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The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"It could be helpful when making skin grafts for burn patients..." she mused, "If it has a better healing system than our own skin..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

((EDITED OUT due to mispost.))
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Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"If I can isolate the same chemical in my body that helps me, it could be useful." Vance says, smiling as he looks over at Zachery "I have the brawn. you people have the brains. And now we have a base for a synthetic skin." he says, smiling "With your help and the help of miss Caitlin, I'm sure we can come up with something."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

She grinned, "We could be well on the way to helping billions of people." then she squeed a little bit, "This is so exciting! I wonder when she'll be back up here, we need to do a tissue analysis on you so that I can keep my promise."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Indeed. Here's hoping we can fix the one thing my father did wrong." Vance says, looking down at his right hand and forming a fist "Think of it like this. When I fight, my blood starts to flow, and my skin begins to shade red. My whole body feels like it's on fire, and my heart starts pounding at an accelerated rate. I have found that it can cause heart problems if it continues. I also become faster when it happens, but that's nothing good if it means I could die." he says, sighing and looking over at Krysta "If there is a way to fix it, I'm willing to do anything"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Only one thing?" she said mildly after he finished, "And I don't think we'll have to resort to anything drastic regarding your problem."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Everything but that one risk is perfect. My muscle mass comes from heightened Protein production. My bones of steel come from heightened Calcium production. I'm in perfect health besides the aforementioned heart problem." Vance says, cracking his knuckles and smiling "And with both of you ladies helping, I'm sure I can become better than any warrior I fight against."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta threw her hands into the air. "Men. And people wonder why I don't like them."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"What? Fighting is my life." Vance says with a shrug "I could be a biologist major, but I'm not too good at that stuff."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"You could do other things. People don't have to keep their brains in their biceps." she snorted, "Plenty of other opportunities. I mean, if we can fix something like this," she held up a cybernetic arm, "Then there's a place for someone like you other than on the frontlines."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"I used to fight on the front lines. Then it got boring. Which is why I switched to being a biologist. I get to learn more about living creatures, and I slowly learn more about how my own body works." Vance says, his smile slowly fading "It's a matter of perspective. My drive is what I can become if given the proper means."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Draven made his way to the medical bay, catching the final sentence of Vance. "That is good then, it makes you flexible as to what you can contribute, that is always a good quality."

He paused a moment, letting them register he was there before adding, "how goes everything here folks?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta grinned, "It's a little boring mistman. But I suppose that's a good thing."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Boring is an understatement. I'm damn near going insane here. I hate waiting for something to happen." Vance says, plopping down on the floor and crossing his legs "Now. If that Ashotur managed to escape, that would be nice" Vance says jokingly as he laughs to himself "Of course. Then he'd have to deal with myself and Mistman here."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Indeed he would. Slow and boring here huh? Yeah, probably a good thing. Oh, any idea if that genetic scan that was running has finished yet?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"It dinged a little while ago, I'm sure Cait's coming back for it soon."

(((*HINTHINT* )))
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

((Hey, don't look at me, blame whoever it was that assigned the crippled, forgetful scientist guard duty :p ))

Caitlin rolled into the medical bay, and it was immediatly apparent that there was something different about her. It clued in a moment later that under her usual lab coat, she wasn't wearing her organic flight suit, there being civilian clothes instead.

"Oh, look at everyone here, what's going on I wonder?" She asks nobody in particular before shrugging and heading off towards the side room now packed with her equipment, a little smile on her face.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Draven chuckled as he replied, "not much I'm afraid, just taking a break and thought I'd check in to see if those results were in from your scan Caitlin."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Ah, you're back." Krysta smiled happily, "The machine beeps a little while ago, i figured that meant it was done. Glad to see you back so quickly."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Yeah, I was going to take a nap, but I couldn't wait to see the results myself." She says giddily, reaching the machine and activating a holographic display. The scrolling display that popped up seemed pretty usual for anyone that generally knew what genetics was all about, but Caitlin grew very excited very quickly.

"By the stars, would you look at this!" She exclaims, pointing at a particular group of genes on the scrolling view. The display stops scrolling and zooms in on the area. "Do you know what this means?"

((Raise your hand if your character knows that's genetics has four base pairs. This particular group shows an additional four past that :) ))