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The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I'm uber excited about Dragon Age and have been toting it around since I've heard of it. But no one else is really that excited for it. To most its just another fantasy RPG.

You're not the only one Sin. I DO WANT!!!
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Thirded. I just hope I can get all of the achievements in one play through, since I don't have time for playing through an 80 hour game twice right now.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I'm sure I don't need to specify, but yeah, the guns are kinda randomized, leaving a possibility of over 17,000,000 different guns.

Considering that, I should have been more surprised when I found 2 guns that were exactly the same. Last night as I was playing, I was hoarding and comparing a LOT of weapons, and I just passed over it like "Hmm, which of these compares to my current smg, nope, mines better... mines better.. same thing..mines better" I kinda skipped over it, but yeah, I got 2 white TD2 Patrol SMG's with the same everything, so I ended up selling it. Then only this morning did someone suggest to me, that was stupid, I should have at least taken a screencap or something
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Mass Effect was great as an RPG... though the combat of the game was lacking. A lot. The RPG elements, and the storytelling, and the conversations were all great.


I wasn't impressed by the RPG elements. That kind of quality is what gamers should EXPECT, not be impressed by. Just because the devs did their job and made the story interesting enough to keep playing does not mean they deserve ten million awards. About the only thing that "impressed" me was the fact that the dialogue was all spoken, even though you can choose your own name, and that only warranted a "oh, that's kind of cool" because I've seen it before.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love my daddy ^^ he brings me huggles and meds when I'm sick
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

This again pertains to what I said earlier. I love the game and its story... but someone like Obe would have preferred more action (and really, Mass Effect didn't do the action too well. It was okay, but not too good), hence Borderlands, a game that revells in how many guns it has.


Ah, but in all seriousness, I thought ME was pretty good, you just had to think of it as an interactive story a lot of the time.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)


I wasn't impressed by the RPG elements. That kind of quality is what gamers should EXPECT, not be impressed by. Just because the devs did their job and made the story interesting enough to keep playing does not mean they deserve ten million awards. About the only thing that "impressed" me was the fact that the dialogue was all spoken, even though you can choose your own name, and that only warranted a "oh, that's kind of cool" because I've seen it before.

Well... they didn't really get 10 million awards. But regardless, it wasn't one particular aspect of the game that made it, it was everything combined into one damn good package. Like Kusa said, it was mostly an interactive story.

The fact that number 2 is going to read my saved game and keep all the bigger decisions I made throughout the first one. That's pretty cool too.

Mass Effect let me feel like I was having an impact. I got to make choices, and though you can argue that I didn't really decide anything, it at least makes you feel like you made a difference. Which is more than I can say for most other games.

*edit* Alias I thought you liked the game? Are you just playing Devil's Advocate with me here, or do you like to tear up the games you enjoy?
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I like tearing up all games, except gems like Chrono Trigger or Skies of Arcadia. Now Skies... THERE'S a game that felt more like reading a book you couldn't put down than a game. But that's not quite what I'm doing here. I enjoyed Mass Effect. I just don't think it's worth the multiple orgasms everybody else seems to have over it. It's decent, but only decent. I don't think I'd call it "good." But I'm kind of a game snob if you haven't figured that out already, haha, I'm like the snooty rich people who are like "this cheese is horrendously awful" when I'm like GIMME MORE CHEESE. I'm not really bashing ME - if you enjoyed it well that's what really counts. I guess I just wish people had higher standards, like they used to.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

As long as I am entertained throughout the game, its a good game. I am able to deal with glitches as long as they don't really affect gameplay.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

If we're talking about epic games I think I'll throw FF7 into the mix. Sure, I can rip it to shreds about how shit it really is, but that doesn't stop me from loving it to pieces.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I guess I always have the idealist's beer goggles on whenever I'm playing a game. I don't see it for what it is, I see what it could have been if the devs had just done X, Y, or Z, and how much greater it might have been. It's probably why I'll never be able to bring myself to release any of the games I've thrown together myself - they might be great ideas but I don't think I could ever do them justice on the finished product.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I guess I always have the idealist's beer goggles on whenever I'm playing a game. I don't see it for what it is, I see what it could have been if the devs had just done X, Y, or Z, and how much greater it might have been. It's probably why I'll never be able to bring myself to release any of the games I've thrown together myself - they might be great ideas but I don't think I could ever do them justice on the finished product.

Boo this. Enjoy it for what it is, and maybe take into consideration that they never considered X, Y, or Z for some reason or other and should be informed so that they can take it into consideration on future projects. Hating it for what it isn't is just this side of silly, I think.

And if you're standards are as high as they seem to be I'd love to see these abandoned works.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

It's not that at all. But I guarantee you if they took half the time they spent on graphics and refocused that into game mechanics and/or story (or pretty much anything but graphics) we'd have games that would look mediocre and be absolutely AMAZING to play. I mean most of the games I've enjoyed the most either had shitty 3d graphics (n64 I choose you!) or were simply 2d. That's why I hate how EA just has to get their grubby little paws into EVERYTHING nowadays, they are the biggest graphic pimps in the world. And what's sad is I can't even criticize them, because it's a sound business strategy - 80% of gamers are pure graphic whores that think if a game is pretty to look at, it's TOTALLY AWESOME. That's why you get people who think the Madden series is BEST GAEM EVAR, or AC, or god I can't even think of all the horrible titles EA has put out that sucked major ass but flew off the shelves like fucking hotcakes with people screaming all over the world this is AWESUM!!!! So really I'm just thinking "man how much better would this game have been if half the resources they poured into being graphic pimps were put into the real stuff, the meat and potatoes?" Some games have the potential to be great but were obviously not even given a preliminary bug test *cough cough kotor 2*. Others are a mere 8 hours of gameplay including all side quests/missions. But DAMN do they look PURTY. Because that's all that matters. -_-
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I dunno, maybe the reason football games and other sports games fly off the shelves is because... people...... like playing.... sports games? Not because they are pretty, but because people enjoy the content. It's all about personal tastes dude.

I like short games that i can beat because well... i hate spending 100+ hours of my life on a game. If i want the accomplishment of beating something i want something short. Case is point: Every damn Pokemon game out there.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

EA has made WAY more than sports games. That was just the first example that came to my head.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Actually, the Pokemon games dont take 100+ hours to complete. If you're just trying to complete the story (lol what story?) then it would take at most up to about 25-30 hours. And that's if you take the time to train up a team of six. Now, if you're talking about making the perfect, competitive battling team of six Pokemon, then yes that's going to take up to about 100+ hours. On the other hand, any Final Fantasy game (except X-2 because you play that for about 3 hours, then think 'why the fuck am I playing Barbie; Dress Me Up with combat added when I can play a proper RPG?') will take up to about 75-100+ hours to complete. Thats including training, main story and side quests as well as mastering all the abilities.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I give my love to MGS1 and 4 :) I also hate games that focus entirely on graphics instead of gameplay, for example MGS1 had graphics behind even other PS1 games, but it was... AWESOME X INFINITY :)

Yeah I can easily tear MGS4 apart for its flaws, but I still loved it. FUCK YOU MGS2!

Also, these vids:

Also, Crush 40! The bestest of bands!

Also, Mirror's Edge! That gameplay was awesomes, even if the story was pretty crap :(

And finally, CoD4, because it kicks FPS ass, and MW2! Even though it hasn't come out yet I have happygasms for it!
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

That's what i meant Oni. I love the pokemon games because they are short <3
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Ohhhhhhhh, right. My work-addled brain read that wrong. Oh well, no harm done. I do like my rants, so you helped me along with todays quota.