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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

12 Step Program Tamonten -> Tempting Tomoe

Tamonten swallowed hard as the easterner replied, her rubbing of the other woman's hips never ceasing. "I'm not normally so rough, I don't know what got into me back there," the swordswoman continued, trying not to let the atmosphere fall into an awkward silence. She wasn't entirely sure what possessed her to say that, specifically. It didn't do much to lessen the feeling of awkwardness for the manacled girl, either. Gods, why was she still so aroused? She is very pretty and her energy was so tasty... No, the pale-skinned girl reprimanded herself silently, it had almost been one whole hour since her last inflicted anal rape and she intended on going for at least two.

But...that wasn't to suggest that she couldn't pursue something more consensual. Emboldened by desire throbbing in her chest, Tamonten pressed her breasts into Tomoe's back. The possessed swordswoman's hands began to work their way steadily towards the miko's breasts. "I can show you, if you want..." The woman whispered into her former opponent's ear. Both hands cupped the shrine maiden's ample assets as if to weigh the two soft orbs. While her mismatched arms worked at their task, the pale girl began to kiss the side of the eastern warrior's neck, teasingly brushing at the woman's exposed flesh. "But I won't force it on you again," the would-be weaponmaster spoke nervously, if honestly. The idea of being rejected and making things even more awkward between the two worried her, but she couldn't ignore the arousal welling up inside her own body.

Tamonten -> Zaro'Alk

Beach - Rocky End
Zaro'Alk -> Tomonten the chatter-box.

It was, in truth, dedication of the highest order... however this kind of dedication was instilled not by willingly choosing to deeply engross herself in the martial arts of protecting others in conflict and obliterating aggressors, but by measures that Tomonten and, or, her kind would find less then pleasing. Perhaps the Giantess was a marvel of genetic manipulation or a wonder of what magically re-enforced indoctrination could do for a powerful Demon, and might be seen as such a good step in terms of science in the eyes of those seeking to learn more about creating quality servants... To others she would be an abomination, to herself it was simply what she was. Zaro was far from the naive, self-pitying beast that merely wished to become a civilized member of some static community, nay, she had no lofty goals save to see the night today and morning of tomorrow. There was no arrogance or sadness, nor rage of being a pawn or desire to inflict misery upon those fortunate enough to be who they are by choice... life was quite... straightforward for her in a pragmatic, thoughtful way.

It was the thoughts regarding this that flitted through her mind as she listened to the pale-warrioress as she talked... and elaborated about her goals in life and why she chose to wield the sword... and continued to talk. All the while Zaro merely shifted, becoming somewhat unsure as to how she should respond for revealing information typically classified as 'personal' was not something she chose to do... at least not from some silly notion of lacking trust in a individual to tell them, rather it was merely a lack of inclination to do so, with minimal experience in being spoken to this much did not make the engineered Shield-Maiden a excellent conversational partner. Most of the time she simply listened with a easy and deep breath in slow movements, finding herself both enjoying the little vibrations of Tomonten's words in her perked ears and watching the waves kiss the sand then fade away, like some of the birds that hovered by a plant and fed upon it's nectar. The rocky outcroppings that stood taller then herself provided them with a natural screen from the rest of the beach and thus privacy was assumed to some point... however Zaro did maintain some sense of situational awareness for survival instincts were wholly trusted.

Which also meant that despite however much Tomonten spoke or however irrelevant she might feel about her words, Zaro never 'switched off', lacking such an irritating quirk she herself noticed in those that did not wish to listen. Remembering every detail would be another matter, for while it was perhaps useful information, it was also information that was borne of personal experience, fuelled by emotions that were difficult to understand and thus... there was a grandly unique difficulty in being able to relate with somebody else. She did understand the sound of optimistic enjoyment in life, the reverence for another superior being and the desire to improve one-self... but that was the only true similarities between herself and this friendly, pale-skinned, demonic-armed woman. It was then she asked the question, oddly giving Zaro the title of 'Lady' once again that felt alien... what was her hero? an easy question, in fact she barely had to spend those long moments in thinking of a good answer with neglected vocal chords; "I... looked up to a female - Narissa. She made me for my duty. She is gone." The guttural words spilled out with some solemn rumbles at the end, and still gazing out to the beautiful ocean, the Giant warrior merely blew some air from her nostrils and tapped her training spear lightly with two vaguely clawed fingers.

"I am what I am, just Shield Maiden. Your Father must have been very skilled. That is... was good." She continued, un-sure as to whether or not Tomoten's father still lived, for she did say that her father was a good swordsman, thus suggesting he was no longer at such a useful capacity, surely to be disposed of at some point. "I am merely... here." Helpfully added, to just about sum up her existence and what she was planning to do... the muscular female did ponder about the way her smaller counterpart mentioned 'obsession' and 'addiction', perhaps it was related to the joy of fighting? That could be related to, although it was quite clear that Tomonten was not specifically born to protect or slaughter. It was now that she managed to tear her gaze away from the soft waves of the clear waters, and blinked whilst tilting her Dragonic skull towards her... acquaintance. "Do you wish to be a hero?" Came the thoughtful question that entirely lacked patronising implications, predatory optics softening as curiousity of a manner not strictly tactical arose, ears perking as the dog-smile departed to make way for a glint of the eyes, looking upon the porcelain fleshed female with quietly burning interest. Of course being under such a gaze from a demonic Giantess would give any normal creature pause... but the pale one was hardly 'normal'.

The smaller girl sat in silence as Zaro spoke of her missing mistress. The pale swordswoman wasn't really sure what to say in response to the loss of a loved one. Matters weren't helped by her lack of understanding as to what Narissa was to the Dragoness. A mother, maybe? The genetically altered female had suggested that the woman made her for her duty. It seemed like a strange way to refer to a parent, though. Maybe she was a mother figure? A foster? The manacled swordswoman continued to think about the subject and listen while she worked. It was hard for the manacled woman to consider the information the warrior dragoness shared as anything other than depressing, she felt a pang of regret for the imposing female. By the time her sparring partner had concluded, Tamonten was so deep in thought on the subject that she almost missed the question. "A hero? I don't know about that," she replied as she took another shaving of wood off of the training sword. After that, the white-haired woman drifted back into thought for a time. Despite the dragoness's lingering gaze, the ghostly pale girl didn't shift away. It wasn't out of any natural courage or implicit trust of the shield-maiden so much as it was Tamonten's subconscious response to a perceived challenge. While Zaro'Alk might not have intended her gaze as a challenge, as a human, it was natural for the swordswoman to want to shy away from the watch of someone much taller and imposing. So, it was as much a challenge made by the human woman's desire to move as a natural action as it was one made by the giantess. Green eyes remained eying the stick and the ground, however, as was normal for the pale girl when deeply considering something.

By that point the implement was almost done, or as complete as the would-be weaponmaster would ever accomplish with her limited woodcarving skills. A simple amateur-crafted training sword. In practice, it probably wouldn't be much more effective than the stick in original form had been, though it wouldn't be worse. It looked a bit closer a formal training weapon, at least. "I just want to be the best, you know?" Tamonten finally broke her contemplation, returning her own gaze to Zaro. "Maybe I'll be lucky enough to realize that dream and use those skills for good." It was an uncertain response, at best, as the swordswoman really had no idea what she intended on doing with herself the next day, let alone should she somehow manage to realize even a fraction of that grandiose goal. "But I think I'd like to die heroically. No matter what happens in my life, I want to meet my end against a horde of enemies while serving justice. Maybe they'd make stories about my last stand," she concluded with a small smile. With one last stroke, she deemed the training sword 'improved.' With that same action, she finally looked up to take notice of the crashing waves of the beach. It really was very beautiful on the island, she realized.

"So, what's next, Lady Zaro?" Tamonten spoke up with a mischievous grin. "Another quick bout? Or would you like continue conversing and taking in the sights? I had fun with both, so I'll leave the choice to you as the winner of our last session." It was a nice change of pace from when she normally asked that question. Among the faeries, the natural response to that was for the fey-folk to try and charm the pants off of her...literally. Managing to find one of the few others on the island unlikely to attempt the same seemed both lucky and nice for a change.

Tamonten -> Auralice, Enigma

Smut Springs
The swordswoman eagerly met her mistress's lips for her reward, her tongue sought out Auralice's own almost desperately. The enthralled human couldn't have been happier with her repayment, being in such proximity to her master. Or at least the pale girl thought she couldn't be happier, until she was roughly penetrated by the serpentine woman's tentacles. An immense feeling of joy radiated throughout the enchanted girl as her womanhood and rear were violated by the tendrils. That was her purpose in life, to be used for her wonderful mistress's pleasures, and that task was being fulfilled. Tamonten would have thanked the snake-life woman for fucking her, but with Auralice's lips locked with her own the would-be weaponmaster could only lewdly moan into the naga's mouth.

As the entranced warrior felt her mistress begin to fill her holes with cum, the idea that she had pleased Auralice so well sent the white-haired woman into her own orgasm. Tamonten convulsed around the naga's tentacles, a profound sense of accomplishment forcing its way into her brain even as she was plainly dropped into the water. Despite it all, it seemed to end too fast for the increasingly enchanted swordswoman. Surely her mistress had some cum left and the enslaved human wasn't doing her job if she didn't get it all out. Still, Auralice issued her desire to relax aloud, so the antsy woman settled down in her mistress's caresses. If Auralice hadn't fucked the sense out of her, with no small amount of help from succubi magic, the swordswoman might have, sensibly, worried about Enigma's disappearance. Given the circumstances, however, she could only worry about how to fulfill her mistress-given task of walking the necromancer if she wasn't around before promptly cuddling up to the serpent woman in the onsen.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Hakurei mi...wait, no. Not that one, but this other miko, Tomoe -> Touchy Tamo

Despite being completely done with her arms and shoulders, Tomoe still had the girl going at her hips like previously. But the girl's apologetic behaviour still kept her convinced that there was nothing hostile in her intentions.

Only once the girl properly pressed herself against the priestess' back and those rubbing hands started coming upwards did she consider the fact that the other female was trying to have another go with her. Even with her shapely body form, it was not something the miko thought an ordinary desire, and was beginning to get suspicious that something was unintentionally driving the girl forward. She seemed timid enough when not in battle, which further increased the busty easterner's suspicions about some outside or inside force. With the hands now playing on her sizey breasts, she saw it. The arm. That black arm was surely something not human, possibly a vessel for a demon or some similar evil spirit. Maybe it was driving her towards these lustful acts. A quiet little sound escaped her as the "caretaker" kissed into her neck, the wet lips exploring her neckline briefly. Hearing the other speak up, Tomoe turned her head slightly again to see her face. "Whatever it is that is causing you to feel that way... if I can help to alleviate the effects even for a little while... don't be afraid to use my body... maybe the spirit will leave you alone for a while if I let you... so... if you need to be rough... I can take it..." the unnecessarily helpful side off the easterner spoke out this time, a casual smile on her blushy face, wanting to help this girl with her problem. Her absolute purity had been taken earlier by another, so the shrine maiden reasoned that some more of this immoral action was not going to harm her any further than that. It had been oh-so-pleasant too, and there was a part of her that wanted to feel it again.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Iggy

As Luciana finished up cleaning herself, she spied a timid foxboy in the corner, desperately trying to cover himself and seemingly eager to hide from her. Hmm... He's not like the others here. He seems... weak. A nice snack before bedtime the succubus thought, getting up and walking over to the foxboy, showing off her body as she did so, and when she got up to him she asked "so, like what you see?" in a coy, sultry tone.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


Iggy blushes deeply and politely averts his gaze away from the succubus. He makes absolutely sure the his genitals were covered as best as possible.

"I... I'm s-sorry m-miss... I d-d-din't m-mean to interupt... I... I was just t-taking a b-bath after my... my..."

Iggy at that point started stammering beyond comprehension, obviously embarrassed by his encounter during his first match. He then proceeds to explain the circumstances of his previous fight, ovbviously confused about what was happening in this strange place.

"I... I... h-have n-no idea wh-what's g-going on here..."
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Iggy

The poor little foxboy stammered in his timidity, and Luciana licked her lips as he explained what had happened to him. "That sounds like fun. And it's exactly what's going on here~ Let's have a match ourselves, right here. What do you say?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


Iggy's flush deepens in hue as he back up in his timidy.

"I... I... NO! I don't want to be molested again!"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Iggy

"Oh come now, don't be so shy. It's not that bad. Besides, if you beat me, I'll be your slave for the entire night you know~" Luciana replied, getting closer to Iggy and leaning towards him, smiling wide.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


Iggy loosens up at the bit, at the thought of having a succubus as his personal slave.

"B...but wh-what h-happen if I l-lose...?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Iggy

"Oh, much the same thing. But I'm not very good at this~" Luciana said, giggling a little. "I keep losing my focus and losing these matches." It wasn't entirely untrue, but it wasn't totally true either. "So what do you say?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


Iggy thinks long and hard about it before he bashfully nods.

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Auralice -> Tamonten, Enigma?

Auralice tugged Tamonten close, brushing her fingers through the warrior's hair as she petted her slave's head. Her attention soon diverted as Enigma suddenly burst into a flare of sparkles only to shortly vanish into thin air. Albeit surprised and somewhat dumbfounded by the weird event, Auralice wasn't in the mood to exercise her mind over it. With the serpent left with only the human left to tend to, Auralice was already getting a bit aroused again, Tamonten's brief nudges towards another go apparently having gotten through to Auralice's lusty mind.
"These waters... they're not spiked with aphrodisiacs... right?"
Looking down at the warrior with lust in her eyes, Auralice lifts up and straddles the human over her own pussy, spreading the lips wide with her hand.
"Would you, stuff that meat of yours... inside your master?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Her back against a tree, an odd demon sat. She had her legs hugged to her, obscuring the vast majority of her frame; the odd pattern of her… suit? Body? Didn’t really help matters; parts of it were glowing, any pattern lost by the contortion of her body and the shadow of the tree she sat in – and the rest of her body was a black, vaguely feminine shape. While not distressed, the female certainly seemed to be lost in some quite miserable thoughts, her head stuck resting her knees. She wasn’t quite sure of her position on the island, herself; nor did she particularly care. “Oh really, what is all this? I don’t know how to handle islands…” she mutters to herself, looking to an insect crawling along beside her – and pulling her six mandibles out from hiding as she raises her head to do so. After a moment, her glowing white eyes holding the height of sadness, she asks - seemingly of the bug - “…Hey, do you know… my blood is white…”

Not getting a response from the tiny creature, Neri goes right on back to wallowing in misery. “Corona? What are you doing here?” asks a kid with blue, strangely-spiked hair, accompanied by a considerably more mature woman. “Well, you can cheer up now, the great bl-*mmph?!*”
Shh!” the woman chastises quickly, her hand stopping the boy from continuing. As she drags him off, she continues, “We’re only a cameo!”

Neri apparently fails to notice any of this.


Apparently getting bored of pretending to be a different character, Nerzalil rose, exposing the full extent of the glowing pattern on her black-carapace body; ribs, breasts, ass, femininity, the underside of the tail; all glowed with a faintly bluish, white light. Actually, the pattern kind of seemed designed to draw the eyes to the chest… I mean, they’re glowing, for Mathias’ sake.

With nothing better to do, the big bug went wandering.

(OOC: read the last line as: anybody mind Neri showing up with their group/ character?)
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

(Why hello dere Host >:3)

Forest Path
Six -> Nerzalil

Six had been hiding in the tree for what felt like hours, and quietly chastized herself for her stupidity. Of all the paths she had to hide on, she must have chosen one of the most unobtrusive nature trails ever, she grumbled mentally. However, natural instincts told her to stick it out. After all, a patient hunter gets the prey.

When her 'prey' would show up, however, Six would be shocked. A creature seemingly identicle to her, and yet...

Her shock caused her hands to unflex, and only after a few quiet moments did she realize she was slipping off. Giving a sharp yelp, the hybrid fell out of the tree, crashing down almost at the foot of the other creature.

"...Fuckberries..." Six muttered, spinning to her feet and grumbling, before looking upwards to the other creature. "Er, hi?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


Hearing her words, and seeing her expression of anger, Bakan would have reached out and taken her arm if he had been given the chance, but she was insistent on evading him. He wasn't someone that could just let something like this go, even if his instincts told him it was too late, and that the right choice would be just to let it go. Lifting off from where he lay, he lost some ground on her as he was forced to change into much more clothes than what she wore. And then he ran outside, shouting her name the moment he did. "Aleeex!" he called out, but she was nowhere in sight. The fact that there was no trail of her to follow made him distraught.

Feeling a surge of anger, he punched a nearby tropical table flat on the top. "To hell with your bond!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, "You can't just leave like this! Damn you Alex!" he cursed her name from where he stood, before his eyes wandered over the scenery, taking in the whole horizon, leaving him with a sense of hopelessness. "I won't be able to find her now..." he groaned, irritation boiling up within him from the misunderstanding taken from his words.

Shaking his head, he turned, and began to walk, with no care for where he was going. It did not matter where he went as his legs carried him forward. If Alex was going to run away, then all he could do is run from the irritation gnawing at the back of his head as well, cursing the dragon woman for not giving him a chance to redeem himself before she vanished.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"You seem distraught." A voice called out from beside the path that Bakan walked, some time after he had left the massage parlor and gone walking through the mysterious island's forest. There, no more than ten feet to his right, Nadia sat upon a boulder, her legs crossed and her arms folded in her lap. Her wings were tucked close to her back so as to prevent them from becoming entangled in the underbrush behind her.

Brushing a strand of crimson hair from the side of her face and smiling pleasantly, the angel continued; "Is something the matter, sir?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Finding himself walking through various parts of the landscape gave him a familiar sensation of travel that he remembers doing a lot of before he was abducted to this island. Through the market, which reminded him of a town, and then into the forest, his eyes naturally wondered, looking for any foes that might seek to attack him. And at the thought of combat, his hand clenched, the familiar weight of a hammer in his grip missing, leaving him feeling extremely wary of what may hide in the trees. It was a dangerous feeling, to be alone in the woods, but the sensation of danger was something he found actually comforting, as it masked his distraught emotions somewhat, replacing them with something more important.

Hearing a woman's voice point out the obvious, Bakan immediately turned, his hands raised in a combative stance, before lowering just as fast as he realized what he was looking at. Without hesitance, Bakan lowered his head, and went down to a knee as he realized he was under the marvelous being's gaze. His face was bleet red with shock at finding an angel in such a place. 'An angel... Here? What horrible things does the master of this island plan to do!?' he wondered with increasing anger.

Shaking his head, Bakan told a lie, "Nothing's the matter, my lady," he replied to her. But he considered it to be a white lie, as he imagined it'd be too bold to bother an angel with trivial matters.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia's smile turned brittle as the man took a knee in front of her, not at all used to such treatment. Sighing away her discomfort at the formal treatment, she smiled warmly at the man once more, and replied; "Please, there is no need for such formalities here. Stand on your feet, or better yet, come and join me. It is very peaceful here, and you may think on your troubles without worry even if you do not wish to share them."

She patted the stone beside her, and scooted aside to make room. "My name is Nadia. Might I ask you for yours, good sir?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Rising his head, his reddened face regarded Nadia with disbelief. "I wouldn't dare to impose, I..." he said quickly, before swallowing back his words. 'What's with this angel?' he wondered. 'I am someone whom she does not know, and she is inviting one who could be of evil intent...'

Stepping up upon her request, Bakan took a seat where her hand had been encouraging him to sit. 'I made a mistake with Alex... There are many things I'd like to say right now that might offend this angel, such as her lack of caution, but... I don't want to do that again.' he sighed, his head drooping as he sat next to her. "... I am Bakan," he replied simply. "And thank you... For the invitation..."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"Oh, think nothing of it. I am pleased to have the company! " Nadia replied, beaming warmly at the man as he approached and sat beside her. "Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, mister Bakan."

She paused for a while, allowing the man to situate himself as she smiled serenely and simply looked off into the peaceful woodlands. After a while to allow the shy young man to acclimate to her presence, she offhandedly said; "For all the oddities of this place and its creator, it is very nice. There is no death here, and no pain beyond a few bruises. Darkness cannot spread, even from the demons that have been brought here. Even so, there is also.... An emptiness. As if what happens here has no consequences. I will enjoy my time here, however long it lasts, but I think I shall be glad when I leave it as well. Have you yet partaken in any of the battles that this place seems to revolve around?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Maya & Vira

Ione slowly felt her mind lose itself further to the wonderful pleasure of the cat girl and night elf before her. Maya's eager squees of joy at her tendrils enticing her to act upon them only helped to further her own enthusiasm. As the purring cat girl enveloped the tendrils completely with her hands and mouth, Ione's moans slowly intensified. Maya was certainly quite the plant lover it seemed, and the way she seemed to suckle at the tendril within her gave little doubt to just what she was after. 'Mmmmm, she really is like a cat, and with such a delicious thirst too...' Ione couldn't help but grin wider at the sight, her thoughts fueled by just how eager Maya would be when the plant girl reached her limit.

Between the feelings of Maya and Vira upon the plant girl, that limit was soon to reach it's apex it seemed. Ione grunted softly between her moans as she continued to pump into the night elf, her body still as tight as when she had first penetrated it. The alraune was pleasantly surprised that someone could have such a quality, pondering briefly how she might go about gaining something like it herself before falling back upon the pleasure her humping was sending to her mind. Hugging herself closer to Vira, Ione wrapped her arms around the night elf as she softly kissed at her back. Giggling lewdly, Ione traced a hand down from where it was wrapped around Vira down, tracing her fingers to her nub to stimulate it, feeling and flicking at it as she continued to piston into her tight folds.

The lewd motions of the trio continued for a time, Maya's hands quickly becoming smeared not only with the juices of her partners but of the pre of the happy alraune she was pleasuring. Vira's service never ceased as well it seemed, and she continued to lap at the cat girl's honeypot, eagerly trailing and diving her tongue into it, her face becoming smeared with liquid as well. Not to mention the service Vira's own honeypot was delivering to Ione, the plant girl happily pounding away as she plowed into her. The feeling of her slick folds sent shivers of pleasure down the plant girl's spine, and as she repeated her movements over and over she could feel herself slowly drift toward the inevitable.

Laughing lewdly and overcome with pleasure, the alraune's tendrils and motion soon began to intensify, slicking faster and faster, physically telling the two of them of her approaching 'moment of excitement'. Subconsciously her tendrils thickened at the approaching event, and it only took but a few moments before she finally came, moaning out loudly as the sensation rocked her. Within both Vira and Maya, her tendrils shot ropes of her seed into them, coating the night elf's insides with her gloop and filling Maya's mouth with the delicious liquid she craved. The tendrils upon the cat girl's hands took a second or two to catch up on the act, small bulges appearing where a pocket of the liquid bunched together within it. When they finally did catch up, Maya's hands were quickly smeared with the liquid, splotches of it streaming out and landing on the girl's chest and stomach as they throbbed in her hands.

Panting with small gasps, Ione gingerly slowed her pace as she came down from the orgasm, humping only lightly more into the night elf and letting Maya lap her tongue against and control her tendrils as she saw fit. Her eyes now quite closed lidded, the alraune let out a pleased sigh as she merely enjoyed the continued feeling of her companions, fingers not letting up on the night elf despite the fact that her pumping had slowed.

Ione -> Cafe -> Hot Springs

Finishing up on the delicious meal she had ordered at the cafe, the alraune sat back eyes closed as she relaxed in the aftermath. All that was left of the wonderful steak she had just devoured was but a single bone, and a small smearing of the sauce that once adorned it plastered to her face, which she soon wiped herself clean of. 'Ah~! It's been such a long time since I had a good slice of meat. I really don't know why I don't enjoy it more, meat always has such pungent flavor compared to the earth...' It took a second for Ione to push herself to her feet, but once she did she quickly thanked the waitress and owner for the wonderful meal before setting out of the Cafe.

'Hmmm... where to next. Bakan was at the Hot Springs if I recall, so he might still be there. Maybe I just need a little alone time to meditate on things. The greens and blooms of the forest could easily take care of that, and it would be nice to be near nature for a time...' Ione took a moment to weigh the options before relaxing with a sigh. 'I'll... I'll just go to the Hot Springs to see if he's there. If he is I'll turn around and go to the forest, but if not... a relaxing dip wouldn't hurt any. Maybe there will be others who would enjoy my... er... who would enjoy my polite and civil company... yeah...' Walking toward the Hot Springs in silence, the alraune forced herself not to think of 'possibilities' and instead focus on the sights as she passed them.

Reaching the Hot Springs, at first glance it appeared as if Bakan was not there. Briefly, the plant girl was sure she had seen two others at a far side as she approached, but they had vanished behind a thin trail of mist before she could make them out completely. Shaking her head, the plant girl walked near a number of floating lily shaped flowers in the water before noticing a few others nearby. Familiar raven hair came into view, and Ione gave pause as her memory turned in her head. 'That woman... that's the girl who was in the room with Bakan and I. What was her name again? Toma... Tamo... Tomoe! That sounds correct.' As Ione came to the realization, it soon dawned on her as well of Tomoe's partner, the pale girl's skin noticeable as it peaked out from... behind... the...

The sensual actions beginning to form between the two were not lost on the plant girl, and for a time she stared in lewd curiosity before regaining control, covering her face and pinching herself, a muffled cry ringing out. 'Dammit Ione. Get a... Get a hold of yourself! You have to... be polite and civil. You can't let... such sights... effect you so much.' Forcing herself to turn away, the alraune's only comfort as resisted against her lustful urges was focusing on the beautiful white lily blooms that rested nearby.