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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale would have picked up the spell ending, because their anti-detection-from-everything would have been turned off at the same time as the rest of the spell

((I am fully aware of this. Cavalry on the way. Or.. not.))

Pale shakes her head, dismissing the Wraith idea instantly. She'd come against them before, and seen no evidence of mana manipulation. They were nasty.. but no spellcasters.

"Wrong. Where are the others? I think.. they've just walked into something they probably can't handle. We should go and help the-.."

Natural instincts kick in.

"...What am I saying? I'm sure they're totally fine... we shouldn't worry about them! Let's go set fire to something."

'cus I don't particularly wanna mess with that kind of spellpower.. Screw that idea.

Apparently intending to go and do just that, the Mage smiles to herself, and spins on her heel, heading off in a carefully opposite direction to the spell source.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(Indeed. I was posting it more for my benefit, because I actually hadn’t thought of that little break in the disguise until after you noticed the spell. It’s actually rather ironic, as Host is soon going to rip into the fox-suit guy for not having every angle covered... when he himself had a hole in his plan.)
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

John only raised an eyebrow, but figured the mage was probably right. After all, he was a pilot, not a combat specialist.

As for Sparky, he didn't move for several moments, then finally shrugged. "If there IS a Queen within the city walls, then she's too powerful for me to detect, which is unlikely at best."

The wraith was clearly frustrated at not being able to help in any way, and drew off and punched a small standing structure, putting a hole in it's wall.

"Perhaps you can go set things on fire mage. I'm going to do something a bit more constructive and KILL those scouts I saw. You can report it to someone when you get back."

The venom in his voice suggested that he had no respect for those particular wraith, and telling him not to go off alone probably wouldn't stop him, even if she wanted to try.

((Got something popping up in the next post that Host's people SHOULD be able to pick up, but nothing attack wise from it will happen.... YET.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale stalks away into the city, dismissing the pair with a nonchalant wave of a hand that already glimmered with flames. Once out of sight, though, she stops, and swears to herself.

...I -can't- let them get killed.. Hell with it.

With such thoughts, her fire spell quickly became a ShadowWalk, and two steps then a jump led her to the air, winging across the city towards the source of the collapsed spell. Thoughtfully, the winged mage ensures her ShadowWalk is a closed construct.. so that no energy leak could give the game away.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Actually, Tsuki had the option of coming along. She could have joined up with us. It's just, y'know, rape, aborted leech-man pregnancy, berating by an asshole of an officer. The girl deserved some down-time. That, and we weren't sure when she was going to be back to posting regularly. Logic trumps humor. Oh, and you really don't have to worry about triggering a frenzy, after everything that happened, she's going to be pissed enough as it is...Not enough to go full blown, but she's pissed enough.))

Copper rolled away from anything that was grasping at her, twisting up into a crouch that left her facing the enemy. She sucked in a hiss, feeling the sting as her body slowly worked the bullets out, not to mention an ache right above her heart. She looked down at her chest, then at the men in armor and snarled, her eyes taking on a red gleam. Her claws, which had never retracted, grated against the floor as she rocked back slightly and then sprang low at the one with the stake, trying to take it down at the waist, there being the sound of something, most likely her claws, grating against the metal of the armor. She is moving faster, though it is possible to still take shots at her, not that she's paying any attention to the bullets anyway. Doing so gets her attention, though, and that's the next one she'll try to take down, wanting anything that's up to be down on the ground.

((If you've seen Wolverine, think kind of along the lines the way Sabertooth fights. I'm doubting her claws will be able to get through the armor, but that won't stop her for rending at it while she tries to keep them down and disarm them. Also, the more blood they make her spend, the more frenzied she will get (to the point of kicking in her desperation move), but shooting her with pistols need to be damn good shots. She shrugged off a chain gun. Though they might luck out and have a way of getting her to calm down and behave before she gets too out of hand. If they think of it.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Actually, he probably won’t remember it. Most minds will simply dump or lock away the memories of the experience caused by one of the grenades. Copper’s mind, having max willpower, might not do so, but Grave’s mind likely will. (Unless he has a stronger mind than I’m giving him credit for?)

((Well... the way I play it, Grave manipulates elemental energy using mainly his willpower and bits of arcane knowledge he possesses. Unlike Pale, who calls upon spells that have a set shape, he creates shapes from raw power, which requires some mental muscle. Also, he's very close to darkness - he trades his mana for dark energy while casting, so he is tied to the element itself. He's a human darkling. This means he has a number of element-related weaknesses, but he ain't a regular human.))

((Also, he is very, very vengeful.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Points for Grave! He got Post 666))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

About the same time that Copper was going haywire, and Pale was moving in to investigate, all hell broke loose. There was a sudden MASSIVE charge in the air, enough that ANY magic user could have felt it, and even some non-magic users. Moments after this sudden surge of power, a gargantuan hyper-space window opened up ....

Less than fifteen feet from the building Host's people and the forum's personnel were inside of, fighting. From that gargantuan hyper-space window emerged not one, but TWO gargantuan super-hives, both easily five times larger than previously seen and darker in color. The engine roar was loud enough most of the windows in each building near them simply shattered outward, if any were even left from earlier. Neither hive stopped to obliterate the building, despite almost having certainly detected the people within, and instead headed out ...

In the same direction Siphon's dart had just taken.

Outside the buildings and on the ground, John and Sparky looked up to see the two hives. "Oh fuck," Sparky muttered, definitely not thrilled.

John didn't bother saying a word, Sparky had pretty well summed it up nicely.

In the air, Pale would likely find herself having to immediately dodge being rammed by the hive ... unless she was out of phase at which point she'd pass right through it.

Inside the building, those still alive or capable of feeling would feel the building shudder in protest as the twin hives roared on over past them, windows that were still left simply exploding from the 'sonic boom' of the engines above. Anyone smart enough to have scanned the hives would know immediately one thing. BOTH of the super-hives were now FULLY functional, and that was a very bad thing. The only question was, why hadn't they attacked those they could see? The only logical question was that the hives were meeting with something or someone else before conducting their attack, again not likely to be a good sign.

((For you Host, the Z.P.M hives have sensor enhancements that while they won't directly pick up a cloaked vessel or cloaked people, if any are around, they CAN pick up the 'distortion' effect caused by the cloak, meaning they will know something was in the area, just not likely yet the exact location. That won't last forever though.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!


The caption was from him saying, “Do as I say and things will go, hmm, maybe not too badly.” He’s got a huge gauntlet that borders on a small shield on one arm, which you can sort of begin to see in the picture.

Note to the GM’s: I actually thought Nox was named Xan. So, anything I said about 'Xan' was really about this guy.)

Almost immediately after Shrike gets knocked out, Host hears gunshots from the hallway. Tense with worry as he was, this caused him to jump rather noticeably.
Damnit, I knew something was going to go wrong!
Looking out into the hallway, Host quickly finds the cause of the disturbance, seeing Copper scraping at the armour of a pinned Lurker. Several possibilities to succeed in the situation go through Host’s head, but only one of them has all of the desired outcomes… even if it did mean using up his last trump card.
It’s not like he’ll be used up – and this kind of out-of-hand situation is what I brought him for.
“Nox, stasis on Copper, now!”
Another person came through the hole in the wall, this one in a suit not at all like the other Lurkers’.
“Her!” Host shouted, pointing out Copper.
Sections of Nox’s armour turn blue as he begins to cast a spell, with Copper likely being too caught up in pounding on the prone person to notice. Even if she did, there were many armoured people between her and the spell caster, including the fox-suited guy who had moved to block the door to the room.

And that’s when the hives arrived.

Nox, being a rather one-track person, continued to cast despite their arrival, simply turning off the outside mic to stop the noise like most of the other Lurkers were doing. No such luck for Host, of course, who was stuck without anything to block the hive engines from his hearing - it was bad enough that it was making everything rattle and shake without the damn loud noise (which really couldn’t be helping Copper’s still rather raw ears, either). Unless Copper somehow managed to dodge past all the Lurkers and beat on the caster before the hives left, she found that one moment, she was in the building, and the next, she was somewhere different…
The experience was somewhat different from an outsider’s point of view, who simply saw Copper freeze in place like a gravity defying statue, being completely impervious to change or damage. The blue parts of Nox’s suit were still lit up and whirring, and a mage with a mind to check could easily determine that Nox was putting continuous effort into the spell – presumably, disrupting him enough would break it. Nobody spoke for a while after the hives passed, until Host broke the silence.

“This just got a whole lot more important.”
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Well, that's one way of getting her to stop. And actually, she would have moved on to whichever one was closest and standing, but the results would probably be the same, so, eh. And I was going to post, but a little more description on the "somewhere else" might be nice for her to react to.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Ripping open the threads of reality to pass through a wormhole tends to have backlash. Enough to give a pretty severe headache to anyone tuned into the energy running through those threads, certainly. In fact, that saved the Mage.

She dropped, suddenly, one hand flying to her head as pain blinded her, an instant before the ships arrived, passing just over her head. Thankfully, with the wormhole's closure, the mage was able to recover before she hit the ground, and spins in mid-air to watch the behemoths pass.

"...Ok. As I can't take those alone, priority one is now to rescue the others. And let them do it instead."

Shields up, she lands beside the rather suspicious looking house, pondering whether simply blowing the thing up would be a fair approach..

Discretion, though, is always the better part of valour. With that in mind, the Mage crept closer, drawing the ShadowWalk tighter around her form. Gunshots and panicked shouts draw her attention, and the Mage pauses just outside a shattered window. Senses... indicated a lot of lifeforms inside, signatures all over the place. Casters, too, or at least, their echoes.. Which explained the powerful trap-trigger earlier.

Pale pauses, and bites her lip. She didn't particularly want to just go Rambo and bring the building down. Collateral damage didn't usually sit well with the military types.. and she sort of needed the folks inside. Her mind made up, the mage circles quietly away from the house.

Any casters might sense a signature near the front door, but only fairly minor, certainly not a destructive spell being cast. A moment or two later, Pale's voice magnified to impressive volume booms through the building, originating from the front door.

"Attention, inhabitants! We have you completely surrounded! Any suspicious actions will be taken as hostile! Throw your weapons on the ground and come out with your hands on your heads! Do it now!"

I suppose it -might- work..

For effect, Pale triggers a little lightshow for those inside, sweeping what seem like searchlight beams over various windows, simulating a laser-dot here and there to worry folks.. all of them originating from similar small magic signatures, each from a different location.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

And I was going to post, but a little more description on the "somewhere else" might be nice for her to react to.

(Well, I didn’t yet know for sure where you were going to end up, Copper, so I’d refrained from posting it - Pale could have disrupted Nox and freed you before being taken to the base. Still, I suppose capture is pretty much unavoidable at this point, so to save time, I’ll do the start of the ‘waking up while captured’ events in this post. However, Copper is being released as the second person to wake up, you’ll have to sit through Shrike being woken first.)

“Alright, we need to get the diplomats out of here pronto, those ships will have attracted attention.” Host commands, and the Lurkers begin taking the prone forms of the three members downstairs. “Don’t worry about hiding, I paid the illusionists for our trip out, too.”
As I thought, it got more difficult. Well, at least we’ve met our ‘complications’ quota now. We won’t have any more problems-

Host stops, eyes widening as he realises what he just thought. Oh shit, he thinks, and dives for the nearest piece of wood. Before he has the chance to rap it, however, Pale’s voice shot through the building. As one, the Lurkers drop their cargo and pull weapons, dropping away from windows and covering entrances.
Fuck, I had to say it. And where do I know that voice from…
“Zorori, connect to base. Ask for images-“
Already doing it, Host. I’m a Keeper for a reason.” Zorori, the operator of the fox-eared suit, spends a few moments communicating with the outside speakers and intersuit coms turned off, before replying.
“…They say there’s one person there, standing by the front door - a woman with wings.”

Slowly, Host begins to chuckle. After a moment, he attempts an explanation for his humour.
“Heh, heh heh heh heh, Pale, heh heh… I was wondering where she’d gotten to.” He pauses to take a breath for a moment.
“HOLY SHIT, THEY SENT WHOLE THE ARMY AFTER US?! GODDAMNIT, I TOLD YOU THIS WAS A BAD IDEA! …FUCK, WAS THAT A LASER POINTER!?” It’s actually very convincing, and he sounds entirely panicked. He turns to Zorori. “Do we have anyone downstairs?” In response, he queries through his suit com, whilst also allowing himself to be herd be people around him. “Moonbeam, you there?”
“Ready and waiting, sir.” Zorori looks to Host.
“SHIT, DON’T SHOOT! Tell him to take the grenade from the trap we had ready.”
“You hear Host, Moonbeam?”
“Affirmative, sir.”

“Done.” Host begins speaking again.
“SHIT, SHIT SHIT LETS JUST DO WHAT THEY SAY- I’VE GOT A POINTER ON ME! Alright, now this bit’s important. Walk to the door, and when you’re five steps away, activate the grenade. When you reach the door, punch through with the grenade hand, and immediately shut off all outside receptors. Zorori, how good are you at acting?”
“STOP PANCKING DUMBASS, YOU’LL DRAW THEIR FIRE! Who do you think you’re talking to? WE… *pause* WE’RE DISARMING! DON’T FIRE!” Host nods at Zorori’s performance, judging it sufficient. He talks again to Moonbeam through Zorori’s suit.
“You’ll need to get your timing perfect. Ready?”


(Cell – pretend I actually spaced those sections evenly. Also, their number is irrelevant and subject to change, but basically there's a few.

The first to wake is Shrike, who finds herself in a room covered from top to bottom in monocolour metal tiles. It sort of makes you think of a padded cell... only metal. And not padded. Though, at least judging by the events that had led up to this point, it probably was a cell. She lies on what basically constitutes a hammock, in a small cubicle-like section on the far wall. She can’t see anyone but herself and Host, who is standing over near the middle of the room. He’s watching you closely, and has noticed you moving.

“Ah, I see you’re awake. Don’t make too much noise, the others are sleeping.” If she hadn’t been before, this likely causes Shrike to become aware that there are other ‘cubicles’ next to hers, and that they contain people, likely the others that had been captured.

“Come here, we have much to talk about. And, unfortunately, much less time than I had anticipated in which to do so.” Even from a distance, Host looks distinctly perturbed. “That’s why we woke you up first, in fact. Because we had found you to be the most aware, and most likely to respond with something other than violence.” He smiles a little. “We’d give you an award, but we didn’t have enough time to make one.” Though she wouldn’t realise it till she tried looking, Host’s mind was now completely visible to Shrike. Penetrable she couldn’t tell without trying, but she could definitely see it.

“Doubtless you have questions,” Host continues, “Not the least of which is who we are. Unfortunately we don’t have enough time to waste on me repeating myself, so I’m saving that for after Grave wakes up. Other questions, though, I’ll answer if I can.”

(Pale can decide how well this plan goes. If they haven’t distracted her too much, she should be able to hear the guy walking up to the door, clad in a metal suit as he is. And that’s assuming she doesn’t move in beforehand…)
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(This is going to seem like such Godmoding, but I swear, this was planned from the start.... You might have clued from the fact that she's triggering lights from different places that she doesn't actually have to be in the place the spell triggers from...)

Standing on the roof, Pale wipes a drop of perspiration from her brow. Allowing it to fall through the ShadowWalk, and thus become visible, would probably be a devastating mistake at this point. From what she could tell of the reactions below, these bunch couldn't possibly have taken her compatriots captive. Which only ever meant one thing.

If only life was easy, though. Maintaining a light show, her own cloak, AND a double at the front door wasn't exactly child's play. For easily the millionth time, the mage silently thanks the gods for her ability to multitask...doubtless thanks to her gender.

Here's the thing. I can't just nuke the place. I suppose I could try some sort of SleepField, but it's dodgy. Very dodgy. If these guys are robots, like the bots.. then it'll do nothing... Inside, they have.. Grave, certainly. Probably the vampire, too. Maybe Shrike.. Fuck.

Pale shakes her head. This...was not good. Attacking a fortified position, alone, with hostages.

When you have only one advantage, and your opponent, many.. you must use yours to nullify all of his. And then some. So that means... I wait.

The image standing on the doorstep fishes out her radio, and speaks into it, Pale's voice echoing over the radios carried by Copper and Shrike... and Grave.

"...Guys? Can you hear me? I have them pinned down, it's okay, they think there's a lot more of me! If you can do anything, now is at the time.. I'm sort of at my limit here!"

(Basically.. she's going to wait. And hope they fall for it :p.)
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(Well, I didn’t yet know for sure where you were going to end up, Copper, so I’d refrained from posting it - Pale could have disrupted Nox and freed you before being taken to the base. Still, I suppose capture is pretty much unavoidable at this point, so to save time, I’ll do the start of the ‘waking up while captured’ events in this post. However, Copper is being released as the second person to wake up, you’ll have to sit through Shrike being woken first.)

((Whatever *twirls finger* Wake me up when I actually get to play again. And Copper can actually be very reasonable...when you're not fucking with her and hers. And suffice to say, you're obviously not getting any response on the radio, Pale, since we're all out at this point, so, do what you gotta do.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Yep. Pale's alone this time... And Host, I do hope you have a few members in your team you can part with. For obvious reason.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(That's what we call a "bluff", Cops. She's just hoping that these guys are going to come -out- of the house.... so she can ambush them, and rescue your unconscious.. corpse.)
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Do what you can, Pale. If you can't, no hard feelings. And as for 'corpse,' I resemble that remark!))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Ack, so many out of character posts! We have a discussion thread for a reason, shoo! :p Also, Shrike has yet to be issued a radio, the one time she spoke over it recently was from the one in her ship :/ ))

Shrike sat up slowly, noting the room around her as she listened to Host speak. She did a mental double-take when she felt his mind, but made no effort to intrude on it, instead 'flexing' mentally, trying to find if she had been hampered in any way.

After a few seconds, she stood and walked over, keeping a fair bit of distance between them. "I think I know what you all are anyways, Lurkers, right? I can't think of any other secretive group that would do something like this, but then again, I don't know much about that, so I could very easily be wrong. As for other questions, I can think of two right off the bat: How are the others, and the Why from before pop immediately to mind." She says nonchalantly, still unsure of what exactly the game he was playing is.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(Oh, Pale, nice. Got me almost completely be surprise. Thankfully, my character is smarter then me… unfortunately, not enough so to actually be helpful. Sorry for taking so long... got a copy of the Starcraft Anthology and read through the whole thing. And four Warcraft graphic novels. And I, Mengsk.)

Host was, as usual, worried. Pale’s initial entrance had planted a speck of doubt in his mind. What little he knew of Pale showed that the mage could have and would have scanned the building beforehand. He’d only paid the illusionists for the initial trap, and now that that had ended, they were completely open, giving her knowledge of everyone inside – if not their specifics, than at least their number. There was no reason for Pale to have come here unless she knew that some of the rest of her team were here also. Thusly, she knew she was up against something that took out multiple people of a similar power to herself. Pale was smart enough to know that that meant trouble. And yet, she had settled on a bluff that would be automatically seen through if they actually went through with it – after the first few fell, the remainder would get her. Strange.

As believable as Host’s shouts of alarm sounded, he knew Pale wouldn’t fall for them. She already knew her team had been taken out, which people that incompetent were simply not capable of doing. Pale had to know that they would try something, and Host could only assume she had something prepared for them as they tried to spring their own trap on her. It was a case of gambit against gambit, and Host could only hope that Pale had not anticipated their grenades and would still be vulnerable to them. They were well-kept secrets, after all.

Any doubt Host had about the situation being a trap was lost when Pale gave away her initial gambit through the radios, which she had to know were in the building with Host. Clearly, she wanted them to attack, to fall into her trap. And attack was exactly what they’d do – just, hopefully, in a way she hadn’t anticipated.

Meanwhile, five beings conversed with each other.
“You know, we could tell him it’s an illusion.” piped one.
“His fight is not ours. And we haven’t been paid for illusion detection.” said the largest, and apparent leader.
“She could be a problem, though. And the Lurkers do follow a cause close to our own…” said another.
“Not all Lurkers follow the same cause - Enough. We do not interfere unless paid to do so. It’s bad enough that we’ve been consorting on mortal planes for this long.” the leader responded, giving a feline growl as it spoke, conveying its annoyance.

“What if she attacks us?” a third asked. For a few moments, their leader was silent.
“…We’ll deal with that if it occurs - until then, be silent!" the leader gave a sly smile. "The following events are bound to be amusing, and I don’t want to miss them.” it said, with a purr...

(I’m not sure how the illusion will respond to the grenade – realistically, or not? Also, even though there is now a chance of this not happening, I’ll continue on with the after capture stuff, just in case.)


As Shrike expands her mind’s influence and meets no resistance, she almost begins to hope that the Lurkers had neglected to block her powers. These hopes were dashed as her consciousness tried to search outside the room, meeting only a magical barrier. It was clearly made by someone less powerful than the illusionists that had cast the original trap, but was powerful nonetheless. Shrike believes she can feel the presence of several different minds whenever she brushes the shield, making it likely to have been cast by a group. Pushing through would take much out of her, and alert the casters to her attempts. Host’s mind, while ‘visible’ in the mental sense, is also blocked by one of these barriers, probably maintained by the same casters that were guarding the room.

Along with Host, Shrike can sense the minds of the rest of the captured squad, resting in the other alcoves on the side of the room... All except for Copper, who was there but seemed to not have any brain activity at all, unlike someone who was merely unconscious. Even the undead had more mental activity than what Copper currently was showing. Err, then again, if Copper had slightly less mental activity than normal, that would technically be less activity than the undead… Technicalities aside, she was somewhere above ‘dead’ and below ‘zombie’.

Host seems fairly shocked when you mention the Lurkers.
“Wait, you know about us? Wow, well, that makes things easier… I suppose. …Your inflexion shows you do mean this group, too, as opposed to the catchall term for those who lurk on forums… I… really didn’t think we were that well known outside the forum, to be honest. I suppose this really shouldn’t be too much of a surprise, our, annoyingly short, file on you does indicate that you’re well traveled…” he trails off.

“Well, I suppose that will make explaining the why much simpler.” Host’s expression changes to what you think is surprise, though his reptilian face is alien enough to make determining the emotion behind his movements very difficult. “Ah, hold here a moment,” he says, walking over to the far side of the room. He continues talking as he reaches a table you hadn’t noticed was there. “This is going to be a long answer, and likely without too much room for your input… so…” he puts his hand into a jar as well camouflaged as the table it stood on, took something out, and tossed it to Shrike. “Figured you might want some food with your entertainment.” He says, as he walks back. The cookie in your hands does not have For correctly guessing a reference written on it, nor Sorry it took so long. Host. It is an entirely plain, chocolate-chip cookie.

Host changes his posture, and begins speaking with a more authoritative tone of voice, seemingly intent on giving a speech.
“As you are well aware, we currently face a great threat, capable of destroying both of our respective factions.” He looses the speech-like manner for the first of a couple of times during his talk, and says “Well, not your faction, per say, but the forum. Although yours is probably at risk too. Whoever they are.” Before picking up where he left off.
“As we did on the second forum, the Lurkers have come out of hiding and put their vendettas aside – well, alright, maybe not entirely aside, but we won’t attack the members, – and are willing to work together with the forum, towards the salvation of our peoples. We’ve written up a peace treaty for president Aika and everything.”

Host pauses for a moment. “Of course, that doesn’t actually answer your question. The… ’diplomatic retrieval mission’, was not undertaken for one significant reason, but for many smaller ones. As I mentioned, the Lurkers hate the forum. Since we’ve not been attacking the forum for years, keeping everyone from going batshit has been becoming more and more difficult. Just declaring peace with the forum, regardless of reason, would have riled them to no end, beyond what we could feasibly control. Basically, we needed to give one last, big, ‘Fuck You!’ to the forum, or the lay-Lurkers would have overthrown the command structure, and it would have been out and out war.”

“Point two,” Host continues, holding up two fingers, “We need to be taken seriously. The last time anyone saw us, we were small, beaten and insignificant. Now? We can take out the best teams the forum can throw at us. And now the forum knows that, too. Point three; there really weren’t many better ways to initiate contact. We might know that we were bringing a message of peace, but the Members don’t. If we go unarmed, the forum would take us captive and interrogate us. If we go with weapons, a battle would almost immediately start. There may well be some members who wouldn’t just shoot Lurkers on sight, but the chance of meeting less understanding people is too great to risk. The members don’t trust us, either, so even going in with a white flag would be risky. Only one panicky member needs to start shooting to turn the meeting into a battle.”

He shakes his head. “No, just like with the second forum, we need to eliminate all elements of chance while delivering the message. If we disarmed and cut off any avenues of help for the members we were dealing with, there’d be no way for them to cause problems. Aika’s security is a bit better than it used to be, so we can’t just ‘secure’ him, directly, like last time. Giving the message to other members and having them deliver it, though – that was entirely possible, and was the least risky method we had available to us. Hence, everything that happened regarding the house and your mission.”

“As for why we chose that building, in particular… it certainly wasn’t to steal a prototype weapon before officially entering peace, stopping us from having the chance.” Grinning, Host gives a childish, exaggerated wink. Apart from making you want to facepalm, this has the effect of causing a small realization. If Host uses overblown gestures to convey things, it is simple to understand his intentions. Otherwise, his strange features make it very difficult to determine just what his emotions are supposed to be. His exaggerated gestures may actually be for the benefit of the humans around him.

For a moment, Host stops talking, as if finished his points – but then he suddenly gives an exclamation, hand shooting up with pointer finger raised. “Ah! I almost forgot. The reason we didn’t just take the recruits. Part of it is point two, we wanted to beat strong combatants, but we were also trying to get the prototype weapon working. It was unstable as all get out; the forum needed a containment field just to stop it blowing up in their faces. The field was fixed to the house, and we didn’t have a mobile one to transport the weapon in, so we just fixed the gun where it was.”

“As for where the rest of the people we captured are, you have only to turn around to find the answer. Though I suspect that, by now, you’ve already learnt that.” Host’s tone turns a bit more serious. “Now, Shrike, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you for your help. Failing this task will prove very painful… for me. The rest of your group consists of a warrior of darkness, a mage who could turn people inside out, and a vampire that’s lost blood and doesn’t know any time has passed since the battle. She was put in stasis,” Host explains. “There wasn’t anything else we could do to trap her in such short notice."

"Anyway, as you can imagine, their first actions upon finding me as their company are not going to be pleasant - especially since we can’t really disarm people who use their minds and bodies as weapons. And so, I need you to convince them not to kill me. Preferably, while they’re still unconscious…" Host draws a deep breath, causing a rather long pause. "…forcibly, if it comes to that - though I won’t press you to change their minds, if you don’t want to. It will, of course, help matters if the forum’s, ‘selected diplomats’, don’t start killing the people they’re trying to ally with - but, as I said, your choice. Hopefully that won’t be necessary, anyway - I’m sure you’re all reasonable people, and we do have other things we can use to try and calm them down, should you not wish to do this.” He grins. More than ever, the demonic nature of his features is apparent – and yet, from his words you cannot help but think that he is sincerely against forcibly changing the minds of the other members.

Or a really good liar.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Ok time to throw some confusion the Lurker's, and Pale's way at that house. I'm assuming here the others are no longer there, so this works for my original test plan.))

Unseen to the Lurkers, or their mysterious illusionists at first, one of the two massive super-hives had altered course, doubling back, perhaps picking up on the illusions casted by Pale, or for some other reason. Whatever their original reason for turning back, the power of their new weaponry was soon evident moments after they arrived, hovering almost on top of the building. With a sudden massive build-up of energy, the hive fired a SINGLE shot, obliterating the entire mountain face west of the place. Completely, utterly leveled it in a single shot. Pieces of rock slammed through windows, having been blasted clear of the mountain, and anyone hit by them likely wouldn't live to tell the tale.

With this raw show of power, the hive banked away, dropping some kind of marker buoy a half mile east of Pale's position, for reasons as yet unknown. Whether the hive had detected Pale or the Lurker groups earlier and decided to intimidate them or if they simply had done it as a test firing was unknown. A similar explosion could be seen farther East of the building, likely the other hive testing their weapons as well.

Sparky and John had taken some time to kill the wraith patrols when they had seen the explosions back towards the west, and the light from the hive's weapons. Neither spoke, knowing whatever had been hit likely was no longer standing, praying that it hadn't been the building the forum members had gone to.

Siphon had finally reached the coordinates the super hive was supposed to be located at, only to find a gargantuan hole in the ground where it obviously had once been. Scanning the area, he found residual traces of a hyper-space window, which confused him slightly. How something that massive could be capable of FTL speeds was beyond him, let alone getting it to move, but obviously it had been done. With nothing further to do, he headed back up into the skies, and was aiming for a return to the forum when he saw the Westernmost explosion from the super-hive's weapons. Against his better judgement, he maneuvered the dart up out of the atmosphere, waited for the hive to leave, then swung back down over the area to investigate the damage. While anyone in the area would possibly hear the dart, it would be next to impossible to determine where it was at from the ground, and even if they did, hitting something that fast with ground based weaponry was ... well ... not a smart idea on giving away your position, especially if you had no idea who was piloting it, potential ally or total enemy.