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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon stood there for who knew how long, watching her, not wanting to startle her. Of course he had to crane his neck up as she was several feet above him, but that didn't matter anymore to the hybrid.

Finally, after a respectful wait, he bent at the knees, and then jumped onto a ledge just to her left side, landing in a smooth crouch. Standing, he reached out gently to her mind even as he spoke.

"Shrike.... it's Siphon. You ok?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike just blinked, answering him without moving. "Been better, been worse. How about you?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Pretty much the same. Actually I think we just saw the worst of me today, which is kind of what I wanted to talk to you about."

There was a long pause while he seemed to gather his thoughts, then finally he continued.

"I wanted to thank you for what you did in restoring my mind. I also wanted to apologize if I tried.... killing you as well. I know what happened to you from the Thembrihkal, and I wish that hadn't happened. I guess what I'm trying to say is that..... I should have been there for you, for ALL of you, and I wasn't. For that, I am deeply sorry."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"You were there for me." Shrike says simply, finally turning to look at him, instead of the sky. "I killed the Thembrikhal before it really had a chance to do what it wanted to, but I passed out in the process. I woke up in a pile of wraith bodies, and you were almost out of sight."

She pauses a second herself to let that sink in, and continued. "Don't blame yourself for any of that. Even out of your mind, you worked to help us. Give yourself a break now and then, mm?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He blinked for a few moments before asking, "wait, are you implying that after you killed the Thembrihkal I killed a bunch of Wraith that came upon you first?"

"I just wish I could remember anything GOOD I did while I wasn't psycho. All I remember are some of the bad things I did or tried to do. Why?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike nodded, tapping her head. "My mind's last self defense mechanism forces a wave of mental energy out in a sphere from me, it travels about a hundred feet in the space of a heartbeat, and pretty much takes anything in the radius with it. I demolished i think two or three floors up and down when it happened, and ended up in a heap at the bottom. There wasn't any wraith around when I passed out, but there was bodies all around when I woke up, and you were running towards the main group. you also held off the Wraith King long enough for Tsuki to take care of it."

"As for why you can't remember some of what happened, I have no idea. I had no clue what I was doing when sparky and I helped you, a good analogy would be making me the scalpel to his hand, if you get my meaning."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon raised an eye when she told him of how he'd stalemated a Wraith Hive King, something that shouldn't have been possible for him, never mind the fact he would never have admitted defeat to an enemy, nor backed down from a fight like that. So it seemed he was substantially stronger than he thought, and somehow he knew this way, under control that he was stronger than he would have been crazed.

"Interesting. A Hive King? I don't even remember it, which kind of sucks."

After another moment he nodded. "Yeah, basically he knew what he was doing, but couldn't get into my mind to do it without your help of calming my own mind enough that it wouldn't kill you both trying it. Oh well, I'm normal now, I can live with some memory loss if it means I'm not going to go psycho on the ones closest to me."

Another pause as he stared out over the horizon, lost in thought before finally turning back to her. "It's amazing though that during this whole time I never once used Daedalus to harm any of you. I thought at first when everything was described to me that maybe it was because some small part of me wouldn't use it but now...."

He trailed off for several moments before finishing. "Now I think it's more likely that my mind was too scrambled for the ship to recognize me and respond to me. The worst part I think that bothers me about all of this is that the Wraith still have a hive out there, one that's more powerful than we've fought before. It's only a matter of time before it comes back to finish what the others started, the final battle."

He was silent again after that for a long time, content to stand there with her, just relishing the simple fact they both were alive and for the most part, unharmed. Finally he turned back to her. "You busy right now? Other than sightseeing I mean?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I'm not sightseeing, I'm... Considering." She pointed out. "But I guess I have some time, why?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

There was a hesitant pause as he likely was considering how best to ask something without it coming across the wrong way. Finally he spoke. "Well if your not too busy I was wondering if you'd like to head over somewhere and grab a bite to eat at one of the places further in the forum? Of course, I'm paying, least I can do after putting ya through hell. While we're there, perhaps you can tell me what it is your considering, or what it is that's bothering you, if you want?"

Either he was perceptive or grasping at air on that last part, but he did seem a bit worried about her seeming distance right now, and he appeared to be trying to help in the only way he knew how to.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike chuckled a little before answering. "I'd love to. You know a place, I take it?" She says, all with a gentle smile.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Yeah, Chucks should still be open. Was one of the few places that wasn't smashed when the first hive attacked. You ready to head over?"

((+Rep if you can guess which Stargate Series, written or otherwise that's from.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((You got me, I haven't watched stargate for like, eight years. Also, sorry about the short replies :/))

"Sure, lead the way." Shrike says, Hopping down from the wall.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Hehe, wasn't A TV one thats for sure.))

Siphon nods then leads her through a maze of areas, likely that way due to the damage done. Soon enough they reach a large restaurant called CHUCKS. Grinning, he leads them inside, sits down at a table and soon a waitress walks over to take their order. After Siphon had ordered his food, a large Sirloin Steak, the waitress turned to ask Shrike what she wanted.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike ordered a pound of shrimp, lemon sauteed, and a glass of iced tea. Then she turned to Siphon and spoke. "So, what's on your mind? It's obvious you were going to invite me here before you spoke to me, I don't need to be a mind reader for that." She says, a hint of a smile on her face.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(Gah, computer got virused, took ages to fix. Anyway, back to the action. SiphonBurrito, feel free to change anything about how I do Aika.)

It is easy to notice that the room you are waiting before is not the usual place for meetings with Aika – most of Command, the usual haunt of the upper echelon, was a mess of scorched metal and still littered with the bodies of the fallen – as you would expect of a building that made itself blatantly look important. Taking that into consideration, this bunker was a more preferable meeting place. Little time passes before President Aika himself ushers you into the room. It is similar in design to the room in which you had all given your recounts but a few hours ago, except with enough chairs for everyone present. Aika has changed subtly since the last time you saw him. The damage to his forum has taken its toll, lining his features with sorrow.

“It’s good to see all of you well.” He says sincerely, managing a smile despite everything. You recall that you are supposed to bow before the President, but as you begin to do so, he cuts you off, his expression shifting into a slight scowl.
“Oh, stuff the formalities, they waste more time than they’re worth. Hell, if I hadn’t been on an unscheduled trip at the time, I be been peeled off the wall in Central right about now!” Aika is known forumwide for disregarding his safety and taking frequent trips to see the people of the forum, go shopping, or do other tasks that would normally be left up to his entourage. In his eyes, to be close to the people, he had to be close to the people (– in more ways than one, as these trips would, more often than not, contain a visit to the Hentai district, something he was not ashamed to admit. He felt it made him seem more human).

His face softens to a more neutral look, as he continues,
“Sorry... It’s just that these damn procedures have been slowing me down and tripping me up at every opportunity. I swear, we would have half the forum fixed by now if it wasn’t for…” he trails off, and shakes his head. “I don’t need to bother you with bureaucratic stuff. I’ll get straight to the point.” His features sharpen and his tone changes to that of a person used to commanding, as he seats himself in a chair nearby, clasping his hands together.

“Due to all the chaos caused by the attack, we’ve enforced regular check-ins for certain important personnel. Three hours ago, one of our commanders looking after the Forum Development section lost contact with a researcher living in her residence when she failed to check in. He sent an untrained squad to the house to see what had happened.” He voice turns somber.
“They have yet to report back.” He closes his eyes and pauses for a moment, then opens them and continues.

“The commander reported this back to me. At first glance, it would seem to be the work of some of the escaped prisoners or… looters.” His sadness visibly deepens. “That’s been happening.” That his citizens, people he’d thought he’d known, had resorted to thieving and pillaging from him and each other was clearly weighing heavily on him. He gives another pause to let that sink in.

“However, since the building is apparently being occupied instead of abandoned by the assailants, and that a small squad of armed soldiers was apparently… taken out, make this less likely. …There’s something else, too.” He pauses again.
“Whether the people that did this know it or not, that researcher was keeping a couple of blueprints and the prototype for a machine which, in the wrong hands, could prove dangerous. I would send Supreme Military Commander Nunu, but Nunu is conducting diplomatic relations with V-Bulletin to try and get some aid with the reconstruction. Every other reasonably skilled team is needed to guard the perimeter or keep the place ordered, and we’ve lost a rookie team on this already. As much as I hate to send out some soldiers that have only just got back… you’re the only people we have who can do this.”

(Assuming you accept, feel free to just fast-travel straight there, Aika has nothing more of importance to say… just don’t go all the way inside the building, go up to outside somewhere.

Building – two story house, strong metals and stone, very white and pristine, plants on a second story balcony, flat roof, not all that large, open area around it (i.e., little cover), all windows on the second story are closed and have blinds covering them, obvious entrances are the second story balcony and the front and back doors)
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Figured the least I could do after you went through hell and back to get to me was to find some way of making things up to you, and since I'm not very good at these kind of things...." He trailed off, leaving it open to interpretation, but likely meaning that this was his way of trying.

"Anyway, you said you were contemplating something back there, what was it?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Well, for one Host, I don't think Aika is capable of moving from his throne, which is why Nunu does all the out-of-palace stuff. I think I read that in here somewhere...))


Shrike leaned back in her chair, looking contemplative again. "I... Have to go, tell the rest of the Birds about Tobias. I just don't know if I can make it there and back in time to be of any help, or if all this will be concluded, one way or the other, before I get back. I'd just hold of going entirely, but I think that I can convince them all to come back with me, and if we have to chase that last hive all the way into space, I can think of nobody else I'd rather have covering us..." She says, just kind of drifting off again.


"We are all tired, but I think that any amount of people they could cram into a single house shouldn't pose that much of a problem." Shrike said confidently.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave listened carefully to the briefing while keeping up a careless facade, something he was good at. "So, a rescue mission... Well, I just hope that whatever is inside waiting for us dies easily without giving us suprises. Otherwise, I'll be unhappy." The warrior sighed and glanced at his companions, stopping for a second when he looked at Copper. When he woke up, he noticed that someone threw a blanket on him while he was sleeping. And since Copper was the only person in the house...

Heh... Didn't expect that... I just hope she doesn't want to use me as a food source later, hehehe...
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon nodded slowly. "Just don't mention anything about myself or Sparky just yet to them. Normally I'd say for something that dangerous of undertaking I'd go with you, but.... someone has to make sure that hive isn't on the move yet. Where is this place anyway? Perhaps I can join up with you at a later point in time."

He didn't seem comfortable letting her walk into potential hostile territory alone, but knew he might not have a choice.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!


Shrike shook her head a bit at Siphon's comments. "It's in the Sirius Star System, the original colonists spent something like a few thousand years in stasis, travelling at near-light speed, so it's way out of the danger zone. The ship doesn't have faster-than-light either, but there's a complete map of jump holes, or wormholes, if you'd prefer, all the way there and back. It will be a lonely trip, but I'm pretty sure I can get some company for the way back, if you think I'll get there and back in time." She explains, leaning back a bit for the server to place their food, then starting to eat, quite enjoying the shrimp.