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The Colony

Re: The Colony

Laina moves to the corner of the elevator before sitting down. "Well, I do have the welder from my omnitool which could certainly light a fire.. But I don't know what we could burn that would last more than a couple minutes." She sighs and pauses for a moment. "I just wish we knew how long we're supposed to be waiting here."
Re: The Colony

((Attempting to post for the 5th time now, since for some reason...previous four posts never submitted, even though I know I finished them. If this persists, I will be choking an ISP.))

"You've got to be kidding me...Don't leave me alone in this ju-..."

Reya's protests of course, would go unheeded as Kiera shut down...her main fallback in regard to ordering the motley squad around having gone kaput for now. Cursing her misfortune, and whoever was responsible for the present situation, the lieutenant would give a sigh as she resigned herself to her fate...for now.

"Alright, you heard the situation. First we fetch the two survivors at the Cargo Elevator...Then we pray that they can get things running again, or at least to the extent that we have some place safe to hold out."

Performing a final check of her equipment to see that it was all functional, the marine would give one last order before beginning to head off towards the base.

"Check your equipment if you have any...then follow me and stay sharp. Fire only at my command, or if we're in immediate threat."
Re: The Colony

Circe clicked her tongue in annoyance as Kiera went down. Not much could be done at this point though except to get ready. Circe secured her rifle over her back and drew her pistol; The rifle would be too slow in such tight quarters to be effective, and she had to conserve her limited ammunition until she could restock.

As the nanomachine visor reforms over her face, Circe nods to the other women. "With the generators down, it's likly going to be dark in there with just emergency lighting. We should be prepared for low visibility. When you're ready sir." Circe stood at attention, waiting for Reya to give the command.

Although Viola units generally act under the command of a Beta, even the highest ranked Viola is considered to be ranked lower than any non-bioid officer. With no Beta and Kiera now down, that made Reya Circe's commanding officer.
Re: The Colony

"Right, lets do that, so... Lead the way." I said, bouncing back and forth from foot to foot, reloading my pistol as I did to make sure I'd be ready if we ran into anything again... "Its not an easy task to break down the molecular structure of the dudes in the courtyard without a lab..."

The engineer began to ramble... Those listening could hear musings about the origin of the creatures... Aliens, mutants, or even perhaps a biological weapon developed by a foreign power targeting Titan... OR TERRORISTS!

This became a theme... She continued on, the strange computer blips, the bag on the street yesterday? Terrorists...

"Where's Gibbs? He needs to be here and figure this out!"
Re: The Colony

Ashley silently follows the woman that was barking orders, doing her best to remain as inconspicuous as possible.
Re: The Colony

"Hey you!" I looked when I saw the civilian girl hanging behind, "Come on! I don't want you to hang behind! You might get caught up in something! Stay ahead of me, I'll bring up the rear!" I said, cocking my pistol after I had reloaded it, making it very clear to the GM that I had a full clip before we got into trouble again.
Re: The Colony

"If you say so." Ashley replied, moving ahead of the engineer.

(Not sure if Halis figured out that I'm the civilian yet.)
Re: The Colony

((Speeding this along, just so we can get to the first... well, Boss Fight.))

Firelight Base, Courtyard, moving into Floor One
Reya made sure everyone moved into the base quickly and silently. The doors were left wide open - not much of a problem, really. Keeping their weapons at the ready, with the Lieutenant Commander in the lead; they cleared the main entrance, a circular room with a a small security checkpoint for visitors. Sweeping through the checkpoint, they were forced down the long security hallway - nearly 120 feet long, lines with small metal outcrops used to house plant life; really, they were ideal fall-back positions in case of an attack. Moving to the T Intersection of the hallway, scanning to the left - the Staff Sergeant's Office was down that direction; directly in front was the small elevator meant to shuttle people up to the second floor (Command Deck), or down to several other floors that the Cargo Elevator couldn't even access. To the right was their target: The freight elevator. After checking to make sure there wouldn't be anything to sneak up on them, Reya ushered the group into the Cargo Elevator, the doors closing behind them; The Lieutenant-Commander pushed the button for the 12th floor, the freight elevator slowly responding as it began to sink into the depths of Firelight...

As the elevator came to a stop, the doors slid open, the three soldiers stood in a defensive position - with Ashley huddled in a corner at their command. Sitting in the combined lights of their torches was a mechanic - some dry grease on her cheeks - and a pilot, caught in the middle of a conversation about fire.
"Get in," Reya commanded. The two other soldiers joined the party, and the elevator began it's descent to sub floor twenty...

The women were treated to a lit room finally; this part of the system wasn't powered by Kiera's systems, thankfully. Even though it was a sewer system, this part only filtered clean water to cool the VI's core. Stepping into a small entry room, there were two doors - locked, and without power - to either side of Reya; in front of her was the room where cool, clean water was sent to Kiera's core. After beckoning everyone out, Laina - having been here before - was quick to point out something:
"I can't hear any water running..."
"That's probably not good," Reya murmured, the group advancing towards the intake room.

Titan Sewer System (Subfloor 20, Firelight): Water Intake
The room was circular, with three-inch thick glass running up the side, where water was supposed to be rushing up towards Kiera's core - but there was none. The walkways around the edge were made of fresh, stainless steel, gleaming in the odd translucent light. There were four branches that lead to the central water valve, which was supposed to dump water down into the space below the walkways. Looking from the top-down on the room made it seem like a cross-hair on a sniper scope. As the women moved about the circular room, no one noticed the water below their feet...

At least, not until the 'water' jumped up onto each of the four walkways, forming into green blobs at least the same height as each woman. They needed to get to the main valve to switch it back on; with the slimes blocking the pathway, there was no way anyone could get there.


Medium Green Slime;
FP: ?? EP: ?? MP: ??
Medium Green Slime;
FP: ?? EP: ?? MP: ??
Medium Green Slime;
FP: ?? EP: ?? MP: ??
Medium Green Slime;
FP: ?? EP: ?? MP: ??

Initiative: The women have initiative for three rounds of combat.
EP for this round:
Reya: 4/4
Viola: 4/4
Hali: 4/4
Laina: 5/5
Anne: 6/6
Ashley: 10/10 (2 left)
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Re: The Colony

I wasted no time, drawing my pistol. Stepping out in front the civilian to protect her, I fired my clip at the strange creature in front of us. not stopping until they melted into the ground.
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Re: The Colony

Circe had been in the front of the group so when the slimes burst upwards, she was the closest. Noting Hali's target, Circe fired upon that one as well while backing up. One shot, a hop backwards, one more shot, a quick back-step, and two more shots rang from her small sidearm.

(4 EP on attacking the same slime as Hali)
Re: The Colony

"Whaa..?" Laina stands in disbelief for a moment as the water sprang to life before them. She had never even heard of anything like this, and her brain went blank as it tried to find an explanation for what she was seeing. Not even knowing whether bullets can even hurt these things, she instinctively raises her pistol and begins firing as many rounds as she can into the nearest blob.

(Use all 5 EP to empty her clip into the nearest slime.)

(I'm going to go out of ammo so fast :( At least I have the omnitool welder, so I can run in to stab stuff like a damn Zealot if I have to)
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Re: The Colony

Annerose sighs as she joins the other three girls, not sure if she wanted to really get involved in what was going on in this base. If it weren't for the fact that she would be deeply in the red if she didn't find her walker, she would simply walk out of this damn place.

She sees the green slimes as they jump out of the water and takes out her weapon again, aiming carefully again as she lets fly a three burst, "Dammit... really starting to not like this...!"
Re: The Colony

Ashley watches as the slime pulls itself out of the water, and then, with surprising calm (or at least it would be surprising to all the military types, since her reaction was born of utter panic,) Ashley fired twice at the slime that was in front of her, fumbling to reload between shots. Her hands began darting around her person for more ammunition as her gun clicked empty, her fear-stricken mind not remembering that she had another gun.

(Fire twice at the closest of the slimes to Ashley.)
Re: The Colony

Reya, of course, opted for the obvious response to the slimes hopping out of the water. The same one as everyone else. Taking aim at the slime closest to her with her rifle, she would give the order to fire as she began blasting it (even if the order was entirely unnecessary).

"Open fire! Gun them all down!"

((Action: Take three shots at the closest slime to Reya))
Re: The Colony

Titan Sewer System (Firelight, Subfloor 20); Water Intake
Attack Rolls:
Ashley: Attacking Slime 1 (Numbered for my sake. >.>; )
Attack 1: 16 + 2 = 17 vs 5 + 1 = 6; Damage: 2
Attack 2: 14 + 2 = 16 vs 3 + 1 = 4; Damage: 3

Anne: Attacking Slime 2
Attack 1: 18 + 5 = 23 vs. 2 (Autowin); Damage: 2
Attack 2: 16 + 5 = 21 vs. 6 (Autowin); Damage: 1
Attack 3: 16 + 5 = 21 vs. 12 (Autowin); Damage: 1

Laina: Attacking Slime 3
Attack 1: 14 + 3 = 17 vs. 13 + 1 = 14; Damage: 1
Attack 2: 6 + 3 = 9 vs. 10 + 1 = 11; Miss.
Attack 3: 12 + 3 = 15 vs. 8 + 1 = 9; Damage: 1
Attack 4: 5 + 3 = 8 vs. 12 + 1 = 13; Miss.
Attack 5: 10 + 3 = 13 vs. 15 + 1 = 16; Miss.

Circe: Attacking Slime 1
Attack 1: 3 + 4 = 7 vs. 6 + 1 = 7; Damage: 1
Attack 2: 16 + 4 = 20 vs. 14 + 1 = 15; Damage: 1
Attack 3: 14 + 4 = 18 vs. 8 + 1 = 9; Damage: 1
Attack 4: 16 + 4 = 20 vs. 14 + 1 = 15; Damage: 1

Hali: Attacking Slime 1
Attack 1: 19 + 2 = 21 vs. 8 + 1 = 9; Damage: 1
Attack 2: 16 + 2 = 18 vs. 6 + 1 = 7; Damage: 1
Target destroyed; Attacking Slime 3 (closest)
Attack 3: 11 + 2 = 13 vs. 14 + 1 = 15; Miss.
Attack 4: 16 + 2 = 19 vs. 4 + 1 = 5; Damage: 1

Reya: Attacking Slime 2
Attack 1: 13 + 3 = 16 vs. 19 + 1 = 20; Miss.
Attack 2: 2 + 3 = 5 vs. 15 + 1 = 16; Miss
Attack 3: 14 + 3 = 17 vs. 16 +1 = 17; Damage: 2
Attack 4: 17 + 3 = 20 vs. 18 + 1 = 19; Damage: 2

Slime 2: Moving towards Annerose; uses up 1 EP.
Grapple attempt: 8 + 4 = 12 vs. 8 + 1 = 9; Annerose is grappled for 3 points.

Slime 3: Moving towards Laina; uses up 1 EP.
Grapple attempt: 13 + 4 = 17 vs. 5 + 2 = 7; Laina is grappled for 10 points.

Slime 4: Moving towards Circe; uses up 1 EP.
Grapple attempt: 10 + 4 = 14 vs. 5 + 1 = 6; Circe is grappled with 8 points.

Gunshots erupted from all around the room as nearly every woman opened up fire at the same time. Circe, Hali and Ashley, whether it was by a stroke of luck or ingenious strategy, all attacked the same slime. During the firefight, Hali saw a small, red orb form in the creature; she took aim, and fired once - the round passing through the small red orb and shattering. Not more than a second later, the slime ball literally exploded - showering itself all over the walkway. The red head turned and fired at Laina's slime, which seemed to be nearly impossible to hit, as only three of seven rounds struck it. Reya focused on the same slime as Anne, only hitting it twice, while the pilot's rounds struck true each time.

The slimes moved almost at the same time, each sliding down the walkway and onto the main circle. They each choose a target, one slime puddling around Anne's boots, slowly moving up to her calves; Another basically leapt into the air, expanding and enveloping around Laina. The woman was covered almost from neck to toe in the gook, barely able to move, let alone attack. Circe saw what happened and tried to move as her slime attempted to the same; she ended up in the same situation though, the entire green slime covering her body...

Reya: 0/4 EP; SA Rifle: 4/7 rounds, 5 clips.
Viola: 0/4 EP; DX8 Pistol: 1/5 rounds, 5 clips.
Hali: 0/4 EP; DX8 Pistol: 1/5 rounds, 5 clips.
Laina: 0/5 EP; DX8 Pistol: 0/5 rounds, 2 clips.
Anne: 3/6 EP; DX10 Pistol: 0/3 rounds, 6 clips.
Ashley: 8/10 EP; Peacemaker: 0/1 rounds in pistol, 3 rounds left.

Only Ashley, Anne, and the remaining slimes have EP to move for the next round.

Slime 1: FP: 10/??; AP: 1/??; Dead.
Slime 2: FP: 8/??; EP: 2/??; AP: ??/??
Slime 3: FP: 3/??; EP: 2/??; AP: ??/??
Slime 4: FP: ??/??; EP: 2/??; AP: ??/??
Re: The Colony

Circe grunted as the slime knocked her to the ground, trapping her pistol. The airtight seal on her armor made it impossible for the slime to cause any real damage to her, at least, for now. Unable to do more than look around, Circe spotted Laina in a similar situation.
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Re: The Colony

Seeing the first of the slimes explode after it got hit in its core brought Ashley back down to earth (so to speak,) as her movements immediately became steadier and more assured, albeit not nearly a much as those of all the military personnel around her. Fumbling another round into her pistol, Ashley takes a fumbling aim at the slime that was currently wrapped around one of the other girls, trying to find and shoot for a red orb like the one she'd seen cause the first creature to explode. She made sure not to hit the girl in the process, even aiming lower than she might have to be absolutely safe, and fired.

(Fire at the one on Laina until I'm out of EP or ammo.)
Re: The Colony

Finding herself completely pinned by the slime, a wave of panic goes over Laina as she realizes she can't move at all. An image of somebody being cartoonishly dissolved to the bone briefly passes through her mind, although these don't seem to be made of acid. Unable to do anything more, she simply looks around the room hoping somebody is close enough to get it off her.
Re: The Colony

Annerose tries to lift her legs as she looks at the gunk with a digusted look on her face, "If I had my walker... this would never have happened! I hate this fucking place!" She points down at the slime and fires the last of her ammunition.
Re: The Colony

((I sent Tassadar a PM about his post, so I won't be counting it until I get a confirmation from him.

As for LDF: Looks like I typo'd on how much ammo your weapon is supposed to carry. On the character sheet for the pilot, it says 3; here on the forum, it says four.

That being said, the DX10 Pistol now comes with four rounds in every clip!))
Attack Rolls
Attack 1: 16 + 5 = 21 vs. 17 (Autowin); Damage: 2

Slime 2: Grappling Anne further.
Grapple check: 9 + 4 = 13 vs. 8 + 1 = 9; Anne is grappled with 7 points, immobilizing her.

Slime 4: Destroying Circe's Clothes.
Destruction check: 10 + 4 = 14 vs. 7 + 1 = 8; Armor Damage: 6. Clothing durability at 4.

Annerose glanced down at her pistol, wondering how an extra round found it's way into her clip, so she leveled her weapon and fired at the slime still mostly puddled on the ground. The round lodged itself in the metal floor, the tell-tale red orb appearing on the blob. Unluckily for Anne, the slime threw itself up onto the girl's body, wrapping around her until about half way up her arms. Grunting (about how much this place sucked) and squirming, she toppled to the ground, landing with the slime around her - the red orb sitting atop the girl's chest.

No one really noticed what was going on with Circe until they heard a small grunt of frustration. Looking over, the other women watched as the Biod's armor was dissolved in front of their eyes - it exposed her midriff, her torso, creamy thighs and round buttocks. She didn't have much left on her except for her cotton bra and her panties, which the slime was quick to conform around.

Reya: 0/4 EP; SA Rifle: 4/7 rounds, 5 clips.
Viola: 0/4 EP; DX8 Pistol: 1/5 rounds, 5 clips, grappled with 8 points, immobilized.
Hali: 0/4 EP; DX8 Pistol: 1/5 rounds, 5 clips.
Laina: 0/5 EP; DX8 Pistol: 0/5 rounds, 2 clips, grappled with 10 points, immobilized.
Anne: 2/6 EP; DX10 Pistol: 0/4 rounds, 6 clips, grappled with 7 points, immobilized.
Ashley: ((Depending on what Tassy posts))

Slime 2: FP: 10/??; AP: ??/??; EP: 3/??
Slime 3: ((Depending on what Tassy posts))
Slime 4: FP: ??/??; EP: 3/??; AP: ??/??
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