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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"SHUT IT, GRAVE!" Burrito yells back into the radio, then quickly regaining his composure "We're going after Toonpimp and Supermeme. You're welcome to join us if you want, but if you want to delay Oni for a bit, then that's fine. Just do something useful for a change." Burrito says, his right index finger and thumb pinched on the bridge of his nose "I swear, if Oni doesn't kill him, I will." he says quietly with a sigh "Now. where were we? Oh yes. Copper, you'll get your fill of flesh when we find his base. Which will be quite soon. I have no doubt that he's hiding in a very low-security area. Most likely, he's hiding out near 4chan." Burrito says with a chuckle, taking a seat and crossing his arms as the Reckoner continues to move, exiting the city and out into the wasteland
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Pfft. You're one to talk, mr commander-that-is-always-f***ing-missing. And by the way, I have my own shit to take care off... But if you insist on getting my help, I'm waiting for a call. With detailed descriptions, if possible."

Grave sighed. He couldn't count on Burrito or other squad members, especially Siphon. Gig, on the other hand, was a bit too... Destructive to be useful at all. "Well... This sucks..." The darkling thought about the situation, and sighed. It seemed that there was only one path left for him, and it meant that he'd have to postpone his revenge. Grave set out with a clear goal in mind. Find a Lurker, reach the leader. The rest... Well, Grave saw no point in worrying about it for now. Most likely, the Lurkers were still busy with cleaning up the mess, and perhaps the darkling would encounter one or two...
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon growled slightly at Grave's words, then grabbed his radio.

"The last time I answered you you very blatantly ignored me Grave. Oh and by the way, oh never mind you'll find out soon enough not to underestimate me."

He closed his radio then turned to Burrito.

"Do we have a lab facility here I can borrow for a little while?"

As an answer, he waved a slight vial of purplish liquid.

"I managed to acquire a sample of one of their viruses earlier. I think I can synthsize a sort of anti-virus bomb."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

As Gig absorbs more and more negative energy he cocoons himself with his wings.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I'm sure Kane will let you make use of his research facility. Though they're not really into viral warfare." Burrito says as he crosses his arms and looks over to Siphon "Just so long as you can help me and Copper kill that bastard who's been manipulating us, I don't care what you pull off." he says, anger apparent in his voice
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The tone of his voice in reply made it evident the virus had some influence still.

"Of that you can be certain. This will not take long."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Blood started to flow from Sin's nose, but she didn't even seem to notice. Instead, she looked as if she was trying to ignore someone yelling into her ear. Every so often her eyes tracked across the terrain towards where Oni... or Gig... was building himself up.

"Fuck you Gig... I was done. You brought them back to me," she muttered under her breath, fingers tightening around the hilts of her swords whilst her ears grew slightly, the tips poking out through her hair, now appearing more like a wolf's than a human's.

Patterns in black started to swirl into place just under her skin, contrasting against the flesh. Sin winced with each inch that the ink moved, the pain shooting up her arms.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito notices the changes, his right hand instantly moving to grasp his sword "What the hell is this? Is she another one of Toonpimp's experiments?" he asks, standing as the vehicle came to a stop near an old crashed B52 bomber "Someone explain to me why she's even here."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon places his hand out to stop Burrito.

"She was a prisoner of the hive that nearly blasted us. She's a werewolf and more, but she is not of our world."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I see. Well, it looks like we've got another member. Welcome aboard, miss." he says, then turns as the ramp begins to lower, multiple men with flamethrowers stepping into view from beside the vehicle and aiming said weapons at the group "Easy, brothers. They are with me." the soldier sitting in the Reckoner says, standing and grasping his flamethrower, leading the group out of the reckoner and towards the old bomber "Kane asked me to bring you directly to him. And so that is what I shall do." he states, Burrito following after him and motioning for the group to follow

((K. Post your responses here, then on to the new thread.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

While the men had no way of knowing it, their lives had just been spared by those words. Siphon was already prepared to move and take them out, but the words came quickly enough he never moved ... or had he?

With a brisk nod to them, he followed on where they were going, wherever that was.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Trying to push the pain out of her mind... and failing, Sinful got up and followed Burrito after the men.

"What the fuck kind of name is Toonpimp?" she asked herself out loud.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I have no doubt that he's hiding in a very low-security area. Most likely, he's hiding out near 4chan."

For no apparent reason, Host shudders in mid-flight. Must be the wind chill factor...

Grave wandered the trenches for a little while, finding them either empty or containing the occasional forum member; apparently he wasn’t all that close to where the fighting was so there wasn’t much to clean up, only the occasional hive shot's impact zone. There was, however, something dark nearby, powered by unholy energies… undead. That was probably a Lurker, and as it seemed to be rasing someone (with difficulty as Oni was stealing the ambient negative energy), so there was a good chance it was intelligent...
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave shrugged. With his new eye, he could easily see any trace of dark energy - and thanks to some experience with unusual senses he gained before transforming, he was able to deal with the interference Gig created. It wasn't much, anyway, since he was absorbing energy rather than releasing it. Grave began to walk quickly towards the source of the signature. The members didn't use undead - but Lurkers were most likely different in this regard.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

As Grave made his way to the undead lifeforce, his vision allowed him to see the creation of a new unlife as the first being of negative energy sent energy into a void - assumedly a corpse -, which held the energy and began to re-exist.

When he rounded a corner in the trench and the negative energy came into view, the first very distinctly dead being he had noticed was an entirely fleshless skeleton in a blue hood and cape, along with baggy pants that really shouldn’t have been able to stay on. On the back of the cape – and also the inside, something that wouldn’t have been so notable if the being had more meat – was the insignia on all the Lurkers that Grave had seen so far – the first one that had stunned him, the ones in a heap in the shield node room, and now this one. The skeleton was leaning over a being who, were it not for Grave’s soul sense, one might have thought was simply injured; but no, the negative energy stemming from him showed him to be definitely undead… in fact, the one that the skeleton had revived. They seemed like they were talking.

If Grave could discern sentience, he’d know that the newly revived member was sentient; beyond that, whatever was going on was up to his interpretation. The skeleton turned to him and smiled*, though the first words from it’s mouth (or what was left of it) were “Don’t be hasty, now. We’re on the same side.” It was also distinctly less shocked by Grave’s sudden appearance than it ought to be…

“You have need of me, I know, but do you mind if we do this on the move? The longer I take, the less of them I can save,” he (for it sounds like a he, if somewhat effeminate) says, gesturing toward the newly resurrected member with a bony arm. As to how he knew that Grave had been looking for him… he was clearly a reasonably powerful negative energy caster, so he might have actually been watching Grave... even while Grave had been watching him!

*(Yes, it shifted its single-bone jaw and skull into a smile without having any flesh or muscles… what’s really creepy is that it ought to always be smiling, but apparently wasn’t…)

EDIT: Almost forgot the picture... http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=119&pictureid=2229
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Ignore my previous post! :D))
Tsuki zipped around on her lightboard, trying to find someone... anyone from her little squad of team mates. Her nifty device eventually honed in on someone and she followed it eventually finding... Grave! She slowed as she neared, spying upon some strange people with him.

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Heh. Nice pic.))

Grave was somewhat suprised by the fact that he was expected, but he didn't let that stop him. "Well, if you know that much, things will be much easier, I suppose..." The appearance of this creature was quite unusual, though, but the darkling just shrugged. Hell, he was surrounded by freaks most of the time. Also, the darkling could sense a faint trace... Grave reached to his radio. "Tsuki, if you're somewhere near me, you're free to join the party." He followed the skeleton. "You're a Lurker, aren't you? I need to contact your boss... Or at least, I need your help. There are two favors I wish to ask for. You can expect me to return them."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

As Gig reached the final stages of his transformation another dark shockwave rips through the sky. As his wings unfold around him Gig lets out an almighty laugh which most likely echo's around the entire planet.

"Finally, I've got my old body!" Gig lets out another laugh of triumph, his body has indeed changed and instead of two wings he now only had one.

"Right, time to find that bastard who said this planet belongs to me," Gig says to himself as he scans the negative energies. "Hmm.....there seems to be something happening in-" Gig teleports midsentence.

"This direction." Gig says as he reappears next to Grave as he talks to the skeleton figure.

"Not bloody likely," He says as Grave finishes his sentence. "I need their boss, Host was it? He said this planet can be mine and now I need his assistance."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave turned his head to look at the stranger. "Ah, Gig. Confident as always... Perhaps a bit too much for your own good." The darkling made a mental note to contact one more person... Perhaps Grave would have to pay quite a high price, but getting rid of this pain in the ass would definitely be worth it.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Of course I'm confident, I'm a fucking God after all," Gig replies. "You'll do well to remember that." Gig said the second part mentally to Grave. "I dont know what you're planning, but if you're trying to get rid of me let me tell you how it ends; in your death. But, if you don't try to kill me I won't end your life or destroy whatever you're protecting. I'm a man- Demon God of my word." This was then spoken out loud.