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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Even if one doesn't like tattoos, I find it really weird someone would have a morality that believes them to be desecrations, yet is okay with browsing a site that revolves around hentai....

Not to comment on the original negrep, but I really don't see the contradiction between believing that getting a tattoo is desecrating your body and believing that it's okay to watch hentai. One is in a very real way permanently altering your body and the other is pictures.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Not to comment on the original negrep, but I really don't see the contradiction between believing that getting a tattoo is desecrating your body and believing that it's okay to watch hentai. One is in a very real way permanently altering your body and the other is pictures.

Pictures of sex, even if it's not real people. It's something people tend to get morally up tight about, more so that actual porn really. The exact wording used, "desecration", has very overt overtones of that way of thinking.

Personally, I would never get a tattoo. As you say, it's a very permanent thing, even if they can be removed sometimes. However, it's a personal choice, and I have no problem with people who do have them. Hell, even if I thought it was gross or something, I wouldn't go so far as to use the terms as whoever left the rep did. It implies a whole level of moral wrongness that I just can't even begin to fathom.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I think the tattoo doesn't deserve a discussion about something this pathetic.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You guys are pretty awesome, you know that?

I appreciate the support, though I still wish this person had come to me and talk to me about it. I'm an approachable person, right?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Of course you're approachable, but if they did that, then you'd know who it is that disagrees with your decision.

In other news:
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

No offense, but there's better ways to honor someone than desecrating your body...

Hahaha! 'desecrating your body'? Clearly, there's someone on this forum who shouldn't be.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


Serifyn 12/18/12 said:
As entertaining as i'm sure it would be, i'm not going to do this again. As is abundantly clear to all that you are an opinionated, authoritative douche who takes himself way too seriously.

So i'll just continue to stumble into threads and make lame quips and "off topic, opinionated soliloquies", and you can go on believing that your opinion and style is more relevant or productive than mine while simultaneously checking your watch so you neg me 3.5 times per day.

I suppose it is your prerogative to be a petty overcaffinated ninny, just as it is mine to be a whiny obnoxious "asshat".

Necrophantom 2/26/13 said:
Speaking on behalf of people other than yourself. This is a bad habit, I hate it when people try put words in my mouth like opinionated authoritative douche who takes himself way too seriously.

Serifyn 2/25/13 said:
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

If you think the passage of time will stop people from criticizing statements from your past, think again. Also: Necroposting is one thing, there's no such thing as "Necro-Repping." HURR

It is fitting that my quote was originally referring to the rude behavior of specific a user, the same behavior i am still apparently wading through.

I understand that everything in this thread should be taken with a grain of salt, especially considering the people who are attempting to correct my perceived misunderstanding of the apparent code of conduct are likely uneducated malcontents who got raped by their dad as a child and are seeking some kind of social equalization for the suffering they had personally endured, otherwise i have no idea why people like you and Mr. Necrophantom (or are you the same person?) would drudge up an old post from months ago just so you can give me some bullshit.

Perhaps i should just accept the fact that the 'Everything Else' section is a haven for trolls and miscreants who each have their own baleful reason to anonymously distribute their venom.

If i were a kind person, i'd tell you that i feel sorry for you, and i hope that your life improves to the point where you would no longer feel the need to lash out at everyone whom you disagree with, Instead i will wish you the worst, and tell that you that if Karma is just, you will be hit by a Mack truck and your malignant existence will cease to plague the earth.

I'd be more than happy to address everyone with respect and civility, but it is clear that criticism and bullying reign here because it is tolerated and perhaps even endorsed.

No, This is not my first time on the internet nor is this a post directed entirely at one person, this is a blanket statement regarding the maturity of the internet as a whole and what better platform to express my opinion than here in the REPUTATION HILARITY/INSANITY THREAD.

So go now and neg me again you insolent bastards.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I was going to neg-rep you because you asked for it. Instead, I'll do what I wish that person had done up there to me. Talk to you directly. That number shouldn't really matter that much and you should just wish these people a good day. Whaah, someone was mean to me on the interneeet.

Grow up. I got over whining about what strangers thought of me a long time ago. My friends are the ones who matter to me now.

Tell these people you don't care what they think because you're going to be happy no matter what. If they don't like it, well... piffle on them and ignore them!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

To an extent, the entire point of rep is the ability to make a comment without it necessarily being personal. If somebody dislikes one particular facet of a person, they can point it out without taking the risk of social backlash, but the truly great thing about this, is that if the person repped in question doesn't agree with the rep, or just doesn't care, they can ignore it. So Chibs is entirely correct. Although, you could also try and use logic to debate the ethics of the rep, rather than flipping the fuck out and going on a tangent about Everything Else being full of uneducated ghetto rats. LOL.

Anyways, it's pretty much true that people will rep posts from as long ago as a year, because you can only rep a post if you've read it before, and sometimes people skim over or miss a post then find it again later, and THEN rep it. You're still accountable for things you've said and done in the past, it's illogical to compare it to necro-posting, which is annoying because it bumps up a thread and potentially inconveniences an entire group of people. Repping, however, does not.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Tell these people you don't care what they think because you're going to be happy no matter what. If they don't like it, well... piffle on them and ignore them!

Wouldn't that be the same as ignoring them, because you feel nothing for them, regardless of how they try and be worth any attention whatsoever?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Wouldn't that be the same as ignoring them, because you feel nothing for them, regardless of how they try and be worth any attention whatsoever?

Sure, why not.

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I do love this circus as much as the next person, But if tattoo's are "desecrating your body" then Piercing would also be ? and by that logic Clothes Cover up your body HOW DARE YOU.

On a more serious note, Someone's body is their personal property and they can do WHATEVER the fuck they want with it as long as it does not violate any sort of laws. So if you don't like what someone does with their body you have the right to say so , As long as that opinion isn't pointlessly harsh and Abusive.

" I don't like your tattoo so (negative rep.)" Cool awesome civilized.

"I don't like your tattoo so you should eat a dick(Rude,Abusive, Possible Harassment.)" though your point is gotten across no one is the better for this reaction.

Not going to bother to share some of my Negative Rep experiences to QQ about them but I've gotten a couple of them that just confound me. Stupid people will be stupid is the end conclusion.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I do love this circus as much as the next person, But if tattoo's are "desecrating your body" then Piercing would also be ? and by that logic Clothes Cover up your body HOW DARE YOU.

That line of logic doesn't really make any sense. I don't particularly have anything against tattoos or piercings other than my personal taste, so I'm cool with people having them, but they are definitely something that leaves a semi-permanent mark on your body through self-inflicted damage, somewhat minor damage usually, granted, but wearing clothes is completely irrelevant...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

That line of logic doesn't really make any sense. I don't particularly have anything against tattoos or piercings other than my personal taste, so I'm cool with people having them, but they are definitely something that leaves a semi-permanent mark on your body through self-inflicted damage, somewhat minor damage usually, granted, but wearing clothes is completely irrelevant...

Can't really consider artistic expression to be self-damage, But that is just my opinion. The link between tattoo's , piercings and clothing are your body is your canvas what you choose to put on it should be your own damn business.

Edit: Laws withstanding of course.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

No, like I said, I'm not judging, but CLINICALLY SPEAKING... Tattoos burn your skin and cause very, very minor blood loss, and piercings are basically tearing a hole through the skin and fat of some particular location. They are literally physical trauma that a small part of your body experiences. Normal clothes do not cause literal damage at all, so your argument is silly.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I have to say I'm with Cappy on this one Flintlocked. Anyone who knows me knows I'm good with tattoos, and have a few myself, but comparing them to clothes is a completely different matter entirely.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I think he just wanted to see y'all naked.
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