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Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

The color will probably vary by tentacle type and sure if clean shaven is easier.

The arm tentacle seems like it would be good as orange to me.

I'm not really sure how a digital level would really fit in... But I'll see if I can think of something...

I'm not really sure about background music...

Sidenote: Aureola are the flesh on a woman's breasts between the nipples and the breast you know the pinkish round part... (Worst explanation ever)
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

well i can post the song here.... somehow, and we can put it in as a random stage bgm.

and i guess that was a good explaination. j

and i will change tina;s arm to orange
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

You still have complete creative control if you want it. Anything I say about how things should look are just suggestions. Also I was thinking the msuic might work for Zero space.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

I know it would prolly be too much work... but riddle me this. If all the tentacles are out to rape you... Why not the one on your arm?
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

It's hard to explain but it's not really a tentacle so much as an actual extension of T-tan that manifests in the form of a tentacle.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

So are you doing the art now or something?

That depends...do you want me to do the art or Neko? If I'm going to do the art then I have to make sure that the parts of the game should be finalized: characters, animation, music, sound effects, backgrounds, HUD, game assets, etc. I don't mind making revisions, but if I have to start all over then the work is for nothing.

I'm not saying that all the ideas should be finalized, but each part should be set in stone. :)
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Well then no I guess you aren't. Neko is doing the art because he wants to do it... I think... So other than art what can you do?
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Well then no I guess you aren't. Neko is doing the art because he wants to do it... I think... So other than art what can you do?

I take it.... that Neko is the best candidate for the art position because he wants to do it.... I guess that's what you want.... I think.... Make sure he's doing something that, I don't know, will be in the game...

Well other than art I can do a little bit of writing and can make a structured game design document... I think... maybe I do or maybe I don't. :D

I have played around with gamemaker, but it might take a while for me to get the coding right... I think... maybe. :p
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Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Well then no I guess you aren't. Neko is doing the art because he wants to do it... I think... So other than art what can you do?



the tentacle arm is apart of her curse.
but kara, do you care to give a lil summary on ze curse.

my opinion on the curse may not be accurate

(i believe the reasons the tentacles attack her, are attracted to ger, eye color change, tentacle arm = curse / is there more?)

@ nookie - im sensing anger.
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Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

@ nookie - im sensing anger.

I'm a bit ticked, but not angry. If my blunt, sarcastic, somehow mocking demeanor is getting in the way of making this game then I might as well move on and stop contributing to this thread.

It seems like you guys have a good plan to make this game................................................................... I think. Let's see how much motivation you two (three?) will have to make and finish this game. I do understand that making a game will take a long time so best of luck.
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Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

listen. we started this a while ago.

and know this- i am a taurus. im stubborn.

i veiw you as a new guy who wants to take my job. thats a mean way to put it but thats the summary. i,ve been working on the game and the sprites for some time. im am driven to do this as well. you know.... trying to be a game designer.

i just don't want to give up my job and opprotunity to learn cause you want it( and have a possibility that it wont get finished - onl becuz i can control how mush work i put into the game, but i can't control u)

wat you could do that would be awesome is to make the flagship art for the game. like the start screen with an AWESOME pic that would summarize the game. i can do that, and you can better use your artists skillz there.

am i right?
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

listen. we started this a while ago.

and know this- i am a taurus. im stubborn.

Okay, cool.

i veiw you as a new guy who wants to take my job. thats a mean way to put it but thats the summary. i,ve been working on the game and the sprites for some time. im am driven to do this as well. you know.... trying to be a game designer.

It's very competitive to get work in the video game industry, so yeah jobs will be taken; the one's who will take the job is the one that will make the game great. I don't know if making a hentai game will get you there, but as far as my real intentions go, I just want to help in some way. You can do all the art then. ;) There's potential in making adult games, but again most of them are really horrible.

i just don't want to give up my job and opprotunity to learn cause you want it( and have a possibility that it wont get finished - onl becuz i can control how mush work i put into the game, but i can't control u)

Fair enough. Make all the art yourself, along with the code, music, etc.

wat you could do that would be awesome is to make the flagship art for the game. like the start screen with an AWESOME pic that would summarize the game. i can do that, and you can better use your artists skillz there.

am i right?

It would be awesome to make flagship art for the game and I wouldn't mind making the art for it, but theres a couple of problems:
1) I don't know what the finalized character looks like, how she moves, etc.
2) I don't know what the overall world looks like
3) The character doesn't have much of backstory
4) Details are not being stated or the details are so unclear
5) I feel drained out trying to motivate "THE IDEA PERSON" but I think that's what she can do...provide ideas and she said it herself that she has NO intention on making this game and you're the one who's going to do all the work? You're not the game designer. There's no team....you're the team.

I would steal her ideas and add some more to it, but I don't want to seem like a bad guy here so I won't. But I take it that she's extremely passive so I think she wouldn't mind if I do steal her ideas (just kidding... maybe) :D

I guess this post will be my last, but I'll still be lurking. Good luck..... I guess....
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Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

if you had read the eairler post, most details were stated. and there is a team, and if it wants to grow it can. if i recall,
Kara= idea /creater
Rydin= experience/ adviser
Neko= game developer.

help wanted in any position that needs help or wasn't listed

i just started the art.
i am no team.
and were all (expept rydin) new at this.

but if you want to be that way, go ahead. im not using this game to become a game designer. im learning and gaining experience. im happy to work with others, ut im not going to abandon what i started.

negativity and bashing wont help develop this, cooperation and communication will

and if anything, ask questions.

the game is a pretty developed idea, but it can always evolve and change.

dont just bitch and run away (yes, im a tad bit fed up with this "arguement')
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

You know the idea that ideas are worthless isn't entirely accurate... Sure everyone has ideas but not all of them are good... Therefore an actual good idea has at least some value. Also Nookie some off your statements are leading me to believe you haven't actually read this thread at all...

Now as for Neko's question about the curse... As far as I actually planned it the only physical manifestation of the curse is the tentacle arm. They eyes are just cool. The curse attracts the, not necessarily negative or even sexual, attention of members of a race of beings called Tentacles. They are in fact normally a brutal and savage race and their treatment of T-tan is actually far from normal for their species... For example of normal Tentacle interaction with other races see the funeral rites side quest and possibly T-tan 2.

There's a bit of a twist to the curse that I can explain to you in pm but don't really want to explain here.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

this idea is more developed than i thought.

i think kara want to surpass the great hentai creaters today (LimeMarvel / eluku / etc.... thats all i know)

and already planning a sequal. I got my work cut out.

Ready for your Pm whenever your ready!
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Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

and you're the one who's going to do all the work? You're not the game designer. There's no team....you're the team.

You cant keep obsessing over this 'team' business. In reality, only one person is required to make this particular style of game. As it stands, the division of work right now streamlines the process. Nico can make the game look anyway he wants as the creative designer, while Kara comes up with the story and plot than Nico doesn't want to have to come up with. Together they work as one which makes it fairly effective. Music and sound effects can be added in after the game itself is finished. Therefore there is no need to address it at this time. Seeing as how this is a first time project, I would be surprised if they added any sound at all.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Well I hope to at least have T-tan's reaction sounds to being raped... Moans, cries, etc...
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

i have gud newsand bad news.

bad news first

i have been trapped to work bullshit hours at my job to were i work every single day at either two locations on the oppisite sides of town. no days off at all in a hot kitchen, (with no A/C on most days) so i wont be making much progress for a while. and im getting a second job to a) eliminate my hours in 1st job to be managable and b) save more money - but this will make it so that i will have to work everyday, but it would be uniform every week (yay- predictable)

good news.

The above will only last untill the 8th of june. then i will be traveling to another state for personal reasons and will have4-5 days of no work to make some progress on the game. plus the bus ride is like 5 hours there and back so you guys no what i will be doing. so expect me not to be around for 4 days but on the last day, there will be a shit load stuff drawn.
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Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Well that sucks but I'll wait patiently for your return and in the meantime I still have my own work to finish doing on the game so hopefully we'll both have some more stuff to show soon.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Sidequest enemies

Animus Tentacle: The boss of the Sidhe Protection agency sidequest. The Animus tentacle is a monstrous sized Tentacle that simply crushes everything in it's path as well the largest part of it is underground and multiple tentacles reach from under the ground to hold opponents and keep them from fighting back as the monstrosity moves forward. When T-tan arrives the Sidhe are all being held by it and she has to release them while dodging the tentacles herself and keep the Animus tentacle from crushing them.

Red Shade: A red shadow that inhabits the zero space. If it hits T-tan it possesses her causing her to masturbate profusely using her sword.

Green Shade: A green shadow that inhabits the zero space. If it hits T-tan it possesses her and makes her anally penetrate herself with her sword.

Dread Light: A glowing orb of light. If it touches T-tan tendrils of light slip out and bind her then proceed to penetrate each of her holes and molest her breasts then explode in a blast of light that blinds her (Screen goes pure white for about 5 seconds)

Tenacity Cloud: A misty creature that absorbs T-tan and rapes her in every hole. It will occasionally also flow into her mouth and nose and cause a temporary status affect which inverts controls.

Caryvan the Archmage: Boss of the Shop Quest. The Lord of Zero Space. You have to destroy him to recover the shop. He appears as a pale skinned human with a top hat and magicians outfit. He carries a staff and floats in the air during the fight. He fires blasts at T-t that stun if they hit triggering a struggle event to break free. At this point he comes down to grab T-t. If you fail to get free he begins raping T-t from behind while choking you with his staff or he will impale T-t vaginally on his staff. IF you manage to break free you have a small window of time to hit him before he goes back up. Hit him enough times and he comes down and summons Shades. Just avoid them and get over to him for one last hit to kill him.

Terrani Predator: Terrani are spider like creatures with naked humanoid upper bodies. They all look alike from the waist down but they are different above the waist based on type. Predators are red headed men wielding claymores. They lunge at T-tan and knock her down with their blades then lift her up and kisses her then lowers her to it's front where a cock slips out and she is pressed onto it.

Terrani Hunter: Terrani are spider like creatures with naked humanoid upper bodies. They all look alike from the waist down but they are different above the waist based on type. Hunters are black haired women. They lunge at T-tan and knock her down with their blades then lift her up and suck on her breasts as it's front legs enter her vaginally and anally.

Terrani Master: Terrani are spider like creatures with naked humanoid upper bodies. They all look alike from the waist down but they are different above the waist based on type. Masters are incredibly buff men with iron guantlets. They jump on T-tan and knock her down with their blades then lift her up and slams her into the ground kneeling down behind her and slams into her ass grinding her against the ground as it pounds into her from behind.

Terrani Soldier: Terrani are spider like creatures with naked humanoid upper bodies. They all look alike from the waist down but they are different above the waist based on type. Soldiers are brown haired guys with tan skin. They hang from the ceiling (you can just see their two fornt legs dangling down) and drop on T-tan knocking her down then lift her up to their mouth and eat her pussy as she sucks them off.

Terrani Lord Gratus: A giant Terrani wearing crimson body armor over his upper human half. He carries a net and spear. He attacks in 3 ways. Entangling T-t in the net then impaling her vaginally with the spear, Jumping on her and flattening her which does not result in rape but stuns her for a short time or lunging from one side of the stage to the other slamming her into the wall with his front legs and impaling her roughly with his cock at the same moment. You can attack him at any moment and dodge his lunge attack by ducking. Moving out of the way of his jump attack and just staying out of range of his net.

Giga: The Tentacle God. A massive orb with small orbs on it and 20 or so tentacles sprouting from it. It does not actually attack you but it's tentacles dart around randomly and will immediately inititate rape if they touch T-t. In order to defeat him you have to hit each of 4 glowing orbs on his main body 6 times.

Orion: The Dark Tentacle God. A vortex of swirling energy from which tentacles randomly erupt. Occasionally aiming for T-t but usally just launched randomly. There is a red light in the center fo the vortex which you must attack. Each successful attack is followed by a counterattack as 4 tentacles launch out to grab T-t each going to a corner then homing in on T-t. After a couple of successful hits the vortex subsides and the fight becomes an exact duplicate of Giga except the tentacles actually orient on T-tan. After a few more successful hits the giant orb opens up becoming an eye with a serpentine pupil. The tentacles begin spinning around it and it launches at T-t. If you dodge it hits the wall and becomes dazed and you can hit and kill it. Otherwise it rapes you and automatically reduces your determination bar to zero.

Psychopathic clown: A darkly colored humanoid in a clown suit balancing on a ball and wielding throwing knives which he throws at T-tan if hit she takes a small amount of damage but otherwise nothing happens. Once she gets close though he drops the knives and draws out a sword which he slashes at her with. If he hits her it initiates a rape in which she is kncoked down and he jumps off the ball landing on her and stabbing her through both shoulders with blades to hold her down as he begins fisting her vaginally. (Does a huge amount of damage)

Irate Shop Owner: A man in a suit with a bored expression. He walks around during the fight deflecting every attack on him. There are items lining the walls break one of those and he becomes enraged and charges at you. If you dodge he kneels over the broken object and you can attack him. If he hits you he grabs you by the neck and slams you into the ground then a dildo appears in his hand and he shoves it into you. It vibrates causing your movement to slow for a couple of seconds afterwards. He throws orbs of energy at you while you're slowed that do damage. If you break every object but haven't destroyed him yet. You've lost. You have no more chance to beat him. He begins to glow with a black aura and grabs you triggering an immediate loss rape in which he knocks you down grabs you by the leg pulling you up and begins shoving glowing crystals into your pussy. Each doing one damage and it continues until you are completely out of determination then he lets go T-t stands up begins shaking and then turns into a doll which he places on one of the shelves.

Crypt Tentacle: The boss of the funeral rites sidequest. He is a giant tentacle made out fo grass and tombstone that hides as a hill at first but then comes up as a spiral staircase surrounding a blue crystal. He pops out of the cemetary and grabs Clarice eating her. She falls into the crystal which is filled with liquid and begins to drown. You have to beat him in a certain amount of time or she drowns. You can win either way but you don't get the full reward if you let her die. The crypt tentacle has random tentacles sprouting from it's staircase like body. Some are attached to slasb of gravestone which it uses to smash T-t. Some are just normal and attempt to grab her. The spiral is always spinning around the crystal and you have to hit the crystal whenever it's unprotected. If you're hit by the slabs of gravestone it stuns you temporarily and if grabbed it just rapes you tentacle style. But if you are grabbed while stunned it begins a special rape where tentacles grab all your limbs and hold you spread eagle while a phallic looking gravestone is shoved inside of you. Grabs you with tentacles and spanks you with a gravestone if you attempt to attack the core while it's covered.

Leanna: A blond woman wearing a leather vest and skin tight pants. Wielding two knives. One of the three secret bosses. The creators avatar. She offers you one last fight as a reward for beating the game. She attacks with her knives and attempts to grab you. Her knives do minimal damage buyt her grab initiates a lesbian sex scene. (69 :D) None of her attacks do much damage however and the fight is actually incredibly easy. As her health lowers she loses clothing and once you get her down to zero your next hit initiates a sex scene. You knock her down and begin fucking her with T-t's sword until she cums and fight over. (Initiate real game end scene and credits. Now go back and finish anything you missed especially Orion and try the special game mode you unlock from beating Orion.)

The enemy profile (Will be retouched up as I don't think it's best it could be) for the sidequest only enemies.