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The Quest of Light (SomCr)

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Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

The pain continues, but it transforms slightly. It doesn't hurt quite as bad, but the pain lost is replaced by a sense of... differentness. Something inside Daniel is changing. It doesn't feel bad, per se, but it is still a strange experience.

Inspecting the area, Daniel's clit seems to be swolen. The area round it seems, not bubbly, but something close to that texture.

??? = 1 turn
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Urgh,." She sits down waiting for this strange sensation to pass.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

While waiting, Daniel feels a sharp pain, standing out from the rest. It only lasts a few seconds, but almost makes her pass out from the suddeness. After it passes, Daniel feels much better, but something is still not quite right. She has a feeling she's never felt before. She's sprouted a cock where her clitoris used to be!

Futa wears off = 30 turns (as you got bit twice)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel stares at it for a moment. "What... the...?" She says in disbelief. "I've got to be dreaming." She gives herself a quick pinch and yelps. "OK... not dreaming.... Uhh.." She takes the cock in one hand and starts stroking it, seeing what happens.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Futa wears off = 29 turns

Seeing as the cock is already erect, a byproduct of it's recent appearance, Daniel feels twinges of pleasure. It does indeed work just like the real thing. The pleasure it gives her seems to be stronger then what she'd get from her pussy, but it may just be the new experience, rather then actually being more sensitive.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Ohhh, uhhh." She mutters biting her lip. "I....I really, shouldn't... but..." She glanced around, almost afraid someone was watching her. "But... if I don't... and it disappears..." Her curiosity getting the better of her Daniel gripped her cock again. "Come on you." She started stroking it faster now, trying desperately to resist giving herself away by moaning.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Futa wears off = 28 turns

The temptation not to moan was almost too great, but Daniel wasn't totally aroused yet. As she stroked, she experienced pleasure in ways she never before imgained. Her pussy started to drip as she worked the cock, her entire body getting into the act. Soon her nipples were standing up, as if they wanted to compete with the new organ to see who could become the hardest.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

As she continued stroking Daniel brought her other hand to her breasts, softly caressing then in rhythm with her strokes. She didn't really have much experience here, Daniele wasn't exactly the type of girl anyone was interested in before, but she'd seen enough people do it to try and mimic what they did.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Futa wears off = 27 turns

As Daniel continued to stroke, she could feel something happening. The urge to moan and arch her back became too much. She fell back, unable to remaining sitting unaided. She has to lay down to continue, all the while her pussy is dripping like mad, it seems like she's about to reach orgasm, and both her organs are going to join in.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

As she falls back Daniel moans lpoudly, "Ohhh, yes...Mmmhhhh" She drops her other hand down and starts fingering herself as she continued stroking, desperately trying to bring herself to what was likely the biggest climax in her life.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Futa wears off = 26 turns

The orgasm is sudden. With one last involuntary arch of her back, semen jets out of Daneil's new organ, launching high in the air before landing right between her breasts. There's so much of it, it runs down her body and starts pooling in her belly button. Eventually the pumps die down, and the cum just runs down the still erect cock, much of it coating Daniel's hand as it still holds on, though limp and useless from pleasure.

At the same time, Daniel's pussy spasms, sending a tidal wave of cum out onto the open floor. Her hand catches a good portion of it as it lies limply where it had been assisting.

Daniel's eyes flutter as she almost passes out from the massive wave of pleasure. However, she manages to stay conscious, but unable to do anything by lay back as her body continues twitching for several minutes.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

After she lays there for a few minutes Daniel looks down at herself giggling. "Wow, I really made a mess didn't I?" She stood up, still woozy, and let everything spill off of her. A few other 'experiments' poped into her head, but now was not the time for that. "I need to make sure no more of those things are around." She muttered, picking up her gear before moving on, listening intently.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Futa wears off = 25 turns

The building was secure, no more monsters inside, right now. The doors had locking mechanisms on them that didn't rely on electricity, so it was easy to make sure Daniel wouldn't be disturbed by the casual passer-by. The windows of the building were the typical warehouse kind, it looked doubtful anyone could fall from them quietly, let alone without hurting theselves. Anyone would have just as much trouble getting up there in the first place, anyway.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel looked back and forth one last time. "Well it looks like I'm safe...." She muttered, stripping down and sitting. "It's... it's now or never.." Her face grew red as she started stroking her new dick again. "This'll be the only chance I get... and..." Even in such a state the young woman could never admit that she'd always wondered what this felt like. Thanks to how sensitive her dick was it quickly got erect again and Daniel gulped. Now, she'd always been a fairly flexible girl, but this was truly pushing her own limits. Slowly Daniel leaned forward, trying to suck on her own dick.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(I'm tempted to make like an agility check for this, but that's a bit overboard :D)

Futa wears off = 24 turns

If the cock wasn't so long, Daniel might have had trouble. As it was, she could get her mouth around its head pretty well, and slide down about an inch if she moved just right.

As she explored this new experience, the organ slowly grew a bit more, making Daniel's job a bit easier. It twitched in anticipation of being sucked off. It wasn't the only thing getting excited, Daniel's nipples were already hard again, and her pussy was starting to leak love juices ever so slightly.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Yeah, though it is a bit of a silly thing for her to do. I mean I can barely figure out how to describe this properly.)

Hard as it was to do this Daniel hadn't expected how good it felt. Her body reaching nearly instantly, she found her hands having nothing to do. One started teasing the outside of her pussy and the bottom of her dick while the other went to work massaging her breasts. As her pleasure grew Daniel found herself trying to get further down on the massive organ.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

As Daniel kept sucking herself off, she became more flexible. Each time she went down she could go a bit farther, though it seemed impossible to get the whole thing in her mouth. When she started rubbing her pussy and breasts, it was almost too much. Her second orgasm of the night was not far off. If Daniel was hoping for a long pleasure session, she'd be disapointed, as there was no way her body could do this for long without cumming.

Futa wears off = 23 turns
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Continuing Daniel found herself at an advantage, anything she did she could immediately feel the result of. The young woman was rather shocked at how effective her tongue was to helping her get closer. She emitted a loud moan as she nearly came, fingers now flying into her pussy and bobbing her head as fast as she could.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Futa wears off = 22 turns

Daniel reached her orgasm. Cum spurted out of her cock once more. She only got one mouthful before her back arched, beyond her control, the remaning spunk shooting into the air or running down the organ. Her pussy once more flowed with juice, soaking her fingers. She fell back against the floor as pleasure took away her motor control, panting heavily. It was hard to get oxygen in the position she had been in, more so then a normal blow job, due to being bent so much. Daniel's pussy and cock continued to twitch for several more minutes, before everything was still, the only sound her continued panting.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

She simply lay there until she got her breath back. "Well... that was... nice..." She murmured curling up. Her experiment a success Daniel decided that it really was time to sleep. Between the spider and herself this night had exhausted her.
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