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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Ah I see. A most bothersome problem for you then. Lead on then."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"You better believe it." She grins again and continues walking, eventually stopping a shop that specializes in, what else? Leather. She nudges him toward the door. "You go in there and find yourself a good coat." She eyeballs him. "Something long. It'll do you good. Trust me. I'm going to go find something snarky to put on my chest." She jerks a thumb toward the building across the street. "Meet you back here soon?" She doesn't really give him time to answer, spinning on a booted heel and heading for the shop.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Got ya."

He watches her go, then browses through the jackets. By the time she returns, he has already paid for a rather long, jet black leather jacket that makes him look twice as tall as he really is, and extremely dark and dangerous looking to anyone who didn't know him.

When she did return, he would be leaned in a corner, eyes not blinking, but very much alert.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

When she does return, she's wearing a tank top under her leather jacket that, ironcially, has "Bite Me" in red sequins across the chest. It looks like she's sporting a new pair of sunglasses as well, with red lenses as opposed to her normal mirrored ones. "Now that gives new meaning to the term 'Dead Sexy,'" she purrs, sliding the glasses down her nose. "I was going to give you these," she has a pair of Raybans in her hand, but I think you'd do better without." She slides her own glasses back up, giving him a very wolfish smile, fangs and all.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

There is a smile in return from him, and then he replies, "Thanks I think. You look pretty damn nice yourself."

It's clear he is slightly surprised, but not at all worried or uptight about it, if anything, he seemingly is relaxing more.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

That gets a chuckle out of her. "Thanks," she replies to his own compliment. "Now to hunt me down a pack of smokes and hope that Burrito doesn't start screaming for ya. Up to getting stared at?" She smirks.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He just grins and nods. "Always. Lead on then."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Sorry for taking so long.))

"We don't want to conquer the world. All we want is to be left alone. But whoever made these Adbots won't leave us alone. That's why we created our army. Once this conflict is overwith, our army will probably disband until the next conflict." Burrito says, very formal in his tone as they reach the HQ building and Burrito flashes his military ID "They're with me" he says, pointing to the group behind him as the doors open and allow them inside "Be careful. Follow me and don't touch anything." he says, walking into the building and motioning for the others to follow
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Those particularly keen of hearing might detect a sudden flutter, as Pale dropped quietly into the back of the group.. casting a glare at the guard who nearly shut her wingtip in the doorway.

She was tempted to comment, but refrained from doing so, deciding to wait until someone noticed her.. or to see -if- they did. While it was completely within her power to use magic to cloak herself, that would be verging on rude, so instead, Pale simply lurks quietly at the back, wings tucked close around her.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave followed Burrito, acting as if he had just returned to his home. The warrior quickly adapted to new surroundings, but he had a habit of staying too relaxed when faced by authorities. At that moment, however, Grave refrained from causing trouble.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito stops at a large set of doors, two guards aiming their rifles at him "Easy, boys. I need to see the president." he says, showing his ID and then sighing as they start calling left and right on their comms for confirmation "Speak quickly and clearly, and bow before the president in respect. Don't speak unless spoken to first." he says quietly to the rest of the group, the doors opening and Burrito walking in and kneeling on his right knee "I am here, as requested, President Aika." he says, both of his hands on his left knee, then noticing his still exposed arm and gulping
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave stayed behind Burrito, behaving just like the cyborg. He put his sword on the floor and looked in front of him. The warrior remained silent, focused on his surroundings. Even if he did something wrong, Grave wouldn't let that bother him.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale blinks, and does a small double take as that -particular- name is mentioned.. no way could it be the same one..?

Sure enough, though, as they are led into the president's chamber, Pale smirks with recognition. Separating herself, by neither bowing, nor kneeling, the mage stands comfortably, wearing her grin.

"Long time no see, A-dog."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Pale! Show some respect!" Burrito bursts out, the president standing from his chair and walking towards the group "Captain. Control yourself. She is an old friend of mine." Aika says, his arms crossed behind his back as he walks "Yes, Sir." Burrito says, bowing his head low and trying to keep quiet "What have you been up to, Pale? I am surprised to see you here. Captain, where did you find her?" "In the Hive, sir." "How did she end up there?" he asks, thinking as he stops in front of Pale "It's good to see you are still alive." "Sir? Perhaps I should give my report?" "In due time, Captain. First, who is this man?" Aika asks, pointing at Grave "He is a prisoner we found inside the Hive. Grave, tell him everything about yourself."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave stood up and picked his sword up. He faced Aika, focusing on the president's face for a moment before he spoke. "My full name is Cross Grave, but people who know me usually call me Grave." The tone of his voice suggested that he prefered to be called like that. "I am a swordsman from a land called AL - a place similiar to this city, albeit a little more... Unusual. That's where I've become a warrior. I've left my home a few weeks ago, looking for a challenge and opportunity to become stronger. Recently, I've encountered a large group of those bots and engaged in a fight, during which I must have overdone things a little. Afterwards, I woke up in the Hive... Or rather, I was awakened by Burrito and his men. That's all."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale crosses her arms, and inclines her head for a moment.

"I was.... incautious. Let that be enough. I have never been a -great- fan of speaking at length about my own mistakes. Let it simply be said that I made them pay."

Grey eyes harden. For a moment, it is very obvious that whatever race lays claim to Pale's ancestry, it is most definitely far from human.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike remains quiet the entire time through the HQ building, having given Pale a small wave without turning around when she appeared. When they reached the door with the guards she simply nodded, then bowed as well and waited for a response, still mulling over what she was going to say in her head.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"And who is this lovely lady?" Aika asks, walking over and looking down at Shrike "Raise your head so I may see your beautiful face, dear" he says, smiling as Burrito rolls his eyes "I also found her in the hive near Grave. She has some amazing talent. She's a telepath from what I can tell." "Interesting. Tell me about yourself, Miss Shrike" he says, waiting on Shrike's response
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Not too much to tell." Shrike replies, looking up at Aika with a friendly, if neutral expression. "My mental abilities showed up a couple of years ago, been on a journey of self-discovery, or something close, ever since." She shrugs, but doesn't elaborate.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Tsuki stayed quiet and listened. She still felt too tired to really want to be there... but she didn't have much of a choice, now did she?