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Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Alright then. Also I'm almost done the events and I realized after that I don't think I have anything else to do... If anyone can think of something I might still need to do that would be helpful.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

We are making progress and I was not informed? What is this?!

I see a problem here. I notice you are planning on making the movement and attack sprites Niko. However, I must remind you that the mechanics of the game must come first.

Example: Niko spends a lot of time and hard work making 4 different attack patterns. When he goes to add them to the game however, he unable to make the attack sequences work and has to scrap 3 of the 4 because he can only make her attack one way.

You're getting a little unorganized, which happens to all of us. mainly because you have so many different jobs to do. Focus on the game first with the dummy sprites. After you verify that everything works the way it's supposed to, you will know EXACTLY what sprites you need to draw and its just a matter of plugging them into the game.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

ok. that makes sense. i will do that.

and i feel i didnt make much progress. i wanted to wait until i did something to inform others about. plz take no offence.

funny thing is, ive been drawing stick ppl as references on how tina will move. so importing in the game will be easy
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

quuuuuuuuuuuuuuick question

when the game is made, how will the rape scene be activated, ( i feel like i asked this b4 but too lazy to check)

Tina - object A
Tina(attacking)- object B
enemy- object C

now, when object A comes into contact with object C or any porjectile of Object c, a certain sprote animation will happen (rape animation), but if object b come into contact with object c, it would be destroyed.

now with projectiles, we might need to input a blocking mechanism.
so object B2 is tina blocking. she can only block projectiles and wil have to dodge any other contant attack.

does that sound good

a to c = rape
b to c = c die
b2 to c = rape
b2 to c (projectile) = block
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

I was about to say there weren't any projectile enemies but then realized I'm dumb. I'm pretty sure you're asking Rydin anyways since I have no clue how that works but my intention with most projectiles was dodge... Or duck or jump...

Edit: I am pretty sure I don't have any projectiles that cause rape though... Unless projectile includes things like a tentacle reaching out to grab her?

Edited Edit: I was thinking of grabbing all the enemy and world info I posted and organizing it all in the first post is it a good idea and or worth it?
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Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

idk. if there is a way for rape moves to be initated with a projectile it would word, but that wont make sense. long range grab is still a grab. sooooo.. no block, YOU BETTA DODGE GIRL!!!! lol , my little moment.

and to answer your question, yes. i has most of your info on my pc but idk if it is complete. would help greatly if everything is in one place
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Alright moving all info to first post

Edit: Done. I'm pretty sure I got everything... Events however will not be on here I intend to send those directly to Neko and anyone else who might end up working on the game
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Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Kara is awesome awesome.

currently investigating how to make the characcter jump with a jumping sprite, and how to create an enemy ai.

Ohhhhhhh Rydin

edit........this is bushit. an AI is SOOOO hard to make. i might have to actually code manually....

should the enemies just move in one direction and attack..... (but we need ai for the bosses).....fuck
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Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

quuuuuuuuuuuuuuick question

when the game is made, how will the rape scene be activated, ( i feel like i asked this b4 but too lazy to check)

Tina - object A
Tina(attacking)- object B
enemy- object C

now, when object A comes into contact with object C or any porjectile of Object c, a certain sprote animation will happen (rape animation), but if object b come into contact with object c, it would be destroyed.

now with projectiles, we might need to input a blocking mechanism.
so object B2 is tina blocking. she can only block projectiles and wil have to dodge any other contant attack.

does that sound good

a to c = rape
b to c = c die
b2 to c = rape
b2 to c (projectile) = block

That sounds about right. Also you will need to use timers so the rape animation plays for a set amount of time before gameover/recovery.

(When object Tina contacts Enemy > destroy object Tina > Change Objects Enemy sprite to rape > Wait 15 seconds > reset room 1)

Sometimes its easier to change objects if you start to get too bogged down with sprite changes.

It will be different if you decide to use a health bar of course. I don't know if you have started messing with that yet. You will need a var. like PlayerHealth that is set to 100 at the beginning and then gets 5 or 10 or so subtracted each hit. If you want to do damaged clothes then you would have something in there that says "When var. PlayerHealth is less than 50 > change object 'Tina' to Object 'TinaDamagedClothes'"

Sorry Im off on vacation right now hence the delay and rushed post.
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Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

were going to have something like a health bar. it will be a dermination bar. also, it would make some sense, that after the 1st contact tina has with an enemy her cloths will come off.
the catch of that is if you beat the game with cloths on that means you did it perfectly.

and when at the end of the rape function, won't reseting the room start the game over. (i feel 75% sure that it will but i may be wrong.) but if it will i don't want to do that.
Ill do some research on youtube and on the gamemaker site to find out how to add that aspect.

also take your time. im epic busy untill summer ends.

(current issue with game. adding jump while adding jumping sprite alongside it)
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

and when at the end of the rape function, won't reseting the room start the game over. (i feel 75% sure that it will but i may be wrong.) but if it will i don't want to do that.

You would use a different room for each level. Therefore, resetting the room will put her back to the beginning of the current level.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Do we want that to happen though? Doesn't sound like it.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Like I said before though, If your using a health bar it would be different. Like "if var playerhealth < 0 - reset room."
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Oh yeah right. Ok that makes sense.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

sry 4 not having anything made yet but i've been working on the game a lot, so i want to have a complete stage to show. but

@rydin- i noticed in one of your pics you have a whole bunch of variables.
is that wat i need to make an action happen with a sprite for ex. attanking and jumping. how do i learn how to use variables like that
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

sry 4 not having anything made yet but i've been working on the game a lot, so i want to have a complete stage to show. but

@rydin- i noticed in one of your pics you have a whole bunch of variables.
is that wat i need to make an action happen with a sprite for ex. attanking and jumping. how do i learn how to use variables like that

Its a personal preference. Normally I just use scripts for my games and dont use the little drag and drop icon thingys, but when I do, I use a ton of variables for all sorts of things. Lets use attacking as an example...

Heres what I want. When Player attacks I want the game to switch to the attack object BUT I want to make sure that the attack is facing the same way as the player was originally facing. I use variables for this. 1=true 0 =false

(Im going to do this vertically so I can explain each part)

When the [attack] button is pressed... Pressing a button
-If Var "Dir" = 1 checks to see what direction the character is facing.
-Change Object "Run" to Object "Attack right" It saw "1" so the character is facing the right

-If Var "Dir" = 0
-Change Object "Run" to Object "Attack left"

Your movements would have to reflect this change in direction as well

button is pressed
-Change Var "Dir" to 1
-Change sprite to "run right"
blah blah blah...

Simplest way to start. You can also use the "Else" function but you may confuse yourself at this point.

This is an actual example, using real scripting, from the Conta game im working on. This spawns a bullet, then checks a variable to see what way the character is facing, and then sends the bullet in the appropriate direction.

var Bul;
Bul=instance_create(x,y,obj_bullet); create a bullet
if facing=-1 { See what way the character is facing
Bul.direction=180; -1 is to the left so it turns the bullet around
} else {
Bul.direction=0; Otherwise it must be going to the right so it is unchanged
Bul.type=1; this just sets the "bullet type" to the players so I can differentiate what are player and enemy bullets
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

hmmm... interesting.

u were right, confused off my ass on the bullet (esle) description, but... there isn't a set way to convey an action or a law on gamemaker, right?

there are many roads i can take to make it so that when the character jumps, their spright will change to jump sprite and bla bla.

im going to look for a basic toutorial on how to make a side scroller. i know im going to need the variable to determing the direction the character is moving, but i want to make sure i know the other unlisted stuff.

plz bear with me.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure


wish i was faster.

another clarifacation session. who here has played rush or.... what ever the new name is?

imma use that game as an example. forget the style or w.e/ lets focus on the enemy and how it reacts with the main char sprite.

how should the enemy ai be in the game

i did some research and creating an enemy ai that dose move in response to the main chars moves is EXTREMELY diffucult. it may be too much for my mind to handel but if i must do it i will.

but..... sshould the emeny be mindless?

what i mean by that is the enemy have set movements and attacks that will be predictable and based on timing (every couple of sec do this) and by itself will be pretty easy to fight

but when there are numerous enemies on the stage it would be hard to dodge them all. sort of like Rush or w.e/

now with the boss..... i dont clearly know yet but what about a set of moves that are timed but happen i a random order.

what do ya think or shoud i elaborate more.
i might be too vague.... let me know plz
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure


wish i was faster.

another clarifacation session. who here has played rush or.... what ever the new name is?

imma use that game as an example. forget the style or w.e/ lets focus on the enemy and how it reacts with the main char sprite.

how should the enemy ai be in the game

i did some research and creating an enemy ai that dose move in response to the main chars moves is EXTREMELY diffucult. it may be too much for my mind to handel but if i must do it i will.

but..... sshould the emeny be mindless?

what i mean by that is the enemy have set movements and attacks that will be predictable and based on timing (every couple of sec do this) and by itself will be pretty easy to fight

but when there are numerous enemies on the stage it would be hard to dodge them all. sort of like Rush or w.e/

now with the boss..... i dont clearly know yet but what about a set of moves that are timed but happen i a random order.

what do ya think or shoud i elaborate more.
i might be too vague.... let me know plz

Your normal enemies do not need AI. Lets use Rush as an example.
None of those enemies have true AI. They are all just based on timing and repeating the same actions.

what i mean by that is the enemy have set movements and attacks that will be predictable and based on timing (every couple of sec do this) and by itself will be pretty easy to fight
Um... clearly you have not played enough NES. That's how ALL enemies were done back in the day. and for simple amateur indie games, it remains the best way to do things.

Another important thing for your enemies, is the design of the level itself. I am currently working on a H-Contra game. in it I have one very simple enemy that just walks around and doesn't shoot. In theory it should be the easiest to kill because the player has a gun. However, Combine a simple enemy with just a little challenging terrain and it becomes a completely different ballgame!

Stick with the simple enemies. There is no need for anything complicated. Even bosses can follow set movement and firing patterns.

Remember how you ever beat games on the Nintendo or Sega? You watch the enemies, figure out their patterns, and then attack... usually only to be killed by another new one just on the next screen.