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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon squinted slightly and then was silent for a moment. Finally he said, "ok, Daedalus is responding again and is standing by. We walking over there I take it?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"It should be easy to reach by foot. It'll only take an hour, tops." Burrito says, crouching down and looking at the ground "We should hurry, through. The bots may return." he says, starting to walk, then turning his radio on "Followers of a shitty flash animator. And pale, the shouting was because our dear friend mister temper here can't go ten seconds without hearing from me." he says, then chuckles into the radio
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I've heard of him, I know a guy that drops in there from time to time as well. Shall we get going then?" Shrike says after wracking her brain for the information, then starts walking in the direction of the smoke, keeping a sharp eye and ear out for hostiles.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Yes, let us go. Let us go and pray that we're not walking into a total warzone yet again."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Having jerked her radio away from her ear after all the yelling, she fixes it back into place. "Aw, but where's the fun in that?" Total sarcasm.

Copper hops up to her feet and falls in casually after Burrito. "I thought that's who you're talking about. Only been to the forum once, m'self. That was back when the rumors were starting to fly about how they felt about us and what sort of things go on over there. Figured I'd give it a look. Wasn't impressed. Could be why, if I do fiddle around with any of his work, it's through other sites. Gets old fast, though."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrugging, the guy just followed the rest of the team, keeping his weapons out.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((New thread tiem. After this post, post in the thread I'll make in a few minutes))

"I'm never impressed by anything these days." Burrito says flatly, continuing his walk.

Not long after they began, the TP forum's gates loomed ahead, the large walls surrounding the city, smoke plumes coming from multiple buildings "Let's go! there may be survivors!"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(For the sake of not causing problems, no one ever left the location they landed at - these guys got here before you could.)

As Copper and Co. conversed about living arrangements and prepared to leave, a small troop of people in military fatigues, only four in all, came up the strip. As they got closer, it was easy to tell they were from the forum, and all armed. Their weapons were the easiest detail to notice, as said armaments were currently pointing at the group. Or, to be more accurate, pointing at Sparky.

The apparent leader of the troop was a young male, and didn't seem to fit in his uniform. The attack on the forum had significant casualties among the military, and it could be expected that this would lead to ranks being shuffled as the military tried to reorganise itself. This man - if he could be called such - was an immediate example of that, likely not being much more than a recruit before the attack, and now seemingly being in command of his own squad.
Or may just look like that normally or just be uncomfortable in the rough clothes, but the other possibility is more interesting.
"We have a prisoner?" he said to Copper, one eyebrow raising. Apparently, she was, unfortunately, correct about who would be expected to give answers.
<Insert reply from Copper explaining Sparky's presence here. No, really... Copper, would you terribly mind making one? I don’t want to put words in another’s character’s mouth, if I can’t help it.>
"Why did no one report his presence before? Never mind, take him to a cell. I do not care how friendly he is, we can not have a wraith walking around the forum right now. I think we have got an intact cell somewhere." The prison is one of the places that the hive had targeted, while it still had the ability to target. Probably thought it was a military complex. You note that he talks very carefully, not even using contractions – as if deathly afraid of doing so, which doesn’t help him seem less green. It also makes him rather painful to listen to. "...And try to make sure no one kills him. The anti-wraith sentiment is rather strong right now." The forum being blasted might have something to do with that. The looks the other three soldiers were giving him seemed to indicate that they'd be quite happy to turn him loose in a mob of haters... but they would follow commands. Hopefully.

"We are going to need reports from everyone involved. Including non-squad members, I am afraid. We have only got one room set up for you, but we only have one person that can take your reports anyway, so that is hardly a hindrance." The other three soldiers lead Sparky off to the prison, while he leads the group to the command bunker, and to a hall outside a room. There are some benches, but nothing else - the people waiting will have to amuse themselves, it seems.
"Go in as he calls you in, explain yourselves, and go out." the man who had led them there states. He stands there for a minute, before apparently realising that he had other things to do, and walks away.

One at a time, you are called into the room by a man's voice. The interior is bleak and the only furniture is a table and two chairs - one is empty and for you, the other seats a bald man in a black suit. The table has a small recording device on it, which the man turns on before he begins talking. The man himself seems sour, stuffy and pompous, and has the unusual ability to make you want to punch him in the face. He can't seem to turn it off, either.

He asks you a repertoire of questions so large that the sheer volume would be annoying, without even considering what they’re about – namely, everything you did on the mission, during which he takes the opportunity to second-guess and provide ‘better’ solutions at every possibility. He makes annoying comments about how you shouldn’t trust enemies, berates you for loosing not one, but both commanders, not going back to get Burrito when he radioed in (despite how suicidal that would have been), and lots of other things besides. Anyone not originally on the team is constantly pestered with covert accusations of being a spy, slipped in wherever possible. Tsuki has it worst, as in her interview the man takes the time to imply that she let herself get raped… it would seem he is a professional asshole. The man responds to violence by cowering, for all that he may try not to show it. Whether the violence is physical or simply from a violent nature, or appearance, does not seem to be important – he avoids questions that are likely to get him hit and stops being such an ass when people seem to be getting angry enough to attack him (this causes Grave to fair better than most).

On completing all interviews, another soldier arrives and allows them to leave, telling them as she does, to not “let Woolsey get to them”. Knowing he was unfortunate enough to be born with a name like that gives you a better understanding as to why he’s such an ass. The soldier stops Shrike before she leaves, telling her that she’s needed to help Siphon and that they need to know where they can find her – the place is still very chaotic, and it’d be too easy to loose one person. The soldier gives her the location of a hotel to stay in, where the military can reach her when they’re ready to fix Siphon.

Six hours later, three soldiers came knocking on Shrike’s door, taking her to the bunker, into a room that contained both Sparky and Siphon. The stone-Siphon was chained to a bench, there were several guards (who were giving Sparky looks that were not in the least bit polite), and some equipment. The petrification spell is removed by a spell caster from the forum, and Sparky and Shrike begin their work on his mind.

Afterwards, when it is done and Siphon has been shown to be reasonably stable, they are let loose – even Sparky gets his freedom, thanks to a combination of Siphon’s bequest and the gratitude given for saving their commander. Sparky uses his newfound freedom to go to his dart, stating that he had something to check on. It’s not something Woolsey would have recommended, but then, most of the forum’s high-ups aren’t tight-asses like him.

Siphon, despite being sane, is a changed man… wraith… man-wraith. He is immediately sent to give his recount (to Aika, thankfully, he probably would have killed Woolsey), and tells of the location of the super-hive. Realising the danger such a hive would possess, Aika requests more information – but Siphon can give none. Instead, he volunteers to go scout the hive. At first, Aika declines the request, but Siphon pushes for it, and Aika caves. He leaves a short time later, and his disappearance is only told to the rest of the group some time after he left. A few hours after that, soldiers start looking for the squad’s members, (except for Siphon and Burrito, obviously,) and fairly quickly round all of you up. You are sent to the bunker for the third time, and are now waiting outside a room for your second time today (or maybe more, depending on what you were doing).

[Assuming this gets the go-ahead from Burrito, feel free to post anything from what happened to you in the interview, all the way to when soldiers take you back to the bunker. To help, here’s a short recap of events: soldiers take you to an interview with Woolsey. If you want to RP that, well, you’re strange. =/ But, if you do want to write something up for it, you should recount everything that happened and have him chastise you for any actions that weren’t triple checked with the forum or led to a bad conclusion. (Don’t kill him, though; remember he has to survive to do interviews with everyone else.) You’re let out for 6 hours - feel free to RP what happened in that time amongst yourselves. Shrike is then taken from her hotel and fixes Siphon. About two hours later, everyone is told that Siphon’s gone and is taken to the bunker for the new briefing – that’s a solid 8 hours of time at home for everyone but Shrike… you might want to spend some of it sleeping, since I can’t remember the last time the party rested. When everybody’s ready, I’ll start working on the second half – again, assuming the first half gets approved.]
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"We have a prisoner?" he said to Copper, one eyebrow raising. Apparently, she was, unfortunately, correct about who would be expected to give answers.

"We have...an ally," is her reply. "But I understand the need and want to keep an eye on him and so, I'm sure, does he. Consider him a POW, but we need him," she stresses, looking the solider in the eyes, her voice bearing a tone that begs no question of the statement.

"Why did no one report his presence before? Never mind, take him to a cell. I do not care how friendly he is, we can not have a wraith walking around the forum right now. I think we have got an intact cell somewhere. And try to make sure no one kills him. The anti-wraith sentiment is rather strong right now." The forum being blasted might have something to do with that. The looks the other three soldiers were giving him seemed to indicate that they'd be quite happy to turn him loose in a mob of haters... but they would follow commands. Hopefully.

"Yeah," she adds, her tone starting jovial, slowly becoming undercut with something more sinister and serious to it. "Take good care of him, and if you don't, then you get to explain to the higher ups just how you screwed us out of the only chance of fixing one of the commanding officers."

It's clear during the entire wait for the meeting that Copper is not happy about the squad being detained. She spends most of the time next to Tsuki, reigning in her humor about how she'd happily let her bathe in this schlubs blood for her shower but knowing that likely wouldn't go over well.

((This might have things added to it, pending on the order that they're called in, but to be on the safe side, I'm going to say Copper goes in first...RHIP *eyeroll* Mostly so she doesn't go off on Woolsey for his treatment of the others, because she *will* hurt him if she finds out what he said about Tsuki, CO or not.))

It's clear during the entire interview that Copper does not like this man and it is clearly amusing her to test his mettle by staring at him like she wants to make him her next meal through the entire interview, her eyes glowing fainly red, playing her tongue over her fangs, and growling slightly whenever she speaks. Still, anything he tries to accuse her or the squad of, she counters. She wasn't about to let John die, they were under orders from Burrito to retreat when the self-destruct was activated, Siphon was 'relieved of command' when it became clear he was 'unfit for duty,' trusting Sparky was, in her mind, no different than using enemy intel that they may have come across. It might become plenty clear to him that despite the fact that she is a blood-sucking fiend, Copper isn't just a combat wombat. Though her attitude screams 'smartass' to him, there's a key word there..."smart." She's calculating, has an answer for almost anything he can throw at her, and despite being annoyed at his own attitude, never goes beyond just 'creeping him out.' She finally leaves her interview by stating "And requisition Grave a radio, would you?" before slamming the door on her way out.

Grave still has leave to go to her apartment, but since they're all leaving together, apparently, she makes sure Tsuki gets to her place okay before heading off to find someone to eat, preferably with John so she can teach him the finer points of hunting without turning an untrained vamp loose on the forums. Eventually, she makes her way back home, not caring if the warrior is there or not before starting to divest herself of her clothing on her way to the shower. She's in there for a while, then eventually comes out in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. She has a bed if he wants to crash there, but she herself flops into a beanbag chair with a 'Red Dog' bottle, a pack of smokes, and the aforementioned skull: what looks to be the (former) head of another vampire that, once the top of the cranium is removed, looks as though it has an ashtray set in it. Once she's unwound enough, she does eventually get some rest until they're called in once more.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave didn't say anything when the soldiers arrived, but he wasn't happy about being questioned. He went second - Woolsey probably regretted that. At the beginning, he was happy to realize that Grave wasn't as smart as Copper. He needed time to give good replies to tough questions, so the asshole tried to press the warrior. Big mistake.

Unlike Copper, who could stomach jackasses like that piece of shit (as the darkmage called Woolsey), Grave had no patience for fools and was rather brutal. After getting annoyed, the warrior explained to Woolsey in a very angry tone of voice that he wasn't from ULMF, he never promised to be an ally and that it was possible to strangle a man to death with his own intestines and offered to prove this theory. Grave also pointed out that few members of ULMF could match him in his current state - and taught Woolsey enough about AL, his homeland, to make the man understand that Grave is unpredictable and very homicidal. This made the interview very easy for Grave, altough at one point the warrior nearly split the table in half with a projection out of sheer fury - Woolsey made the mistake of calling him "Cross". Grave didn't like to be called like that, especially by assholes. After leaving the office, he decided to kill Woolsey next time.

(If he finds out what Woolsey said to Tsuki, Grave will most likely lose patience... Or at least use this as an excuse to satisfy his thirst for blood.)

Grave stayed and waited for the others, then made his way to Copper's apartament. He grabbed a can of beer (not the "Red Dog", though) and drank it quickly. Unlike the finest food from AL, this one didn't have to be killed beforehand - but sadly, Grave couldn't add his favorite seasoning - the taste of slaughter. Eventually, he crashed on the carpet in the corner and fell asleep, missing Copper's little strip-tease in the process.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

You’re let out for 6 hours - feel free to RP what happened in that time amongst yourselves. Shrike is then taken from her hotel and fixes Siphon. About two hours later, everyone is told that Siphon’s gone and is taken to the bunker for the new briefing – that’s a solid 8 hours of time at home for everyone but Shrike… you might want to spend some of it sleeping, since I can’t remember the last time the party rested

Shrike was about to wander off when the soldiers arrived. She grumbled, but went along with it, napping in the waiting room until her turn came.

Woolsey had a heyday with her, but her general apathetic attitude got her through it for the most part. Right up until their first encounter with the Thembrikhal... The recorder picks up the following conversation regarding the incident.

"So you ran into the hanger and stopped it from entering to protect yourself?"
"Yeah. The thing wanted to rape me, so I figured a nice big wall between us was a good idea, wouldn't you?"
"So you're admitting to the fact that you are the direct cause of the pilot's, John's, Death?"
"Now how in the hell did you meander your way through that logic, asshole?"
"Because it could not get to you, the Thembrikhal changed it's focus, killing John before it could be defeated. Seems simple enough to me."
"So you're saying that I should have let the thing have it's way with me, despite the fact that John is outside this door right now, waiting for his turn to get spat in the face?"
"All I'm saying is that John's death was a direct result of your actions. And he is clinically dead, that he is standing outside had no bearing on this debriefing."
*Short pause*
"Okay, look. I am a patient woman, but you are starting to annoy me. Here's something that is pertinent to this interrogation: I can chop you into so many pieces it would take my grandmother a year to put all the pieces back together again. And she likes jigsaw puzzles."
"That sounds like a threat, Miss. You don't make a very good spy, flying off the handle like that..."

There is a longer pause as Shrike leans forward, pointing her finger straight down at the table and focuses. A tiny sliver of blue appears, and she dips her finger, drawing out a spiral about six inches wide with her finger. nothing happens, and Woolsey opens his mouth to speak again when she pulls her finger back, drawing a straight line all the way across the spiral, cutting it's connection to the table and sending a dozen pieces clattering to the ground, which the recorder picks up. Woolsey gulps, and Shrike speaks up.

"I'd just like some respect, is all..."
"O-o-of course, M-miss. Where were we?"

The rest goes easier for her, and she is let out a bit later. Shrike is given directions to the hotel, and uses them, pretty much crashing on the bed as soon as the door closes on her room, her head pounding. When the soldiers wake her up, she downs a litre of water and goes to help Siphon, being forced to hang around afterwards while the others are collected.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I did NOT get raped on purpose! It's called RAPE for a reason!" Tsuki barely held back her shouts, but she couldn't really hold back her tears. She didn't need to relive every excruciating moment of her trauma.

"Really now? I'm sure that leech thing made it feel good. I'm sure you enjoyed it. Why el-"

He was cut off as Tsuki lunged at him over the table, a mechanized arm appearing around her own. She pinned him to the ground, her regular hand over his throat, the metallic fist ready to pound his face to a pulp.

"I did NOT enjoy it you sick mother f-...." Tears were streaming down her face, her hand slowly starting to squeeze the man's throat. When Woolsey starts to flail a bit, Tsuki releases his throat.

"*cough cough* Okay, I think we're done here," he says, scrambling to his feet and fixing his tie.

The program faded from her arm, and Tsuki turns to leave. She says thank you to Copper before going into her apartment. There she finally gets to change out of the shirt John had loaned her, and take a shower. A long long shower. Some more tears were shed, though one couldn't tell since she was surrounded by water. Changing into some lose pajamas after, she crawled into her bed, curled up amongst the covers, and went to sleep.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon had taken a while to adjust to the changes of his body, and come to grips with the fact he'd tried to KILL his entire team. Most knew he could put it aside during his missions and it wouldn't compromise him, but who knew what would go through the hybrid's mind at night when he was alone now?

After finally being pronounced ready and fit for duty some time later, and gaining Aika's permission to go in search of the super hive, he got ready to leave. A chance encounter with Sparky after this and he found out about what had happened to Tsuki. Wracked with remorse over it, he couldn't simply just leave without talking to the hacker. Thanking Sparky for helping once more and telling him, he set off to find her apartment, and nearly nine hours after she had gone to bed, finally found it.

A knock resounded on her door, likely waking her up from the sheer power behind it. He was still getting used to the fact his strength was much more enhanced than it had been before his.... incident.

"Tsuki, it's Siphon..... I need to.... talk to you. Please?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Tsuki crawled out of bed at the sound of Siphon. She groaned, seeing herself look like a mess, but it was still better than the day before. Brushing her fingers through her hair as she went, she answered the door, opening it up a crack. One could easily tell it wasn't the most restful of nights she's had.

"Good to see you not all stoney Siphon," the hacker said, mustering a smile.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He chuckled slightly at this, shaking his head. "Yeah it's good to be back. I'm just glad I didn't.... harm any of you seriously. I actually came here to apologize to you for attacking all of you, and.... um, can I come in for a few minutes? This would probably be better done spoken in private rather than outside where everyone can hear us."

Whatever it was he wanted to talk to her about, it seemed to be very important to him.

Some of his changes were readily apparent in the light now, but the most prominent was that the black in his right eye had not faded, and never would. He now permanently had on blue colored eye and one black iris. Both however shown with genuine worry and remorse, something that wasn't entirely familiar about him.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Uh, sure... come on in," Tsuki said, before opening up the door the rest of the way to let Siphon in.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He nodded thankfully, then entered in, waiting until she had shut the door completely before turning to face her once more. For a moment he regarded her in total silence, seemingly trying to find the right words. Finally he spoke, slowly, and carefully.

"Tsuki... Sparky told me what happened on the hive to you. I just.... I'm sorry you had to go through that because of me. And before you ask, no he didn't have a choice in telling me, I forced him to tell me what else happened because I sensed something wasn't being told to me."

Another pause and he did something very unusual for him. Moving with a blinding speed, he wrapped Tsuki up into a quick embrace before stepping back a little. "Look, I really am sorry about what happened to you back there, and I want you to know that if there is ANYTHING, and I do mean anything that I can do for you, just say the word. You were harmed trying to save me, something you didn't have to do, regardless of what anyone else says. I owe you for giving me a chance to get my life back. I just wish that I could have stopped that thing from harming you."

It was evident to her by now, he wasn't going to forgive himself for what had happened to her any time soon, if ever. What might concern her was that even though he shouldn't blame himself for it, he did because it had happened while she was trying to help him, and that coupled with how his mind had been wasn't healthy to be harboring inside. Thankfully, he was here and talking to her, and seemed to be willing to hear whatever she might have to say back to him.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Tsuki blinked at the hug. Okay, he was really feeling bad.

"Siphon, it's not your fault. It... probably would've happened anyway... even if you weren't a bit out of commission. I was helping Burrito find a way to kill the ship, which we had to do whether or not you were about.

Really, you do not owe me anything."

She felt a bit sick, trying not to remember bits and pieces of the nightmare but they were still getting through.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon seemed to be picking up on her thoughts, although he was hiding it well. Finally he nodded. "Still, I should have been there for you and I wasn't. That won't happen again when I'm in the same area, not again. Look... I need to track down Shrike and talk with her too, but I'll return at some point. Just.... rest. I'll come back when I can, and when I do, some day very soon we'll go and share a meal wherever you want to go. It's the least I can do."

Once more he hugged her, then smiled at her. "See ya soon."

Then he opened the door, and somehow faded into the darkness that was settling in, vanishing faster than he had any right to.

Siphon wandered about, looking for Shrike, hoping to run into her before he left.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike was sitting along the ruined wall of a building, staring out and up towards the sky. She didn't seem to notice him walking down below her, and her thoughts felt to be somewhere else...