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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Well. I guess the planet is stronger than we thought." Burrito says, stopping and grasping Oni's shoulder "We have to find a way to keep your powers in check. Otherwise, my mission will be a failure."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Oni reeled in pain as Burrito grasped his shoulder.

"What the fuck did you just do?!" Oni said, backing off he pointed his sword at Burrito.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito instantly releases Oni as he raises both his hands "I have no idea! I touched you, and the metal of my body reacted to your own body.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Oni continues to glare at Burrito whilst pointing his sword at him, his free arm holding onto his shoulder.

"And why the fuck would that affect me? What the fuck are you?!"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito shrugs, then pulls back the sleeve on his right arm, slowly revealing Burrito's entire arm was metal "I'm a cyborg, designed and saved by a great mechanic. I was the twelfth. And the only one to survive."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Well, from now on we better make sure we don't touch each other," The pain in Oni's shoulder finally subsides. "This could be problematic." He says more to himself.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito releases his sleeve, and it returns to it's position covering his arm "It could indeed." he says, thinking what might be causing the pain, then snapping his fingers "It could be my power source."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Your....power source? What of it?" Oni had now dematerialised his sword, content now that he knew Burrito wasn't going to attack him.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito sighs, then touches a blue square on his armor, the entire chest area moving out and swinging open, revealing a light-blue glowing sphere "It's a prototype. It's what gives me my power, and what might be causing me to harm you when I touch you." he says, allowing Oni a good look before closing it back up
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"What the hell is it?" Oni says, anger in his voice. the power source seemed to have gotten to him.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"It's a mixture of a microfusion reactor and old runic imprints." Burrito says, thinking back "Old man silvers used to say it was 'The light that will save this land' or some bullshit like that."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave tried not to move from his current spot, but he could feel his soul stirring with excitement. He didn't expect that Burrito could harm someone like Oni by touching him. It wasn't because of the darkness, Grave was sure of that. The warrior couldn't hear the conversation too clearly - at least while everyone was moving. Now, his situation looked a bit better - however, he couldn't see anything since he was hiding behind a small wall. As he listened, Grave couldn't help but feel curious about this power Burrito had. He tried to focus his spirit sense on the cyborg in an attempt to learn anything.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Copper actually grins at Grave's eagerness, having expected that to be the response. Oni, of course, beat her to the punch, but it's not like she minded. Dead Wraith was dead Wraith. Didn't matter who did it. She did frown a little as Burrito took off with Oni, not saying a word about Grave following, letting the warrior do his own thing. She was curious enough about the newcomer, only having seen him briefly during this past combat. For the time being, she cleaned off her blade and her hands as well, wiping them on the clothes of the corpses.

"You ever get the feeling you're being kept out of the loop?" she grins at Siphon while she picks around at the Wraith's weapons, looking for one of those little stunner guns like she took from the last Hive. She couldn't remember where she put the other one and a backup would always be good.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Sometimes, but then again I have my methods of staying informed."

He indicates a small earbud in his ear and states, "bugged em with a tracking chip. Impossible to remove or detect. Also managed to slip one onto a wraith that was heading back to the hive, so I can monitor their movements."

He bent down with a bottle of water, cleaning off his gloved hands of the drying wraith blood. "You know, as fucked up as this sounds, I'm actually kind of liking these changes this virus has caused."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

She shakes her head. "Boys and their toys." She's currently digging under her own nails, getting out what blood she'd missed initially. "And, well, it seems almost the same as what you went through before, except you look a little less Wraith and a lot more human. I can't see why you'd have a problem with it. Unless it's starts bugging you out again."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He nodded, clearly still bothered by what had happened with that. "I sincerely hope not. Though I can't help but wonder what that guy was expecting to happen when he injected me. And the strangest part is, I'm not even really sure how I've done about half of what I have already. Just kind of been a 'I want this to happen' and it has scenario. It just bugs me not knowing what's happening to me, and not knowing what else may change. Though as you said, I can pass as human now, which .... well maybe for once life will get a bit smoother without having to worry about how my physical form is viewed."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Psssh. People put too much stock in the way other's look. Everybody bleeds the same, just not always in the same colors. I trust most of you lot and I could give two shits about what you look like. I can understand not wanting to freak the mundanes, but honestly? If you can kick ass, I don't care if you're pink with purple hair, you're okay in my book." She looks thoughtful, fishing out a cigarette. "Ask Sparky? If this was a Wraith thing, maybe he knows." She shrugs. "I know blood, but for me, all it breaks down to is 'drink' or 'don't drink.' Not anything fancy."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"The light that will save this planet?" Oni repeats, more to himself than to Burrito. "No, that can't be possible, right? We dont have any weaknesses."

"Don't look at me, how the hell am I supposed to know? I never had any weaknesses before being merged with you. Maybe that's what did it."

"Right, you'll be taking me to this 'Silvers' of yours. I'll get an answer out of him even if I have to beat it out of him."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Don't go beating up my mechanic. He's fragile as is." Burrito says, looking around and not finding anything unusual "Follow me. We're heading to his garage." Burrito says, bending both his knees and smiling "Try and keep up!" he says, then zips off down a sidestreet
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"A race, eh?" Oni smiles as he dematerialises and shoots off, a stream of black mist chasing next to Burrito, travelling through objects as if they weren't there.