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The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Actually it's probably better for Caitlin to do the cutting, since she knows more about doing that than I would. I COULD do it, but I'm not exactly the best qualified, though I can make do in a pinch."

It's clear that he has no squeamish feelings about it, but rather knows that there is someone clearly more experienced that can handle this, and he's deferring there so as to not damage the specimen by accident.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Sounds like a plan" Vance says, turning to face Caitlin "Care to do the honors of slicing him open, Doctor?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

((sorry for the wait, busy weekend))

Caitlin smiles and does a little bow in her seat. "Why thank you, I think I will." And she does just that, pulling on some gloves, setting up the table, and getting right to work, peeling it open and pulling samples from a dozen different areas. She places them in small vials, and sets them aside. Something unusual happens when she starts opening the head. As she opens the back of its head, she gets a fair sized electric shock.

"Gah! Well that was interesting..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Draven blinks. "Even though it's dead you still got zapped? Hmm, it must have held a residual charge then. Well, now you know what it hit me with, only a lot harder."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

At seeing Caitlin receive the shock, Vance appears even more interested, a grin on his face "If that thing can store electricity, I want to know how it manages that" he says, his hands buried in his pockets as he observes the spore "Very intriguing, to say the least"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta hurried back into the medical bay, eager to see how everything was progressing. As she neared the door she heard the zap, and voices and hurried faster. "What's going on? Oh." she stopped, "I almost forgot about that thing..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Caitlin gives her hand a shake to restore feeling. "If that's the residual charge from what, hours ago, maybe a day, then I truly don't want to see what it got you with Draven. Oh, you're back Krysta, we're just performing an autopsy, this creature seems to be able to store electric energy, centered around here." She touches the scalpel to the same spot once more, but nothing happens.

"Seems that was all it had left, however, so let's continue." She removes the offending organ and sets it aside for later study. "That's odd" She says, pulling out a chunk of what seems like grey matter. "This looks like Human brain tissue, can one of you run a check on this for me?" Caitlin holds it out behind her, waiting for someone to take it from her as she continues with the other hand in front of her.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Draven stares at the tissue for a moment before taking it. "It sure does, here, I got it."

He takes it from her, sparing Vance from having to himself. "Which one of these machines does the appropriate test?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Caitlin looks up with a look of mixed confusion and surprise, then realizing she wasn't in a room of technicians, pointed to two machines and spoke up.

"A visual check should do well enough, slice as thin a piece as you can manage and put it in that machine over there. It'll take what you give it, slice a piece about three microns thick, and pop it out in a slide. Stick that into the eloctron microscope (second machine) and compare it with the one I have on file in the computer. If you aren't sure, don't worry about it, I'll check it while I wait for the genome to compile."

Satisfied that he can manage to at least set it up for her, she quickly switches to a fresh pair of gloves, and continues with the autopsy.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Draven takes his time setting up the device, cutting a piece to be scanned almost as thin as what she wanted, then setting the machines up. When the results come up, he blinks. "Hmm, I'm not a specialist by any means, but that does seem to be a match."

((Operating here that your looking to call a match here, if not will edit.))
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

((No worries, I am. Rule told Vance and Caitlin what they would find, I'm just expanding on it a tad to make it sound more science-y. Oh, and three microns is 3/1000ths of a millimeter, if I remember correctly. I don't know what draven is capable of, but the machine is used to handling up to a few millimeters, just to give a comparison.))

Caitlin pauses a moment, then continues, speaking as she goes. "Hmm... Then I believe I know what we are looking at, but I need to see the genetics to be sure. Vance, you've been particularly silent during this, care to voice an opinion?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta keep leaning in the doorway, watching Caitlin with a faint smile. "You've turned my half functioning medical bay into a full functioning medical bay, lab, autopsy room... I wonder where the morgue is..." her smile widened into a grin. "Now, I'd help if I could but I'm not a biologist. I deal with the sentient animals. My capabilities are quite limited."
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Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Just gathering every ounce of knowledge I can." Vance says, smiling as he watches Caitlin work "You do good work. Better than I do in the field. Then again, I only have a few minutes to work." he says, his right hand on his chin as he remembers his old days of work on the battlefield, then snapping back into the real world "Sorry, got a little nostalgic." he says, walking over and grabbing a pair of gloves, then putting them on "If I can be of any help, then please, don't hesitate to ask. You need a technician to help you, correct?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

((Draven is sort of a jack of all trades for the most part. He can do quite a number of things that any of the rest of the group could, but in most cases not as fast or as well as they can in certain fields such as this. He can manipulate and understand what he's seeing, but as far as actually just walking in and knowing how to read more complex genetic coding, he would want to defer to a specialist, because he knows there is a chance he might be wrong.))

"Well I wondered right from the start if this thing was more than just a mutation. Could this thing have either absorbed a human somehow, or... Could this be some sort of artificially created creature?"

The thoughts obviously don't sit well with him.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"If it is a mutated Human............Then that's good news for me." Vance says, still standing by as he looks at Siphon "I just hope it doesn't infect via skin contact with an infected creature"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"They said it was a spore creature Draven?" Krysta asked, "If it is then I want everyone in here to wear respirators. Since it's mutated we can't be sure how it propagates." she pressed a hand to the door and closed it tight behind her, and sealed off the outgoing vent by taping plastic over it. After sealing the room to her satisfaction she pulled out three respirators from a cabinet and put one on herself. "Sorry Draven," she said as she passed the other two to Caitlin and Vance, "You don't need one... do you?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

He stops, having not thought of that. "That is a good point, and no, I don't need one, I don't breathe." There is a muttered, "thank god," at the end of that.

"Let us just hope that it doesn't propagate in any other way like Vance said, especially by contact."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Vance quickly dons the respirator and sighs "I completely forgot about that. I was too excited at the chance to examine this life-form" he says, stills standing behind Caitlin, ready to help
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Alright, I think I've got all I can from the body itself, all I need now is to compile a complete genome for it, if you don't mind Vance?" Assuming Vance knows what he's doing (and informing him if he doesn't), Caitlin turns next to Krysta.

"Pretty much functional, yes, though the morgue is your department, I usually just incinerate any leftovers, like what I'm about to do to him, unless anyone else needs him for something. And believe me, you might as well take Draven here to help you out on the living people, I remember the basic protocols and first aid, that's about it. As for those masks, I don't believe it's necessary, but until i see the genome i can't know for sure." She puts the mask on before continuing.

"I don't believe this is a mutation, I think its an evolution. The main organism seems to be that (pointing at the part that shocked her), which is mindless until it affixes itself to a host body, at which point it usurps the host's body and uses the brain itself, gaining some higher functions itself, though I can't say for sure how much."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

She shudders, "That's terrifying." She also pulled on a pair of gloves. "I think incineration at this point for that thing is the best idea. We don't want it propagating with us on board."