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The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

There's a slight pause, and then Umbral's voice returns. "Well, as for talking with Draven, I already have. He doesn't seem to know any more than the rest of us. However, just did a quick check, and it seems to me that Zachery's outer skin is just that. Skin, probably a synthetic type...Since we may have to cut that open to get at what we need, that's something that I think you may actually understand, if you're willing to help."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"That i can do, let's just hope I don't cut anything important."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Yeah. We'll be up in a bit. Wait...Did I hear Vance's voice?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Yeah he's here, he doesn't know if he can help though..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"If he's willing, he can certainly help get Zachery up to medical, unless you want to come down here to Experimentation to help open him up."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Errr..." She turned to Vance, "Fetch boy, fetch!"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Yes ma'am!" Vance says, standing up and running out of the medical bay and towards Experimentation
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Umbral walks in, carrying a couple of tools. "Okay, at least for the medical part of this, I'll let you take charge. I've got a couple of tools here to help with the mechanical end."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"And I've got our robot." Vance says as he walks in, Zachery still over his right shoulder "I tried to make the ride as gentle as possible. here's hoping I didn't break anything"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta finished her food and coffee and and rubbed her eyes, "Alright, put him on that bed there..." she gestured in an obscure direction.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Vance raises his left eyebrow at her pointing off to nothing "You sure you're alright to do this? I could try and help him if you aren't" Vance says, smiling as he finds a bed and sets Zachery down in it
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Umbral sets the datapad down near the bed, and runs his scanner over Zachery's form...And no indications of a reading can be seen. "Well, that's good...And," he adds, looking up, "Vance is right. If you're not in good enough shape to do this, rest first."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

She blinked at the two of them and yawned, "I s'pose you're right... where're the living spaces again?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"The Hallway straight out from the Docking Bay. Pretty much right underneath us."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Kay..." she mumbled and shuffled out of the door.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"I hope she's alright. Lack of sleep can make you see things." Vance says as he looks over Zachery "Here's hoping I can help in any way. I'm used to battlefield surgery and first aid." he says, leaning his head to the right "But, what can ya do? I'm the only thing anywhere close to a doctor besides Krysta or Caitlin."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Umbral thinks for a bit, then responds. "Since it looks like he's completely shut down, there shouldn't be any harm in just waiting until Krysta's had some rest. That'll let me ponder something I've been thinking about anyway."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Sounds good. I wouldn't want the death of our android on my record." Vance says, smiling as he leans against a nearby wall and begins to think "I wonder. Maybe this android of ours can help me after all." he says in a very low voice, mostly to himself
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Whatever you're planning, it's probably way too risky to try."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"No, not anything on him. Something on me." Vance says, still trying to think "I'm going to see if I can undo the damage that was caused to me in my childhood." he says, his arms crossed and his eyes focused on the floor