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Tentacular Threat on Rise

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C We didn't come all this way for nothing.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C. Knock her out.

Linda and Viki just looked at each other a bit and nodded.
Linda grapped the naga suddenly from her shoulders.

"Hey! Swho sssaid you could touch me y..!"

Before the naga could finish Viki made a swift snap with her tail and whipped the naga to the back of the head knocking her out.
Viki however hold her lower tummy a bit again afterwards.

"Ugh... sudden movements do not feel good right now.."

Even though Viki was weakened she was still stronger than Linda physically and took the naga on her shoulders, Linda ofcourse helped her to lift her there.

They carefully began to get back.
They came across the room where the large creature was, still down, luckily. The three girls were still attempted to pity fuck the thing even though it was out cold. Viki and Linda just raised their eyebrow and attempted to ignore the sigth and made their way to the light passage.

They carefully when through the passage, though it was bit harder with the naga on the shoulders. They got past it with no trouble however and hit back to the triangular room.

The triagular room had changed again a bit. It seems the spheres had vanished completely. Well ignoring that they made their way to the passage that would lead where their rope is. However as they were about to enter the passage..

"Well well what do we have here."

Linda and Viki turned around a bit to see something come out the dark passage.

"Oh great.."

It was the white haired girl and the two tentacle creatures.
"Seems like we have a few rats leaving the boat." The white haired girl calmly said as she bit her fingernails.

"Now we can't allow that can we?" The girl lift her hand and the two creatures prepared themselves..

A). Put the naga down and prepare to battle
B). Screw this! (Haste up and run to the passage)
C) Other?


95/125 mana. 15+ from elven crystal wand.


Slowfall. 35 mana,
Haste. 45 mana.
Arcane Bolt. 10 mana.

-Fire knowledge in studies- No spells yet. Can light small things up though.

Linda is energized.
Linda is not hungry.
Naga spit minor + white tentacle curse, Linda boobs have grown by a size and her nipples are highly sensitive and lactate a bit. Medium white tentacle semen exposure. Linda is very sensitive all around and more likely to subdue.
Peasant dress (brown). Necklace(enchanted). Introducion to Fire. Purse.
Sharp Iron dagger. Elven crystal wand. Lion signet ring
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 1 gold 3 silver 78 copper worth money.


Viki is somewhat energized.
Viki is not hungry
Impregnanted by white tentacles. Energy drains easier and movement slightly limited.
Wearing Well stitched Leather Pants and a well stiched Leather Top.
Copper Crossbow. 50 copper bolts. Decent Iron sword. Lion signet ring.
Medium backpack. Holding peasant tunic. peasant pants. 10 white panties.
4 food rations. Very crude map.
Peasant tunic and pants.
Hidden money pouch holding, 5 silver, 21 copper worth money.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B. Time to cut our losses and GTFO.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Viki is carrying the naga and they still have to climb that rope. Escape will be difficult.

Is it possible for the walls to collapse?
If it is possible, I propose C : starting to flee then shoot a bolt at the ceiling of the corridor in order to provoke a collapsing and block the enemy's path.

If it's not, then A.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B Run away! *presses shoulder buttons*
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

We need at least some indication how soon the pregnancy is going to end before deciding such a turn.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C we are making the pregnant lizard carry an snake AND run do you guys want to get raped and lose them both?

haste Viki haste us as we are running for it covering our asses with Viki's crossbow A single shot can be the difference here.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Is it possible for the walls to collapse?
Meatwall supported so not really.

We need at least some indication how soon the pregnancy is going to end before deciding such a turn.

Honestly in this CYOA I aim it to actually take time like it should
though it all also depends on the colour and the method
so no hurry in that regard yet
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A (I hate letting creatures alive in the dungeons ^^)
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B gotta go fast

"We really don't have the time for this"
Linda said outloud.
Linda raised her arms up and slammed them downwards casting haste on both Viki and herself. (-90 mana)

Viki going first and Linda pushing her forward a bit they began to run extreemly fast.

The white haired girl and the tentacles were bit dumbfolded.
"What? A mage? ... Hey don't just stand there, after her!!!"
The two tentacles began to give chase, but the girls did have a very long headstart.

Viki and Linda had already reached the rope with the naga. Viki really didn't feel too good, running so fast with such sudden movements didn't really feel too well on her swollen lower stomach. Infact she looked rather ill.

"Aagh.. So little time.. Gotta think fast." Linda began to ponder.
"I think I got an idea! Quick Viki, lets tie this naga girl to the end of this rope and then you climb a head. The moment you get up, use all your strength to pull the rope up, you're going to have to keep pulling while I climb you see."

".. Do you really think I'll be able do that in my shape?"

"Well you're gona have to, or otherwise this won't end well."

"I'll try..."

Linda and Viki tied the naga on the rope, as there was plenty to go around due of the length of this rope. Viki began to climb up as Linda walked slightly away from the rope and the naga on the end of it.

Linda could already hear the sound of the creatures getting closer. She took of her dress, shred it in half to maximize the length and started to try ignite some fire.

"c'mon.. c'mon.."

As she was finally able to ignite a fire on her palm, he quickly placed the shreddy dress to the passage side ways, and ignited it! Making a temporary fire wall.

The tentacle creatures were already visible but they slowed themselves down as they approached the burning dress cutting the passage. They did not like the fire.

Linda smirked as she started climbing up the rope, feeling slight nudges as she went upwards that helped her get up faster.

As she got up, Viki was there using all her strength pulling the rope. Linda immidiatly assisted her, and the naga was surfaced from the hole. Echo of a shriek was heard from the hole, they managed to get away just in time!

"..I'm gona need a short moment." Viki said exhausted.

"Well take a short breath while I borrow your old clothes. We're gona have to get moving as fast possible, those tentacles most likely have another route they exit from. It's likely they'll check here soon."

"Alright" Viki sat down for a bit as Linda went through the backpack and took the peasant tunic and pants.

As Linda was dressed, she helped Viki back up. It was clear that she's not gona be carrying the naga. Instead Linda started to drag the naga on the ground as they started to go towards the opening where the naga's were..

The sun was nearly down as they finally reached the opening. Viki was pretty much just limbing at this point. On the opening there was a different looking chest and they were greeted by the same naga that played with Linda before.

"Darling! I didn't knows you can grows thossse bigger!" the naga looked excitetly at Linda's chest that was still under the tentacle effect.

Linda was bit bothered but she ignored that comment and went to the point.

"..Well we're here actually again as we found your sister." Linda said and dragged the unconcious naga towards the chest.

"Huuuh? Swhat happened?!'" The naga was confused.

"Long story, but get your other sisters here first and I'll tell you all about it"

The naga raised her head and let out a high pinched hisss. The other two naga's came in, looking at the girls bit suspiciously.

"Okay so.."

Linda told the whole story what had happened in the lair.

The wand naga raised the unconcious naga from the ground and slapped her awake.

"Dead ehhhh? biiiitcheeessss eh?" Glaring at her.
The stumpy tailed naga just hissed at her back.

The stumpy got slapped very hard again and tossed to the ground as the wand naga casted a spell on her. Vines apperead around the stumpy and hold her tightly in place.
"Swere gona have to teach you sssssome lessssssonsss.."

"Nowss then, though thisss remeeting swasssnt the mosssst nicesssst, swe're ssstill honorable to our dealssss.."

One of the other naga's gave Linda a small bulging sack.
Linda excitetly opened it and looked inside, Viki too peeked from the side.


It was filled with all sort of clamps, shells and the like.

"They are really svaluable yessss?"

"yeaaah.." Linda rolled her eyes.

"You may alsssso take this thing, swe really can't ussse thise thingssss.."

The wand carrying naga took a pair of silk pants from the chest and gave em to Linda. Linda sensed something about thise pants, they were enchanted! But she couldn't really figure them out just yet. The pants's pockets also had some coins in them! Linda looted 70 silver. She gave 30 to Viki though cause sharing is caring.

The night was slowly coming however and Viki atleast needed a lot of rest. Linda was bit tired aswell.

The naga's could notice that.

"Ssssay, if you tswo swould like to, swe could insvite to be our guesssstss for the night.."

A) Accept the offer and sleep through the night at the naga's cove.
B) Camp at the opening for the night
C) Go back to the road and just walk to Noffinhood during the night
D) Other?


5/125 mana. 15+ from elven crystal wand.


Slowfall. 35 mana,
Haste. 45 mana.
Arcane Bolt. 10 mana.

-Fire knowledge in studies- No spells yet. Can light small things up though.

Linda is bit tired.
Linda is a bit hungry.
Naga spit minor + white tentacle curse, Linda boobs have grown by a size and her nipples are highly sensitive and lactate a bit. Medium white tentacle semen exposure. Linda is very sensitive all around and more likely to subdue.
Peasant tunic and pants. Necklace(enchanted). Introducion to Fire. Purse. A small sac of shells and clamps. Enchanted pants (???)
Sharp Iron dagger. Elven crystal wand. Lion signet ring
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 1 gold 43 silver 78 copper worth money.


Viki is exhausted.
Viki is a bit hungry
Impregnanted by white tentacles. Energy drains easier and movement slightly limited.
Wearing Well stitched Leather Pants and a well stiched Leather Top.
Copper Crossbow. 50 copper bolts. Decent Iron sword. Lion signet ring.
Medium backpack. Holding peasant tunic. peasant pants. 10 white panties. Slightly used roll of rope
4 food rations. Very crude map.

Hidden money pouch holding, 35 silver, 21 copper worth money.

making updates tired is bit ugh
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Come what may, Linda, and especially Viki, need a rest.

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

I say A. But tell them to not get too cozy with us.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A they like our breasts way too much I am doubtful they will us us alone (milk+boob increase would make even the most stoic of men stirrings if the like boobs of course) but we need the rest and the protection that these girls give

Feeling Like Viki ehh MoT?
did the tentacles get you too?
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A. What's the worst that could happen?
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A. (We'll surely be raped or we'll sell ourselves)
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


Indeed, What's the worst that could happen(tm)?