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Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Yep, throwing my support behind Chameon as well.

If we do want to get them out of the circle, I would advise stressing how close the necromancer is to the runestone, and hence, how close he is to being strong enough to overwhelm us. We can talk while ket digs and we're more than happy to help her wounds along to get her up to the task safely faster.

Also, pending on the answer to my question, I suggest that we look at the Magic Resistance mutation from way back when. It will be a cold day in hell where purple is as weak as it seems after hanging around that much ambient magic for so long, and if Resistance is passed on to our host like i'm hoping, we stand a much better chance.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Magic resistance does sound pretty nice, though if that guy's just reviving a buncha shit it might be a little pointless. I dunno if that magic resistance will help us any against a bunch of bony fuckers pummeling us, I mean.

Well whatever, I'll back Shrike as I do when I have no idea what the fuck. Which means I guess I'm backing Chameon, though I am too lazy to see what he said at the moment.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Supporting Cham.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I'm more worried about anything purple itself is going to throw at us, when I'm thinking about magic resistance. I don't think it would help much about the skeletons either, but necromancers do usually have a bit wider range than just animating undead, so it may come in useful against him as well.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Resistance is good, if expensive. Any ideas on how to gather another 200 energy and it'd be amazing to grab (We'd still have a rather decent buffer of around 50 for the fight, unless the skeletons are significantly less important then the necromancer). My main worry is how the magical being we're inside would react. Also, here is a list of all available evolutions.

Morph I – 50 Energy – your body becomes nearly amorphous, and like a slug can fit through very narrow spaces. Also like a slug, you adhere weakly to rough surfaces, allowing you to climb certain walls and ceilings.
Body Slime – 150 Energy – see above, you're harder to grab. May evolve further as well – use your imagination!
Swim I – 100 Energy – see above, you can swim and adapt to aquatic environs.
Aura Sense I – 150 Energy – see above, rough gauge of power and intent by auras.
Pheromone Sense – 150 Energy – you can sense the pheromones in an environment. Depending on the intensity this may give you excellent information at a great distance.
Mana Drain I – 200 Energy – You can drain mana from a creature at very close range (on or near their person). If they focus they will notice this, but few mortal beings remain vigilant constantly…
Resistance I – 400 Energy – You are highly resistant to control magic, and partially resistant to other magics.
Cock Tentacle – 75 Energy – Your tentacle head evolves to resemble a penis. You are capable of cumming, but some denizens can use this to drain you. Cum can be used to deliver other evolved abilites.
Sucker Tentacle – 75 Energy – your tentacle head grows a suction cavity resembling a pussy. This makes it easier to drain energy and harder to detach you. On the downside, the sucker is more vulnerable to damage, especially immersion (say in acid).
Sleep – 150 Energy – status add (all status adds require a delivery method, either inhaled, eaten, injected, or skin contact) – this increases fatigue and makes the target drowsy
Poison I – 200 Energy – status add – this lowers the target’s physical abilities and health over time
Aphrodisiac I – 250 Energy – status add – increases the target’s physical sensitivity to stimulation.
Fertile Cum – 300 Energy – requires Cock Tentacle – Your cum can impregnate the females of most species, though odds may vary. The resulting spawn will grow faster than normal, and may be enhanced depending on your connection to it’s host.
Symbiote Servant – 800 Energy – Evolve the ability to split off another symbiote by mitosis. It can infest hosts on its own, holding most of your abilities, and can act on its own initiative. It is subservient unless it becomes markedly more powerful than you. As a separate approach, a symbiote grafting to a fetus or young child will form a hybrid that considers you one of its “parents” and is far easier to control. Once you have the ability, other symbiotes are cheaper.
Core – 500 Energy – You evolve a solid core which stores energy. If your body is destroyed but the core is not, its stored energy will be used to spawn a new body some time later.
Spawn I – 400 Energy – You spawn a small minion that obeys your orders mindlessly, acting on instinct outside of your control range. The evolution gives you one free minion, but the cost is mainly for the ability to do so – additional spawn are cheaper. They will lack most abilities, but they are available immediately.
Stinger Tentacle – 200 Energy – (delivery method) Evolve a stinger tentacle capable of delivering various attacks via injection. The stinger tentacle is agile, able to seek gaps in armor.
Slime Shackles - 150 Energy - What's a lair without a way to hold captives? Viscous slime restrains the target, responding to your mental commands with limited mobility. You can materialize the slime in a lair or anywhere with strong mana currents. It requires energy, slight for a small pre-planned layout, a lot for a bigger, spontaneous creation. The drain to maintain or control an existing slime shacle is minor.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Mana Drain, Symbiote servent, Core, Stinger Tentacle, Pheromone Sense, Spawn or Sleep all sound terribly tempting. Sadly we are curretly I think 300 energy short of evolving Symbiote Servant. I'd say look into Mana Drain, Sleep, Stinger Tentacle or Spawn to deal with the necromancer maybe. If we only had 50 more we could get Stinger Sleep and Mana Drain. We could use the stinger to inject sleep in the necromancer and use Mana Drain to weaken him further.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!


What if we got stinger and sleep toxin? We've got some passable abilities in the art of sneakery, a couple jabs and his ass should be put to bed.

Wait, why are we letting that orc get away? We need some cannon fodder and have influence - I don't quite remember what exactly that does, but it should be helpful, right? Maybe he's got some buddies we could recruit - though, as soon as they die, that asshole's gonna be there to zombify them...

Shit, nevermind. We're probably outta time anyway, right.

We need to hurry up and poach that rune before he can corner us there.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I may have a way to cheapen an evolution or two, still woiting on tora to answer that.

Stinger and sleep sounds decent, I'd like to find out how fast it knocks someone out though before we commit to it. Should work pretty fast, I'd assume.

Symbiote servant is just too damn pricey right now, even if I can finagle us a reduction. It sounds like a way for us to make trusted lieutenants one we have our own lair going. And now that our cover is effectively blown, it will be harder to find a way to put them to use immediately.

We do need to push for the runestone, though. A round or two of evolving with the mass of energy there and I think we'd have it a lot easier.

EDIT: And maybe take a look at this tattoo with aura sense, could give us an idea of anything else it does, apart from what we've seen.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Magic Resistance has been discounted by Shrike7's Overlord power! You recall a memory of Purple! (Shrike has the info, more in the next post :))

2 – Focus on Zelari and especially Ket. Talk fast and sell hard.

Current Status:

Small Young Black Tentacle
Health: 50/50
Energy: 500/1500
Overlord Energy 75
Abilities: Stealth I, Infest I, Symbiosis I, Aura Sense I, Perception, Influence, Ovipositor, Soul Bind, Telepathy
Status: Normal, Aid Tattoo
Host: Asabi – Greater Succubus, low energy, illusion, (soul bind, symbiosis active, egged)

Time: Noon
Allies: Hul’jet (Floor 1 Sigil Crypt), Yorin Image (Floor 2 Astral Prison), Zelari, Cambor, & Ket (F2 North, all egged), Orc (F2 North, egged)
Known Entities: Runestone (F3 North), Purple and Necromancer (F3 Northeast), Green & Blue (???))
Ket’s eyes snap open. Before you can blink she’s digging, flinging clumps of earth left and right. Only when Cambor grips her shoulder does the alraune stop.

“Wait,” he says, not taking his eyes off you, “this smells like a trap.”

“What doesn’t?” Zelari asks. She stretches languorously, showing off the faint traces of her wounds.

“Right,” you cut in, “I’m only looking out for Ket’s safety.” Met with Cambor’s dubious glare you explain, “Asabi was starving, so to speak, and a demon can’t long be denied. Letting your erstwhile captive sate her seemed the most palatable option.”
“Yeah, funny that,” says the warrior, “he was also the only one without a ward.”
“Wards are just an annoyance,” Asabi says, half-bluffing. “Worse, they’re always the same! You holy types are so damn boring!”
“Who the FUCK are you calling holy?”

Not wanting to sidetrack, you address Zelari, “You know I’m not lying about the other spawn. If the casters reach the runestone first it will be far worse.”

“What runestone?” Ket asks eagerly, “will I learn magic!?” Interest piqued, her roots dig into the ground with restless energy.

It’s an opportunity you can ignore. “Yes, but only if we beat the necromancer. The purple spawn stole my magic, but I can teach you once I get it back. And the runestone can also break your curse.” The second part is direct as much towards Zelari as the mandragoran.

“Bullshit.” Cambor says. Ket shrinks back visibly at his tone
“You disagree?” you ask in your most reasonable voice.
“Yeah. I know your kind. You treat people like pawns, you take what you want from them and throw them out like trash. Fuck that!”
“Only fools.” you say, focusing so only he hears.
“What!” he bristles, drawing his blade.
“What?” Zelari asks him, concerned.

“I said only fools need fear me!” you say so everyone can hear, “Fools like the followers of Darya, especially the holy knights. We share two enemies, and one of them is fast approaching. I would help you beat them purely out of self-interest, but I also promised aid to Ket.”

“You did!?” Ket asks. Zelari nods, looking meaningfully at Cambor. “It’s part of the deal I told you about,” she tells him, “power for a price.”

“Yeah, or we could leave and solve it ourselves,” he shoots back, “Remember that, Zel? What we always do?”

“I don’t think that’s the smartest idea this time around,” she offers as diplomatically as possible. Ket shakes her head in agreement, but the harpy’s tone seems to have the opposite effect on Cambor.

“You know what I think? I think they’ve been fucking with your head!”

“Uh, babe? Think! We’re in a bloody warding circle! If I’m messed, it means the demon’s level with us, and the leech could have just fucked us all!” Asabi stifles a laugh as Zelari’s feathers ruffle, and you thrust painfully to keep her silent. The staring match between the two lovers speaks volumes, and you only wish you could read more through the barrier.

Finally they reach an understanding, turning to you in unison. “I don’t give a shit about your power games!” Cambor say, “You want us to help? Make it worth our time!”

“What did you have in mind?” you ask quickly, finding no quarter in Zelari’s gaze. You whisper to Ket to start digging, assuring her that this will smooth over. Hesitantly she agrees, extracting your promise to teach her magic and silently burrowing her roots into the runestone chamber vaulting.

“Easy:” Cambor answers, “We’re the hired muscle. You don’t screw us after the fight, and we get first pick of the spoils. Deal?”

The offer’s a considerable improvement from mere moments ago, but it puts you at a disadvantage. If the necromancer’s power is drawn from an artifact you might give the mortals more power than you can absorb. You can feel the necromancer clashing against the seals below you, and decide that power’s worth fighting for. “And what can you do against a necromancer that affords such a premium?”

The blade starts forward, body on edge. Sensing trouble, Zelari quickly interjects “Everything. You and your twin both want the stone, right? If we’re even a tiny distraction, you win the race.” She seems to read the air as she speaks, “Hell, I’ll even sweeten the deal: we won’t touch those abyssal artifacts you seem to love. In return, though, I want a blood oath. You’ll help Ket if she needs it, and otherwise we don’t interfere with each other.” She turns to the alraune, halting the digging with a withering gaze, then waves past Cambor and adds, “That means no mind games, either. I think we can make this a mutually beneficial relationship, but like I said before, business first.”

You squirm uncomfortably under the harpy’s piercing eyes. How did she know? You recount every encounter, and you never once mentioned artifacts to her. You didn’t even think about it until now.

Sensing hesitation, Zelari speaks again, “Idea: if you’re after control, we’ll hear out your plan for a little extra. Give me the incantation to the demon’s prison so I can take the mana gems. A little bonus; it helps us help you.”

Is the deal acceptable?
1.) Accept with a blood oath, “Fight for us, and we will not interfere after…”
2.) Accept with a blood oath, “Fight for me, and I will not interfere after…” This conveniently excludes Asabi, but they may notice since you can’t cloud their minds.
3.) Refuse until you get better terms, at least a mutual oath and a term limit on it (specify).
4.) Refuse a blood oath entirely, press for a deal that doesn't need it (specify).

Options, pick as many as you’d like
A.) Evolve Magic Resistance (150 Energy), it could be extremely useful against purple
B.) Evolve Slime Shackles (150 Energy) as a way to buy more time and hinder the undead
C.) Evolve Stinger Tentacle + Sleep (350 Energy) to subdue against purple and its hosts. If you can evolve using the runestone this becomes even stronger.
D.) If option 2 wins but the mortals see through the ruse, laugh it off and default to 1 to avoid wasting any more time.
E.) Give Zelari the incantation to remove the stones, then either pick who to give them to or tell Zelari and let her pick (ex. Ket-red,…)
……red = freedom/protection/awareness. Can trigger in response to an attack.
……yellow = absorption/vision. It is easier to combine with other mana gems.
……black = binding/stealth/illusion. Black affinity means you can subtly make yourself more agreeable to the holder.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Ergh. I wanna say 1. with A. & C. But that would leave us dry on energy......
Alternatively 1. E. Give Ket Red as we promised to protect her, Give Zelari Yellow and Asabi Black.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

4, A (no opinion on B-E)

We've placated them enough, no way should we agree to a blood oath and give these three (namely Cambor) even more control over us. If they don't want our help fending off the necromancer then we don't have to give it to them, we can just as easily abandon them to fight Purple and the necromancers themselves and clean up afterwards. If they do want our help fighting them and protecting Ket, then we can give it to them on terms that are closer to our liking.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Edited for ease of identification: See below, editted in favor of Shrike

3. Go with the terms for one, but on the condition that they also refrain from harming us. I'm not falling for a trap that has them slaying us so immediately. The terms, after all, never stated that they have to be peaceful after the fact, and a blood oath is 100% binding, even to us. Plus, while we swore, I don't believe our spawn did, and this is why I love playing demons. Legalese.

A. That cost reduction should not be wasted so soon.

I kinda also want B, but that would drain us a touch too far.

E, Ket wants magic? Give her Red, Yellow, and black. They don't seem to like us at the moment, and giving Ket the defenses might wall up that horror. After all, we have been nothing but amiable and helpful to this group thus far. Admittedly, towards our own ends, but still.

Secondary Edit: Paranoid Ravings

Seems like the Aid Tattoo has us share abilities back and forth, and that she's just stealing ours. I don't like that. At all. Kinda what prompted magic resistance.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Quick copy-paste, will get around to my thoughts as soon as I can:

The scoop on Purple, in brief:

Purple was a consummate opportunist, always looking for an edge. It thinks nothing of stringing along multiple parties, catering to their desires and giving tantalizing clues to drive them on. Promises were meaningless once it had what it wanted.

If a pawn survived disposal purple would use its illusions to keep them facile, and failing that could phase to the ethereal and even astral planes to escape a tough spot. Because it fed on magic it stuck to areas with high concentrations, absorbing magic abilities and power rather than dispersing it on a lair.

You used purple as one of your enforcers, letting it absorb any casters who dared to oppose you. It was easy to keep under control using the carrot of your own prisoners and the stick of magic disruption, an offensive evolution of magic resistance.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I can see we have a split of opinion on 3 :).

I've edited the choices, xgkf, I will consider your vote a 4.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Fucking unions, always wanting better wages and fuck.


No giving them the rocks, or the prison. That shit is awesome yo! Besides, there's probably a lot to be gleaned from it - inspecting shit for old memories and whatnot. ...Although, we should probably give either Zel or Cam the red one, so they're slightly less fucked when they have to deal with them skeletons.

Also, doesn't it have life-preserving powers or something? I recall something like that being mentioned. That might be important if Ket gets hurt again.

No loophole cuntery. We're a respectable rapemonster, we don't to backstabbing shit like Asabi or those orcs do. ...At the same time, I'm pretty skeptical of these terms, as they're quite open-ended.

I suggest:
First, get digging NOW. My end's completely fucked if he gets to it first, and he's already pounding on the door.
Second, I will help Ket if she needs it.
Third, I'll not harm or work against you so long as you don't harm or work against me. I won't get other people to do so in my stead so long as you don't either.
I think a blood oath is alright with this. Hopefully.

You might not trust me, but the fucker downstairs has EVERYTHING to gain from just murdering you and raising your dead asses for his horde. Especially if I die and you're this bitchy with him, too, fuck.


I was gonna say that we've been nothing but chill dealing with these guys, but uh, we DID sorta egg them when they weren't looking, and then jedi mindfucked Zel into a door with a demon that she had to fight in it.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Edited for ease of identification: 3-A-E

3. Go with the terms for one, but on the condition that they also refrain from harming us. I'm not falling for a trap that has them slaying us so immediately. The terms, after all, never stated that they have to be peaceful after the fact, and a blood oath is 100% binding, even to us. Plus, while we swore, I don't believe our spawn did, and this is why I love playing demons. Legalese.

A. That cost reduction should not be wasted so soon.

I kinda also want B, but that would drain us a touch too far.

E, Ket wants magic? Give her Red, Yellow, and black. They don't seem to like us at the moment, and giving Ket the defenses might wall up that horror. After all, we have been nothing but amiable and helpful to this group thus far. Admittedly, towards our own ends, but still.

Secondary Edit: Paranoid Ravings

Seems like the Aid Tattoo has us share abilities back and forth, and that she's just stealing ours. I don't like that. At all. Kinda what prompted magic resistance.

My Vote goes with this guy. I band wagon! WOo no thinking.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I can see we have a split of opinion on 3 :).

I've edited the choices, xgkf, I will consider your vote a 4.

Indeed. :) (vote choice edited appropriately)

We're supposed to be a tentacle overlord, not a tentacle pet.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

3 A B E

The blood oath suggested seems to be too open ended for them - I'd say try and go for extra clauses prohibiting them from harming us, and only have it in effect until we part ways (so it's still possible to use them if we run across them again at some later time).
A and B should both help greatly fighting against the necromancer. I figure that the more help we can be, the better - even better, if we hold enough weight in the battle it may be possible to let Cambor die without violating our shiny new blood oath. Not that Zelari would be happy after that, granted ^^
E is just as a gesture of good intentions - tell her what they do and maybe suggest giving the red to Ket (fits with our promise to protect her)
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

3 A E (Ket, Ket, Ket)

I like Blarg's idea. I vote his way, except we loan all the magic rocks to Ket so she'll consider herself our apprentice.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

3 A(&B if the terms are accepted) E(all 3 to Ket

The current terms are one sided, but with some minor alterations i think we can make this work.
1. We in no way, shape, or form will hurt, injure, kill, or harm Zel, Ket, and Cam. All of our minions and any other followers in the future will abide by this.
2. Ket and Zel will actively be protected by Us and any of our minions and future followers.
3. Ket will receive all three of the stones for protection and any kind of magic training we can offer in the future.
4. Convince them that we cannot simply turn off our mind games as it will be an extremely valuable weapon during the coming fight. Aiding in their responses to danger and to strategize with everyone without speaking aloud, but state we will never make them do anything they don't truly want to.
5. In exchange for these four points, they all three must agree to the same terms in number 1.
6. The final point, in exchange for having us be their guardian, they must understand that we have needs and hunger. At any time we request they will allow us to feed off of their sexual energies. Leave this point a little open ended so that it can be interpreted as feeding off them do it, us fucking them, a minion/spawn fucking them, or a spawn feeding off of them as it develops.
If they agree, run the idea past them that we have means to fight against the undead that will be in the fight, but in order to use it we will need a bit of an energy boost. Asking to for Zel to have sex with us and Asabi while Ket and Cam are digging. This will give us some bumper energy to purchase the slime shackles.