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The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Vance simply chuckles "Indeed. She's much like myself. Always immersing in work" he says, a smile on his face "Next order of business?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Caitlin blushes slightly, and uses Vance's question to hide her embarrassment. "Well, we need a genome of you and a genome of the Ashotur, bu unfortunately, the only machine i have for that is going to be occupied for a while," She says, pointing a thumb behind herself at the readout, which now reads 13%. "So we have a bit of free time. Any suggestions for what we do with it?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"I have no idea. I usually sleep when I'm bored." Vance says, his right hand on his chin and his left hand holding his right elbow "It's only been a half-hour, and it's only gotten to thirteen percent. Factor that in with a random element, that would mean..........About five hours of free time, give or take." he says, doing calculations in his head
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta stifled a yawn, "Well I need to stay here in case anyone needs me, why don't you head to the canteen Caitlin and get something to eat, you look bushed."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Caitlin checks the timestamp on her datapad, then nods in agreement. "I could use some food, maybe a nap as well. Won't be too long before my suit starts leeching energy off of me to survive... Anyone else hungry?" She starts rolling off before anyone can answer, though she doesn't leave until everyone answers.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Tell Williams I'd like my usual. He knows what i need to stay awake." She yawned again.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Caitlin replies with a smile as she heads out for the canteen. "Alright, guess I'll see you there in a bit then. You're free to come along too, Vance"

((I'll just assume Caitlin caught burrito's comment below before she left))
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Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"I'll stay here, thank you." Vance says, his arms crossing as he resumes thinking and mumbling to himself
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta shrugged, and sat back at her desk, her eyes drooping shut. "Goodness, I really need to head down there in a bit... I can barely stay awake..." she mumbled.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Not a word passed between Williams and Krysta when he showed up with her food. He merely laid it beside her, tapped her shoulder and then left.

Krysta picked her head up as she inhaled the scent of coffee, and began to slowly sip from the huge mug.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Vance stops his mumbling and thinking when Williams enters, then remembers something and takes a pill bottle from his pocket, then opens it and takes out a pill, then swallows it "That's better" he says, sighing as he places the pill bottle in his pocket and clenches his fist
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

((Pardon the double post, can't be helped))

Vance, after thinking for a few moments, decides he might as well go for a walk, then leaves the medical bay
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta remained completely absorbed in her breakfast.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

The station's internal comm system clicks on, and Umbral's voice comes across the channel. "Krysta, do you have a free moment to answer some questions?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Free moment? That's all i have, what do you need?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Well...Zachery took an EMP grenade and shut down. Between Mara and myself, we think that we may have to do a direct access of his memory core to find out what, if anything, needs to be done in terms of maintenance. In order to do that, it looks like we may have to do a modified version of a cranial surgery...And there's some procedural questions about that, since it's pretty obvious he's a sentient being in his own right."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta is slient for a moment, "I'm a medical professional. I don't know anything about... what he is. Maybe you should ask the mistman. If we work together we may figure it out..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Vance arrives in time to hear the end of Krysta's statement "Figure what out?" he asks, pushing his orange sunglasses back up his nose with his right hand and walking over to a chair, then plopping down and sighing
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Something happened to the android."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Count me out. I stink with electronics. I'd prefer to work on flesh and blood, thank you" Vance says from his chair, leaning back and stretching his arms "I had a lovely talk with our fishman. Me and him are a lot alike."