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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I actually *do* have two stories on NotAlwaysRight *laughs* but they stem from my days at Media Play. Maybe it's one. I know I've submitted three, but not all of them went up. One of my favorites, though, did get up, which was the guy that couldn't understand why the DiscDoctor (a device that buffs out scratches on CDs) couldn't fix his disc. My manager attempts to walk him through the process by asking him what he did. "Well, I put both halves in the tray and--" *manager facepalms* Thankfully it was over the phone.

And yeah, I've got a handful of customers that are lucky I do believe in not doing things that would get me/the company in trouble. Granted, that tends to go out the window when the store is closing (like when I was at MP and Borders). I come home, rant, kill things on my television, and generally feel better after either that or a nap, so it's all good. I've been in retail long enough that, while it'll get to me for, like, an hour after it happens, it's turning into water and a duck's back.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

You know what gives me alot of rage, right now at this very moment there is a pimple on my cock that wont go away. It depresses me greatly, I really wish that it would just go away but sadly no matter how much I yell at it, it simply wont. Which brings me to the next thing I hate. People who don't mind their own business, why would you every stop and ask someone, who is yelling at their cock in public, if there alright. Of course there not alright there upset and having an argument which doesn't involve you and you should stay out of it. So what if I'm yelling in public I might have a good reason so fuck off! Which actually bring me to my next point why should I get arrested for yelling at my choking my cock in public and screaming in public, so a few school children may have seen me. They probably get upset with there cock all the time there kids, when I was a kid I often got upset at small things like my cock and sometimes big things like others cocks.

I am often upset with others, for example why do people say that I can't write I can write perfectly fine (i put your post in paragraphs, love nunu), ever sense I was a small lad on the swings talking to my balls I was always told that I couldn't write, which did upset me deeply. Especially, when I would read others who write and I see that they can't write very well either, they don't have transitions between sentences. Which bring me to my next point I never understood why people would start a conversation or a story about one thing and soon digress into talking about something completely different, that is so fucking annoying people who are on the internet really should have better standers for who they let post things on forums. Which leads me to my next point tentacles are very interesting things that are real because the nice man who lives behind my house who also talks to his penis and eats out of the lid of my trash cans said so.

What I don't understand is why there are so many different varieties of tentacles that exist, they are so diverse and some are from aliens, some from plants and mutants, I often wonder how they are able to get so different as a species. Which leads me to my next point there are many different types of species of animals I wonder if it is possible to have sex with every animal, not at the same time of course thats just idiotic and silly but is it possible to have sex with a rat or a bear or a goat. I imagine a lion would get rather messy and would probably kill you if you try to rape it. Which leads me to my next point guro, why is it even around? I once played a game with some really graphic depictions of dead half naked chicks. It looked like George Romero was creating snuff games, which leads me back to my original issue at the beginning of this paragraph, is it weird that I like to be choked by strangers while I play grateful dead and have the homeless man sing along to "Dire Wolf" I often worry it might be to much, if someone could get back to me on this that would be great. O also what was this thread about? Also I do great game and movie reviews and children's parties as well so tell your friends.

Edit: O I should probably mention if you invite me over, I am legally obligated to tell you, such and such....not allowed around animals.......yack yack yack.......danger to society....yack..... stuff about chronic masturbation.......and a bunch of stuff about not being allowed around pets, children, women, weak men and fences with holes in them. Now that that's over, I hope to hear from you all soon.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

So what if I'm yelling in public I might have a good reason so fuck off! Which actually bring me to my next point why should I get arrested for yelling at my choking my cock in public and screaming in public, so a few school children may have seen me. They probably get upset with there cock all the time there kids, when I was a kid I often got upset at small things like my cock and sometimes big things like others cocks.

He's Animani... totally insane-y...


Weenie on the Brainy!


Note: I thought about using "Broken Thought Train-y," but decided the word "weenie" is funnier.

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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Decided I'd just put this here for good measure..

I consider myself to be a feminist but I'll say this too. I've met some pretty awesome men and women and some pretty crappy ones too like I'm sure most people have. I've experienced some pretty nasty things at the hands of men in my life but then some women turned around and did things nearly just as bad.

It turns out that neither the penis nor the vagina holds a monopoly on the asshole.

It's not about who's better than someone else. It's about respect, dignity, and the ability to not only dream but pursue and have the chance to achieve those dreams through hard work.

I don't believe we'll achieve much through politics though. Equal protection of the law is a sham. No one will be equal just because something says so on a piece of old yellowed paper or even a new piece of legislation. The real work is on the ground, where the people are and being proactive. Men can call out other men for being assholes. Women can do the same of women.

Meanwhile, hopefully children start to make friends with the opposite sex at a younger age. This whole "cooties" business is probably the worst culprit of sexism there is. I can speak from experience. I was the only girl in my family growing up, and I learned to get along with my brother and his friends pretty early. One of my best friends growing up was a boy too. The other two were girls, so there was a lot of intermingling going on. Even though I turned out to be a lesbian (Who'd a thunk?), I still have a lot of good friends who are guys.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

It turns out that neither the penis nor the vagina holds a monopoly on the asshole.

May I assimilate this please? So gooooood!

Also, yes, legislation can't do much about social values like this. Personally, I think legislation was important at one point, but now it's getting ridiculous, because they are supporting the conception that women can't hold their own by putting down legislature that says things like "40% of the board of any company must be female."
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I think the worst part, is that there are still places like construction and other historically male dominated fields, including science of all things, that woman don't get paid equally in for the same amount of work.

The paper doesn't do a damn bit of good for the people who can loophole their way through it.

My bio grad student friend has gone to some of the high schools talking about what she does as a researcher and has had so many of the girls tell her they never thought they could go into science without being a teacher. They never realized they they could do research.

The more information we give to these kids, the more the world opens up for them.

And don't even get me started on the "cooties" and "Aww, he hits you on the playground because he likes you" AGH.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

It is true that the true progress must be made amongst society, and amongst the populace to change social norms.

At the same time, some form of legislation would sure help, or at least the removal of certain legislation (for example, not allowing females in the combat arms trades of the military in most countries). Legislation should change to reflect the changes within a society, not deduce how a society should be run.

Showing different paths to young girls, and indeed teaching them that being punched is not a viable emotional replacement for "I like you" can work wonders.

Not only should we be teaching young girls about what good they can do in the world, and that their limit is where their imagination takes them, but young boys should be taught respect.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Hahaha, the way I see it, the funny thing here is that at that point, boys are treating girls like equals. Because we do the same shit to other boys, it's not untill we're told (whether it's true or not) that girls are weaker so it's unacceptable to treat them that way, or forced to stop doing so, that the thought of all girls being weaker by nature really starts to prevail.

That is, at least in my experience.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

It's not acceptable to be treating other boys that way either.

My point was that it is not acceptable for explaining away a boy hitting a girl and brushing it off as a show of affection.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

That's fair enough, I suppose.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

It's not acceptable to be treating other boys that way either.

I concur... all bullies need to be dealt with in as harsh and unrelenting a manner as possible, regardless of gender involved. As someone who was frequently bullied and told that "boys will be boys," I find the cruelties tolerated on the schoolyard atrocious. Sadly it's not going to end until parents, teachers and politicians resolve to take the problem seriously.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Nunu has lived a calm sheltered life, there wasn't any bulling throughout school (i'm sure there was some but nothing noticable) and everywhere i've ever worked has had a similar gender balance (both my jobs right now are IT based and actualy have more girls than boys). Even now at university there are a large number of females. My supervisor is female, the course convenour is female, i think over all there are more men but it doesn't really seem an issue thats raised.

So i dont really know whats going an outside in the real world (a shows that gender inequality in australia is either insignificant or drastic... we beat up a lot of men). I'm not privy to the payrole information of the places i work so i can't be sure and academia seems more a meritocracy to me (with bonus politics thrown in).

While i belive the military should and will become less gender biased, hard labour jobs pose a different sociological problem. Mainly that the average woman is not capable of performing the harder physical parts of the job as well as the average man. there will of course always be exceptions and those people should have all the power they want to decide what they do. However due to the larger amount of males than females the stigma of it being a male industry i think becomes self purpetuating and i'm not bold enough to dream a solution to that. Maybe as gender equality moves forward as less emphasis is placed on gender the stigma itself will become meaningless?
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I could understand barring women from a nation's combat-active military if the population was low or there were significantly less women than men, but only from a technical standpoint (you ladies might not need us to reproduce anymore, but we still need you). Outside of that, women can go fight wars as much as they like for all I care.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I could understand barring women from a nation's combat-active military if the population was low or there were significantly less women than men, but only from a technical standpoint (you ladies might not need us to reproduce anymore, but we still need you). Outside of that, women can go fight wars as much as they like for all I care.

Yeah, that's just the thing. Women are allowed in military. Men are required to serve.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

In most nations women may be allowed in the military, but they are barred from combat arms. I know in Canada there is no requirement to serve, and both men and women alike join combat arms trades, such as Infantry, Combat Engineers, Artillery, Armoured, etc.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

While I feel there should be no restrictions on any job in the military based on gender, I should point out that in many fields the women will be extremely rare due to certain physical requirements... and in certain fields (i.e. Spec War) those requirements should NOT be different for gender, excepting the body composition requirements which should be slightly different.

In contrast, the current physical requirements for a woman serving in the US Navy are significantly lower than for a man (less pushups, less situps and slower run times). In less combat-intensive fields, such as Surface, Subsurface and Air Warfare, I have no problem with the double standard, as the amount of weight a sailor or aviator can carry on their back will RARELY matter in those areas.

The body composition requirement (you have to have less than a certain amount of body fat) has little bearing on actual combat and should be kept to the current double standard, as women naturally tend towards having slightly more body fat.

But my opinion is that the requirements for a Navy SEAL, or a USMC Rifleman, or any of the specialized ground-pounding, rifle-slinging infantry should be rigid across gender lines.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I agree with that. But there should still be the option of going for it. A woman can make those standards easily with training and work, just like any man can.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

This has probably been mentioned in here before, but I get fucking pissed off by the elitist gamers who whine about their teammates without making any effort to tell them what they're doing wrong or help them improve. I've had it happen several times in the past, but I've just been subjected to a particularly irritating case and feel the need to rant about it.

Was just playing Derpl in a game of Awesomenauts and repeatedly being killed by an enemy Derpl, prompting my teammate to declare "AFK, Derpl's feeding like a bitch". While that may have been the case, this really got on my nerves because I had stronger defence than the enemy Derpl - he was winning because he had a Voltar healing him. My teammate in question was also a Voltar, but rather than making any effort to heal me and tip the balance he apparently decided I wasn't worth the effort, even though I'd held out against the enemy when he HAD been healing me.

He'd already whined about his teammates being retarded several times throughout the game, though as mentioned he made no effort to tell us what we were doing wrong until I told him to - even then he didn't give a straight answer, just told us "push them back, it's easy". Well no shit, we'd already spent the whole game trying (and failing) to push them back (that being the objective of the game and whatnot), so I'm not sure why he expected us to somehow become able to do it just because he told us it's easy.

I'm prepared to admit when I fuck up (or just plain suck) at a game - and I was sucking golf balls through garden hose in this game - but when people seem to think the solution to teammates fucking up is to whine about it and just expect them to improve, they do nothing but take the fun out of gaming.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Reminds me of when I play nondescript MMORPG. I usually play as said healer-type and I'd like to think I'm decent. Then you get the asshat tank whom the first time they get below 75% heath declare that you suck at healing and quit, regardless of the fact you're fighting the hardest boss and a shit-ton of adds, and making you wait forever for a new one. I mean, if I really WAS bad, please tell me so I can be better next time...

I feel your pain.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

So, I wanna try to discuss Politics with all you fellows here... To spark things along, I'm going to put here... Keep in mind the video is very biased.

So what do you think about the coming us election? What is the most important issue to you? Where do you stand on education? Economy? Welfare? Medicare? Climate change? Pollution?