, but then again I'm more of a shoot everything that moves kind of guy and don't like to think too much in the long run heh. It's a matter of how many people would want to see these changes however anyway.

All the ideas certainly sound good, but adding too much feature creep could overwork the developer and kill motivation. I believe there are a lot of good examples of H games out there with awesome mechanics, but there's also simpler H games that have also earned a ton of respect and support like Teaching feeling and Monster girl quest. Not too heavy on the mechanics really but people loved the game's artistic values. In this case, I'd wager the developer just wants to try doing things the way he envisioned it initially. Whether or not he'll add more features and alterations really depends on if the developer is willing to handle all the labor involved, if he even finds the ideas appealing.

Of course, you could always try making an H game yourself with these ideas in mind. There's a saying, if it doesn't exist, make it so. I owe that one to TheBoogie.
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Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

Well, no Female MC ? (with costumization, it would be cool..)
what a down, at least for me..

anyway, thank's for the all information guys.. this forum is amazing..

will try the demo later..
Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

Well, everyone. Following their development and release schedule, the Early Access release became available to patrons about 12 hours ago. Keep your eyes peeled on nyaa, and we can all look forward to the official release on the 30th!
Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

Wonder if the patron version is different from what will be at C92.
Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

Wonder if the patron version is different from what will be at C92.

on the blog, it says that the early access version is a full product but does not have some features like key config and CG gallery.
guess it's gonna be updated later on release day?
Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

Unfortunately, I did not find their booth. Maybe They didn't show up until later in the afternoon...?

I only saw さ03a and さ04a at the east hall 7. There was no さ03b at hall 7 as his blog says for Friday (which has ended as of this post).
Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

on the blog, it says that the early access version is a full product but does not have some features like key config and CG gallery.
guess it's gonna be updated later on release day?

There's going to be patch for it later to add those. He plans on patching the game for bugs and add things while during his development of a new game.

Also there will be an english version of this game around september since he's reached his goal on patreon. He plans on putting it on DLsite but got suggested for other online stores too. Unfortunately I can't share much information other than that. This is his first game, but in my opinion I think he did very well being his first creation and all. I'm quite enjoying it personally.

He's very open to suggestions and criticism from my experience. He also replies quite fast even if he's busy. I told him about the collision between the heroines and zombies and that you're stuck between them while getting beaten to death and he quickly took my suggestion into an account and fixed it on the next patreon update.
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Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

RANT POST. Correct me if, I'm off / wrong. Bored trying out different things in this game.


Red haired has two scenes with the male player. Red haired girl has 2/3 scenes with the enemies. Really just two, added the cut scenes like act4-2 to give a bone to people like shinjai, that paid money for this. ( red head girl and one enemy only per scene ) One scene in the lab chair.

Black haired girl has two scenes with the male player. Black haired girl has 2/3 scenes with the enemies. Really just two, added the cut scenes like act4-2 to give a bone to people like shinjai, that paid money for this. ( one with black haired girl / solo enemy and two with black haired girl / two enemies ) One scene in the lab chair.

Green Haired has two scenes with the male player. Green haired girl has 2/3 scenes with the enemies. Really just two, added the cut scenes like act4-2 to give a bone to people like shinjai, that paid money for this. ( green haired girl and one enemy per scene ) One scene in the lab chair.

Three girls and main player scene at end of game. No CG as of now. (later on will be added)

Game runs fine for me, can't speak for others. Bugs, maybe reload bug for some people. You can get 1 or 2 extra of the main player or girls sometimes. This isn't really that great as they will shoot into the other npc girl and the bullets vanish....

Gun selection is piss poor. You will only really use two weapons(shotgun and the laser sight gun) and grenades. This is due to the horrible BULLET sponge enemies. You will kill an enemy at normal or MAXED buffed( threw sex ) and the rounds go into the same damn enemy you just killed as it takes forever to go threw its fall down stage. Half the time doing head shots will make the damn enemy stagger or lurch over and make you waste ammo or have to re-aim a good distance over. The bloom is over all 100% crap.

NOTE: You can make the other weapons WORK, but the key word is you will have to WORK harder to make them not just overall suck.

The npc (girls) ai is bad. They will shoot into each other and all or most of the bullets vanish, YET they can sometimes kill threw walls / doors / objects...

Not having each enemy have a scene with each girl is a waste. Not having each girl (minus black haired) have a scene with two enemies is a waste. Not having two or three of the girls all in the same scene with enemies is a waste.

No true BOSS monster. ( unless I missed it, didn't play threw a level yet )

I didn't notice the three girls doing any head shots at normal or buffed to max, unless it was random.

Having the game end when one of the girls reaches 100% red is just plan dumb. Let the monsters keep screwing the girl. Have the girl try and screw the main player/other girls ( taking a npc or player out of the fight/infecting them ). Have the girl give birth to a monster, HELL anything but wasting the players time with GAME OVER. Game over should be when the main player is dead and give a scene with which girl(s) are at 100% red when the main player dies.

I don't care if, this is their first game. This game developer and other patreon developers keep forgetting to put the most DAMN basic thing in their games; Repeatable Scenes. You give the player something to do while playing your game OR after they have gone threw your latest update on the main path/scenario. Almost everyone that makes these games have played hentai games and almost +95% of those games have atleast one REPEATABLE scene.

The game feels maybe 60% done and I really want to say 40% done with what releases on dlsite/dmm and sells decent/good. This game is exactly like the last few games everyone was going crazy waiting for, looks good but fails to deliver.( GOOD cg but BAD animations-gifs or GOOD CG but only 5-10 cg or Good ??? but RAILROAD start to end )

Game so far is: 1. Kill fast enemies or Dangerous enemy, leave as many slow enemies alive. 2. Run half way across map, sex one girl, enemies attacking you as you finish or right as you finish. 3. Look for ammo /grenades. 4. Rinse and repeat.

BAH, will make this real easy for any shoot'em up fans. It has almost useless to completely useless ESCORT type npcs. They move slower than you, no guard/hold command. You get the three girls in a nice group, watch them randomly run off in a random direction, mostly into a MOB of enemies.

Yawn, using just the pistol shinjai? GET GUD! I beat the game with out taking a hit using weapon one. ( baseball bat axe thing ) NAH! I rather post about using a slow firing, low ammo count, horrible damage weapon to kill everything, because I like beating my head against a board. ( yes, yes you only said act1 - act4 ) Do you have any idea how much time you will waste having to: run around (get in a good spot ), fire ( head shots only or you will only kill 2-3 at best ), reload ( don't move or zoom to much or you might get locked into reloading ), move a little/a lot so the npc girls don't take to much damage, try and sex one girl, move again since stuff has caught up to you or SPAWNED on top of you or the other girl npcs, fire - repeat over and over?

Normal zombie / Fast zombie / jumper-spitter / worm / little worm / BIG zombie. NO BOSS.

Difference in taste/opinion I guess. Slight difference, oh so slight.

You like the game, great. You like using a BB gun to kill elephants great. I truly do hope they make more, with the same set up. I think its great when someone finally finds a game developer that makes games were their taste is met. Hope the scene only for patreons is also to your taste. May the other people that don't like the above one day get a shooter with something more.
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Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

Yeah, sounds pretty much like discussed in the thread about the demo, just more stages heh. Zombie waves blocking GOR content, with some little in game stuff you're too busy to see.

But zombie waves probably easier to code than AI or working out a method to get difficulty without swarms. You could go medival (like that other 3d dungeon game listed) and have swords etc. Slows things down and wouldn't need the swarms... but with the game engine... probably already setup for guns (less work).

Well hopefully with money, they'll have another go at it.
Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

The game randomly crashes on me almost all the time. I'm lucky if I get past the first wave without it just closing. Is there a fix for this?
Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

The game randomly crashes on me almost all the time. I'm lucky if I get past the first wave without it just closing. Is there a fix for this?

I don't have a copy myself and I am not in a hurry to buy it either seeing how everyone is so negative about this game, but updating your graphics card + the usual things to run japanese games might help?
Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

The game randomly crashes on me almost all the time. I'm lucky if I get past the first wave without it just closing. Is there a fix for this?

Overheating? If it's anything like the demo, the lack (I assume) of texture detailing meant my graphics card tried to do 10,000 FPS instead and I heard the fans start going flat out. Usually it's silent as textures and other graphic enhacements capped the fps naturally.
Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

It's nothing like that. It feels like a memory leak more than anything.
Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

Well personally I enjoyed it and don't regret the money I spent. Difference in taste/opinion I guess. The guns aren't that bad for me, all of them do what they look like they should do and grenades weren't necessary for me, so long as I took the girl's AI into account and parked myself and them somewhere with relatively long sightlines and away from doorways/ hallway corners. Yes they do sometimes run off into a group of enemies but they generally held their own so long as I thinned the enemies out. I got through the first 4 stages using just the pistol.

And considering theres 5 enemy types (counting the zombie variants as one and the worm and it's spawn as two), 3 different enemy scenes isn't bad in my opinion. (edit: wait, 3 enemy scenes for each girl? I only found 2, regular zombie and giant zombie, what's the third?) And I like the game over mechanic, again difference in taste.

I didn't run into too many bugs, did get a few crashes to desktop caused by my overzealous antivirus blocking access to game files.
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Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

It's nothing like that. It feels like a memory leak more than anything.

If you think its a memory leak issue, you can always check on windows easily.

Right click taskbar > Start Task Manager -> Performance Tab > Resource Monitor.

Although I feel that people experiencing issues are more of less people trying to play games with higher system requirements on laptops, or low end PC's, where games will run out of available system memory, overheating, other issues.

You have to consider people that make these games are not professional coders, so what they put in the game, may push old systems to their limits causing issues.
Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

I donated to their Patreon and got the latest build, playing through most all of it last night. While its not my favorite game, I have plenty to say about it as it is intriguing. I'll offer a summary of the games content for those who are interested and my own personal thoughts on the game. I can't speak for the quality of the story as I can't read moonrunes.

>>The Gameplay

So to give a gameplay overview, you play as a male character with three female sidekicks battling zombies and other monsters from level to level. You always spawn with a modified bat melee weapon and glock pistol with infinite ammo and can pick up better weapons and ammo that appear in the levels as pickups with green highlights. The objective differs from level to level. Sometimes you have to hold out against waves of enemies, sometimes you have to get from point A to point B and sometimes you have to defend a specific point on the map.

The heroines follow and stay close to you wherever you go and can do a decent job of defending themselves for the most part. They focus enemies that are closest to them and have the ability to knock enemies away and stun them if they get into melee range. However they only engage enemies within a certain distance of them, meaning that they will ignore enemies with dangerous long range attacks like the quadrupedal monster and the giant worm. Because of this the job of tackling these high priority threats falls to you. Don't even bother shooting the regular zombies at all, let your girls handle them and just backpedal and strafe away from them if they get close to you. Instead you should focus your efforts on the other, more dangerous enemies that your girls tend to ignore. Zombies and monsters also attack the closest target, a fact that you can exploit to protect more vulnerable members of your party.

A big part of the game, especially later on, is having sex with the heroines mid battle. You are vulnerable while doing this so its best left for quieter moments in the level, though you can happily tanks hits from enemies without the animaton being interrupted. You and the girl both gain some health over time while the animation plays out, with a huge boost of health for you both on its completion, though the animation can be cancelled prematurely with spacebar. In addition, the girl gains a shield that negates damage for a while and you gain a massive damage boost, the length of depending on how successful you were at the sex minigame. You should be wary of doing this while being overwhelmed however. With both you and one of the girls occupied for a while, that leaves only two girls to hold back the enemies, meaning that once you're done you could re-enter the battle to find yourself in a dire situation.

If you go down, its an instant game over so hide behind the girls if you start getting low on health. If a girl goes down they stay in the spot they were incapacitated in and are vulnerable to being raped by 2 of the available enemy types. An enemy raping a heroine is highlighted in red and should be killed as soon as possible. (Unless you want it to happen you perv.) While being raped, that girl's health bar will fill with red, giving you a game over once it reaches the top. Giant zombies should be prevented from raping the heroines at all costs as their huge health pools allow them to stand in front of you, raping the girl and tanking magazine after magazine of bullets from you until you get a game over. You can revive a girl in the same way you can restore their health, triggering a sex animation, getting them back on their feet and into the fight.

What you never want is to have more than 1 heroine knocked down at the same time. Especially not three. The more girls that are knocked down the more the enemies will turn their attention to you, literally blocking your bullets with their many bodies as the girls are raped, preventing you from saving them. Sometimes it is beneficial to revive a downed girl even in the middle of a big fight and take a bunch of hits than it is to have to deal with protecting two downed girls at the same time. If all 3 girls go down, you will have your hands full defending them and yourself. The odds of failure are incredibly high in this scenario and if there are giant zombies involved its almost certainly a game over.

>>The Arsenal

This is a first person shooter after all, so how is the gunplay? To be quite honest it isn't great. Not unplayable, but certainly not very satisfying. Some weapons are more useful and fun than others, with some having awful issues that make them less desirable than even your starting pistol! As for variety there are 2 melee weapons, 2 pistols, 2 SMGs, 2 Shotguns and 2 Assault Rifles for 10 different weapons in total. The weapons your girls use are unique, you can't use them yourself. A common theme in this game is that for each category of weapon, one of two choices is far superior to the other.


For melee you have a modified bat that you always spawn with. The weapon is garbage compared to the starting pistol, with terrible damage and range. It does seem to have a stunning effect with strikes to the head however which could be useful if used correctly. Otherwise, you will never use it. The second weapon is an energy sword with limited uses. As you'd expect, it deals a lot of damage and also seems to stun a lot more often as well. Unfortunately, the energy sword is rare and limited to the final stages of the game so you will almost never be using melee.


The starting pistol is fantastic for what it is. You always have it no matter what, it has a magazine capacity of 15, decent accuracy and decent power, capable of killing a normal zombie with two headshots. It is great and will be your main weapon for the early stages and a great weapon to use against regular zombies in the late game. The Desert Eagle handles in a similar way, but has more power in exchange for limited ammo and magazine capacity. The eagle can one shot regular zombies with good aim, making it good for those with a steady hand.


The first Submachine Gun and the first non starting weapon you get your hands on is the MP5. Unfortunately it is terrible, possibly the worst weapon in the game. It is so bad, using the starting pistol is often preferable in most situations. Its accuracy during sustained fire is god awful, most of your shots missing even when firing in bursts at close range. its firepower does not at all make up for this. Unless you literally press the gun against your target and pull the trigger, it isn't worth using. The P90 however is a substantial improvement. While it does a little less damage its larger magazine and MUCH improved accuracy during sustained fire makes it far superior to the MP5 and a solid choice throughout the game. It does burn through ammo quickly however, so you should make your shots count.


Both Shotguns are among the worst weapons in the game and I wouldn't recommend them at all. Their lengthy reload times and terribly wide spread make them terrible against anything you aren't brushing shoulders with, with the exception of the giant worms due to their size. The Spas 12 has a noticeable improvement in damage over the MP-133 with pistol grip, but with such wide spreads their usefulness is severely lacking. It should be noted however that Shotguns used at very close range, combined with the damage boost you get from sex is an incredibly powerful combination, able to kill anything short of a giant zombie with one shot.

>Assault Rifles

Here are the real gems of the weapon line up. The 5.56 Assault Rifle is the best weapon in the game, with the perfect combination of power and stability to cut down your enemies ruthlessly. The AK-47 is almost as good with an even greater damage per shot but its wider spread makes its damage output lower then the previous rifle at anything other than point blank range. Both guns do suffer from a low total ammo capacity and that they are only found later in the game, but when you get them they can't be beat for effectiveness.

>>The Hentai

And here we have the whole reason to even consider buying this game. But is it worth it? You can have sex with the girls during the levels, granting you and her healing and temporary buffs, each girl having a different animation with the MC. Additionally in between every stage the MC gets a special scene with one of the girls. The zombies will only rape the girls once they have been knocked down and also have a game over animation different from their mid battle animations. Lastly, there is also a machine sex animation for each of the girls.

In total the MC has several different sex animations with each of the girls, depending on whether they are mid battle downed or if its a special scene between levels. The MC definitely has the lions share of the H here, which is great if you want a power fantasy to enjoy, but not so great if you want the monsters to have some fun. The monster H on the other hand is sorely lacking in comparison. Only a few animations total, 2 per enemy and 2 for each girl. Only 2 of the 5 enemies even have animations at all, the others not interested in the girls at all. Lastly, each game over animation ends with the monster killing the girl in a brutal fashion, though the camera angle softens it to make it seem a little less brutal than it actually is,something that could be a turn off if you don't like or can't tolerate that sort of thing. All in all, I found the amount of H content on offer to be fine for the main character, but lacking for the monsters. Be wary of that if its only the monster scenes that are drawing you in to purchasing.

>>Arbitrary End Score -- 6/10

Considering that this is the circle's first game and that they are innovating in a genre of gaming that almost never sees any H content, there is certainly a novelty to playing this game. It can be fun at times, frustrating at others but is all around solid with no game breaking bugs encountered. The H animations and sound design is also solid, the expressions of the heroines during sex also passable, an impressive feat for a budget 3D game. There is a lot more that could be done to make this an unforgettable game, but without resources or experience its understandable that this was all we got. Perhaps a sequel or future game with more funds will allow the team to showcase more of their talents and create an even better game next time around.

As a final note, the game is worth buying for the novelty of playing something new and to support the efforts of the team in making future games. Its alright, but don't expect to have your mind blown, despite the innovative premise and execution.

>>Personal thoughts

Here I'm just going to talk a little about what I personally think would make the game better than it is now. Some ideas to improve on what is already there.

This one was obvious but more content is always good. But specifically it would be great to have more H scenes for the monsters. If all 5 of the monsters had 2 H scenes each instead of just 2, that would have been ideal. Of course, more scenes is more work but it seems a shame to have an enemy in the game if it isn't interested in raping the heroines. It would also please people with an interest in the Monster x Human side of the game.

Other content that would be great to have more of is of course more enemy types, weapons and especially levels. The game is rather short if you aren't actively trying to lose along the way. The game is also fairly easy once you get the hang of the controls and find the weapons you like, fucking the heroines at every opportunity. Unless you are trying to lose or are handicapping yourself for fun, the difficulty is lacking. So being able to adjust the level of difficulty would be a good feature to have. Also, rebalancing the weapons would be a welcome addition, as some are so bad they aren't worth using over the starting pistol. *Cough* MP5 *Cough*

A survival mode would also be fun and add some extra hours to the length of the game, with the player having to fight off ever increasing waves of enemies on a map of their choice, perhaps being rewarded with CGs or access to the level select and gallery features for progressing past certain waves. The main game already plays pretty much like a survival game with waves, so implementing a survival mode probably wouldn't be that difficult. If extra enemies at higher waves is too much, their health and damage can be tweaked to gradually increase the difficulty until the player fails.

Additional enemy types would add much needed variety and depth to the gameplay. Enemies that do more than just attacking the nearest target would make it much more interesting. For example, an enemy that could pick up a fallen girl, run away with her to another part of the map and then start raping her there would force the player and the heroines to leave the part of the map they are comfortable defending to save the girl. This would mean the player would either have to take those enemies out quickly before they get any fallen girls or face having to sprint right into a crowd of foes guns blazing to get her back, probably ending with the party surrounded and in a desperate struggle. Having multiple fallen heroines would also make this enemy several times more dangerous, as they could carry the girls to different parts of the map, making it very hard to save them all.

Lastly, a change in perspective could have been a possible improvement to the game. Since the game is inspired by Left4dead, it would have been fun to have 4 female heroines, with the player able to choose which one they want to play as. Instead of a getting a game over when a girl is raped too much, that girl is creampied by the monster and is unable to be revived for the rest of the level, making the level much harder. Likewise, when the player is knocked down they can be helped up by the AI and if the player gets creampied, their control shifts to a girl of their choice who is still standing, only getting a game over when all 4 are down, like left4dead. The consequences of letting a girl be creampied could carry over to the next stage, the girl forced to birth some abomination and resulting in a big debuff for that girl during the next level. The player can also avoid this debuff if they choose to by simply restarting the level right away or when the level is chosen from the level select screen.

Thats all from me for now though, I hope some of you found my ramblings interesting! This game is far from great but it does break new ground. Hopefully pro studios start making moves into this area, inspired by this game and make a fantastic H shooter that is both deliciously erotic and fun to play in its own right.

Bye bye and have fun!
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Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

You forgot two of the most powerful weapons.

1. Light Saber - Kills zombies in one hit pretty much, 1-2 hits on worms and 6-8 on the... super dickheaded monster things?

Its spammable with no reload, but you need to get close. Only hits 1 thing at a time however.

2. Hi-Tech grenade launcher...? - Has 5 shots per round before requiring reload, fires something like a grenade at a location you aim at. Much bigger radius than normal grenades and you can fire all 5 very quickly.

Has up to 50 rounds at max... 1 shots everything but the dickheaded super zombies.. but you can blow up multiple of those guys really fast spamming the weapon on'em.

Its the #1 OP weapon in the game considering how fast it decimates everything and quick reload + firing rate.
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Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

Ah damn you're absolutely right. You're spot on with those, apologies. I wrote that whole thing up late at night when I was super tired. :p
Re: [Team Krama][FPS] Rape of the Dead

I played the demo sadly did not like it.

Wish like some people said before that it was closer to left for dead with first and third person view and that you could actual chose who you play as.

To me hentai in this game feels weird, in the middle of the fight you try to have sex with the girls in your team? Like WTF? I could understand maybe if you do it after the fight in safe houses or whatever.
In fight monster attacks on the girls is also lazily done. You can not stop and watch it because monsters are after you, game over scenes are okay but other then that this game feels like it did not know what it wanted to be to me (if it wants to be a actual zombie shooter or a hentai game. Since it could not meld both systems properly).

Nevertheless I must say since this is their first game and since it is in 3D they can make the next game better in all aspects.